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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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If it wasn't for George's age and health I really wouldn't mind this series going on for many more books. I would totally be cool with nine books, that would be awesome. There are so many storylines that you realize even with two books it won't be so easy to wrap them up, even if storylines converge. He really needs to be laser focused on advancing the plot. Either way I hope the television show has a different ending than the books. There is no way George is going to get to seven books in time for the last season of the show and I think the show writers doing their own endings is better than ending the story before George. That way we can also compare and contrast endings. I would like to see one ending involving politics and the other involving fantasy. Or one ending where the characters fail and the other where they succeed in pushing back the white walkers.

This is a great idea, but it will never happen!

I just hope when the time comes, the Martin family entrusts the series to capable writers who can continue the series in some manner. I'm not asking for a Star Wars Extended Universe debacle or anything, but just a few high quality writers filling in some blanks or writing some cool back story.
I think Martin can finish in two ASOS/ADWD sized novels without missing major plot points. It seems like things will begin moving quickly in the world due to so many powers extinguishing themselves. The north is weakened, the Lannister army is scattered/leaderless, etc. It's an opportunity for someone or something to quickly take advantage of. Perhaps the Others in the north and certainly Aegon in the south. I don't know how Dany will play in, unless it's some last minute "eagles are coming!" shit. But again, Westeros will be weak enough for her to make a huge impact quickly.

If Martin doesn't finish ADOS before the show it'll be due to him not taking it seriously IMO. His 2015 and 2016 schedule is pretty empty, and we know he schedules things years in advance. If he starts accepting various offers in those years it'll tell me he's not focused and doesn't feel the heat, basically. I'm not saying he should never travel, but doing 5-10 huge events a year has to stop if he wants to finish on time. Likewise, accepting multiple editing jobs has to be put on hold. He has mentioned that he's turning projects down constantly now, which is good news.

I'm assuming 2015 is largely empty because he expects to do a TWOW book tour. That's fine, as long as it isn't some Olympian feat. The book could end up being two seasons of television at best, so he can't spend all of 2015 on tour (which is sort of what he did for ADWD in 2011 and part of 2012).


I mean, I know it's technically possible and if he got it all together he should be able to finish it, but honestly... ADoS in 3.5 year?

*laughs wryly*
My god are you an optimist. He'd have to finish the book within 2 or 3 years, and it's going to have to be another massive 400k+ word doorstopper.

You're right, it'll be another huge book. But unlike with the others he won't be flying around the country/world attending events. I think he'll be quite motivated to end things once he's close to the finish line (ie after TWOW).

I wound up becoming pretty damn pessimistic during the long Dance wait but I feel like something is different. We all knew Martin was struggling with Dance due to a couple big issues. I could be completely wrong but I just feel like TWOW will pose far fewer issues considering THE series' biggest issues (the knot, and the five year gap) are resolved.


I wouldn't mind the wait if we knew that TWOW will be ASOS 2.0 in terms of quality and size. I think if it's exciting enough, we could get two seasons of the show out of the book, which would help GRRM finish off the series. I do worry that it will take more than seven books though. There are dozens of unresolved plotlines, both big and small. I presume some stuff may be never solved or talked about in detail, but even some of the bigger stories seemingly have a long way to go. I don't get how Dany is supposed to go from dicking around with the Dothraki to Westeros in less than two books. Arya is still in Faceless Man 101 classes, Jon's gotta spend a couple of chapters dead etc.

Spoilers for The Winds of Winter preview chapters:

There are at least three or four chapters regarding the Battle of Mereen from Tyrion, Barristan, and Victarion's perspective. That's like four chapters on ONE BATTLE.
I wouldn't mind the wait if we knew that TWOW will be ASOS 2.0 in terms of quality and size. I think if it's exciting enough, we could get two seasons of the show out of the book, which would help GRRM finish off the series. I do worry that it will take more than seven books though. There are dozens of unresolved plotlines, both big and small. I presume some stuff may be never solved or talked about in detail, but even some of the bigger stories seemingly have a long way to go. I don't get how Dany is supposed to go from dicking around with the Dothraki to Westeros in less than two books. Arya is still in Faceless Man 101 classes, Jon's gotta spend a couple of chapters dead etc.

Spoilers for The Winds of Winter preview chapters:

There are at least three or four chapters regarding the Battle of Mereen from Tyrion, Barristan, and Victarion's perspective. That's like four chapters on ONE BATTLE.

That's how GRRM has been writing for the past decade, there's no reason to expect his style to change again and for him to all of a sudden start writing fast paced and concise chapters. I think it'll be an issue when he's writing the last book and has to struggle with splitting it again and extending the series. If he continues writing the way he has been, he's going to need another million+ words to finish this.



Damn, I almost didn't recognize Isaac. Looks like some Hollywood script writer.
I wouldn't mind the wait if we knew that TWOW will be ASOS 2.0 in terms of quality and size. I think if it's exciting enough, we could get two seasons of the show out of the book, which would help GRRM finish off the series. I do worry that it will take more than seven books though. There are dozens of unresolved plotlines, both big and small. I presume some stuff may be never solved or talked about in detail, but even some of the bigger stories seemingly have a long way to go. I don't get how Dany is supposed to go from dicking around with the Dothraki to Westeros in less than two books. Arya is still in Faceless Man 101 classes, Jon's gotta spend a couple of chapters dead etc.

Spoilers for The Winds of Winter preview chapters:

There are at least three or four chapters regarding the Battle of Mereen from Tyrion, Barristan, and Victarion's perspective. That's like four chapters on ONE BATTLE.

A list of many of the questions remaining, split by region:

A lot of those plot points will create further questions once addressed, making things even more complicated. For instance if Manderly and Stannis take Winterfell, then what? The next plot could become dealing with Others, or planning to attack the Freys, or waiting for Rickon etc.

I think many of the biggest plot points will be answered in TWOW simply because ADWD ends right on the cliff of some huge events; there's no "set up" left, the ball has started rolling for multiple plots. For instance we can probably agree the Mereen battle will be resolved (in part thanks to multiple POVs there), the Winterfell battle will be resolved, "Aegon" will do something (TWOW
he has captured Storm's End, and a Lannister force has left KL to attack him
), etc.

But then there are plots like Dany's...is she going to get to Westeros? Who knows, at her slow ass pace. I have a bad feeling she'll be fucking around with Dothraki/crones for multiple chapters, all while Mereen gets fucked up. I wish she'd just torch the khalasar and fly back to Mereen.

By the end of the book I think a lot of characters will be dead (including some POVs), and some major shit will have happened. I'd bet money Aegon will be king. But will Dany be in Westeros, will Jon be alive, will Rickon be in Winterfell, etc? Who knows.


At this point I am not really sure if I want to see Dany taking the IT. It feels out of place. Maybe it would be better if she'd establish her kingdom accross the see.

I am finishing my AFFC reread. I like it so much that I am sorry I skipped the Brienne chapters. Hope I will get the same kick out of Dance.
At this point I am not really sure if I want to see Dany taking the IT. It feels out of place. Mayb it would we better if she'd establish her kingdom accross the see.

I am finishing my AFFC reread. I like it so much that I am sorry I skipped the Brienne chapters. Hope I will get the same kick out of Dance.

I'll be pissed if she does. Anyone but her is fine.


Maybe she can restore Valyria or something, raise it out of the sea.

That's actually what I think she'll do instead of taking the Iron Throne. She'll have some epiphany and realize she was chasing after it for the wrong reasons, and decide to go clear the ghosts and nasty shit out of the ruins instead and be the Queen of New Valyria.


I'll be pissed if she does. Anyone but her is fine.

Well, yeah. I cannot say with certainty because I have no idea what is GRRM's final plan. But with the current build up Dany needs to fail in sitting on the IT and rulling the 7 kingdoms. I did not get pissed of about anything in the books so far, but if she just starts rulling after some battle(s) then f*ck.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I thought of a couple questions.

1) What is this 5 year gap I've read about? Does it have to do with the release of the books?

2) Is there a reason why Littlefinger keeps fucking over Tryion? Does he have a motive or is Tyrion simply an easy target?
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