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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I don't get why he would potentially risk all his planning for an off-hand burn, sick as it was.

I guess he was just getting fucking fed up with shoveling bullshit all day long?

Also the timing was pretty good. Roose was getting pretty fucking scared. When Wyman made that sick burn he got the Freys and the Manderlys sent out in the snow to take on Stannis. It is possible that this was planned, as now the Manderlys can kill some Freys out in the snow and deliver a message to Stannis that the Northmen at Winterfell mean to betray Roose and Frey.
Also the timing was pretty good. Roose was getting pretty fucking scared. When Wyman made that sick burn he got the Freys and the Manderlys sent out in the snow to take on Stannis. It is possible that this was planned, as now the Manderlys can kill some Freys out in the snow and deliver a message to Stannis that the Northmen at Winterfell mean to betray Roose and Frey.

Wouldn't that be fucking epic. Hnnng.

Rereading Feast and Dance concurrently at the moment, using that handy All Leather Must Be Boiled-chapter guide. It's really interesting seeing everything happen concurrently.
I'm on another read through of the series, and I'm about a quarter of the way through A Dance With Dragons. This'll be my third time reading this book and honestly, it gets better every time I read it. I appreciate a lot of the finer details a lot better, and the overall slow pace doesn't feel so bad. Quentyn is also much more bearable this time around, however pointless he may feel. The only part of the novel I don't think will be improved is the sudden cut off at the end before any of the climatic battles.


The ADWD paperback comes out today in the US and with it comes a new sample chapter for The Winds of Winter. It sounds like it is a Barristan chapter. Has any one read it yet?
The ADWD paperback comes out today in the US and with it comes a new sample chapter for The Winds of Winter. It sounds like it is a Barristan chapter. Has any one read it yet?

It's the same chapter he's shown off before, nothing new or interesting.

Also he's taken trolling of his fans to new levels:

GURM said:
Actually, though, Gardner looks so good as me that I am thinking of sending him to Australia next month in my place, to make all my public appearances while I stay home and write. (Don't everyone agree at once, please). So if you run into "me" in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, or Adelaide... well, you better take care that it's really me. (If he rips open his shirt to expose his breast, it's Gardner).

Dude is never writing again.


The ADWD paperback comes out today in the US and with it comes a new sample chapter for The Winds of Winter. It sounds like it is a Barristan chapter. Has any one read it yet?

Eh, sidequestion, the paperback was just released in the US? I'm pretty sure the one I got at home, that I bought 2 years ago was a paperback. (Europe though).
Or is there something in particular with this one?
The ADWD paperback comes out today in the US and with it comes a new sample chapter for The Winds of Winter. It sounds like it is a Barristan chapter. Has any one read it yet?

It's the first Barriston chapter; he has read two. The first occurs
on the eve of the battle (including a Braveheart-esque speech), as preparations are made. The second chapter is the beginning of the battle.

Pretty awesome. I think ADWD would have been better received initially if it included the two Barriston, one Victarion, and two Tyrion chapters that have been read/released from TWOW. They're great. I love ADWD but I'd love to take 50 pages out of Dany's arc and give them to these.

On a side note I've noticed new fans tend to like ADWD. They didn't have to wait for it.


Eh, sidequestion, the paperback was just released in the US? I'm pretty sure the one I got at home, that I bought 2 years ago was a paperback. (Europe though).
Or is there something in particular with this one?

Yeah, they kept pushing back the release since the hardcover was selling so well.
It's the first Barriston chapter; he has read two. The first occurs
on the eve of the battle (including a Braveheart-esque speech), as preparations are made. The second chapter is the beginning of the battle.

Pretty awesome. I think ADWD would have been better received initially if it included the two Barriston, one Victarion, and two Tyrion chapters that have been read/released from TWOW. They're great. I love ADWD but I'd love to take 50 pages out of Dany's arc and give them to these.

On a side note I've noticed new fans tend to like ADWD. They didn't have to wait for it.

I didn't know that much had been read/released, wow.

Any good tidbits from them?


So, I was thinking today...It's been a while since I read the books all the way through...but we're 100% certain Rhaegar is dead, correct?
I didn't know that much had been read/released, wow.

Any good tidbits from them?

TWOW spoilers

-Victarion arrives in time to flank the Yunk'ai as the battle rages
-Tyrion sees the dragons snatching catapulted bodies out of the sky
-Missandei is in control of Mereen during the battle

-Arianne questions whether Dany is sane, worries about her brother's safety
-Arianne visits a Dornish house that has a strategy book on how to fight dragons
-Aegon captures Storm's End

-Ravens start screaming Theon's name once Stannis agrees to execute him on a heart tree
-Stannis has a plan to destroy Bolton's forces
-Stannis has Bolton's maester, specifically his letters/pink wax...
2020. He is 1/4 done after 2 years = 6 more years to go ( editing probably not included ). Happy waiting!

He was 1/4 done in January 2014. To believe he's still 1/4 done in November 2014 is quite pessimistic*. I believe he's around halfway done by now. Don't have any evidence to back that up, but it seems fair. As has been said before, his schedule is clear from mid December 2013 to late May 2014. I think he'll be doing the heavy lifting during that period.

Martin only has one scheduled event in 2015 btw, in December 2015; in comparison he already has three events in 2016. Personally I think he's shooting for a fall 2014 release, and a big book tour in 2015.

Liam Cunningham claims Martin told him he's about halfway through with the book.


True. Just felt in the mood for pranks. :)
I honestly think a late 2014/ early 2015 release is reasonable, at the earliest. Martin did say he had picked up pace unlike in 2011 and 2012 where he was on the foot to one convention to next entire time, and when he did work it was mostly on other projects.
Barring another Meereenese knot, we shouldn't have to wait that much longer, I think.
True. Just felt in the mood for pranks. :)
I honestly think a late 2014/ early 2015 release is reasonable, at the earliest. Martin did say he had picked up pace unlike in 2011 and 2012 where he was on the foot to one convention to next entire time, and when he did work it was mostly on other projects.
Barring another Meereenese knot, we shouldn't have to wait that much longer, I think.

Yup. It seems like most of two large plotlines - the Winterfell and Mereen battles - are done or close to done, considering at one point they were in ADWD. The first 1/4 of TWOW seems like it's going to heavily focus on both battles. Then there's the Storm's End battle, chaos on the Wall, a potential second Red Wedding in Riverrun...it's going to be pretty damn packed.
I hope we finally get some Marwyn in TWOW. He has to have made it to Meereen by now, right? Seems like a really interesting character from what little we know about him.

El Daniel

Marwyn sounds like a pretty awesome maester:

People say that Marwyn keeps the company of whores and hedge wizards, talks with hairy Ibbenese and pitch-black Summer Islanders in their own tongues, and sacrifices to queer gods at the little sailor’s temples down by Oldtown’s wharves. Men speak of seeing him down by the undercity, in rat pits and black brothels, consorting with mummers, singers, sellswords and even beggars. Some even have whispered that he has killed a man with his fists once. [3] He believes in many curious things. [3]
He has traveled the lands beyond the Narrow Sea. He encountered Mirri Maz Duur in his travels and taught her the secrets of the human body and the Common Tongue. [4]
Marwyn spent eight years in the east mapping distant lands, searching for lost books, and studying with warlocks and shadowbinders. He was nicknamed 'Marwyn the Mage' by Archmaester Vaellyn after his return. [3] The name was soon all over Oldtown, much to Vaellyn’s vast annoyance. He often calls the rest of the maesters the 'grey sheep'.

I wonder what Dany's gonna do to him when she remembers his connection with Mirri Maz Duur.

I hope she doesn't get Drogon to go dracarys on him. That would be unfortunate. But given her mental state and numerous conversations with grass at the end of ADwD...
I wonder what Dany's gonna do to him when she remembers his connection with Mirri Maz Duur.

I hope she doesn't get Drogon to go dracarys on him. That would be unfortunate. But given her mental state and numerous conversations with grass at the end of ADwD...

But I would attribute her talking to grass as a side effect of her dehydration and starvation.

I don't think she's going as mad as people think. At least I hope not :/
He was 1/4 done in January 2014. To believe he's still 1/4 done in November 2014 is quite pessimistic*. I believe he's around halfway done by now. Don't have any evidence to back that up, but it seems fair. As has been said before, his schedule is clear from mid December 2013 to late May 2014. I think he'll be doing the heavy lifting during that period.

Martin only has one scheduled event in 2015 btw, in December 2015; in comparison he already has three events in 2016. Personally I think he's shooting for a fall 2014 release, and a big book tour in 2015.

Liam Cunningham claims Martin told him he's about halfway through with the book.

Assuming he's even a quarter of the way done at this point seems extremely optimistic. He's done so many cons and pr events I can't imagine him having the time or energy to write.

He won't do any during football season and when the season ends, convention season starts.
I think there's a fair chance he gets it out by the end of 2015. 2014 is and has always been a pipe dream. He'd have to finish the book by Summer. That's just not happening. After ADWD was published, I said Summer 2015 was the earlier we'd get the next book. That still seems to be the case.


Kills Photobucket
Oh man, South Park just dropped Joffrey's poisoning.

Right after GRRM conducted a choir of men singing the GOT theme song with every other word being "wiener"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oh man, South Park just dropped Joffrey's poisoning.

Right after GRRM conducted a choir of men singing the GOT theme song with every other word being "wiener"

The SP thread is being really annoying. They keep complaining about spoilers despite the fact nobody in their right mind would believe any of the things said in the episode are spoilers given GRRM is talking about Sam's dick and people dickslapping Joffrey while he is poisoned, along with like 10 other fake things involving dicks. People repeatedly shouting "THERE'S A SPOILER" is actually causing the spoiling.


The SP thread is being really annoying. They keep complaining about spoilers despite the fact nobody in their right mind would believe any of the things said in the episode are spoilers given GRRM is talking about Sam's dick and people dickslapping Joffrey while he is poisoned, along with like 10 other fake things involving dicks. People repeatedly shouting "THERE'S A SPOILER" is actually causing the spoiling.

Yeah. After I watched the episode that's exactly what I was thinking. "It's a spoiler... but hell, it's in the middle of a bizarre description involving hundreds of weiners so doubt anyone who didn't read the books will believe it".



Oh well, GRRM delaying Black Friday was great though.
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