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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Jorah is badass in the show. He is practically a saint in comparison to some other characters. Don't be mad at him for being a "nice guy", you all are too sensitive about that. It also helps that in the television series he is a good looking guy as opposed to the book Jorah who was not that attractive. I think Iain Glen along with Charles Dance have really added a new dimension to their characters while staying true to the source material.


Read some interesting comment about Jon being brought back from the death that basically said that, since he warged into Ghost before dying, he wouldn't partially lose his mind like Lady Stonehart and Beric. He never actually crosses to the dark side.
I'm gonna defend George here. So far TWOW samples haven't been different from the overall POV narrative style in previous books, including the first three. Also I disagree with the general idea that if a character is traveling, "nothing is happening." That may be the case in some examples like Brienne perhaps, but Arianne...

TWOW spoiler
Arianne I: Arianne travels to Ghost Hill, Jon Connington's letter to Doran is revealed, Ghost Hill's ladies reveal they hold a book that describes how to kill dragons, Arianne begins to doubt the sanity of Dany. How is that "nothing?" It seems pretty obvious that the seeds are being sowed for the Martels to forsake Dany. Personally I don't think Doran is dumb enough to do it, regardless of what he hears about Quentyn being rejected. But if he were to die, Arianne seems very likely to throw Dorne to Aegon.

Arianne II: Arianne travels to Griffin's Roost, the Golden Company's spymaster debates Aegon v Dany with Arrianne and refers to him as "The Dragon," Arianne learns Connington has successfully taken Storm's End. Tyrell forces are marching towards Storm's End, but Arianne decides to go anyway. Nothing? Another chapter hinting at an Aegon/Dany rift, and we learn Connington has seemingly done something no one in recent memory has done: successfully taken Storm's End in a siege. Granted we don't know how he did it, but I'm guessing a shadow baby wasn't involved.

Two set up chapters, and the next will likely be her meeting Aegon and Connington - which will sure as hell be eventful. That's not anything new for the series. Another point: didn't Mace Tyrell say he wouldn't leave the city until after his daughter's trial? So I'm guessing he sent Tarly to deal with Connington. Interesting considering Tarly seems way more competent than Mace, and of course was a Targ bannerman during the rebellion
Jorah is badass in the show. He is practically a saint in comparison to some other characters. Don't be mad at him for being a "nice guy", you all are too sensitive about that.

He was always a powerful brute. He's only badass in the show because he's good-looking and they haven't emphasized his flaws or his creepiness yet. But maybe that's a conscious decision, so that they get a more sympathetic love triangle out of the deal.

When "Arstan Whitebeard" is revealed to be Barristan Selmy, he reveals Jorah's former status as an informer to Daenerys. Ser Jorah pleads that he stopped sending reports long ago when he fell in love with her, and Daenerys decides to send them both on a dangerous mission into the sewers of Meereen as punishment and a chance at redemption. The mission succeeds, and upon their return to court, Ser Barristan begs Daenerys' forgiveness and she gladly gives it. Jorah, however, insists that she owes him forgiveness on account of his love and history of faithful service.

Dude! Fedora behavior if I've ever seen it.


TWOW spoiler
So I'm guessing he sent Tarly to deal with Connington. Interesting considering Tarly seems way more competent than Mace, and of course was a Targ bannerman during the rebellion
Information from old books in spoiler because it would show what you were saying in your spoiler.
No, Tarly was a bannerman for Tyrell who was supporting the Targ.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.

Pretty sure Jeor took the black long before Jorah's disgrace, but I do agree with the rest.

I personally like Jorah as a character, because he's a very tragic character. He's like a braver and older Theon Greyjoy in that way. He fucked up time and time again, but he was genuinely in love with that first woman he married, and then with Dany, but that love was unrequited and it tore him apart. By ADWD he's a broken shell of a man. I pity him.


he may also be stuck in ghost and someone or something else will come back in his body :O

I think Jon and Bran will meet somehow. He will go out beyond the wall as Ghost and meet Bran who is inside Summer I guess. Maybe Bran needs to be rescued? I don't trust the old man he is with. I have a feeling he killed Jojen and turned him into paste, and might kill Meera. :(

fake edit: Don't trust the children of the forest either.


Pretty sure Jeor took the black long before Jorah's disgrace, but I do agree with the rest.

I personally like Jorah as a character, because he's a very tragic character. He's like a braver and older Theon Greyjoy in that way. He fucked up time and time again, but he was genuinely in love with that first woman he married, and then with Dany, but that love was unrequited and it tore him apart. By ADWD he's a broken shell of a man. I pity him.

I think so as well, Surely if he was still head of the Bear islands he would have carried Claw, when he gives it to Jon it pretty much implies Jorah was in charge, I guess Claw didn't go to Dacey because she used a Mace rather than her being a female.

I don't hate Jorah he is very human, like you say heart broken by the first by his first wife, doing something he thought he needed to do to restore his honour back home by spying on Dany when she was just another targ who he fought against in the war, then he fell in love with the one person it was never gonna happen with showed his hand and loses it all.

I guess the thing that makes Jorah come across as bit of a dick is that all his problem's could have been avoided by coming clean, other people leaked his secrets and he paid the price again.

Is Jorah the way he is because of what has happened to him, or was the slave incident just an excuse he uses. Perhaps he was bit of a scumbag before he ran.


Had to say this in here, but...

I'm surprised there are Jorah Mormont fans in the show thread. I hate that guy. Is it just me? He's almost literally a white knight, has played both sides, sold people into slavery because he couldn't wear the pants enought to keep his wife from spending him into oblivion, runs away rather than do the honorable thing (join the Watch) and then his dad takes his place.

It's actually worse. Jeor joined the Watch before all that explicitly so that his son could inherit the titles, honors, and possessions of House Mormont early. He was like, "Son, I want you to have it all and not have to wait for my death. I want you to have a long, rewarding life as the head of our proud House."

And then, welp.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
How many eyes does Bloodraven have?
A thousand eyes and one, of course!

It's actually worse. Jeor joined the Watch before all that explicitly so that his son could inherit the titles, honors, and possessions of House Mormont early. He was like, "Son, I want you to have it all and not have to wait for my death. I want you to have a long, rewarding life as the head of our proud House."

And then, welp.
Hmm, was that really why Jeor took the black? I don't remember.
I don't get the fedora meme. Is it from old timey gangster films or something else that portrays dudes in hats as duplicitous and untrustworthy?

My take on Jorah is that he's dealing with a lot of conflict and self loathing. He's proud, he's tough, he's strong, but he's also more than a bit of an arsehole and has a crippling weakness for high maintenance blondes, both of which get him into trouble. He also, deep down, knows that all his problems are his own damn fault and he hates himself for it.

Same deal with his first wife. Dany at one point asked him if he hates her. He responds by saying "almost as much as I love her".

With Dany, he should have come clean about informing on her the second the assassination attempt happened. Thing is that's not always the easiest thing in the world to do. Waiting as long as he did just made things worse.

His falling in love with Dany is, I think, just him projecting his feelings for his first wife onto her.

A thousand eyes and none, of course!
A thousand eyes and one. Bran physically sees it in the cave.

Hmm, was that really why Jeor took the black? I don't remember.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
A thousand eyes and none, of course!

Hmm, was that really why Jeor took the black? I don't remember.

I don't think it was ever specified that Jeor took the Black for any specific reason.

I don't get the fedora meme. Is it from old timey gangster films or something else that portrays dudes in hats as duplicitous and untrustworthy?

Its just a Friendzone Uniform, afaik


Where can I read the WOW preview chapters and how many are there?

Arianne's can be read here: http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/

He needed to get somewhere quickly. Perhaps to surprise and capture Jaime?

Yeah he wanted to relieve the siege of Riverrun.

Time. He could have avoided the Twins if he crossed the river through other means. But having a whole army cross the river would have taken him ages and alot of effort. Time he didn't have because he was marching south to free his father from Kings Landing.

Of course that changed after his father was murdered and he turned west instead of marching for Kings Landing.

Bridging a river doesn't rally take that much time. And once such bridge is built crossing it would not take more time than crossing at twins.
Outside of that i think he only needed to save time once he crossed the river so as to out march and get past Tywin. The Riverrun wasn't in danger of immediate sacking. I dunno, will have to get hold of the books.
Looking at the map he could have simply marched on the left side of green fork when coming from the north.
Arianne's can be read here: http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/

Yeah he wanted to relieve the siege of Riverrun.

Bridging a river doesn't rally take that much time. And once such bridge is built crossing it would not take more time than crossing at twins.
Outside of that i think he only needed to save time once he crossed the river so as to out march and get past Tywin. The Riverrun wasn't in danger of immediate sacking. I dunno, will have to get hold of the books.

Looking at the map he could have simply marched on the left side of green fork when coming from the north.
You want him to march his army through a swamp? The geography makes what you suggest impossible.


You want him to march his army through a swamp? The geography makes what you suggest impossible.

Journeys from the South to the North mean spending quite a few days and nights in the midge-infested marshlands, which puts off some travellers or encourages them to travel by sea instead. The causeway is the only viable safe route for armies to travel through the marshes, and forces them to pass under the killing fields of fire from Moat Cailin, creating a very effective barrier that has protected the North from southron invasion for millennia. The only way for an invader to effective bypass Moat Cailin is to win the allegiance of the Reeds who know of other routes through the swamps, and given the Reeds' strong ancestral ties to the Starks, this is unlikely to happen.

The mighty house of Reed would show him the way. :p


The mighty house of Reed would show him the way. :p

Assuming there is one. You do not really want to bring 18000 men and all that comes with it ( horses, carriages, camps followers etc ) where the wet boggy swamps stretches for hundreds of miles on end. Even the kingsroad is a very narrow path at times, and practically the only walkable route for an army through the Neck. Even if there was a way, it would take much longer.
Regarding the Neck and house Reed in general, seem to me that they use boats or raft of some sorts to make their way to their keep.
Sure. Why not?

Actually there is a good amount of evidence for it and it'd give a point to ~Daario~

similar physical appearance

both have blue eyes

Euron's location was unknown during Dany's conquests and left Westeros shortly after Victarion

Daario wasn't in Meereen during Balon's assassination and Kingsmoot

Euron brought a huge amount of swag to Kingsmoot

Daario earned a huge amount of swag after the siege of Meereen

Euron's sure that Dany will marry him and he'll get the dragons

Daario tried to convince Dany to organize Meereen's own Red Wedding, which is a weird coincidence

The Warlock prophecy mentioned "three mounts you must ride, one to bed, one to dread and one to love." Dany has had sex with three men, Drogo, Hizdahr and Daario. Drogo is the one to love, Hizdahr is the one to bed so by elimination, Daario is the one to dread.

Dany saw 'grey lips' when "dread" was mentioned. Euron has grey lips and is a GREYjoy.

Euron's the biggest threat Dany's facing (acc. to Moquorro)

Daario is a pretty pointless character with an unknown motivations

There were always month+ gaps between Euron's and Daario's sightings, almost two months long before Balon's assassination.

It's implied that Euron's using quarthian warlock magick while sailing, so anything makes sense chronologically.

Horn's ownership must be paid in blood - Euron killed a king once.

Euron's introduced as a cunning chessmaster and seems to be playing Victarion in some way, yet he didn't do anything yet, and isn't even in Meereen.

after Daario's actor being specified as "any race except caucasian" in the casting material, HBO made him white after all.
GRRM said in a post-ADWD interview that there is more to Daario than there appears to be

And finally:
Daario leads a mercenary group called the Stormcrows
Euron is known as "Crow's eye"
Euron describing himself: "I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last"
The idea of Daario secretly sailing all the way to the Iron Islands every time Dany turns her back is sort of amusing, even if it is insane.

It's implied that Euron's using quarthian warlock magick while sailing, so anything makes sense chronologically.
Now that's some hardcore hand waving.


and he's sending to victarion to bring dany to him. Seems really dumb to trust somebody who hates the living shit out of you to do something like that.


That Euron = Daario theory is really awesome, and then I went and searched Google and apparantly there is also a Benjen = Daario theory. :D Ed Skrein also looks like Euron so it would be a good casting choice. The only problem is the TV show would need to betray it next season or the season after that, before GRRM could show it.
That Euron = Daario theory is really awesome, and then I went and searched Google and apparantly there is also a Benjen = Daario theory. :D Ed Skrein also looks like Euron so it would be a good casting choice. The only problem is the TV show would need to betray it next season or the season after that, before GRRM could show it.

"The only problem" haha.


"The only problem" haha.

If GRRM decided Daario = Euron, then yes, how to hide it would be the only problem. (It would also help justifying a stupid character)

It can be illogical yes if it turned out to be true, so would a world renown knight posing as a squire right in front of a guy he fought a couple of years before. And I'd like some of those crackpot theories to be true.
If GRRM decided Daario = Euron, then yes, how to hide it would be the only problem. (It would also help justifying a stupid character)

It can be illogical yes if it turned out to be true, so would a world renown knight posing as a squire right in front of a guy he fought a couple of years before. And I'd like some of those crackpot theories to be true.

A knight posing as a squire didn't require teleportation magic to explain impossible continuity and timeline issues.


Hasn't GRRM always claimed things aren't happening at the same time? He might explain it away due to timeline stuff we don't know. Aside from the attack on her life it is quite difficult to match up her story to the Westeros stuff.


Bane was better.

Jeyne marrying Robb was almost certainly viewed as borderline treasonous by Tywin, since the Westerlings are sworn to House Lannister.

Are you suggesting that Tywin somehow arranged it to undermine the Stark/Frey marriage pact?

There's a chapter in the book where Jamie rewards the Westerlings with Lands and titles. I believe he gives them castemere?

I can't find the passage right now, but its implied that Jeyne's mom made a deal with Tywin.



Only reason I'm even willing to entertain Daario = Euron is it would give some value his overly prominent role in the story during ADWD.


It's not teleportation. Just enhanced sailing.

Also what purpose does Darrio possibly serve. GRRM said he has a role coming so what is it?

any one of a zillion things short of being fucking Euron.

Only reason I'm even willing to entertain Daario = Euron is it would give some value his overly prominent role in the story during ADWD.

he doesn't need a destiny of himself. his purpose was for Dany to fuck him and to have troubs about what it means to be a queen.
lol. Well, if anyone actually seriously provided "hints" and "evidence" for that one, maybe this one is worse...

I'll believe in Hodor or Hot Pie on the Iron Throne before that crap.


Oh reddit, you so crazy.


1) It is likely Benjen is alive and another character (GRRM's style).
2) Dany is ignorant about the people in Westeros making Benjen joining her possible and also she is important making Benjen's purpose more plausible.
3) Daario hasn't behaved like a typical sell sword would and his dyed beard and piercings would make a perfect disguise for Benjen.
4) Benjen must have a bigger role to play in the grand scheme of things or he would have been found dead already. What bigger role could he have than helping Dany bring the dragons to the wall and save the Seven Kingdoms from the Others?
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