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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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So not worth it
To be honest, Emilia Clarke, as cute as she is, isn't helping Dany one bit.

I don't know what it is about her acting, but her Dany just comes off entirely smug and offputting instead of empowered.
To be honest, Emilia Clarke, as cute as she is, isn't helping Dany one bit.

I don't know what it is about her acting, but her Dany just comes off entirely smug and offputting instead of empowered.

I saw her on Broadway as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Smug and offputting is pretty much her entire range.
To be honest, Emilia Clarke, as cute as she is, isn't helping Dany one bit.

I don't know what it is about her acting, but her Dany just comes off entirely smug and offputting instead of empowered.

I agree with this 100%. I don't mean to insult her because she seems like a really nice woman and she's absolutely gorgeous, but her interpretation of Dany on the show has made me despise the character. She's a cliche black and white character in a world full of gray characters. She's the beautiful girl who is royalty "by rights" but instead goes through hardship and starts from dirt. She starts from scratch and being abused, then amasses an army and just so happens to have crystal clear morals and turn into the great liberator of slaves. In the show she's portrayed as being so morally pure and badass. That's never the vibe I got from her in the books. While she may be making the same basic decisions, it's the way she arrives at them and acts in the show that rubs me the wrong way. Like you said, she's so smug. She acts like she's some brilliant, all knowing, unstoppable force. It's like she's adopted part of her brother's personality in the show. The arrogance of being an all mighty Targaryen.

Wh0 N0se

Yeah, not much you can do with 'The Iron Throne is mine by rights' and 'Fire and Blood' being constantly shouted. They did the same stuff with Kit Harrington, the don't give some of the actors the best of material to work with.

Lol at the show watcher about the Dany comment, I'm not sure if I've asked this before, I kinda think I have but will Dany be going to Asshai before Westeros? It seems a waste of Quaithe in ACOK constantly telling her and then she never goes. Although I guess most people want her to go to Westeros now. She'd probably go to Asshai and try and conquer it to free everyone and waste another book there!
As far as Show Dany being more black and white, that's true of a number of characters. Tyrion is a lot nobler in the show than in the book, for instance. But he's witty and charming and slaps Joffrey, so he's still compelling to the audience.

Dany's most favorable moment was freeing the Unsullied, the audience loved her there. Unless they give her an ulikable nemesis or make her more amusing, the watchers aren't going to warm back up to her.
I agree with this 100%. I don't mean to insult her because she seems like a really nice woman and she's absolutely gorgeous, but her interpretation of Dany on the show has made me despise the character. She's a cliche black and white character in a world full of gray characters. She's the beautiful girl who is royalty "by rights" but instead goes through hardship and starts from dirt. She starts from scratch and being abused, then amasses an army and just so happens to have crystal clear morals and turn into the great liberator of slaves. In the show she's portrayed as being so morally pure and badass. That's never the vibe I got from her in the books. While she may be making the same basic decisions, it's the way she arrives at them and acts in the show that rubs me the wrong way. Like you said, she's so smug. She acts like she's some brilliant, all knowing, unstoppable force. It's like she's adopted part of her brother's personality in the show. The arrogance of being an all mighty Targaryen.

All this is exactly what the author intended. Dany was always meant to be a Targaryen with entitlement issues that some readers are going to have a problem with.
I don't like Dany in the books (mostly the last one).

Clarke may not have incredible range or deliver every line at Oscar level quality, but she does a great job of embodying that character, she gives the character a presence.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
So is Coldhands not going to be in the show at all? They could've put another supernatural cliffhanger by introducing him in episode 10 but nope.
Dany's like Stannis, a boring character surrounded by interesting characters. Jorah and Selmy pretty much serve the same purpose as Davos and the Red Woman, too.


I'd second the theory that Patchface is up to no good. I actually think he's in Leauge with the demon that controls the Others.

Wh0 N0se

I like Stannis, he has a personality, albeit a hard one that doesn't bend but he's got a dry humour that seems to get lost on a lot of people. I wouldn't want him as a POV character but he's certainly worthwhile in keeping around.

I've got the feeling that Patchface is going to kill someone, there's definitely too many hints that he's going to do something evil.
I don't like Dany in the books (mostly the last one).

Clarke may not have incredible range or deliver every line at Oscar level quality, but she does a great job of embodying that character, she gives the character a presence.

She has a presence, but I think what some of us are saying is...It's the wrong presence.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";63050416]Dany's like Stannis, a boring character surrounded by interesting characters. Jorah and Selmy pretty much serve the same purpose as Davos and the Red Woman, too.[/QUOTE]

How can you say one of the most entertaining characters in the series is boring?
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";63050416]Dany's like Stannis, a boring character surrounded by interesting characters. Jorah and Selmy pretty much serve the same purpose as Davos and the Red Woman, too.[/QUOTE]

Stannis is one of the least boring characters in the series.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
How can you say one of the most entertaining characters in the series is boring?
Tyrion's height is greater than Stannis' character growth through five books. Even Daenerys can recognize "shit, I need to learn how to rule a continent, I'll rule this city to get experience".
How can you say one of the most entertaining characters in the series is boring?

You better be talking about Stannis.

Tyrion's height is greater than Stannis' character growth through five books. Even Danaerys can recognize "shit, I need to learn how to rule a continent, I'll rule this city to get experience".

That's the point, he's an ice-cold badass with a sharp wit. He doesn't need to change.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
You better be talking about Stannis.

That's the point, he's an ice-cold badass with a sharp wit. He doesn't change.
I know. "He's iron who will break before bending" and all that. Doesn't mean that his lack of change does not make him boring and predictable. The most growth he's shown was when Davos convinced him to go The Wall, the one unpredictable thing he's done.
I see where you're coming from. I definitely think it'll be his downfall in some way, his uncompromising nature. Assuming the "bittersweet" means that one of the traditional "fan favourites" (Jon or Dany) ends up on the throne, Stannis can't survive, he'd fight for his right to the throne til death.
Tyrion's height is greater than Stannis' character growth through five books. Even Daenerys can recognize "shit, I need to learn how to rule a continent, I'll rule this city to get experience".

You mean like when Stannis decided to go aid the Night's Watch and talked about how he had been shown that he needed to save the realm first and foremost? The Stannis of ADWD is dramatically different from the man we meet at the start of ACOK. He shows tons of growth over the course of ASOS and ADWD. See also how he managed to convince the Hill Tribes to fight for him. This was the guy back in the beginning who couldn't even get the men from the Stormlands to fight for his cause.


You better be talking about Stannis.

Here's who I'm talking about:

Careful now, careful. "Mother’s milk is all they share. Gilly’s son is larger and more robust. He kicks the prince and pinches him, and shoves him from the breast. Craster was his father, a cruel man and greedy, and blood tells."

The king was confused. "I thought the wet nurse was this man Craster’s daughter?"
"Wife and daughter both, Your Grace. Craster married all his daughters. Gilly’s boy was the fruit of their union."
"Her own father got this child on her?" Stannis sounded shocked. "We are well rid of her, then. I will not suffer such abominations here. This is not King’s Landing."


I'd second the theory that Patchface is up to no good. I actually think he's in Leauge with the demon that controls the Others.

I don't think it will be that direct. I think there is something generally crazy about him, but yeah he may have an interesting backstory. I know that the ship Steffon Baratheon was bringing him in sank because of a storm but I am wondering if Patchface had anything to with it. He may have played a contributing role.

So is Coldhands not going to be in the show at all? They could've put another supernatural cliffhanger by introducing him in episode 10 but nope.

It feels almost like they ran out of money by the end of season 3 and so decided to forego that part. What I miss most is the black gate and the talking door or whatever it was. Yeah they pretty much have butchered the Jon Snow/Bran story for me.

I am not sure what they are planning for season 4. I think it will be like filler with Bran travelling around the wildling areas until they meet Coldhands. I am not sure why they went so fast with the Jon and Bran stuff. I would have liked to see a bigger wilding camp and Jon living among them while Bran just hangs out with Jojen and Meera. The final shot of the season could have been Jon climbing the Wall and staring out at those green hills like he did in that earlier episode.


Unconfirmed Member
It feels almost like they ran out of money by the end of season 3 and so decided to forego that part. What I miss most is the black gate and the talking door or whatever it was. Yeah they pretty much have butchered the Jon Snow/Bran story for me.

I am not sure what they are planning for season 4. I think it will be like filler with Bran travelling around the wildling areas until they meet Coldhands. I am not sure why they went so fast with the Jon and Bran stuff. I would have liked to see a bigger wilding camp and Jon living among them while Bran just hangs out with Jojen and Meera. The final shot of the season could have been Jon climbing the Wall and staring out at those green hills like he did in that earlier episode.

They need the plot to move at a reasonable pace in order to keep people interested. Two years without Jon being involved in any major battles or the like would really wear on the patience of viewers.

Pacing the next few seasons will likely prove the most significant challenge of directing this show, aside from budget. They've set themselves up for a lot of good Season 4 moments, likely ending with the ending for each character as depicted in Storm of Swords (aside from Brienne, who will likely be on her quest while "Yara" goes about on her rescue mission and likely gets captured by Stannis along the way), but after next year they'll likely be diverting heavily from the book narrative to avoid too much traveling/monologue-heavy storytelling.

Wh0 N0se

I assume they shot it like that becuse Isaac Hempstead-wright is getting too big fo Kristian Nairn to carry and they needed to show that the cart went through the gate as well.

Wh0 N0se

Man I don't get how people see the TV show as being on The Wire or Breaking Bad's level.
I agree with this but we have the added knowledge of knowing that the show could be better.
Show watchers have no idea what kind of person Rhaegar Targaryen was and have never even heard of Ser Arthur Dayne. They lose.
Yeah, it makes me sad to think of all the stories they'll miss out on.
They'll never get to see Dany nearly shit herself to death.

Highlight of the series, I hope the show shows it :p
I assume they shot it like that becuse Isaac Hempstead-wright is getting too big fo Kristian Nairn to carry and they needed to show that the cart went through the gate as well.
Yeah I assumed that as well.

Still hoping they introduce Coldhands next season, cutting things from Bran's arc at this point doesn't seem like a great idea given how little content there is. They like plant/leave things open for possible introductions in the future with their writing and such, and I see the ravens alerting Sam of the White Walker as that.

"Your monster Brandon Stark"
Man I don't get how people see the TV show as being on The Wire or Breaking Bad's level.
While I agree keep in mind that it's a totally different experience for people that haven't read the books. I read the books after season one, and that back half of season one was one of the most nail-biting visceral experiences I've seen in recent TV memory (back half of season 4 of Breaking Bad obviously comes to mind as well). Of course since then I read the books, and I enjoy the hell out of the show, but it's from a different perspective.

I think Game of Thrones is in a small group of elite dramas currently on the air, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses among that group. I think Breaking Bad kind of stands up a bit taller in that group though, I mean holy shit that show!
Cable TV seems to have passed the movies in terms of producing great drama.

EDIT - Also, as an aside, I was just thinking about the Northern Conspiracy and I hope whenever a Manderly or Umber or someone kills Roose Bolton they say something like "Jon Stark sends his regards."


There's no way they're cutting Coldhands. It's just being saved for next season.

It's very possible they won't have his famous giant elk though. Boycott incoming. :p
If you've read the books, you aren't in any position to judge the quality of the TV show. The twists, turns and tension just aren't there for you in the same way as they are for show watchers.



Kills Photobucket
If you've read the books, you aren't in any position to judge the quality of the TV show. The twists, turns and tension just aren't there for you in the same way as they are for show watchers.


That's bullshit. Book readers get to see the show from a totally different perspective and are perfectly able to judge the quality of the work.
If you've read the books, you aren't in any position to judge the quality of the TV show. The twists, turns and tension just aren't there for you in the same way as they are for show watchers.


Even if I hadn't read the books, I'd still think that Dany's story is 80% cheesy exoticism, that the direction can get awfully dodgy at times, that many episodes rely too much on tell and not enough show.
That's bullshit. Book readers get to see the show from a totally different perspective and are perfectly able to judge the quality of the work.

Yes, we can judge the quality of the work, but not the suspense. Consider the 6th Sense. If you know the twist before it happens, the it changes the experience of the movie. The same for the show if you've read the books. You are watching for different things and different payoffs. Both readers and watchers can judge the quality of the writing, acting, etc, but only the watchers can truly judge the quality of the experience as a whole, as they also have the advantage of being surprised by things, whereas the readers know what is coming.


The show introduced me to the books and I still think they are vastly superior experience. The pacing of the show is oftentimes broken


Yes, we can judge the quality of the work, but not the suspense. Consider the 6th Sense. If you know the twist before it happens, the it changes the experience of the movie. The same for the show if you've read the books. You are watching for different things and different payoffs. Both readers and watchers can judge the quality of the writing, acting, etc, but only the watchers can truly judge the quality of the experience as a whole, as they also have the advantage of being surprised by things, whereas the readers know what is coming.
I agree completely.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
The show introduced me to the books and I still think they are vastly superior experience. The pacing of the show is oftentimes broken

Yep same here. I finished the first two books as season 2 was wrapping up. Then I read the next 3 well after season 2 ended. Season 2 pales in comparison to A Clash of Kings, season 3's pacing was atrocious given all the craziness of Storm. Season 1 and A Game of Thrones are actually about equal to me though.
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