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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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A Human Becoming

More than a Member
None of the five officially released have serious spoilers. They're pretty much just cut chapters from ADWD instead of being newly written material.

EDIT: Well, even if the Arianna chapter was cut, it feels separate compared to the other four.
The other POVs are not actively involved in the battles of Winterfell and Mereen. For me those two events are what separates ADWD and TWOW. You could argue Tyrion II I suppose.
Arianne II has a pretty noteworthy spoiler though:
Aegon captures Storm's End, and a Tyrell force (likely led by Randyl Tarly) has left King's Landing to deal with it. Martin has said he's probably going to show the battle; I wouldn't be surprised if the prologue chapter shows it, or an early Connington chapter
Even if these aren't major spoilers, I don't want to pick up the book and feel like I've already read a 1/4 of it. That already happened with AFFC and ADWD.
Fun fact: the very first ASoIaF chapter I ever read was the Tyrion I sample chapter from ADWD. By the time I got around to reading the series I had forgotten all about it (good thing too, considering how much it spoils), but then when I read Dance I immediately was like, "Woah, I remember this!"

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Arianne II has a pretty noteworthy spoiler though:
Aegon captures Storm's End, and a Tyrell force (likely led by Randyl Tarly) has left King's Landing to deal with it. Martin has said he's probably going to show the battle; I wouldn't be surprised if the prologue chapter shows it, or an early Connington chapter
I shouldn't have read that. I mixed I and II up, oh well. Yeah, that one is noteworthy. I was just talking about the first five.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
New Winds chapter coming soon:


The tone of his post seems like he's in good spirits. TWOW to release this year!!

Interesting this isn't just a re-posting of the chapter from the smartphone app.

Ah, it's the Arianne chapter he read at a con.


He said Arianne in the journal.

He said he was taking down Arianne, not that it is her.

Arya is likely, if she is still in training mode. Anyone but Damphair, George!!
Brienne/Jaime or Theon/Asha make sense if the title is 'Mercy' as well, but I doubt those cliffhangers would be spoiled


Obviously I hope it's Sansa, mainly because I wanna what this "maybe/maybe not controversial chapter" is, but I don't think we'll get any sample chapters from her.

I'd be really happy with Arya, too, and I can see a chapter from her being called that.

He says he wrote the chapter years ago before any sample chapters we've seen so far, and that it's been changed a lot since he first wrote it. Hmm

edit: and apparently someone trustworthy on the westeros forums confirmed that the chapter will answer a question fans have been wanting the answer to since 2011. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I don't want it to be an Arya chapter. If it is, I'll be tempted to read it, and I want to remain as unspoiled as possible when it comes to my favorite little assassin-in-training.
Obviously I hope it's Sansa, mainly because I wanna what this "maybe/maybe not controversial chapter" is, but I don't think we'll get any sample chapters from her.

I'd be really happy with Arya, too, and I can see a chapter from her being called that.

He says he wrote the chapter years ago before any sample chapters we've seen so far, and that it's been changed a lot since he first wrote it. Hmm

We know he wrote an Arya and Sansa chapter years ago, and they were removed. Same applies to the Damphair chapter he has tried to read at cons for years only to have fans select something else lol.

Ran said the "controversy" was moreso about character development than something insane or plot driven, imo


Could it not be a Dany chapter? That khal she bumped into, one of Drogo's Bloodriders, I'm pretty sure he'll be begging for mercy pretty soon.

I'm hoping for a Theon/Asha chapter though.


Could it not be a Dany chapter? That khal she bumped into, one of Drogo's Bloodriders, I'm pretty sure he'll be begging for mercy pretty soon.

I'm hoping for a Theon/Asha chapter though.

That would be beyond Dany's planned ADWD arc though, no? And correct me if I'm wrong, but GRRM is yet to release a completely fresh TWOW chapter?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I bet it will be either Sansa, Arya, Arianne or Aeron. They each had chapters cut from ADWD. Good chance for Arianne if he's replacing her chapter on his website, which is what I originally incorrectly read in his blog post. Doesn't mean it still isn't happening.

Chris R

Could someone do a rundown of all the various chapters and where to find them? I've read one or two that GRRM had on his site but that was a LONG time ago...
Could someone do a rundown of all the various chapters and where to find them? I've read one or two that GRRM had on his site but that was a LONG time ago...
From a few days ago.
He has read more than he has officially released, so far. The officially released chapters are:

-Barristan I (you can read it in the ADWD paperback)
-Arianne I http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/
-Tyrion II (released yesterday in the app. Dunno if mods allow links for the chapter)
-Victarion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGQO5F_bWgA
-Theon I http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/sample-chapter-from-winds-of-winter.207815997/

The ones he has read at conventions, and we have fan impressions of:
-Barristan II
-Arianne II
-Tyrion I
Just remember to please spoiler tag discussion.


Awesome read. With this and the Tyrion chapter release on the app I am realizing how much I miss Martin's prose and the way he writes the banter. I swear, I'll eat the book whole in a day once it comes out.

And so Arya's hit-list grows shorter. Still, pretty bizarre sexual content in that chapter, lol.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Awesome read. With this and the Tyrion chapter release on the app I am realizing how much I miss Martin's prose and the way he writes the banter. I swear, I'll eat the book whole in a day once it comes out.

And so Arya's hit-list grows shorter. Still, pretty bizarre sexual content in that chapter, lol.

Yeah. I think he's telling us that Arya is growing up a bit. She's at the cusp of puberty, so it's unavoidable.

Was that kiss by Raff her first kiss? If so, poor Arya, lol. Still, worth it.

"Think so?"

So good.


Holy shit holy shit holy shit.

That might be one of my top ten favourite chapters in the series.

I didn't get what the play was about until the dwarf started practising his lines about his family being made of gold, probably should have got it from the fat king who dies after fighting a demonic boar really.

Written by a Forel? Hmm.

Had to check who had a chicken sigil, kind of forgot about that guy.

When you realise it's Raff...

When she gets him to say "You need to carry me"...

Is the bit where Yoren threatens to nick that artery on a Gold Cloak in the show in the books as well? I can't find it if it is, but that would be awesome if he's the one who taught her to do that. In fact seeing as D&D would have possibly seen that chapter by then I wouldn't be surprised if that scene was added especially for this.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Holy shit holy shit holy shit.

That might be one of my top ten favourite chapters in the series. [spoilers stuf]
Yeah, the Forel bit made me go "hmmmm". A historic Forel, ancestor to Syrio, or a living relative? Now I want to know.

Rooster sigil is House Swyft. Blue rooster on yellow background. link to image.
When "Mercy" said he was handsome, I tried to think of who was left on her list, and immediately thought of Raff. Awesome. Who's left now? She sorta removed the Hound from her list, and she probably doesn't know Gregor's fate, so: Cersei, the Mountain, Ser Ilyn Payne, Ser Meryn Trant, Dunsen?

Edit: sorry, can't seem to really spoiler-tag URLs? Anyway, I obfuscated as much as I could. :p


Sample chapter spoilers:

So do we know specifically who this envoy is, and who this "Black Pearl" woman is?

The Black Pearl is a courtesan from Braavos IIRC. She's descended from the first Black Pearl, who incidentally was one of the Great Bastards, legitimised bastard daughter of Aegon IV The Unworthy and sister to Bloodraven, Daemon Blackfyre, Bittersteel and King Dareon. So this lady has some Targ blood. She buys some cockles off Arya in AFFC.

Yeah the Westerosi envoy is Harys Swyft, Kevan Lannister's father in law. He was briefly Hand of the King in AFFC, now Lord Treasurer, and recently was sent by Kevan to treat with the Iron Bank. Seeing as they're off negotiating with Stannis I doubt that will go well for him.


Great chapter one again. Made sitting in a waiting room more tense than usual.

George has previewed 9 chapters so far, all which were once planned to be in ADWD. I think there's a Sansa and Damphair chapter left and then it's uncharted territory.
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