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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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We already had two Arianne chapters and they are both basically her walking through the desert and talking, right? I mean, set-up is fine but how much can we have. The entire Dorne plot in AFFC was all set-up, with maybe one actual event happening (Myrcella assassination attempt).
That's just how GRRM writes nowadays, everything needs to be explained, everything needs to be shown on screen, and we need to see every step of the journey. I wouldn't expect it to change for TWOW.


That's just how GRRM writes nowadays, everything needs to be explained, everything needs to be shown on screen, and we need to see every step of the journey. I wouldn't expect it to change for TWOW.

I know, but imagine how AGOT would look if GRRM wrote it today. Cat would have more chapters than Ned and her trip from KL to Crossroad Inn would span three chapters of her talking with Rodrik, contemplating upon her past life and "Dark wings, dark words" every four sentences. I like world-building but it has gotten completely out of hand and is somewhat starting to impair the story.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I know, but imagine how AGOT would look if GRRM wrote it today. Cat would have more chapters than Ned and her trip from KL to Crossroad Inn would span three chapters of her talking with Rodrik, contemplating upon her past life and "Dark wings, dark words" every four sentences. I like world-building but it has gotten completely out of hand and is somewhat starting to impair the story.

Yeah, that's a good point. I love the lore and all, I really really do. But the first three books had plenty of them, while still having a very tightly focused story despite being spread through so many characters and enriched through so much lore. AFFC and ADWD have, sadly, lost that focus. I still liked the books, but I hope TWoW will be more like ASoS.
I know, but imagine how AGOT would look if GRRM wrote it today. Cat would have more chapters than Ned and her trip from KL to Crossroad Inn would span three chapters of her talking with Rodrik, contemplating upon her past life and "Dark wings, dark words" every four sentences. I like world-building but it has gotten completely out of hand and is somewhat starting to impair the story.

What would we ever do without Tyrion listing the 100 types of turtles on the Rhoyne, or Quentyn giving us paragraphs of descriptions about irrelevant mercenary companies? Even beyond the unnecessary chapters or plot-lines, individual chapter sizes have ballooned because GRRM has lost his ability to economize his words or refrain from self-indulgent excesses. I don't expect it to change though, it's why I doubt 2 more books will be enough to finish this series.
What would we ever do without Tyrion listing the 100 types of turtles on the Rhoyne, or Quentyn giving us paragraphs of descriptions about irrelevant mercenary companies? Even beyond the unnecessary chapters or plot-lines, individual chapter sizes have ballooned because GRRM has lost his ability to economize his words or refrain from self-indulgent excesses. I don't expect it to change though, it's why I doubt 2 more books will be enough to finish this series.
I love how every pig-ignorant yokel and drunken sellsword has an thorough knowledge of history and uses flourishing language to describe things. He has a tendency to put words into the mouths of the characters that really shouldn't be dialogue.


Damn he's short.

The whole RW thing made me think. Why did Robb needed Frey at all in GoT ? The river did not stop him going south, besides he should be able to bridge it if he really wanted to. Anyone remembers ? I don't have first book in my reach.
Damn he's short.

The whole RW thing made me think. Why did Robb needed Frey at all in GoT ? The river did not stop him going south, besides he should be able to bridge it if he really wanted to. Anyone remembers ? I don't have first book in my reach.

He needed to get somewhere quickly. Perhaps to surprise and capture Jaime?


So not worth it
Damn he's short.

The whole RW thing made me think. Why did Robb needed Frey at all in GoT ? The river did not stop him going south, besides he should be able to bridge it if he really wanted to. Anyone remembers ? I don't have first book in my reach.

Time. He could have avoided the Twins if he crossed the river through other means. But having a whole army cross the river would have taken him ages and alot of effort. Time he didn't have because he was marching south to free his father from Kings Landing.

Of course that changed after his father was murdered and he turned west instead of marching for Kings Landing.
What would we ever do without Tyrion listing the 100 types of turtles on the Rhoyne, or Quentyn giving us paragraphs of descriptions about irrelevant mercenary companies? Even beyond the unnecessary chapters or plot-lines, individual chapter sizes have ballooned because GRRM has lost his ability to economize his words or refrain from self-indulgent excesses. I don't expect it to change though, it's why I doubt 2 more books will be enough to finish this series.

Yeah, everytime I reread AGOT, I'm surprised at how short the chapters are compared to later books.
That's just how GRRM writes nowadays, everything needs to be explained, everything needs to be shown on screen, and we need to see every step of the journey. I wouldn't expect it to change for TWOW.

That's not how the Dunk and Egg stories are written.

I think a lot of that's the fallout from both splitting the books and from planning (and the abondoning) a time-jump.

I fully expect things to go GoT speed the next two books.

(also, even GoT/CoK had some semi-endless wandering by Arya and Bran).
That's not how the Dunk and Egg stories are written.

I think a lot of that's the fallout from both splitting the books and from planning (and the abondoning) a time-jump.

I fully expect things to go GoT speed the next two books.

(also, even GoT/CoK had some semi-endless wandering by Arya and Bran).

The Dunk and Egg stories are short stories published in anthologies. For his latest short story, GRRM submitted 80k words and had it edited down to 30k. It's a whole different type of writing with different limitations. And the Mystery Knight is the only Dunk and Egg story he's written in recent years.
Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.
Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.

I dunno, I appreciated his dedication to Dany before I found out he sold her secrets to The Small Council.

Sotha Sil

Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.

As subjective as those things are, I think he clearly isn't likable in the books; however, the show portrays him as a loyal guardian and great sword fighter - and puts very little emphasis on his scummy backstory.

Wh0 N0se

I understood his motivations before he met Dany and why he broke those laws 'The things we do for love'. After he met her, him spying on her was to earn the pardon so you can understand that, it's just the moments after he was on her side that he betrayed her, that's what Dany hates the most.

And then to not regret his actions when she brings him and Barristan in front of her. I hope he goes back to being awesome, it wasn't nice seeing him being all defeated and giving up in ADWD


Does anyone read GRRMs blog anymore? It has gotten boring, always the same shit. A convention here, a wild card story there and inbetween long football rants.
I like him because I enjoy watching him kick ass. He's done terrible things but who the hell hasn't.

Sure, but his sins seem big enough to earn him a "what a scumbag" reaction. ADWD didn't do his reputation any favors, either.

I dunno, I appreciated his dedication to Dany before I found out he sold her secrets to The Small Council.

"I thought he was awesome until it turned out he was a scumbag."

As subjective as those things are, I think he clearly isn't likable in the books; however, the show portrays him as a loyal guardian and great sword fighter - and puts very little emphasis on his scummy backstory.

Fair enough. I certainly hope he gets a serious comeuppance on the show to make him as unlikable in the books. I suppose they haven't pointed out that his dad took the Black in his place to save the homor of the house name.

Anyway, mostly venting here as some people declared themselve "Team Jorah" in the show thread.


I don't have a problem because that's life. My overall favourite character in the series is Littlefinger and he's the biggest scumbag of them all.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.

Jeor went to the Night's Watch before Jorah did all that stuff.
What part do you guys think Tywin played in the marriage of Jeyne and Robb?


Jeyne marrying Robb was almost certainly viewed as borderline treasonous by Tywin, since the Westerlings are sworn to House Lannister.

Are you suggesting that Tywin somehow arranged it to undermine the Stark/Frey marriage pact?



Jeyne marrying Robb was almost certainly viewed as borderline treasonous by Tywin, since the Westerlings are sworn to House Lannister.

Are you suggesting that Tywin somehow arranged it to undermine the Stark/Frey marriage pact?

I don't think Tywin arranged it at all, but I don't agree that he viewed it as a moment of treason from the Westerlings. In the chapter where he and Tyrion speak of it, Tyrion is surprised that Tywin isn't enraged by the news of the marriage. Tyrion then calls the Westerlings/Spicers fools to think it was wise to choose the wolf over the lion. And then you get this famous moment:

ASOS said:
Every once in a very long while, Lord Tywin Lannister would actually threaten to smile; he never did, but the threat alone was terrible to behold. “The greatest fools are ofttimes more clever than the men who laugh at them,” he said, and then, “You will marry Sansa Stark, Tyrion. And soon.”

Tywin has likely already been contacted by Sybell and Rolph Spicer, with news of the events with Robb, what they'll do to prevent an heir to the North, and how they can help prepare for the plot that would become the Red Wedding. Either that, or he knows them well enough to be sure that they will do so as soon as possible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What part do you guys think Tywin played in the marriage of Jeyne and Robb?

None? He certainly took advantage of it, but I don't think he could have possibly foretold both Robb being Ned-levels of stupid-honorable (marrying Jeyne because he fucked her once) AND stupid levels of non-honorable as well (fucking Jeyne in the first place).


Jeyne marrying Robb was almost certainly viewed as borderline treasonous by Tywin, since the Westerlings are sworn to House Lannister.

Are you suggesting that Tywin somehow arranged it to undermine the Stark/Frey marriage pact?

Whether it was treasonous or not, I'm sure Tywin thought it was awesome since I presume he'd have readily traded the Crag's forces and loyalty (which are, of course, easily replaceable with some other, more loyal bannerman) for the Twins abandoning the Northern cause even without the Red Wedding being planned.

Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.

I imagine even if they understood the total nature of his duplicity, he'd still be very popular. He has a weakness to women, and not in the Robert Baratheon sense.
I like Quentyn, though. Perhaps becuase he was genuinely a nice guy, not just an asshole who wants to think he's a nice guy.
I just hate how GRRM made him a coward at the last minute as well. He's an ordained knight who is also a veteran of the Astapor campaign and he seizes up the second the Brazen Beasts show steel in the pyramid.

I understand that he was misguided and dutiful / obsessed with his honour to the point of negligent stupidity, but damn it, he was still a knight who travelled across the world, watched his friends die and participated in battles.
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