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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Although how much of a Fuck You would it be to Victarion if he got there and Euron was there and was like "I'm already sleeping with her! HAHAHAHA"


Seems like if Daario was Euron they wouldn't have cast such a pretty boy on the show. They would want to cast someone who looks somewhat like a Greyjoy so people could look back and say "Oh yeah!"

Unless he's using glamor/face changing magic, in that case anything is possible. I don't think I buy it though...

Also if it's NOT magic it would be given away the second Euron appears on the show.

Most of Euron art looks a bit pretty boy like

Speaking of crackpot theories, I half believe the Syrio = Jaqen one. Mostly because the idea of Jaqen being caught and thrown into a dungeon in the first place for Arya to free him is so unbelievable to me.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
lol @ that parody ^
It is even more probably that GRRM just forgot Benjen if he forgot the Red Wedding.
Huh? GRRM didn't forget the Red Wedding... are you thinking of that silly Onion article? xD

GRRM didn't forget about Benjen, even if he did I'm sure he gets a million emails asking what happened to Benjen, lol.

Most of Euron art looks a bit pretty boy like


Hawt. My boyfriend looks like this, minus the patch, lol. Euron is such a piece of shit though. I hope he's not too hot in the TV show, cause it will be harder to hate him. >_> (I keed, I keed... mostly)


Am I the only one who thinks Benjen is alive, but is actually...Benjen? He's a man of the Night's Watch, meaning he could be up to something fighting against the White Walkers. The Starks are an honorable house and he was a big part of convincing Jon to join the Night's Watch. I don't see him doing anything to break his vows, no matter what the potential benefit or implications are for the realm. My thinking is we'll see him return when when the White Walkers really begin to threaten the realm.

I think Benjen is in the Land of Always Winter, either captured by the Others or hiding out there. I think if either Jon or Bran head up there they will meet him. I know it would be kind of a cliché but I wonder if the Others have a base or headquarters. I imagine they are kind of like a hive.
I think Benjen is in the Land of Always Winter, either captured by the Others or hiding out there. I think if either Jon or Bran head up there they will meet him. I know it would be kind of a cliché but I wonder if the Others have a base or headquarters. I imagine they are kind of like a hive.

This is one of the things I'm most looking forward to with the coming books, seeing the history of the others and generally learning more about them. I really hope they aren't just "summoned" by one of the gods or something, maybe The Other that Melisandre seems to talk about, I would prefer them to have a real culture and background of their own.

I would really like for Bloodraven to be evil like Melisandre thinks he is and turn Bran to the dark side too, and the Children of the Forest looking for revenge against the Andals too. Maybe teaming up with The Others for some reason that I can't quite think of at the moment, common enemy?
Someone have the picture of robbwind that was just posted? I missed it and now it's gone

edit found it:

Odd that it looks like they tarred the head, that's just a production still though, it might end up looking a bit different in the show.
This is one of the things I'm most looking forward to with the coming books, seeing the history of the others and generally learning more about them. I really hope they aren't just "summoned" by one of the gods or something, maybe The Other that Melisandre seems to talk about, I would prefer them to have a real culture and background of their own.

I would really like for Bloodraven to be evil like Melisandre thinks he is and turn Bran to the dark side too, and the Children of the Forest looking for revenge against the Andals too. Maybe teaming up with The Others for some reason that I can't quite think of at the moment, common enemy?

Agreed on the bold. That's one of the things that's really interesting about the Walkers, as the supernatural big bad in a story like this, you'd usually expect them to just be destruction machines, but they appear to be intelligent beings and I assume they have some form of society and goals for their actions. Hopefully we get to explore that.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I would really like for Bloodraven to be evil like Melisandre thinks he is
Nooooo I don't want this. #TeamBloodRaven

and turn Bran to the dark side too, and the Children of the Forest looking for revenge against the Andals too. Maybe teaming up with The Others for some reason that I can't quite think of at the moment, common enemy?
That'd be strange, the CotF fought the Others in the war for the dawn. Pretty sure they hate the Others more than the humans... then again, maybe not? :S


I'm conflicted since #TeamRooseOnTheLoose and #TeamStannis are about to have a major battle

Also the parallels to being seduced to a magic woman, in his case everything lines up "fire/red" instead of "ice/blue"


I hear this all the time. What is the argument for it happening?

edit: oh, I see that he does use the Nightfort as his seat of power for now. So that's one thing.

Stannis is kind of awesome so naturally we're expecting something terrible for him.


That Euron=Daario theory is pretty nuts, never seen that one before. It makes sense in a ridiculous sort of way lol

Can someone link me to this? I haven't read the books in a pretty long time but I don't understand how this can even be possible.


Valtýr;62185843 said:
Can someone link me to this? I haven't read the books in a pretty long time but I don't understand how this can even be possible.

It's not really. When it comes to ASOIAF the internet is dark and full of terrible theories.


This is one of the things I'm most looking forward to with the coming books, seeing the history of the others and generally learning more about them. I really hope they aren't just "summoned" by one of the gods or something, maybe The Other that Melisandre seems to talk about, I would prefer them to have a real culture and background of their own.

I would really like for Bloodraven to be evil like Melisandre thinks he is and turn Bran to the dark side too, and the Children of the Forest looking for revenge against the Andals too. Maybe teaming up with The Others for some reason that I can't quite think of at the moment, common enemy?

I think George has stated that the Others are supposed to be alien, inhuman, and maybe even beautiful/elegant. They probably operate on very different principles, it would be fascinating to see what their society would be like.

Nooooo I don't want this. #TeamBloodRaven

That'd be strange, the CotF fought the Others in the war for the dawn. Pretty sure they hate the Others more than the humans... then again, maybe not? :S

I don't think Bloodraven has to be evil. I also don't think George would go for a traditional evil wizard character, but I do think at the very least there is some catch to Bran's new power. It probably involves human sacrifice, the famous Jojen paste theory. If Bloodraven and Bran truly believe they are fighting to save the world then perhaps they could feel justified in engaging in a lot of questionable activity.

Didn't a human marry an other at some point in history?

That was the Night's King, which some people believe to be Coldhands.

I'm afraid Stannis will become the new Nights King #TeamStannis

Interestingly enough, according to the wiki article, Old Nan hinted that the Night's King was a Stark of Winterfell named Bran. I don't remember that part of the book but I am sure someone can check.

I hear this all the time. What is the argument for it happening?

edit: oh, I see that he does use the Nightfort as his seat of power for now. So that's one thing.

So if Stannis is using the Nightfort, that means Selyse, Shireen, and Patchface are also likely going to be there at some point.


Oh, I was theorizing that Coldhands was Benjen Stark. Like he was turned into an Other but they couldn't fully turn him, or something. Guess I'm probably way off the mark.


Oh, I was theorizing that Coldhands was Benjen Stark. Like he was turned into an Other but they couldn't fully turn him, or something. Guess I'm probably way off the mark.

isn't benjen being coldhands a very common/popular theory though? am i missing something? idk

daario being any greyjoy is an awful theory. i give the cleganebowl a better chance of happening


Kills Photobucket
Oh, I was theorizing that Coldhands was Benjen Stark. Like he was turned into an Other but they couldn't fully turn him, or something. Guess I'm probably way off the mark.

I almost think it's too late in the game to bring back Benjen in any other way but through Coldhands reveal. I was kind of expecting him to be with the Children of the Forest when Bran arrived, but I guess now.
I almost think it's too late in the game to bring back Benjen in any other way but through Coldhands reveal. I was kind of expecting him to be with the Children of the Forest when Bran arrived, but I guess now.

Coldhands can't be Benjen, because they say that Coldhands died a long time ago. Benjen would have only died a couple of years ago at most.

I definitely believe that Coldhands is the Night's King.
I swear if Dany spends all this time in the slave cities and doesn't keep going east to all those creepy magic lands, I will be annoyed. I want to see Asshai. And I want someone to go to Valyria.


Guys guys

What if both Rhllor and the Others and the Children are evil?

Then Dany become fire evil, Jon ice evil, Bran, grass evil

The story is becoming clear now. Dany will take out Jon and Bran since Fire is super effective against ice and grass, and then Euron will take out Dany because water is super effective against fire.

Euron Greyjoy is the Prince who was promised, the third head (Third Greyjoy born after Balon and Aeron). Azor Ahai reborn (after being exiled.)

Euron Greyjoy the one true king!
I think George has stated that the Others are supposed to be alien, inhuman, and maybe even beautiful/elegant. They probably operate on very different principles, it would be fascinating to see what their society would be like.

I really don't like the show's portrayal of the Others. They're slow, goofy-looking, and decrepit, and not distinct enough from the wights. They're a bunch of ancient ice-geezer-liches.


I really don't like the show's portrayal of the Others. They're slow, goofy-looking, and decrepit, and not distinct enough from the wights. They're a bunch of ancient ice-geezer-liches.

Yeah it really hasn't been good. These creatures inspire zero emotion. It is not really a budget issue, just bad choices. It kind of kills the weight of that entire story arc because the White Walkers no longer make you feel dread. A lot of the choices made for the storyline in the North, particularly Jon and Bran's storyline, have been very questionable. I am not saying those stories have no good moments, they are just wildly inconsistent and veer away from the books way too often.
I pray the AFFC TV version nails the Sand Snakes. Awesome clique.

I've got the feeling they'll be cut down to maybe two or three. Eight seems really unnecessary to me, and it'd be even harder to follow in the show, and the kids don't really do anything. They'll probably end up with the strong one, the pretty one with the poisons and the one in Oldtown. See, I can't even remember their names its so confusing.
I'm not sure you need any sand snakes. Oberyn, Arienne, Doran, and Quentyn are probably the only Dornish characters they really need. The showrunners have already said they don't want to expand the cast further, and Dorne is an easy area to make cuts on. If I were them, I'd consider having Arienne accompany Oberyn to King's Landing next season, it'd be an easy way to introduce her character without having to create new sets. There are so many locations in AFFC/ADWD that they really need to look for ways to cut down on those. Maybe cut out the Oldtown plotline, I'm not sure it makes sense to send Sam there in the show.
All depends on where that plotline is going with Sam, maybe there's some important shit going on in the next book. It'd also be really, really easy to use all these Grand Maesters to just give the viewers loads of information on the lore of Westeros that they don't know, and tell them more about dragons or the horns or whatevz
All depends on where that plotline is going with Sam, maybe there's some important shit going on in the next book. It'd also be really, really easy to use all these Grand Maesters to just give the viewers loads of information on the lore of Westeros that they don't know, and tell them more about dragons or the horns or whatevz

It wouldn't be worth building a bunch of new sets for that. There are already plenty of ways for them to give exposition.


I think Dany will have the ships she needs after the coming battle. It's mentioned how she's surrounded by enemy ships in all sides isn't it? I'm thinking she will find a way to get thier fleet, with Victrarions help.

Edit. I think via Sam and Jon we will find out about the others. Jon will go on a quest where he will stumble across the Others and thier armies, and Sam will research more into them and discover an ancient prophecy that tells of thier rising, which happens to be imminent.
I think Dany will have the ships she needs after the coming battle. It's mentioned how she's surrounded by enemy ships in all sides isn't it? I'm thinking she will find a way to get thier fleet, with Victrarions help.

It's likely that this is one of the Ironborn's main purposes in the story, to get Dany those ships.
So I did look back at the history of the 7 kingdoms and come to the conclusion that there really is no legitimate claim unless it's a Targaryen. So either Aegon or Danaerys should get it. So I guess Jon Snow is The "Prince that was promised"? Aegon would be too obvious right?


So I did look back at the history of the 7 kingdoms and come to the conclusion that there really is no legitimate claim unless it's a Targaryen.
The Baratheons are descendants of the Targ so their entire bloodline has a legitimate claim. Considering no DNA testing exists this includes Tommen and Myrcella.
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