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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Quick question about the Princess and the Queen from Dangerous women.

It's the full story, right? I heard somewhere that it is only a large except from the whole story that will be in the History of Ice and Fire or whatever its called. From the location count on my kindle though, it seems fairly long.

Actually it's 80 pages from a far larger, complete story. Martin said it's 30k words out of the total 80k he did. The full story will be in an as-of-yet-titled novel, to be released after he completes ASOIAF.
Actually it's 80 pages from a far larger, complete story. Martin said it's 30k words out of the total 80k he did. The full story will be in an as-of-yet-titled novel, to be released after he completes ASOIAF.
Ah, that's interesting. He did a solid job of condensing it, though it will be fun to read through the whole version at some point.


They're already including book 4 material in the next season.

Hell, Bran's moving on to his book 5 stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if we got some WoW stuff in season 5 before the actual book comes out, either.

Unless they like add filler scenes to the characters who have little material to work with in FfC and DwD in order to avoid doing that.

El Daniel


Man, the show is catching up quicker than I thought!

pizza dog

We were talking about succession of the title King in the North a little while ago... doesn't Robb also have a secret heir? Least, we've not confirmed that whole business of Jeyne and the moontea. I suppose the TV show closes that door, or at the least signals that any secret heir isn't a major player going forward...
We were talking about succession of the title King in the North a little while ago... doesn't Robb also have a secret heir? Least, we've not confirmed that whole business of Jeyne and the moontea. I suppose the TV show closes that door, or at the least signals that any secret heir isn't a major player going forward...

Robb's heir was/is supposed to be Jon.
While many were most disappointed about Tyrion not meeting Dany in ADWD, my biggest disappointment was the lack of news on Robb's will; I really thought we'd hear something about it. The last couple years have instead seen the creation of my favorite ASOIAF speculation: The Grand Northern Conspiracy. I know we've discussed it before, but I'll post the link again since our conversation has returned to Jon/the North.

I gotta say, while I really want the book to come out, I've enjoyed this period of speculation and theories a lot more than I did during the long ADWD wait. There's just so much stuff in ADWD to theorize about, to figure out, etc. I've enjoyed watching things develop, seeing some of the articles and analysis folks have made, etc.

With respect to the will/Jon: I don't think Manderly knows about it, but I definitely think his Rickon plot is well underway and that the Boltons/Freys are about to get fucked.

pizza dog

Robb's heir was/is supposed to be Jon.

Yeah I know that's what he wrote, but I was just wondering if there was a little a westerling warg running around.

While many were most disappointed about Tyrion not meeting Dany in ADWD, my biggest disappointment was the lack of news on Robb's will; I really thought we'd hear something about it. The last couple years have instead seen the creation of my favorite ASOIAF speculation: The Grand Northern Conspiracy. I know we've discussed it before, but I'll post the link again since our conversation has returned to Jon/the North.

I gotta say, while I really want the book to come out, I've enjoyed this period of speculation and theories a lot more than I did during the long ADWD wait. There's just so much stuff in ADWD to theorize about, to figure out, etc. I've enjoyed watching things develop, seeing some of the articles and analysis folks have made, etc.

With respect to the will/Jon: I don't think Manderly knows about it, but I definitely think his Rickon plot is well underway and that the Boltons/Freys are about to get fucked.

I agree with all these points. I wouldn't love these books half as much without having this thread and the like to share in wild and baseless speculation.
I gotta say, while I really want the book to come out, I've enjoyed this period of speculation and theories a lot more than I did during the long ADWD wait. There's just so much stuff in ADWD to theorize about, to figure out, etc. I've enjoyed watching things develop, seeing some of the articles and analysis folks have made, etc.

I think it's mostly just that this period hasn't been as long (yet). If WoW takes another few years to come out, you'll be just as burnt out on this speculation as you got after AFFC


proud of his butz
I'm sure I'm not the first to think this, but I feel like there's hints that Jamie and Ceresi aren't Tywin's children, but maybe Aerys II.

It would make Jamie and Tyrion both killers of their fathers, both "Kingslayers", both kinslayers, etc etc.

The whole scene of Jamie sitting the throne after killing Aerys would be choke full of irony, given he would technically be the eldest heir to the throne at that time, since Rhaegar was killed, although maybe not since he took the Kingsguard oath.

The whole theme of incest to protect a weaker genetics seems to make sense, too, since I think the Targaryen's inbred because their seed was weak, and so that would explain why Jamie and Ceresi don't look Targaryen, as they have a strong Lannister blood on their mother's side.

It would make Ceresi and Dany sisters, in a weird allusion to the Dance of the Dragons, or even to being the sisters of some Targaryen male who reconquer Westeros similar to Aegon.

Also, maybe it's just more smoke from GRRM that is distracting from the real fire.
You're definitely not the first to mention it. The internet is rife with theories of practically everyone being a secret Targ.

I'm not really opposed to the idea of Jaime and Cersei being Aerys' children. I just don't buy into it. At all.

I think Tyrion being a secret Targ is far more likely.
There have been lots of theories about "secret Targaryens", including all of the Lannister kids.

Personally, I hope none of it is true, if only because I feel it would weaken so much of the dynamic between Tywin and his children from earlier books (especially between him and Tyrion).
I think it's mostly just that this period hasn't been as long (yet). If WoW takes another few years to come out, you'll be just as burnt out on this speculation as you got after AFFC

True but I'd also argue these theories are way more interesting than the stuff that was theorized after AFFC. I remember the main speculation being the Grand Tyrell Conspiracy, Tyrion being Dany's Hand, and of course the Young Griff/Aegon stuff.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Now I'm going to avoid reading any of the posts ITT for fear of spoilers as I'm not even finished with A Feast for Crows, and if you choose to respond to me please refrain from spoiling anything, but I just read one of the most (if not the most) shocking and horrifying deaths in this series. I just needed to post about it.

Brienne being eaten alive by Biter. Jesus fucking Christ that was brutal. Was in disbelief. Caught me by as much surprise--perhaps even more so--than the Red Wedding.

Now I'm terribly sad. :(

John Dunbar

correct about everything
There have been lots of theories about "secret Targaryens", including all of the Lannister kids.

Personally, I hope none of it is true, if only because I feel it would weaken so much of the dynamic between Tywin and his children from earlier books (especially between him and Tyrion).

I'm not sure how I would feel about any of Tywin's kids being secret Targs, would probably depend on how Martin handles it, but I can't deny that Martin has built it up with subtle and not so subtle hints if it does happen. I've seen some fans claim it would come out of nowhere or wouldn't make sense, but to me it's clear that the hints are there. Of course I feel it's more likely at this that it's just Martin messing with people, but would not be shocked if it does happen.

I also kind of disagree that it would weaken the earlier books. If anything, if handled well, it could actually strengthen them. For example, if Tyrion would be a Targ, it would mean him and Jaime killed each other's fathers. And at the time of the murder Tywin was the only father Tyrion had ever known, so even if he will later be revealed as Aerys's bastard, it does not retroactively diminish the importance of the moment. If anything, it might reveal something new about Tywin, if he chose to raise someone else's kid (assuming he knew).


Some people talk about Tyrion being a secret targ. That's pretty much the only thing that would disappoint me immensely, it would take out so much of his relationship with Tywin. If Cersei and Jaime were to be secret targ it would feel lazy because it was set it up pretty late in the books but it wouldn't hit me as much.


proud of his butz
If anything, it might reveal something new about Tywin, if he chose to raise someone else's kid (assuming he knew).

I feel like it's more of a GRRM style irony if Jamie/Ceresi were Aerys' children, and Tywin loved the children he didn't actually father more than his own true son Tyrion.

Given that Tywin and Joanne were cousins, it might make more sense why Tyrion is deformed and her other children weren't. Maybe Tywin even knew J/C weren't his own children, and had to live with the fact knowing someone else could have children with his wife, but when he tried to, she dies during childbirth. I feel like so much of Tywin's hatred for Tyrion was actually hatred he had for himself.

If Cersei and Jaime were to be secret targ it would feel lazy because it was set it up pretty late in the books but it wouldn't hit me as much.

Was it though, if it were true? The main plot of AGoT was based around Jamie/Ceresi being incestual, and Ceresi even brings up how the Targaryeans used to breed with each other as one justification. If she were a Targaryean that would totally have been intentional foreshadowing on GRRM's part straight from the beginning.


Was it though, if it were true? The main plot of AGoT was based around Jamie/Ceresi being incestual, and Ceresi even brings up how the Targaryeans used to breed with each other as one justification. If she were a Targaryean that would totally have been intentional foreshadowing on GRRM's part straight from the beginning.

I guess that's true but it would still feel cheap since Jon Snow is definitely a targ already.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Now I'm going to avoid reading any of the posts ITT for fear of spoilers as I'm not even finished with A Feast for Crows, and if you choose to respond to me please refrain from spoiling anything, but I just read one of the most (if not the most) shocking and horrifying deaths in this series. I just needed to post about it.

Brienne being eaten alive by Biter. Jesus fucking Christ that was brutal. Was in disbelief. Caught me by as much surprise--perhaps even more so--than the Red Wedding.

Now I'm terribly sad. :(

Now I'm going to avoid reading any of the posts ITT for fear of spoilers as I'm not even finished with A Feast for Crows, and if you choose to respond to me please refrain from spoiling anything, but I just read one of the most (if not the most) shocking and horrifying deaths in this series. I just needed to post about it.

Brienne being eaten alive by Biter. Jesus fucking Christ that was brutal. Was in disbelief. Caught me by as much surprise--perhaps even more so--than the Red Wedding.

Now I'm terribly sad. :(


I would be happy if nobody was revealed to be a Targ.

Same. If anything it would be interesting to see Cersei and Jaime be bastards of some servant. Tyrion being Tywin's only legitimate child would be some sweet, sweet irony.


proud of his butz
I guess that's true but it would still feel cheap since Jon Snow is definitely a targ already.

To me it's not so much about them being Targaryeans, because who cares really, as much as what it implies to their relationships to all the other characters. Really, I just want to see Jamie deal with realizing he killed his own father, since he's justified it to himself all this time as being the best thing he's even done for the realm.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Only thing I wouldn't like about Jon being a targ is he wouldn't' be a dragon based on burning his hand saving Mormont. Besides for that, him being the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna would be so awesome...which means it won't happen. :(


Only thing I wouldn't like about Jon being a targ is he wouldn't' be a dragon based on burning his hand saving Mormont. Besides for that, him being the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna would be so awesome...which means it won't happen. :(

Fire resistance is not a trait of Targaryens. Dany survived the pyre due to some miraculous chance. Jon getting burned does not disqualify him of having Targ blood.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Only thing I wouldn't like about Jon being a targ is he wouldn't' be a dragon based on burning his hand saving Mormont. Besides for that, him being the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna would be so awesome...which means it won't happen. :(

what does that mean? targaryens are not immune to fire, if that's what you mean.
Yeah, Targs are just as susceptible to fire as any other person. Remember Aerion Brightflame who thought he could drink wildfire and become a dragon? It didn't really work out too well for him.

What happened with Dany and her dragons is a once in forever miracle pretty much.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Fire resistance is not a trait of Targaryens. Dany survived the pyre due to some miraculous chance. Jon getting burned does not disqualify him of having Targ blood.

Yeah, Targs are just as susceptible to fire as any other person. Remember Aerion Brightflame who thought he could drink wildfire and become a dragon? It didn't really work out too well for him.

What happened with Dany and her dragons is a once in forever miracle pretty much.
The show is probably messing this up for me. Did Danny not show resistance to fire before walking into the flame?
The show is probably messing this up for me. Did Danny not show resistance to fire before walking into the flame?

I'm pretty sure I remember a scene with a scalding hot bath that didn't affect Dany at all . . . or am I imagining that? It's been a while.

I really thought this entire time that she was just immune from fire.
There's a scene where Dany picks an egg up out of the fire and Irri comes in and tries to save her and ends up burning her hands, but Dany learns that her hands are actually fine.
Dany gets nearly blasted in the face by Drogon and doesn't feel anything, only her hair is burned. Plus when she jumps on him she notices metal arrow shafts that are melting. Clearly she has some type of protection from fire, but I don't think she's 100% fire proof. Her hands are singed in her last ADWD chapter.

Basically she'd die if you dropped molten gold on her, or kicked her in a volcano. But she does seem to have some protection. Martin has said the pyre scene was a magical, one time event.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Dany gets nearly blasted in the face by Drogon and doesn't feel anything, only her hair is burned. Plus when she jumps on him she notices metal arrow shafts that are melting. Clearly she has some type of protection from fire, but I don't think she's 100% fire proof. Her hands are singed in her last ADWD chapter.

Basically she'd die if you dropped molten gold on her, or kicked her in a volcano. But she does seem to have some protection. Martin has said the pyre scene was a magical, one time event.

I thought she ducked with just her hair getting singed.

El Daniel

Did Renly know that Joffrey wasn't Roberts son? If not, that means he tried to usurp the throne not only from Stannis, but also from his brothers 'son'.

El Daniel

Did Renly intend to take the throne after he knew Joff wasn't his legitimate heir or since Robert died?

Because his claim would be even smaller if he didn't know.


proud of his butz
Did Renly know that Joffrey wasn't Roberts son? If not, that means he tried to usurp the throne not only from Stannis, but also from his brothers 'son'.

Renly and Loras were trying to take power from the Lannisters / get the Tyrells more involved before Robert gets killed. They thought they could get Robert to fall in love with Margery because they hoped she looked like Lyanna, but Ned tells them she doesn't at all. I don't really know what their motivation was, though. Maybe if the Tyrells were more involved, it would strengthen Renly's claim/power had Robert actually lived longer.
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