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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I don't really find it sad that he's chosen to pursue what makes him happy rather than what makes him money. It'd be a better world if more people did so.
Yeah, I have a great amount of respect for him making such a mature decision. I can't imagine many 21 year old people making that call or even considering it.


Jack really is a great guy, and all the praise he gets is fully deserved. I don't personally know him, but we have a few mutual friends, and I've heard nothing but good things about him.


^Was just thinking about it this afternoon. Glad to see this not be too far off anymore.

Also, isn't the anthology version a shortened telling of the full 75000 words that are going to be in the world book?
^Was just thinking about it this afternoon. Glad to see this not be too far off anymore.

Also, isn't the anthology version a shortened telling of the full 75000 words that are going to be in the world book?


Based on the reviews it sounds like a complete bloodbath. Can't wait.

I'll disagree with the EW thing about this not having implications for current books. The novella allegedly gives a lot of insight into dragonriders, dragon combat, and binding dragons.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity

Based on the reviews it sounds like a complete bloodbath. Can't wait.

I'll disagree with the EW thing about this not having implications for current books. The novella allegedly gives a lot of insight into dragonriders, dragon combat, and binding dragons.
That was the era that pretty much wiped out the dragons in Westeros. It's going to give us tremendous insight on how they live and die.


I finally read that essay/post explaining why the Mereenese knot wasn't actually bad. Really interesting read. I need to reread DWD.

I also JUST found out about the "controversial [to some people in the fanbase]" Sansa chapter. I'm so hyped for her chapters in WOW.


The person who said it would be controversial later clarified that it would only be controversial to "certain quarters of the fanbase" or something like that, though.

I think LF raping her or Sansa killing LF/Robert would stir the entire fanbase. So I think it'll be something more subtle, like Sansa simply deciding to do something that may shock some people or ... something.

I've been reading more about theories about Sansa, too, particularly about her memory lapses/being an unreliable narrator (sorry if all this has been discussed .__.). Lots of people seem to theorize that Sansa is purposely repressing and leaving out events occurring to her in the Eeyrie (possibly hinting at more of a sexual relationship between her and LF? ... maybe the controversy?). Some people also think she was tortured more than we're led to believe in KL, too (and that she's repressing the memories of them), but in KL we also had POV chapters from Tyrion and Cersei (so I think it would be more obvious if Sansa was lying about stuff), whereas in the Eeyrie, the only person POV we have is from Sansa, so it's more difficult to discern whether she's lying or not. Pretty interesting imo. :O

I just want Sansa to finally do something. All the other original POV characters seems to be going somewhere with their storylines, but where hers is going is a lot less clear.
Given that Elio made the comment, I tend to think the controversy relates to something within the fanbase. When I hear the phrase "controversy," I think more about something that would challenge or re-enforce people's perception of the character in a major way. That's why I think it could relate to her beginning to poison Robert, or outright killing him. That would completely challenge her character thus far and lead to some ugly debates/arguments. So far Sansa has been an innocent idiot, and her fans tend to think she's going to become some major player of the game. Having her poison (or smother) Robert would be a continuation of her being Littlefinger's puppet, but to the nth level.

I don't see Littlefinger abusing her, she is far too valuable; raping her would hurt his plans to marry her off. Personally I don't think the grand plan he told Sansa will happen, but I still think he'll be working towards it. Sansa has to be "pure" to marry Harry, and then at the wedding she can reveal her true identity. I tend to think that plan will fall by the wayside, either due to Harry dying or Littlefinger perhaps deciding to roll the dice on a marriage to Aegon.


I do like the idea of Sansa marrying Aegon - just something about a fake bastard (Sansa as Alayne) being linked to what's likely an actual one, and a fake Targ.
Given that Elio made the comment, I tend to think the controversy relates to something within the fanbase. When I hear the phrase "controversy," I think more about something that would challenge or re-enforce people's perception of the character in a major way. That's why I think it could relate to her beginning to poison Robert, or outright killing him. That would completely challenge her character thus far and lead to some ugly debates/arguments. So far Sansa has been an innocent idiot, and her fans tend to think she's going to become some major player of the game. Having her poison (or smother) Robert would be a continuation of her being Littlefinger's puppet, but to the nth level.

I don't see Littlefinger abusing her, she is far too valuable; raping her would hurt his plans to marry her off. Personally I don't think the grand plan he told Sansa will happen, but I still think he'll be working towards it. Sansa has to be "pure" to marry Harry, and then at the wedding she can reveal her true identity. I tend to think that plan will fall by the wayside, either due to Harry dying or Littlefinger perhaps deciding to roll the dice on a marriage to Aegon.

Yeah, that's pretty much all of what I was thinking. For Sansa to do something like that especially to a defenseless weakling like Robert would be viewed as going against what her character has been so far and would certainly cause some tumult in the fanbase.

Arya's the willful one who kills while Sansa is the lady armored with her courtesy.

And I definitely don't see Littlefinger raping her either not only because she's valuable but also because he seems to have truly loved Catelyn, and I don't think he'd willingly hurt Sansa because of that.

El Daniel

Am I the only one who can't wait for some dragon action tomorrow?

I'm really interested in the history of Westeros and can't wait for The World of Ice and Fire.
I wonder if Littlefinger will realize Varys is behind Aegon, or will he assume Varys supports Dany and that Aegon is some wildcard from nobody's deck. I can't see him deciding to support Aegon if he believes Varys is involved, however if not it would make sense to offer up Sansa. It fits so perfectly: what better way to tempt Rhaegar's (alleged) son than with another winter rose. And it would give Aegon the North, at least on paper. Also, imagine the Vale opening up its harvest to the starving Riverlands in the name of King Aegon Targaryen and Queen Sansa Stark. Many believe he'll marry Arianne but I don't see the benefit. He is allegedly Doran's nephew, he shouldn't have to marry a Martell to gain their support.

I really think Aegon, who I believe is a fraud/Blackfyre, will sit the Iron Throne before the end of TWOW. Things seem set up perfectly for him in the short term. Ultimately I think his rule will be short lived though.

TWOW spoiler
He has already taken Storm's End, and Randyll Tarly is on his way. In ADWD someone in the Golden Company notes that they have friends in the Reach, and that the Tyrell's power is overstated. Tarly fought for the Mad King, he knew Connington...I think he'll be convinced to switch sides. Plus I'd imagine he'll be far more impressed by a battle tested Argon than the pampered child king in KL.


Didn't know the new story was part of an anthology, not sure if I want to read the other stuff. Does sound like an interesting collection though.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
If it's any incentive, this anthology also features a story by Joe Abercrombie. GRRM alone makes me buy it, but GRRM + Abercrombie = insta-win.
I'm pretty sure the controversial Sansa scene will be her death, honestly. Some people like her, others don't. It falls in line with whatever happens only bothering a select portion of the fanbase, and her killing Robin or being raped by Littlefinger or whatever would make everyone mad.
I'm pretty sure the controversial Sansa scene will be her death, honestly. Some people like her, others don't. It falls in line with whatever happens only bothering a select portion of the fanbase, and her killing Robin or being raped by Littlefinger or whatever would make everyone mad.

There's not a chance GRRM would spoil her death in a preview, nor is there any real way she dies so soon.


If I had to bet on any Stark surviving to the end, it'd be on Sansa. I think Arya will die. Bran turns into a tree. Rickon is probably a fucking werewolf or something.
The bit that Jon says to Arya when he gives her Needle about finding her frozen when the spring thaw comes doesn't give me great hope for her survival.

It could be a completely innocuous statement. But GRRM likes to foreshadow constantly. So if it would happen, I wouldn't be surprised.


If I had to bet on any Stark surviving to the end, it'd be on Sansa. I think Arya will die. Bran turns into a tree. Rickon is probably a fucking werewolf or something.

Sadly I agree Arya will probably die because she is the least likely one out of all the starks left, she literally has all the skills she needs to not get killed. Lie detection, face changing, heightened senses. She is a goner
I think Arya will die and maybe Sansa too. Wouldn't be surprised if Rickon is already dead, and warged into Shaggydog. Bran seems like he's the safest unless he leaves the cave. The worst thing about him going to the cave is that his story seems stuck now, physically at least. Sure he will see a bunch of stuff, learn about the past, discover what the Others are...but I still wish he was closer to other characters. I can't imagine him leaving the cave anytime soon, especially with the Others presumably about to march on the Wall in force.


I haven't really stayed up to date with the WoW chapters/reveals. I assume I can find most news at the subforum for WoW at ASoIaF?

Yep, but be warned; enter and you mightn't leave for a while. There's a massive amount of speculation/discussion. There's some hefty material on The Princess and the Queen, too, if you're interested. I haven't yet read it myself, but I plan to over Christmas!
Did anyone dig into "The Princess and the Queen" yet?

I read a bit at Barnes and Noble, will read more later today after work. It's pretty damn good. Reads like a historical text, but isn't as dry as the Similarion.

Lots of people die. Horrible deaths on a scale that hasn't been seen in the ASOIAF books. So yea, based on what little I've read...if Dany keeps all three dragons, there's literally no way she can lose.
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