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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I kinda hope the High Sparrow is Howland Reed and he tears off his disguise and goes into a five page monologue that outlines all the plot secrets, and what every character should do, then says Fuck Y'all, I'm goin' back to my swamp.

That's how the series should end.
I kinda hope the High Sparrow is Howland Reed and he tears off his disguise and goes into a five page monologue that outlines all the plot secrets, and what every character should do, then says Fuck Y'all, I'm goin' back to my swamp.

That's how the series should end.

Nah, what will happen is that book 6 will end on a cliffhanger with Reed about to explain everything. And then book 7 never comes out.


Anyone know where there's a copy/transcript of the TWoW chapter released in the 'A Game of Thrones Guide' App?

Apparently the apps not available in the UK ..... :(

The father of Jon Snow is, Mrs. Cartman!

I like the notion of Jon & Eric being brothers somehow :)


Anyone know where there's a copy/transcript of the TWoW chapter released in the 'A Game of Thrones Guide' App?

Apparently the apps not available in the UK ..... :(

I like the notion of Jon & Eric being brothers somehow :)

It's definitely available in the UK on iOS. Weird if they'd only release it on one platform.

Apparently it has a weird name on Android, like Game of Thrones guide or something.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
About that TWoW chapter...
A friend pointed out to me that the Lannister guards said "the queen will have his head" when talking about Ser Harys. Now, Ser Harys was sent to Braavos by Kevan Lannister after Cersei's fall from power. Not sure when in the timeline the Mercy chapter occurs, but it seems to suggest that Cersei is back in power after Kevan dies. Or could it refer to Margaery clearing her name and seizing power somehow? What d'y'all think?
About that TWoW chapter...
A friend pointed out to me that the Lannister guards said "the queen will have his head" when talking about Ser Harys. Now, Ser Harys was sent to Braavos by Kevan Lannister after Cersei's fall from power. Not sure when in the timeline the Mercy chapter occurs, but it seems to suggest that Cersei is back in power after Kevan dies. Or could it refer to Margaery clearing her name and seizing power somehow? What d'y'all think?
Cersei IMO
About that TWoW chapter...
A friend pointed out to me that the Lannister guards said "the queen will have his head" when talking about Ser Harys. Now, Ser Harys was sent to Braavos by Kevan Lannister after Cersei's fall from power. Not sure when in the timeline the Mercy chapter occurs, but it seems to suggest that Cersei is back in power after Kevan dies. Or could it refer to Margaery clearing her name and seizing power somehow? What d'y'all think?

I agree it's Cersei. Her trial was five days away on the night of Kevan's death, so he may have left for Braavos shortly before or after the trial; Kevan was his son-in-law so I'd imagine he stayed long enough for a funeral at least.

IMO the fact that he even went on the mission points to Cersei being queen. Remember, the Tyrells wanted Garth Tyrell to be Master of Coin, and if Maergery was queen I'd imagine he would have been quickly appointed.

Another possibility: what if the trial was delayed for safety reasons (to search the city for assassins/Tyrion)? The chapter gives the impression Cersei really wants gold ASAP, and Harys will be screwed if he doesn't get. Why would Cersei need gold? Perhaps to buy off someone, or to hire an assassin?


About to jump into A Game of Thrones, since I'm a pretty avid fan of the show I figured I should probably get around to finally reading ASOIAF.
Rereading got, and I'm confused. Why does Ned come to the tower of joy with 7 people?

At this point we know:
Trident happened, rhaegars army was broken there.
Siege of storms end is broken and tyrell and redwyne bent the knee.
Kings landing is taken and sacked.
Ned and Robert quarreled over the deaths of ellia and the children, and Ned takes his host south to finish the war.

Flash to the tower of joy, and Ned and 6 men approach, have a conversation with the 3 kingsguard there, fight and kill them, only Ned and reed survive.
Ned promises lyanna, takes john, lyanna dies. Ned pulls down the tower and builds cairns over his men.

So why the hell is Ned rescuing lyanna with 7 guys when he has a host? Honor? Then why 7 vs 3? Are we to assume there was a battle we have never heard of and only 7 survived?

Ned took his most trusted people to head into the mountains of Dorne to find his sister, it wasn't a job for an army, though why he took 7 people instead of 20 is probably because it's more dramatic that way.
Rereading got, and I'm confused. Why does Ned come to the tower of joy with 7 people?

At this point we know:
Trident happened, rhaegars army was broken there.
Siege of storms end is broken and tyrell and redwyne bent the knee.
Kings landing is taken and sacked.
Ned and Robert quarreled over the deaths of ellia and the children, and Ned takes his host south to finish the war.

Flash to the tower of joy, and Ned and 6 men approach, have a conversation with the 3 kingsguard there, fight and kill them, only Ned and reed survive.
Ned promises lyanna, takes john, lyanna dies. Ned pulls down the tower and builds cairns over his men.

So why the hell is Ned rescuing lyanna with 7 guys when he has a host? Honor? Then why 7 vs 3? Are we to assume there was a battle we have never heard of and only 7 survived?


I think Ned had an idea of what he was going to find at the tower. There are theories that Ashara Dayne told him about the tower as well.

Taking six north men made sense, as they were loyal to Ned, and capable fighters. If they had all somehow survived Ned would not have had to worry about them spilling the beans. Also I'd imagine taking northmen only may have been strategic in terms of avoiding Dornish provocation. If Ned had rolled in there under Robert's banner, perhaps he would have been attacked due to the violent murder of Elia's children. Perhaps word of Ned's anger over the children's death had spread to Dorne.
I think Ned had an idea of what he was going to find at the tower. There are theories that Ashara Dayne told him about the tower as well.

Taking six north men made sense, as they were loyal to Ned, and capable fighters. If they had all somehow survived Ned would not have had to worry about them spilling the beans. Also I'd imagine taking northmen only may have been strategic in terms of avoiding Dornish provocation. If Ned had rolled in there under Robert's banner, perhaps he would have been attacked due to the violent murder of Elia's children. Perhaps word of Ned's anger over the children's death had spread to Dorne.
I like it, and ashara kills herself because she betrayed her brother to her love Ned (who she has lost due to Brandon's death requiring Ned to marry cat), resulting in arthurs death.


I finally sat down and read the chapter. Amazing stuff. It's written really well, it's intriguing, has a great pace, is perfectly self-contained. It's veery awkward at times but I loved the build-up to the final scene. Great stuff.


Rereading got, and I'm confused. Why does Ned come to the tower of joy with 7 people?

At this point we know:
Trident happened, rhaegars army was broken there.
Siege of storms end is broken and tyrell and redwyne bent the knee.
Kings landing is taken and sacked.
Ned and Robert quarreled over the deaths of ellia and the children, and Ned takes his host south to finish the war.

Flash to the tower of joy, and Ned and 6 men approach, have a conversation with the 3 kingsguard there, fight and kill them, only Ned and reed survive.
Ned promises lyanna, takes john, lyanna dies. Ned pulls down the tower and builds cairns over his men.

So why the hell is Ned rescuing lyanna with 7 guys when he has a host? Honor? Then why 7 vs 3? Are we to assume there was a battle we have never heard of and only 7 survived?


Because he knew that what he was going to see there was something that shouldn't be made public. And now I have this horrible sensation that Reed is going to either die early or not appear at all in the next books.
So I just read "The Princess and the Queen". Really really good. Harsh as hell, really puts the history of the world into perspective. Dragons are terrifying.
Maybe Ashara killed herself because Ned brought Jon to Starfall and claimed he was his son. But then again you'd think Ashara would be able to see through that.


At the end of the series Branraven will pull a mass resurrection plot-no-jutsu killing all Others and reviving everyone who died since 280 AL.

Except for Ned because of reasons.

freaking Naruto why did I waste so much of my time on that
I'm fine with old characters being revealed as alive simply due to how many times it happened in real life, hundreds of years ago. But I greatly dislike cheap cliff hangers where people seemingly die. I'm fine with it at the end of a book, like Theon's apparent death at the end of ACOK. But doing it in the middle of a book is just dumb and has only worked once (Arya in ASOS). I hated Asha's fake out. I suppose this list of fake outs isn't that long...but I still dislike it.

I hope Lemore isn't Ashara, but it makes sense. There's also a theory that she's a Hightower. My issue is that Aegon, be he fake or real, is a big enough reveal, alongside Connington being alive. Having that boat be an all star list of previously thought dead characters seems...off to me.


IMO Tyrion fake out was the worst since it was just such a dumb cliffhanger that was completely unnecessary (unless that's when Connington contracted greyscale, but that could've been done in a different way). Jon's death is mostly an annoyance too.
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