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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I swear if Dany spends all this time in the slave cities and doesn't keep going east to all those creepy magic lands, I will be annoyed. I want to see Asshai. And I want someone to go to Valyria.

Well, Valeria at least is to the west of where Dany is now so possibly she'll sail past it / through it at least. Very much doubt we'll see Asshai though.
I've got the feeling they'll be cut down to maybe two or three. Eight seems really unnecessary to me, and it'd be even harder to follow in the show, and the kids don't really do anything. They'll probably end up with the strong one, the pretty one with the poisons and the one in Oldtown. See, I can't even remember their names its so confusing.

Yeah, the sheer number of Sand Snakes is emblematic of the bloat in the later books. All they'd have to do on the show is use the two or three that are important and mention offhand that there are five or six others.


I'm not sure you need any sand snakes. Oberyn, Arienne, Doran, and Quentyn are probably the only Dornish characters they really need. The showrunners have already said they don't want to expand the cast further, and Dorne is an easy area to make cuts on. If I were them, I'd consider having Arienne accompany Oberyn to King's Landing next season, it'd be an easy way to introduce her character without having to create new sets. There are so many locations in AFFC/ADWD that they really need to look for ways to cut down on those. Maybe cut out the Oldtown plotline, I'm not sure it makes sense to send Sam there in the show.

Oberyn's daughters are the best set-up to Dorne, especially their three routes for plotting revenge. (I'm rereading AFFC, and their scenes are possibly my favorite.)

Might not be the start of S5(probably Cersei), but I wouldn't object.


Place your bets, folks: Stoneheart tonight, yes or no?

I say it's a given.

By degrees:

a) I would be totally fine with Catelyn's corpse coming out of the river and being found by Beric/Thoros. I also think this is fairly likely to happen, if only from a television perspective of not wanting to waste Beric/Thoros' actors for this season (especially Beric of course).
b) I'd probably even be okay with the show tipping its hand that they're going to try and revive her. I used to prefer that Stoneheart came out of nowhere, but now I'm pretty firmly in favor of seeing Beric show his sympathy for Catelyn/Arya.
c) I wouldn't be too outraged if they actually showed her come back to life, but it wouldn't be my preference.
d) I think it would be stupid and way too soon if they implied some passage of time and actually showed her in full Stoneheart operation. Thankfully, I think this is unlikely.
99% sure. Listening to the Mhysa track on the ost pretty much confirms that the last seconds are UnCat opening her eyes.

I think this would be best. If you want the casual fans who mostly haven't read the books to get super hyped for next season you have it end exactly at that point. That will have them TRIPPING BALLS and clawing their hair out for next season to come already to see what happens or where it's going.

Wh0 N0se

I'm hoping they don't but I'm pretty sure that it's a given.

I will be disappointed when they show her, also, everyone will be like 'omg Catelyn, can't wait to see her get her revenge next season' and then they don't see her again for ages


Interesting, I figured the last moments would be like the ASOS epilogue, already killing some Freys, but it being the moment of her revival alone works too.

And I hope they get Sean Bean back for a Tower of Joy sequence.

Now it ends.

Sotha Sil

I would love to watch her hang some Frey (God, it's going to look pretty goofy on screen, won't it?). It's way too soon, though. I guess her opening her eyes will be the big cliffhanger tonight. a much-needed glimmer of hope for all the heartbroken Stark fans.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I think this would be best. If you want the casual fans who mostly haven't read the books to get super hyped for next season you have it end exactly at that point. That will have them TRIPPING BALLS and clawing their hair out for next season to come already to see what happens or where it's going.

Yeah, I'm ok with it. Especially if they parallel it with the Dany stuff. Might be the best way to handle it.


Yeah, the sheer number of Sand Snakes is emblematic of the bloat in the later books. All they'd have to do on the show is use the two or three that are important and mention offhand that there are five or six others.

^Truth. Albeit there's turnaround in the series it's just not possible to retain dozens and dozens of actors for a sustained period if their appearances are erratic. I suspect much of the sandsnake stuff will be boiled down to one or two characters. They're hardly key players when all is said and done.


What if Oberyn disguised himself as Benjen and went up north, and it's his double that got killed? And the real Benjen actually headed to Essos with a dyed beard.


Considering it may take a few more years for Winds of Winter to be released will AFFC/ADWD be turned into three seasons? Or would that complicate things way too much? I guess if Winds is released by 2015 it is all good, but even if Winds is turned into two seasons that may not be enough time for A Dream of Spring to be released. To tell you the truth, I think the show will basically have served its purpose by the end of season 4. That is essentially the end of the first story arc. AFFC/ADWD is supposed to be the part of the story that sets things up for the finale.


What if Oberyn disguised himself as Benjen and went up north, and it's his double that got killed? And the real Benjen actually headed to Essos with a dyed beard.

Place your bets, folks: Stoneheart tonight, yes or no?

I say it's a given.

I hope so, even if the last shot is of her horribly disfigured face and the eyes opening. As mentioned, that would make people go bonkers and be fucking stoked and ready for next season. Can't wait for this one...


Kills Photobucket
I hope so, even if the last shot is of her horribly disfigured face and the eyes opening. As mentioned, that would make people go bonkers and be fucking stoked and ready for next season. Can't wait for this one...

After Tyrion, do you really think they're going to make her look that bad? Tons of white/grey makeup sure, but I don't she'll be that disfigured. And I fully expect her to talk next season.

That's another problem. What do they do with her next season? I can't imagine they'll get through Briennes story to get back in contact with her by the end of S4. It's another reason why they should wait.

Do what Martin should have done. Hold off. Let news of this "Stoneheart" be a name drop several times next season. In AFFC Brienne heard about her, Jamie heard about her, and even Kings Landing had her mentioned in letters. Let the story spread, then reveal at the tail end of S4. AFFC would have been a lot more rewarding if we got the Stoneheart reveal when Brienne did, rather than know the entire time.


Michelle Fairley was cast in the show 'Suits' which also has Conleth Hill (Varys), so we can definitely expect less screen time for her. They could expand on her stuff with the BWB
After Tyrion, do you really think they're going to make her look that bad? Tons of white/grey makeup sure, but I don't she'll be that disfigured. And I fully expect her to talk next season.

That's another problem. What do they do with her next season? I can't imagine they'll get through Briennes story to get back in contact with her by the end of S4. It's another reason why they should wait.

Do what Martin should have done. Hold off. Let news of this "Stoneheart" be a name drop several times next season. In AFFC Brienne heard about her, Jamie heard about her, and even Kings Landing had her mentioned in letters. Let the story spread, then reveal at the tail end of S4. AFFC would have been a lot more rewarding if we got the Stoneheart reveal when Brienne did, rather than know the entire time.

I'd love for them to be liberal with it, but you're probably right. I'm sure it will be tame. I like the idea of them waiting, dropping subtle hints and winks at it, as well. But it may help viewers along if they know she is out there getting her 'revenge.'


After Tyrion, do you really think they're going to make her look that bad? Tons of white/grey makeup sure, but I don't she'll be that disfigured. And I fully expect her to talk next season.

That's another problem. What do they do with her next season? I can't imagine they'll get through Briennes story to get back in contact with her by the end of S4. It's another reason why they should wait.

Do what Martin should have done. Hold off. Let news of this "Stoneheart" be a name drop several times next season. In AFFC Brienne heard about her, Jamie heard about her, and even Kings Landing had her mentioned in letters. Let the story spread, then reveal at the tail end of S4. AFFC would have been a lot more rewarding if we got the Stoneheart reveal when Brienne did, rather than know the entire time.
Kill some Freys? Like they showed Ramsay torturing Theon instead of letting us know.


So, Jon Snow... he's the prince that was promised, right? When can we expect him to stab Dany in the heart to create Lightbringer?
So, Jon Snow... he's the prince that was promised, right? When can we expect him to stab Dany in the heart to create Lightbringer?

I'm hoping the prolouge chapter in TWOW is just Jon impaling Stannis, Dany and Tommen on Longclaw at the same time, and the rest of the series is just him pimping it up and killing Others.


If she is in the show, we will see her today
the show has made a great deal about the fact, that people need to be resurrected shortly after their death.
the show does not work with flashbacks, so if we want to actually see the resurrection itself, it needs to be today.
and why not? its a great cliffhanger, and it will satisfy at least a little bit the thirst for vengance of the traumatized show watchers. and the show has always had a built-up supernatural cliffhanger at the end of the season. coldhands was not built-up, but resurrectet people were. so its stoneheart.


As long as they cast dreamboat ~*~*~*~*~*DaRkStAr*~*~*~*~*~* I'll be fine.

I want Victarion and Darkstar to meet somehow. :)

fake edit: Actually I am hoping that Victarion and Euron get it on. Euron seems genuinely evil and sadistic to me. I am not sure if he is Daario but he does have some kind of secret identity he is not revealing. Something definitely happened to him as he was searching Valyria. The fact that he drinks shade of the evening makes me even more suspicious. I have a scary feeling that he will end up ruling the Iron Throne before the Others show up to destroy everything. Euron along with a captured Dany wins the South. Littlefinger and Sansa capture the North. The wildcard in all this is Varys. He seems smarter than everyone else. Stannis and the Boltons destroy one another I think. There are way too many moving parts, I don't see how any of this can reach a conclusion in two books.

"I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last. "

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I really don't like the show's portrayal of the Others. They're slow, goofy-looking, and decrepit, and not distinct enough from the wights. They're a bunch of ancient ice-geezer-liches.
Yeah, I don't care much for them either. I greatly preferred their icy elegance from the novels.
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