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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Grey lips may be Victarion who is theorized to be already dead (his chapter in ADWD is the only one in the entire series to break POV right when Moqorro was "healing" him).

So if Dany marries him or Euron I'll consider Jon to be a future husband as well. But yeah I'm sure George has something surprising in store either way.


or he transfers to another body.
I guess we all agree he is in ghost right now.

but since his body is probably well preserved in the cold of the north, I guess he might get back into his own body, even after some time.


It's nearing 3 years since the release of the book, 2 years since I read it and I still can't help but to find it amusing that absolutely nobody believes Jon is dead for real. GRRM dun goofed if he expected it to be a shocking and exciting twist ending.
It's nearing 3 years since the release of the book, 2 years since I read it and I still can't help but to find it amusing that absolutely nobody believes Jon is dead for real. GRRM dun goofed if he expected it to be a shocking and exciting twist ending.

GRRM doesn't kill off POV characters. Ned was the only one.
Guest POVs don't count.

But really, he just went to the well too many times with the fake-deaths. No one buys them anymore. GRRM deaths are basically soap opera deaths at this point.


It's nearing 3 years since the release of the book, 2 years since I read it and I still can't help but to find it amusing that absolutely nobody believes Jon is dead for real. GRRM dun goofed if he expected it to be a shocking and exciting twist ending.

It is a twist beginning when we find absolutely no Jon in the next book.


Also, Gurm answering interviews on the subject sarcastically sure he helps:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

Yeah... totally had us there, didn't you?

Jedeye Sniv

It's nearing 3 years since the release of the book, 2 years since I read it and I still can't help but to find it amusing that absolutely nobody believes Jon is dead for real. GRRM dun goofed if he expected it to be a shocking and exciting twist ending.

When I read it I was shocked and did the who WTF gasp thing, but it's also obvious he's not dead forever. It's something that happens all the time in comics, it's not binary. We can both be thrilled by it and kinda know what's coming next.


It felt a bit lame reading it, honestly.
Jon had some of the best ADWD moments, I loved the execution of slynt, as well as the death of "mance". but his death felt very cheap to me, because its so obvious he is not gone, I literally thought "really, GRRM? you really expect us to fall for this?" while reading it.

I would be fine with him not appearing in TWOW at all, as a "twist" that hes not coming back, but he will be there at the latest in dream of spring, in one form or another, no doubt.
Catelyn? :p

She's dead, I don't care what anyone says. Lady Stoneheart != Catelyn Stark.

Stoneheart's a different character, but it's still enough not to qualify Catelyn as a clean death. You could also point to Quentyn, but he's a shitty character that shouldn't have had more than a chapter or two, his is barely more than a prologue/epilogue style death.


So lets see:

Major POV Characters
  • Eddard Stark
  • Catelyn Stark ( Came back wrong )
  • Daenerys Targaryen
  • Tyrion Lannister
  • Jon Snow ( alive until proven dead )
  • Bran Stark
  • Sansa Stark
  • Arya Stark
  • Theon Greyjoy
  • Davos Seaworth
  • Jaime Lannister
  • Samwell Tarly
  • Cersei Lannister
  • Brienne of Tarth

Minor POV Characters

  • Aeron Greyjoy
  • Victarion Greyjoy
  • Arianne Martell
  • Asha Greyjoy
  • Areo Hotah
  • Arys Oakheart
  • Quentyn Martell
  • Barristan Selmy
  • Jon Connington
  • Melisandre

Prologue POV's
  • Will
  • Maester Cressen
  • Chett
  • Pate
  • Varamyr

Epilogue POV's
  • Merrett Frey
  • Kevan Lannister

Yup, major POV has as good plot armor as could be expected and minor ones aren't that far off either. Martin needs to up his game in Winds. I want at least three major POV death and as for minor POV... just kill them all.
Except for Selmy. Don't kill Barristan pls :(
Martin has said he needs to kill off POVs, and TWOW really seems like it'll be a bloodbath. Especially because so many characters are beginning to group together. Barristan, Tyrion, and Victarion are all in the same 10 mile radius...someone is going to die to consolidate view points. Same thing applies to the north with Theon and Asha in the same place.

I'd bet that all these characters die (POVs and otherwise) in TWOW:

-Jon Connington
-Areo Hotah

The Lannister wipe out seems quite likely because I think Aegon will sit the throne before the end of TWOW. Martin has said "multiple" people will sit the throne before the end; that comment plus Cersei's prophesy leads me to believe Tommen is fucked, and Queen Myrcella won't last longer after. My theory is that Tommen will die shortly halfway through the book and Myrcella will be killed when Aegon's forces arrive in King's Landing.


Yeah, good list of likely candidates.

Though it seems strange that Asha dies instead of Theon, it would actually be sort of ironic if he instead of her survives this whole ordeal. You sort of get the feeling that his time is drawing near and he will be executed soon; but thats too obvious, so he survives.

Herr K

Lady Stoneheart will either use Jaime to kill the Lannisters and maybe a few Freys and then kill him, or she'll simply kill him.


I hope Winds will be such a bloodbath that ADOS will have the same number of POV's as AGOT did, the majority of which preferably taken up by the surviving characters from the first book.


Do it in the past tense.

I want my Benjen/Lyanna incest story now... Actually there is probably already something like this out there knowing the internet.

I'm pretty sure B+L=J is a theory out there. Probably both Br+L=J and Be+L=J now I think about it.

I did see a theory that all the Stark kids excluding Arya were the Blackfish's bastards, hence the Tully colouring *voms*.
Protecting a Stark, maybe? What happened to Alayne, anyway? Maybe Lady Stoneheart will forgive Jaime if he brings Sansa back.

I think Stoneheart has become more focused on revenge as opposed to saving her children. But that's just me.

Not that she doesn't care, but I doubt she'd let Jaime off the hook that easily.

If anything, he'll die because of whatever happens to Cersei.

Herr K

I think Stoneheart has become more focused on revenge as opposed to saving her children. But that's just me.

Not that she doesn't care, but I doubt she'd let Jaime off the hook that easily.

If anything, he'll die because of whatever happens to Cersei.

He has to die whispering "a Lannister pays his debts" to a Stark kid. That'd be the cheesiest thing yet, but it would definitely make me happy lol
Yeah, but that's what one would expect, so it's probably not what will happen.

I agree. Sansa would be the obvious one, especially with her dream of being saved by a gallant knight.

Also Arya would be an interesting choice (Depending on where her story goes).

I don't really see him saving Jon.

Theon makes an amazing damsel in distress but I don't think he counts as a Stark anymore.

Herr K

I agree. Sansa would be the obvious one, especially with her dream of being saved by a gallant knight.

Also Arya would be an interesting choice (Depending on where her story goes).

I don't really see him saving Jon.

Theon makes an amazing damsel in distress but I don't think he counts as a Stark anymore.

Now, having Jaime save one of the "dead" Starks, say Rickon, would be a great thing, since there are just a couple persons in the Seven Kingdoms who are aware of Rickon's fate.

Jon's destiny is tied with Daenerys, or so I'd like.

Having Jaime save Theon would be an incredible troll from GRRM. He could, however, bring Theon to Lady Stoneheart, which would be an interesting plot.
Martin has said he needs to kill off POVs, and TWOW really seems like it'll be a bloodbath. Especially because so many characters are beginning to group together. Barristan, Tyrion, and Victarion are all in the same 10 mile radius...someone is going to die to consolidate view points. Same thing applies to the north with Theon and Asha in the same place.

I'd bet that all these characters die (POVs and otherwise) in TWOW:

-Jon Connington
-Areo Hotah

The Lannister wipe out seems quite likely because I think Aegon will sit the throne before the end of TWOW. Martin has said "multiple" people will sit the throne before the end; that comment plus Cersei's prophesy leads me to believe Tommen is fucked, and Queen Myrcella won't last longer after. My theory is that Tommen will die shortly halfway through the book and Myrcella will be killed when Aegon's forces arrive in King's Landing.

I think Stannis is fucked for a whole bunch of reasons (but mainly because he needs to die for Melisandre to wake the fuck up).

Tommen is also fucked because, once Stannis is dead, he's the sole even *possible* heir to the throne except under Dornish law. Take him out, and suddenly you'd have Cersei, Margaery, and Myrcella all being propped up as candidates for Queen Regnant by three families who can't stand each other. There's your Three Queens.
Having Jaime save Theon would be an incredible troll from GRRM. He could, however, bring Theon to Lady Stoneheart, which would be an interesting plot.

I could see that.

Since we're speculating, I could also see Arya being forced to kill Lady Stoneheart since she is responsible for her "birth"
IMO Stannis is somewhat safe in TWOW due to the prophesy; Dany will deal with him, and I don't see her arriving in Westeros in TWOW (unless it's towards the very end of the book). But the real reason is because I'm a Stannis fanboy...

I think Jaime is the one who will strangle/kill Cersei, and he'll die shortly afterward.

Herr K

^That would be fantastic.
I could see that.

Since we're speculating, I could also see Arya being forced to kill Lady Stoneheart since she is responsible for her "birth"

I think Arya's arc is the most interesting one. We have no clue what she's doing in the House of Black and White. Will she ever leave that place? Will she come back to Westeros wearing Ned's face, to haunt Cersei down? What's the role she's playing? She's a complete mystery.

Davos is another wildcard. Wha'ts he up to? We didn't hear of the Onion Smuggler since he left Lord Too-Fat-To-Sit-A-Horse.

Now that I bring Manderly up, I really think he'll help Stannis' cause by betraying both Freys and Boltons. We're aware Manderly is one of the few people who know the truth about Rickon we also know he hates Freys and, lets be honest, nobody likes Boltons.

And well, what happened to Rickon? Skagos?

Man, I realize we know nothing of a few characters at this point. Still, I insist, Arya is the most interesting character so far. Her relationship with the Many Faced God is truly mysterious.
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