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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Kills Photobucket
No bet, but I still don't think so. We haven't heard anything about the wedding this episode so far.

Unless they're going to kill him before the wedding...

Which means we don't get the jousters...

Which means we don't get the reveal about Jeoffrey and the knife.


Most viewers have probably already forgotten about the knife. They could probably get away with not resolving it.

The real question is whether we get to see all of those dishes!
One thing I'd really like to see in TWOW is Stoneheart vs Petyr Baelish. Cat is Littlefinger's kryptonite I think, so it will be interesting if Stoneheart finds out about his duplicity.


I wonder what are they going to do with Dany next season. Just sitting around being Queen of Shithole City getting her daily buttfuck from Daario?


I wonder what are they going to with Dany next season. Just sitting around been Queen of Shithole City getting her daily buttfuck from Daario?

maybe they'll give her a (somewhat minor) new plot. most likely they'll push up the Sons of Harpy plot
They should cut out Mereen and have her stay in Yunkai. I don't see the point in having her take yet another slaver city other than to give Dany something to do. The audience won't care. Move her story along so she doesn't stay in Essos for 3 more seasons.

It's be interesting to see what they do with next season considering there's only about a 1/3 of ASOS left, they can't really stretch that out for 10 episodes. It looks like we're getting Asha/Yara's ADWD plotline next season, I wonder what else will be brought forward.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
The Dany scenes in the show used to be pretty cool and "different" (mostly thanks to change of scenery and distance from Westeros) but now they're so boring. Bleh.
Damn it all I want to read Winds of Winter some time in the near future. May the cold, harsh winds of Winter be at your back George whenever you decide to stop working for weeks at a time to attend your ego stroking conventions.
So what is Dany going to do next season? Chill in Yunkai, realize they're running out of food, then take the army to Meereen, the city coming over the horizon in the finale?

God I hate her storyline.


So, Jon Snow... he's the prince that was promised, right? When can we expect him to stab Dany in the heart to create Lightbringer?

I am not sure what to feel about that prophecy. I kind of expect George to try and make us look at prophecies in a different way or perhaps ignore them altogether. I don't believe that George will have some kind of climactic final battle with Jon waving a magic sword around.

If the story is true however and Jon needs to stab his sword into someone I don't think it would be Dany. Is there really enough space in these two books for him to meet her and fall in love with her and then decide to stab her and kill the Others? The story has always struck me as a bit misogynistic and barbaric if interpreted literally. I don't know if George would insist upon the sacrifice having to be a female that Jon may like. I think the bigger idea behind it is that Azor Ahai sacrificed someone he loved. The only person who Jon loves that is close by is Bran. Or perhaps the meaning of the story is that the sword can only be awakened when Azor Ahai gives up something to which he is attached. Could Jon develop some kind of attachment to Melisandre? I could see it happening if he is dependent on her magic to survive.
I am not sure what to feel about that prophecy. I kind of expect George to try and make us look at prophecies in a different way or perhaps ignore them altogether. I don't believe that George will have some kind of climactic final battle with Jon waving a magic sword around.

If the story is true however and Jon needs to stab his sword into someone I don't think it would be Dany. Is there really enough space in these two books for him to meet her and fall in love with her and then decide to stab her and kill the Others? The story has always struck me as a bit misogynistic and barbaric if interpreted literally. I don't know if George would insist upon the sacrifice having to be a female that Jon may like. I think the bigger idea behind it is that Azor Ahai sacrificed someone he loved. The only person who Jon loves that is close by is Bran. Or perhaps the meaning of the story is that the sword can only be awakened when Azor Ahai gives up something to which he is attached. Could Jon develop some kind of attachment to Melisandre? I could see it happening if he is dependent on her magic to survive.

Probably Ghost, but I'd be a lot happier with a dead Dany.


For me I think that was the best episode I have seen of this show even though Stannis should be cooler.

Also lol at the person who mentioned them leaving Jon with a bunch of open holes at the end of a season, hadn't even thought of that or put that together.

The only thing I disliked from the episode was the whole Asha/Yara going to Dreafort, sure the music was exciting but unless they make major changes we know its not going anywhere.

Also I thought the music in this episode was fantastic.
Just saw a great valonqar theory, Sandor Clegane. It would make sense from Bran's dream in the first book that the Hound is the Faith's champion in Cersei's trial, and after killing Gregorstein... I dunno, turns on Cersei? Or maybe he's choking the life from her metaphorically by effectively sentencing her to lifetime imprisonment (assuming that she wouldn't be executed?).


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I am not sure what to feel about that prophecy. I kind of expect George to try and make us look at prophecies in a different way or perhaps ignore them altogether. I don't believe that George will have some kind of climactic final battle with Jon waving a magic sword around.

If the story is true however and Jon needs to stab his sword into someone I don't think it would be Dany. Is there really enough space in these two books for him to meet her and fall in love with her and then decide to stab her and kill the Others? The story has always struck me as a bit misogynistic and barbaric if interpreted literally. I don't know if George would insist upon the sacrifice having to be a female that Jon may like. I think the bigger idea behind it is that Azor Ahai sacrificed someone he loved. The only person who Jon loves that is close by is Bran. Or perhaps the meaning of the story is that the sword can only be awakened when Azor Ahai gives up something to which he is attached. Could Jon develop some kind of attachment to Melisandre? I could see it happening if he is dependent on her magic to survive.

There is always Ygritte dying as well.


i hope for season 4 they can get Neil Marshall to do another episode. I think a full scale war at the wall with the Nights Watch and the Wildlings would be a pretty awesome episode along the lines of the Blackwater.


the battle at the wall needs first and foremost a huge budget. we didnt have a battle like that in season 3 so there's hoping we might get somethinig extraordinary for season 4.


The only thing I disliked from the episode was the whole Asha/Yara going to Dreafort, sure the music was exciting but unless they make major changes we know its not going anywhere.

Yeah, I'm wondering where they're going with that. At first I was thinking that it was just a plot device to get her back out to the North (since obviously she isn't holding a castle now) so that she could run into Stannis and get captured.

But then I remembered the King's Moot hasn't happened so it should be too early for her to be captured. But maybe the show will skip that and we're getting confirmation that the whole Ironborn plot was as irrelevant to the overall story like I always thought.

On that note, I was disappointed that Balon didn't die in this episode. I think it would have been a great way to give non-readers an extra bit of hope that Joffrey will be dead soon if 2 of the 3 named usurpers were dead at the end of this season. It would have given them something to look forward to in Season 4.


Upon learning Ramsay Snow's name a friend of mine googled him and accidentally spoiled herself that he ends up marrying "Arya Stark". She looked inconsolable, the poor thing. :lol
Upon learning Ramsay Snow's name a friend of mine googled him and accidentally spoiled herself that he ends up marrying "Arya Stark". She looked inconsolable, the poor thing. :lol

That's hilarious.

I am not sure what to feel about that prophecy. I kind of expect George to try and make us look at prophecies in a different way or perhaps ignore them altogether. I don't believe that George will have some kind of climactic final battle with Jon waving a magic sword around.

If the story is true however and Jon needs to stab his sword into someone I don't think it would be Dany. Is there really enough space in these two books for him to meet her and fall in love with her and then decide to stab her and kill the Others? The story has always struck me as a bit misogynistic and barbaric if interpreted literally. I don't know if George would insist upon the sacrifice having to be a female that Jon may like. I think the bigger idea behind it is that Azor Ahai sacrificed someone he loved. The only person who Jon loves that is close by is Bran. Or perhaps the meaning of the story is that the sword can only be awakened when Azor Ahai gives up something to which he is attached. Could Jon develop some kind of attachment to Melisandre? I could see it happening if he is dependent on her magic to survive.

Better Dany than Ghost, which is the popular alternative among theorists.


I am not sure what to feel about that prophecy. I kind of expect George to try and make us look at prophecies in a different way or perhaps ignore them altogether. I don't believe that George will have some kind of climactic final battle with Jon waving a magic sword around.

If the story is true however and Jon needs to stab his sword into someone I don't think it would be Dany. Is there really enough space in these two books for him to meet her and fall in love with her and then decide to stab her and kill the Others? The story has always struck me as a bit misogynistic and barbaric if interpreted literally. I don't know if George would insist upon the sacrifice having to be a female that Jon may like. I think the bigger idea behind it is that Azor Ahai sacrificed someone he loved. The only person who Jon loves that is close by is Bran. Or perhaps the meaning of the story is that the sword can only be awakened when Azor Ahai gives up something to which he is attached. Could Jon develop some kind of attachment to Melisandre? I could see it happening if he is dependent on her magic to survive.

The other thing you're overlooking is that Azor Ahai was probably an asshole badguy, since R'hllor and everything around him is at best unsettling.


Upon learning Ramsay Snow's name a friend of mine googled him and accidentally spoiled herself that he ends up marrying "Arya Stark". She looked inconsolable, the poor thing. :lol

Did she also learn Ramsay commanded Theon to do the foreplay? No? Now that would have been hilarious...

The other thing you're overlooking is that Azor Ahai was probably an asshole badguy, since R'hllor and everything around him is at best unsettling.

Dude ( if he even existed that is ) allegedly stabbed his wife without batting an eye. Pretty nasty when you think about it.


It's said he did it with "a heavy heart," I'm not sure where you are getting that he did it without batting an eye,

He forged his sword for a hundred days with "a heavy heart", this is true. But when it came down to it, he stabbed her rather quickly, while the iron was still hot, hence why I said without batting an eye. I didn't mean to say he didn't care, just you know, Azor Ahai choose some prophesy and sword over his wife. I get that it is a story about sacrifice. Doesn't make it any less unsettling that he killed his wife, whether it was with heavy heart or not.
He forged his sword for a hundred days with "a heavy heart", this is true. But when it came down to it, he stabbed her rather quickly, while the iron was still hot, hence why I said without batting an eye. I didn't mean to say he didn't care, just you know, Azor Ahai choose some prophesy and sword over his wife. I get that it is a story about sacrifice. Doesn't make it any less unsettling that he killed his wife, whether it was with heavy heart or not.

The tone of that story isn't implying he's a villain though, just a hero making a grave sacrifice to stop the darkness. He could end up being a terrible person, but I don't see that story supporting it.


The tone of that story isn't implying he's a villain though, just a hero making a grave sacrifice to stop the darkness. He could end up being a terrible person, but I don't see that story supporting it.

Oh, I don't think he is a villain, nor is Melisandre. I see them as products of a religion, with all its quirks. They will be neither good or evil in the context of the story. Still, I think that religion and their prophecies is a farce.


Assuming there is one. You do not really want to bring 18000 men and all that comes with it ( horses, carriages, camps followers etc ) where the wet boggy swamps stretches for hundreds of miles on end. Even the kingsroad is a very narrow path at times, and practically the only walkable route for an army through the Neck. Even if there was a way, it would take much longer.
Regarding the Neck and house Reed in general, seem to me that they use boats or raft of some sorts to make their way to their keep.

I was mostly jesting. I agree that the Swamps route looks unfeasible. :)

From no book readers thread
I feel the Dany storyline is going to end up one of those "These are my people" when she saves every slave in every city and end up never going to Westeros.


Finished another read through A Storm of Swords for probably my fourth time. For all the crazy shit that goes down in that book I think my favorite single moment is the last Sansa chapter where she makes a snow castle Wintefell. So beautifully written and always makes me tear up. Of course it is immediately ruined by Robert being a crazy kid and Littlefinger creeping on Sansa, but still.

Probably going to try that combined AFFC/ADWD reading order soon. I've heard a lot of good things.
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