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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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The Black Pearl is a courtesan from Braavos IIRC. She's descended from the first Black Pearl, who incidentally was one of the Great Bastards, legitimised bastard daughter of Aegon IV The Unworthy and sister to Bloodraven, Daemon Blackfyre, Bittersteel and King Dareon. So this lady has some Targ blood. She buys some cockles off Arya in AFFC.

Yeah the Westerosi envoy is Harys Swyft, Kevan Lannister's father in law. He was briefly Hand of the King in AFFC, now Lord Treasurer, and recently was sent by Kevan to treat with the Iron Bank. Seeing as they're off negotiating with Stannis I doubt that will go well for him.
Thanks, that sounds familiar. I start forgetting this stuff way too quickly.


Only just realised
Arya was probably playing Sansa in the play, duh.

Really want to see the rest of the play. It'll be like the Ember Island Players of ASoIaF


Brilliant chapter.

It seems like Arya is leaving the FM at the end of the chapter? The Kindly Man won't be too happy about that. Another reference to trees watching when Arya is dreaming - Bran?


I would bang a hot farmer!
Damn all these spoiler tags. You guys are going to make me read this chapter also. I'm trying to pace myself because I just read the Tyrion one. :(
Amazing chapter...one of the best I've read in the series.

Every now and then Martin gets an opportunity to write something that might normally feel out of place in the series. His prose tends to have some flourishes of course, but you can tell when he really gets to have fun. The septon monologue in AFFC comes to mind first, and after reading this chapter we can add those mummer stage scenes to the list. It's thick with Richard III references. The entire chapter was amazing of course, but I found myself almost wishing the POV perspective could stay in the theater just to hear more.

The first thing I thought of when I read ADWD's prologue back in 2011 was that Harys Swift would run into Arya; someone on Reddit called it even more accurately. He has survived so many books despite being a dumbass lmao but it seems like his luck is running out.

So I guess Arya was going to play Sansa in the play?


Oh damn the chapter's out ?? :D :D :D

And it's
ARYA ?? :D :D :D


Yup, that was really great. Kinda wish I didn't read it, but whatever.

Chris R

That's not how the spoiler tag works!!!

Great chapter. Anyone know how long

It takes one to bleed out from a femoral artery incision?


Wait I just realized ...
who's the Queen those guys were talking about? I just automatically thought it was Cersei the way they were talking about her, but she hasn't had her trial. :S

That chapter...
Oh my GOD TWOW new chapter spoiler:
Bran watching Arya's wolf warging. I wonder if he knows it's Nymeria.

Also, do you think Arya was playing Sansa in the play?

edit: lol, i'm dumb. lady stork


Oh my GOD TWOW new chapter spoiler:
Bran watching Arya's wolf warging. I wonder if he knows it's Nymeria.

Also, do you think Arya was playing Sansa in the play?

edit: lol, i'm dumb. lady stork

New chapter
I dont think there are many female direwolves in westeros let alone female direwolves in the riverlands where his sister took hers. So i'd say yea. I would love to know if he knows that she is warging her because wargs can tell that kind of stuff
I caved in and read the sample chapter. It was well worth it. Though now I want more, and that's not a good expectation to have when the book is a year+ away.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Anyone else think (new chapter):
Arya is losing more of herself over time, with these incidents (such as when she killed Dareon) being small glimpses of her returning? Or has she simply been able to mold her lives together only considering the past when needed? Isn't she almost 12 by now? I think Winds of Winter takes place in 301AL. Also lol at ANOTHER name change. Mercy is a good one.

Great chapter. Arya is my favorite character because of her unique storyline.


Anyone else think Arya will be heading back to Westeros soon? I don't think the Faceless Men will be too happy with her killing people on her list, and she seemed to revert pretty much right back to being Arya at the end. Plus she's obviously a pretty skilled assassin by now.

She could either go back to King's Landing along with Swyft, or if she waits a bit she could head back with Massey, the guy Stannis sent to Braavos to round up sellswords.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Are you guys sure she was meant to play Sansa? I thought so too at first but just re-reading the beginning, she says "tonight I’ll be raped and murdered.". That sounds more like Shae? Then again, the "Please, m’lord, I am still a maiden" line from the play is indeed more fitting of Sansa. So I dunno.

I have to say, while the notion of Arya playing her own sister is irresistible, the idea of her playing Shae is just too damn hilarious.


That chapter...
Hahaha nice pic, very fitting.
Are you guys sure she was meant to play Sansa? I thought so too at first but just re-reading the beginning, she says "tonight I’ll be raped and murdered.". That sounds more like Shae? Then again, the "Please, m’lord, I am still a maiden" line from the play is indeed more fitting of Sansa. So I dunno.

I have to say, while the notion of Arya playing her own sister is irresistible, the idea of her playing Shae is just too damn hilarious.

Hahaha nice pic, very fitting.

Sansa disappeared without trace, so it wouldn't surprise me if people think Tyrion killed her as well as Joffrey.
Sansa disappeared without trace, so it wouldn't surprise me if people think Tyrion killed her as well as Joffrey.

One of the other mummers was playing a Lady Stork, so I thought that would be Sansa. Arya was probably just another victim. But it would have been hilarious for Arya to play Sansa unknowingly.

Speaking of that fact; whether or not Arya was playing Sansa, do you think she knew this story was about the people in Kings Landing? She is familiar with all of them, but not of what happened except King Robert's death.
interestingly Arya has no reaction to the play, which features her father and sister, yet immediately reacts to someone from her death list.

It almost seems like Harys isn't a target, at least not right away. Arya notes he'll be upset about Raff which he'll presumably learn of after the play is finished. Could Arya sneak back to King's Landing on his ship? Or perhaps she'll stay and later board Massey's ship back to the north.

I wonder what her mission is; the FM must have known about Harys' plan to come to Braavos I guess.
TWOW new spoiler chapter:

WAIT! Do you think Mercy was playing Arya in the play? The timeline would be muddled, but people could attribute her disappearance to Tryion secretly raping and murdering her. It would be an interesting parallel, but it's probably a stretch.
Question regarding the last two paragraphs of the new chapter, maybe it's just because English isn't my first language:
I'm a bit confused. I assume her murdering the guy means she'll have to give up the role of Mercy (given the whole "Her first lines and her last" thought)? Or am I misunderstanding things and that is just a general "I'll miss them when I have to go" thought?

That aside, should that murder (of someone she probably wasn't supposed to) have worse consequences for her? I can't imagine the FM to be happy about it. Or was that what she meant with the whole "I'll miss them" comment, that she had to flee?

Anyway, great chapter. That said,
I'm wondering if the whole "I was part of a mummer's group" story of Varys might've been part of something like this.
She goes back to finish the play, which will be her last performance. That's why she says she'll miss Mercy and the mummers she met. The items in her pockets - the key, knife, and gold - are going to be used in her mission, which seemingly will begin after the play; so after he play she'll no longer be Mercy, and will never see her friends again . Killing Raff was a detour.


Neo Member
Ah, okay, that makes sense. Thanks. I had forgotten about the other mention, makes a lot of sense.

Man, I can't wait for TWOW after this chapter.

Yeah, this is my favourite TWOW chapter so far.

I'm really curious as to how her plot will influence the overall storyline...


man, that TWOW chapter. Sogood.gif

Can't wait for the full book, dammit. And when it's out, I don't know how I will endure the wait until ADOS is released, argh.


Cool, thanks. I wonder if I should do a second re-read of the series before tWoW, starting to lose track of characters again.

Well, you have plenty of time to re-read before the next book comes out.

I might have to read through the series a 3rd time when I think we're getting closer.
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