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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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It's a work of collected writings by George R. R. Martin that will expand on the lore and mythology of the Ice and Fire universe once the main book line is wrapped. At least, that's what he's said he'd like to do after the books are done.

On a less serious note- the name is a jokey one... One that is thrown about and meant to be a play on/in reference to Tolkein's Silmarillion, which is the precedent for this concept.

If you don't know what The Silmarillion is you should definitely look it up.

Edit: Meant to quote Sir Fragula


I just started The Princess and the Queen today. Read about half of it. Seems really cool to me so far especially reading about dragons in battle.
It's my understanding that Dany very much is immune to fire/heats intolerable to normal humans. There's the scalding hot bath in which she immerses herself to the maids disbelief. There's the ominous "fire cannot kill the dragon" line juxtaposed with the fact that she rests on a bed of flames and emerges with flesh intact. The implication that SHE is the Dragon is clear. The dragon eggs have lain dormant for hundreds of years, unhatched despite the best efforts of her blood predecessors. They hatch for Dany. Beings composed largely from fire chose Dany as their adoptive mother. She is clearly distinguished from your common or garden Targaryen

Put it this way, if Dany starts getting sunburnt and puts up a parasol on her meereenese balcony I'll consider it rather inconsistent. I'm not saying she could go scuba diving in a volcano but there are too many precedents laid in the novels which point to an extraordinary resistance to heat and fire to suggest she is the same class of being as Viserys(or Jon if he is indeed a Targaryen).

Happy new year also, here's hoping TWOW makes it in this calendar.
It's my understanding that Dany very much is immune to fire/heats intolerable to normal humans. There's the scalding hot bath in which she immerses herself to the maids disbelief. There's the ominous "fire cannot kill the dragon" line juxtaposed with the fact that she rests on a bed of flames and emerges with flesh intact. The implication that SHE is the Dragon is clear. The dragon eggs have lain dormant for hundreds of years, unhatched despite the best efforts of her blood predecessors. They hatch for Dany. Beings composed largely from fire chose Dany as their adoptive mother. She is clearly distinguished from your common or garden Targaryen

Put it this way, if Dany starts getting sunburnt and puts up a parasol on her meereenese balcony I'll consider it rather inconsistent. I'm not saying she could go scuba diving in a volcano but there are too many precedents laid in the novels which point to an extraordinary resistance to heat and fire to suggest she is the same class of being as Viserys(or Jon if he is indeed a Targaryen).

Happy new year also, here's hoping TWOW makes it in this calendar.

Word of god from GRRM is that the immunity is a special event.


Dany isn't immune, she has a high tolerance for heat as some Targs did. When she is "burnt" by her dragon, her skin was described as being tender and cracked. I think that line was to show she could be burned but that she has a very high resistance to it. It could be some sort of magic that is inherited to some members of her family.


So no new Winds chapter this year?

Either George is far enough writing to not warrant one, or he ran out of freebies he wrote 5 years ago.

How many short stories or side stories has he released? I know that Novella was just released in a collection but what else is there out there?



How many short stories or side stories has he released? I know that Novella was just released in a collection but what else is there out there?

Four I think.

Three Dunk & Egg stories + The Princess and the Queen.

A few more are supposedly coming with the World of Ice and Fire book and another project that may or not be released in our lifetime dubbed "GRRMillion".
Roommate has read book 1 and is watching my Blus of season 1 now. I can't stand watching with him b/c he is so far behind and I want to tell him everything. I'm pleading with him to read more :lol


A friend of mine finally convinced her parents to watch it, so the two of us, the friend's sister, and her parents watched season 1 together.

It was actually cool, mostly because the three of us were able to pause and explain things that weren't clear to them as they came up.
So no new Winds chapter this year?

Either George is far enough writing to not warrant one, or he ran out of freebies he wrote 5 years ago.

He has read or released eight chapters so far, that's quite a bit, might be more than he released for ADWD. Back then we got two Jon chapters (including one where he hung Slynt instead of beheading him), two Tyrion (including one where Illyrio send a certain sword to "Young Griff"), and a couple Dany chapters iirc.
Enjoying The Princess & The Queen so far. I'll probably be done in another day or two. I just read a little bit before bed, but it feels good to be reading new material. Even though some have complained about the style, I think its refreshing. It's almost like it's an entire SoIaF book condensed down into a history. So instead of having to read point of view chapters, we get highlights and a summary. Not a bad way to learn about something that happened long ago in the universe.
A question came to be randomly.

Why was Balon Greyjoy not put to death? He rebelled, killed thousands and was simply allowed to bend the knee? Why did Robert not kill him, seems very unlike Robert.


A question came to be randomly.

Why was Balon Greyjoy not put to death? He rebelled, killed thousands and was simply allowed to bend the knee? Why did Robert not kill him, seems very unlike Robert.

Killing him would just increase the fervor of the Ironmen to rebel. Taking his only remaining son Theon as a hostage means that Robert can easily keep the Greyjoys in check.
A question came to be randomly.

Why was Balon Greyjoy not put to death? He rebelled, killed thousands and was simply allowed to bend the knee? Why did Robert not kill him, seems very unlike Robert.

Nah, it's very like Robert. Other than with the Targs, he was merciful to his beaten enemies.


A question came to be randomly.

Why was Balon Greyjoy not put to death? He rebelled, killed thousands and was simply allowed to bend the knee? Why did Robert not kill him, seems very unlike Robert.

No thats Stannis. Robert likes fighting and once thats done, he will pardon most men if they bend the knee.. provided they are not dragonspawn.

Killing him would just increase the fervor of the Ironmen to rebel. Taking his only remaining son Theon as a hostage means that Robert can easily keep the Greyjoys in check.

Or this. Depends on the leniency of the lord in question. I think some would thought it good advice to install a new liege lord over the Ironborn, to prevent another Greyjoy rebellion once and for all. Stannis would probably do just that, I think.


A question came to be randomly.

Why was Balon Greyjoy not put to death? He rebelled, killed thousands and was simply allowed to bend the knee? Why did Robert not kill him, seems very unlike Robert.

Robert was quite happy to forgive those who fought against him, he let Selmy live despite Roose Bolton wanting him dead, and people talk about him feasting with people he was battling against the same day fairly often. The only people he had a real blood lust to kill were Rhaegar and Aeris, and that's more for what they did to him and the people he loved (or in Rhaegar's case probably more what he perceived they'd done). Balon hadn't done much to hurt Robert personally, in the end his uprising not only solidified Robert's throne, he embarrassed Tywin Lannister, which I'm sure the king wasn't too upset about.
Dany isn't immune, she has a high tolerance for heat as some Targs did. When she is "burnt" by her dragon, her skin was described as being tender and cracked. I think that line was to show she could be burned but that she has a very high resistance to it. It could be some sort of magic that is inherited to some members of her family.

Dragonfire is different than regular old fire though, right?
Does anybody else wish that Arya stayed blind? I think it would be a cool change to her character instead of just one chapter.

That actually could have been pretty interesting. And as long as there was an animal around that she could warg into, she could still see what was happening around her. Could be sort of a Muad'Dib thing.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
That actually could have been pretty interesting. And as long as there was an animal around that she could warg into, she could still see what was happening around her. Could be sort of a Muad'Dib thing.
Arya doesn't realize she's a warg. She hasn't had anyone around to suggest it either. It's bound to happen though, right?
Arya doesn't realize she's a warg. She hasn't had anyone around to suggest it either. It's bound to happen though, right?

Yeah, she's still in that phase where she realizes there's some strange stuff going on with her and animals, but doesn't really understand what.

Also, GoT season 4 trailer:


Looks pretty good. Really hoping that they do a good job with this season, since the second part of ASOS is my favorite part in the series. So many great moments.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Sansa though


Brienne is no where to be seen, correct? Or is she probably the one holding the white flag on the horse?


Arya doesn't realize she's a warg. She hasn't had anyone around to suggest it either. It's bound to happen though, right?
I dont think she has realized that she is a warg in its definition but she definately knows that she can controp those animals and that its nymeria she is seeing through in her wolf dreams

Its a shame martin has given us such little time in arya chapters for her to process these things in her mind. He is too busy jam packing her chapters with descriptions of braavos and the faceless men while trying to fast forward her story along because of the missing 5 year jump


You guys are crazy, Sansa's chapters after she leaves KL are great. Granted, she's still an insufferable fool but seeing LF through her eyes is really interesting.


Started ADWD last night. I look forward to being able to participate in this thread when I'm done. Which give my typical reading pace will be around the time the next book comes out. :lol
Stolen from another forum:

Save the Date! (2014 Edition) said:
February 16, 2014 - The wait for TWoW now exceeds half the wait for AFfC after ASoS.

April 27, 2014 - Three-year anniversary of Martin's completion of ADwD.

May 26, 2014 - The wait for TWoW now exceeds half the wait for ADwD after AFfC.

July 12, 2014 - Three-year anniversary of the release of ADwD.

October 17, 2014 - Nine-year anniversary of the initial (UK) release of AFfC (last published material from Sam, Sansa, and Brienne PoVs).

Also its been over a year now since the last time he mentioned TWoW on his Livejournal: http://grrm.livejournal.com/tag/the winds of winter


I surely can't judge because writing is something that seems hard for me outside of school stuff, but what the hell is it with fantasy novels that's so damn time-consuming? The books are long but I feel like they're not that long or complicated. I'm sure GRRM has his reasons and power to him since it's his world but still.
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