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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Professional Schmuck
I will say I observed much of the same that you're all saying about AFFC, but after the show started I ran through the series and it's actually quite good on the 2nd go.
I enjoy Hotah simply because he gives a glimpse of Doran Martel, who I really like. Personally Hotah's first AFFC chapter is one of the best in the series to me. Just the imagery of Doran watching the children, wrestling with the reality that his next move could lead to the ruin of his country.

Brienne...hmm. On re-read her chapters weren't horrible, but a couple felt rather unnecessary. Still they gave us an interesting glimpse of Randyl Tarly plus the great Septon Meribald chapter. But overall I feel like she's the weakest POV in the series.
Brienne's chapters are just padded to hell. Cut out the CrackClaw point stuff and trim it down to a few chapters and her AFFC story would be pretty good.
GRRM ran into major structural problems mid series. There was originally supposed to be a 5 year gap after the end of ASOS, but it didn't work and Martin struggled for years to write around it, then scrapped it, and then ran into more structural problems as a result of that change.

Basically GRRM didn't plan things out well, found out his idea for a time skip didn't work, and had to spend years figuring out things.

Because GURM is a gardener not a planner and he doesn't write down notes and is making this shit up on the fly. And since gets distracted easily and he wrote himself into a corner it took him years to attempt to undo it.

Don't expect the next book any time soon because he hates writing ASoIAF and prefers going to cons, posting pop corn recipes and editing Wild Cards anthologies to working on his real money maker.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I enjoy Hotah simply because he gives a glimpse of Doran Martel, who I really like. Personally Hotah's first AFFC chapter is one of the best in the series to me. Just the imagery of Doran watching the children, wrestling with the reality that his next move could lead to the ruin of his country.
Hotah is still just a pair of eyes. No distinct personality and very limited insight to the events unfolding. As a POV character I thought he was the worst by far.


You never know when a character will have a good chapter. Generally though I think there is too much of the Martell characters and maybe we could have done without one or two Brienne chapters. However I really did enjoy the Brienne chapter where the priest was talking about his experience as a soldier. On a side note I think Brienne is more likely to be Azor Ahai than Jaime. Azor Ahai stuck his sword into Nissa Nissa. Nissa means test and the whole point of the story is sacrifice. Brienne is the one being tested here. She has to sacrifice something or the other, either her loyalty to Catelyn or her friendship to Jaime. Personally I think she sticks her sword into Catelyn and whatever power is allowing Catelyn to come back from the dead is sucked into the sword. Also "waking dragons from stone" and Lady Stoneheart, I see a connection.
Because GURM is a gardener not a planner and he doesn't write down notes and is making this shit up on the fly. And since gets distracted easily and he wrote himself into a corner it took him years to attempt to undo it.

Don't expect the next book any time soon because he hates writing ASoIAF and prefers going to cons, posting pop corn recipes and editing Wild Cards anthologies to working on his real money maker.
Actually Martin has extensive notes on all the major characters.

His last public event was last month, and he doesn't have another until late May 2014. That's about 6 months of time to work on the novel without major interruptions (ie travel), plus the Mereenese Knot is untangled so he presumably won't have as many structural issues. I think he'll do some heavy lifting during that period. If its true he's about halfway finished now, he'll be close to the end by May (hopefully).


We may get to see some Winds of Winter material on the show or things that were not shown in ADWD. Probably not this upcoming season but the next. I think it will mostly be about Bran and Rickon and what they went through. Especially about Bran and what happened in that cave.
We may get to see some Winds of Winter material on the show or things that were not shown in ADWD. Probably not this upcoming season but the next. I think it will mostly be about Bran and Rickon and what they went through. Especially about Bran and what happened in that cave.

Leaf and Bloodraven are in the next season, so I'm guessing if the book isn't out by the time S5 arrives in spring 2015 we will see some new Bran stuff.

Rickon...in the show, he goes to the Last Hearth (Umbers) whereas in the books he goes to Skagos. I'm guessing there will be big changes in terms of the Manderly plot, Davos, etc.
Leaf and Bloodraven are in the next season, so I'm guessing if the book isn't out by the time S5 arrives in spring 2015 we will see some new Bran stuff.

Rickon...in the show, he goes to the Last Hearth (Umbers) whereas in the books he goes to Skagos. I'm guessing there will be big changes in terms of the Manderly plot, Davos, etc.

I'm convinced they're going to have Ramsay hunt Rickon and Osha in the show on their way to Skaagos. Weren't there some set reports that back that up?


I may have only read the books for the first time a few months ago and have little idea what I'm talking about, but fuck it, I'm going to be stupidly optimistic and say it'll get released a month or so after S4 of GoT wraps up.


He says that George visited him on his birthday, which was in May; I think it's fair to presume that was the last time they talked, therefore it was when George told him the TWOW news. This interestingly coincides with the news that Liam Cunningham said George told him he's halfway through TWOW, during the S3 premier (in March)

I wouldn't be surprised if he's still at about the 50% mark now, due to all the traveling he did/other writings. And as I said earlier, he's now in New Mexico for the next 6 months. He has already said he halted his work on the next Dunk & Egg to continue working on TWOW, and I think this period will see a lot of the heavy lifting completed. I don't think the book will be done in May 2014, but I think he'll be close.
I went through "The Princess and the Queen" over the last couple of days. It's a good read (though it's very dry due to its format as a 'historical document') but it's well worth a look if anyone wants information on how dragon combat works in ASoIaF.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Fuck this, I want to believe so bad! AGHHHDFHFDHGFJF

Waited thirteen years to see Dany and Tyrion meet, goddammit, and it didn't happen. You have no idea how much I want to belieeeeeve


It'll come out eventually, a year, two years, three, whatever. Worrying about its release is a thing of summer. I'll smile when I unwrap the package in 2050.


ugnnnhnnnhh I was gasping for air when I read that tweet

the wait for the last book is going to be something else

<3 Emilia

Someone find me someone that can intro me to her nowz!

A few months ago HBO was doing some Q&A with cast members and Maisie Williams, Kit Harrington, and Michelle Fairley totally answered my questions. So, yeah. They all know me. I totally can introduce you to Emilia, dude.
The saddest thing about GRRM's taking forever to write these books isn't that the show will pass the books, it's that Dotrice will likely die before he finishes...

Agreed, I seriously doubt he'll make it long enough to read the final one, but there may be hope for TWOW...

If the show overtakes the books I'll just stop watching the show.
I dont see the point, you will most likely get spoiled and they probably wont be that similar except for the obvious story beats.

Just personal preference. I like the show, but I just won't be as interested if it has to take its own direction because GRRM didn't write fast enough.

Regardless, I'm pretty confident they won't beat him to TWOW. He's got, what, two and a half years or so until they would start on that? Part 2 of book 3 comes out this summer, right? Then two seasons for books 4 and 5.

They'll probably beat him to the last one, but hey.
Regardless, I'm pretty confident they won't beat him to TWOW. He's got, what, two and a half years or so until they would start on that? Part 2 of book 3 comes out this summer, right? Then two seasons for books 4 and 5.

They'll probably beat him to the last one, but hey.
They're already including book 4 material in the next season.

Hell, Bran's moving on to his book 5 stuff.


Quick question about the Princess and the Queen from Dangerous women.

It's the full story, right? I heard somewhere that it is only a large except from the whole story that will be in the History of Ice and Fire or whatever its called. From the location count on my kindle though, it seems fairly long.
Quick question about the Princess and the Queen from Dangerous women.

It's the full story, right? I heard somewhere that it is only a large except from the whole story that will be in the History of Ice and Fire or whatever its called. From the location count on my kindle though, it seems fairly long.
It seemed complete to me. I'm sure they could bulk it up for another use if they wanted to, but it's reasonably long and comes to an end at a logical place.
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