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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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IMO Stannis is somewhat safe in TWOW due to the prophesy; Dany will deal with him, and I don't see her arriving in Westeros in TWOW (unless it's towards the very end of the book). But the real reason is because I'm a Stannis fanboy...

Sorry, which prophecy necessitates that Stannis should stay alive?


Thanks. He seems pretty confident about TWOW's release. Though it might be because he hopes for D&D to actually do 3 seasons of Feast/Dance, which sure as hell ain't happening.

Which is why ASOIF communities across the web is having a bit of a meltdown right now. People are becoming quite antsy about the possibility of the show passing the books.
Funny comic someone at r/asoiaf made over this whole affair: http://imgur.com/a/sQgVW

Herr K

The three lies prophesy from the HOTU. Presumably Stannis is the "blue eyed king who cast no shadow" that Dany sees, and will prove to be false.
Which, again, doesn't really protect him. Knowing GRRM and his intentions about going all in with the beginning of the next book, he could die in the first few chapters. Heck, he could even die if Roose plays his cards well.
I always took it as more likely to be Jon.
That'd be interesting, but I don't know how is Jon related to "Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.". If anything, I believe Dany would be the obvious choice, since, you know, she did wake dragons out of "stone" (the eggs).
The three lies prophesy from the HOTU. Presumably Stannis is the "blue eyed king who cast no shadow" that Dany sees, and will prove to be false.

Well, we know he's false, but I don't think she actually needs to encounter him (just as she saw a premonition of the Red Wedding at the HOTU as well).
Which, again, doesn't really protect him. Knowing GRRM and his intentions about going all in with the beginning of the next book, he could die in the first few chapters. Heck, he could even die if Roose plays his cards well.

My anticipation of how things go at Winterfell is that we'll see the Boltons/Freys/Karstarks overthrown by the other lords of the North, but that Stannis will also end up dead.
That'd be interesting, but I don't know how is Jon related to "Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.". If anything, I believe Dany would be the obvious choice, since, you know, she did wake dragons out of "stone" (the eggs).

The theory now is that Jon is basically reborn with the whole assassination deal. The salt is Marsh's tears, the smoke is how the steam is described coming from his open wounds.

Plus all the Melisandre stuff trying to see Azor Ahai and only seeing Snow. And the bloody star deal.
The theory now is that Jon is basically reborn with the whole assassination deal. The salt is Marsh's tears, the smoke is how the steam is described coming from his open wounds.

Plus all the Melisandre stuff trying to see Azor Ahai and only seeing Snow. And the bloody star deal.

Like I said, I always thought he was the most likely candidate. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


I'm pretty sure Martin is doing his best to paint several candidates for the prophecy. The most obvious are Jon and Dany. And sort of Stannis but it is fairly obvious he isn't actually the one. I'm sure a theory could be made for several other characters as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being Dany, simply because the "Ah ha! No one said Azor Ahai reborn had to be a man!" 'shock' factor.
I'm pretty sure Martin is doing his best to paint several candidates for the prophecy. The most obvious are Jon and Dany. And sort of Stannis but it is fairly obvious he isn't actually the one. I'm sure a theory could be made for several other characters as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being Dany, simply because the "Ah ha! No one said Azor Ahai reborn had to be a man!" 'shock' factor.

Sam is Azor Ahai reborn.


Wasn't Victarion another candidate for AA? He is the coolest character post SoS and now that he is totally insane with the whole burnt arm he will either die stupidly or die gloriously, no middle ground.

Also please, my dear friend George, please consider to do something remotely interesting with Arya. She has had two books where she does absolutely nothing.


I'd laugh so hard if Hodor is in fact a descendant of the Targaryens and the reason he is all slow mentally is because of the insane amount of inbreeding that occurred.

Probably not, though he could be one of the descendants of Dunk the Lunk, thick as a castle wall.

Myself, I don't think Azor Ahai is a single person, but rather a concept or a theme of which we will see various embodiments of, which is why there are so many signs either pointing to Daenerys, Jon, Stannis or even Brienne etc. It would be kind of silly if this prophecy plays out in a straightforward manner and he/she ( whoever is Azor Ahai ) defeats the others or whatever.



That was really good, thanks for sharing. I think GRRM would be a great person to have a beer with as the success clearly hasn't made him deviate from his course with the series. He sounds a little bit trapped by the deadlines looming now is the only negative aspect of everything but his ideas for prequel stories on HBO is intriguing.
Also please, my dear friend George, please consider to do something remotely interesting with Arya. She has had two books where she does absolutely nothing.

I find her character extremely interesting even though I have no idea how it relates in the backdrop of the overarching story.
Also please, my dear friend George, please consider to do something remotely interesting with Arya. She has had two books where she does absolutely nothing.

Not having the time skip really hurt her arc. Of course, the fact she only has five chapters total between AFfC and ADwD doesn't help much to progress her story.

Hopefully, she's jampacked into TWoW because I still really like her character, but her storyline is so stagnant right now.
IMO Stannis is somewhat safe in TWOW due to the prophesy; Dany will deal with him, and I don't see her arriving in Westeros in TWOW (unless it's towards the very end of the book). But the real reason is because I'm a Stannis fanboy...

I feel like a complete dolt, but wasn't it implied that Stannis was killed by the Boltons at the end of DwD?
I feel like a complete dolt, but wasn't it implied that Stannis was killed by the Boltons at the end of DwD?

We don't know whether the letter was truthful or not. Personally I don't believe it, and there are various theories on who wrote it/why. I think Ramsay wrote it, but was given false information by Manderly. Basically I think the battle happened, the Manderlys switched sides and killed the Freys then joined Stannis. Manderly convinces Stannis to let him take "Lightbringer" to Winterfell as proof that he defeated him. Meanwhile Stannis' men move closer to Winterfell, and the plan will be for Manderly men to open the gates thus allowing Stannis' army to rush in.

btw read Theon's first TWOW sample chapter.

Herr K

I always just assumed Ramsay was bullshitting.

About Stannis? I believe the same. About Mance? Hard to tell. That may be true.

Theon's Chapter on TWOW's Preview is an interesting read.

Also, are there any theories regarding Coldhands? I believe he's Benjen.

Edit: I just saw there are theories about him too.
theres a new WoW excerpt in the iOS app world of ice and fire. i'm updating now. it says its never been seen before and free for anyone who gets the app (which is also free).


I'm guessing this is old news but if anyone wants more TWOW previews chapters there's a Theon one here that's pretty damn good: http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/sample-chapter-from-winds-of-winter.207815997/

I wish there was a place where they were all gathered together.

Mannis handling Karstarks like a BAMF.

'Try and hire the Golden Company' good luck with that.

Him saying if he dies in battle they have to place Shireen on the Iron Throne was pretty awesome.

I'm surprised Stannis isn't shipping Theon to the wall for Mel to burn, he surely qualifies as having kings blood. Maybe he will.

Dare I say if Stannis survives the Battle for Winterfell he might actually be a contender for the Iron Throne with the Iron Bank behind him.
I'm guessing this is old news but if anyone wants more TWOW previews chapters there's a Theon one here that's pretty damn good: http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/sample-chapter-from-winds-of-winter.207815997/

I wish there was a place where they were all gathered together.

Mannis handling Karstarks like a BAMF.

'Try and hire the Golden Company' good luck with that.

Him saying if he dies in battle they have to place Shireen on the Iron Throne was pretty awesome.

I'm surprised Stannis isn't shipping Theon to the wall for Mel to burn, he surely qualifies as having kings blood. Maybe he will.

Dare I say if Stannis survives the Battle for Winterfell he might actually be a contender for the Iron Throne with the Iron Bank behind him.

Thanks for posting! Yep, GRRM had this up on his "official" site a while back. My two favorite characters are now merging into one arc. So psyched.
Have the four chapters released so far (Selmy, Theon, Arianna and Tyrion) all been full chapters?

He has read more than he has officially released, so far. The officially released chapters are:

-Barristan I (you can read it in the ADWD paperback)
-Arianne I http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/
-Tyrion II (released yesterday in the app. Dunno if mods allow links for the chapter)
-Victarion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGQO5F_bWgA
-Theon I http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/sample-chapter-from-winds-of-winter.207815997/

The ones he has read at conventions, and we have fan impressions of:
-Barristan II
-Arianne II
-Tyrion I
He has read more than he has officially released, so far. The officially released chapters are:

-Barristan I (you can read it in the ADWD paperback)
-Arianne I http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/
-Tyrion II (released yesterday in the app. Dunno if mods allow links for the chapter)
-Victarion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGQO5F_bWgA
-Theon I http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/sample-chapter-from-winds-of-winter.207815997/

The ones he has read at conventions, and we have fan impressions of:
-Barristan II
-Arianne II
-Tyrion I

Man, I'm really torn about how much I want to read these.
Man, I'm really torn about how much I want to read these.

I remember when ADWD came out and about 100 pages in I realized I had read so much of it through sample chapters over the years. I kinda felt...not spoiled, but disappointed that I had read a decent amount of the book before it came out. Promised myself I wouldn't read any TWOW samples. I have read them all lol...

A couple are "travel log" type chapters, but overall they're good. And honestly, Tyrion II and Barristan II are some of the best chapters in the series IMO. They're damn good. If they hadn't been moved to TWOW I think a lot of people's views on ADWD would be higher.
I remember when ADWD came out and about 100 pages in I realized I had read so much of it through sample chapters over the years. I kinda felt...not spoiled, but disappointed that I had read a decent amount of the book before it came out. Promised myself I wouldn't read any TWOW samples. I have read them all lol...

A couple are "travel log" type chapters, but overall they're good. And honestly, Tyrion II and Barristan II are some of the best chapters in the series IMO. They're damn good. If they hadn't been moved to TWOW I think a lot of people's views on ADWD would be higher.
I could see that. I felt like some of the most interesting stories in ADWD were either too short or just stopped short of some events happening.


I haven't read any of the TWOW chapters, but I have them all filed away in text files in my ASOIAF folder. Every time I browse by that folder I get so tempted even though I know it's just going to make the wait harder.

The struggle is real.
I've actually managed to hold off reading the preview chapters. I've seen some summaries and references, but nothing I have seen has been enough to drive me to spoil myself.
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