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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Wow that sounds pretty damn awesome. That artist did one of my favorite ASOIAF pieces of art.

Can't wait to find out what happened at Summerhall.


Today's episode will be delicious.

I bet his purple, dead face will be the final shot.

Sooooo good. That shit was excruciating! Lingering on Queen of Thorns worrying at Sansa's neck, Joffery taking one sip and spitting but just with laughter. Drew that shit ooooout.


This show is so much better when it goes from the books and doesn't try to be its own thing.

I wish joffrey clawed his throat out tho



This show is so much better when it goes from the books and doesn't try to be its own thing.

I wish joffrey clawed his throat out tho


I agree. I LOVE the added scenes, especially Ramsay and Reek. Oberyn's are great as well.

The duel is going to be hard to watch. Such a great character, gone so fast. A great actor makes it even worse.


This show is so much better when it goes from the books and doesn't try to be its own thing.

I wish joffrey clawed his throat out tho

Lol what do you mean? People were saying Coldhands was cut. If you're referring to the voice in Bran's vision, I'm fairly certain that's supposed to be Bloodraven. Or so I hope.


Who knows when the books are coming but whos chapters are you guys most excited for?

1. Arya - I just love these kind of stories where you witness someone becoming a warrior(is there a name for this genre?) Karate Kid, Naruto, Harry Potter etc.
Faceless Arya is gonna be awesome.
2. Daenerys - I think GRRM ended it in a way to make us think that shes in immediate danger. I think it'll be the opposite though. Khal Danny here we come.

Least excited for Tree Bran. Sansa is usually boring but with Brienne in the picture it should get exciting.
I feel like I need to reread these books, because the idea of a mercenary army under the command of Aegon storming Westeros and taking over castles sounds way cooler than I remember it being in the book.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I feel like I need to reread these books, because the idea of a mercenary army under the command of Aegon storming Westeros and taking over castles sounds way cooler than I remember it being in the book.
Probably because in ADWD they were very minor places (like Tarth). King's Landing had not even responded to them yet being distracted by the Iron Born, who were a hindrance to the Tyrells.
I'm still not really sure what Coldhands is, he's battle described as a wight that can make conscious decisions, self-aware, can still talk, etc. Wight are just reanimated corpses though...
Who knows when the books are coming but whos chapters are you guys most excited for?

1. Arya - I just love these kind of stories where you witness someone becoming a warrior(is there a name for this genre?) Karate Kid, Naruto, Harry Potter etc.
Faceless Arya is gonna be awesome.

Though not exactly your definition, the genre you're looking for is Shonen. And yes I love it too. The training the overcome the fighting. It's all amazing.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm not so sure Arya is going to stay "faceless men".

Bran has the ability to flesh out events through history using the weirwood internet and we still have Bloodraven and his motives. Plus he might Warg a dragon, you never know.
My anticipation list

1. Theon: The north is the most interesting event to me, specially the upcoming battle between Stannis and the Boltons. I've read the first Theon chapter of TWOW and it left me on the edge of my seat, can't wait to see whether we're correct that the pink letter was bullshit. And Stannis. Stannis. Stannis.

2. Davos: More north stuff, can't wait. Is his ship the wreckage that Sam sees in AFFC? Will he find Rickon in a human state? Is Skagos entirely barbaric or it it just a rumor... There has to be some sanity there considering they have a trading port.

3. Tyrion: His second TWOW chapter is pretty damn amazing. The Meeren battle is high on my anticipation list, and I can't wait to see how Tyrion positions himself after its end. Maybe we'll even see Casterly Rock later.

4. Arya: No need for explanation, you know what I'm talking about.

5. Jaime: I have no idea how he's going to survive meeting Stoneheart.

Honorary mention: Barristan: his first two chapters are amazing, can't wait for more. Sadly I think he's going to die.
Just a prediction, but I can really see Harrold Hardyng coming to a sticky end, with Littlefingers dagger in his guts. Petyr doesn't want to give up Sansa, and all he needs from Harrold is his titles.
Yep, lf's plan is get Sansa pregnant with the vale heir, kill Harold, take the north and the veil and be lord of the river lands as he already is as well.




I would bang a hot farmer!
So, let me get this straight. The white walkers are in your linked video. Sam killed one with the dragonglass.

What Bran saw in his vision was an other, like the ones in the pilot episode. Right?

So what the hell is a wight, then? And what did Jon Snow kill in castle black, an Other?

So seemingly the horse and the Other Bran saw in his vision aren't related?
It's not that hard.

Books: Others and Wights
Show: White Walkers and Wights

Others = White Walkers.
Wights = reanimated dead.


I have a bit of an "off the wall" question.

Who's still alive that could actually know who Jon Snow's mother is? You think Benjen knows and isn't dead? There's a scroll/book somewhere? Bran sees it? What do you guys think?
I have a bit of an "off the wall" question.

Who's still alive that could actually know who Jon Snow's mother is? You think Benjen knows and isn't dead? There's a scroll/book somewhere? Bran sees it? What do you guys think?

Howland Reed knows. He is going to appear, spit some truth, drop his mic, and peace out.
I have a bit of an "off the wall" question.

Who's still alive that could actually know who Jon Snow's mother is? You think Benjen knows and isn't dead? There's a scroll/book somewhere? Bran sees it? What do you guys think?

Howland Reed. Other than that I don't think anyone knows/could find out, not even Bran what with the weirwoods getting chopped down in the southern kingdoms.


It's not that hard.

Books: Others and Wights
Show: White Walkers and Wights

Others = White Walkers.
Wights = reanimated dead.

So Pilot episode = Wights and Sam killed a White Walker. I thought the books mentioned white walkers too? Or is it just a nickname for Others in the book?


I would bang a hot farmer!
So Pilot episode = Wights and Sam killed a White Walker. I thought the books mentioned white walkers too? Or is it just a nickname for Others in the book?
IIRC only Wildlings call them White Walkers in the books while everyone else calls them Others.


Howland Reed. Other than that I don't think anyone knows/could find out, not even Bran what with the weirwoods getting chopped down in the southern kingdoms.

Wonder if Howland Reed will be in the show, of they would have Jojen or Meera give the reveal?

I also wonder if Benjen will return. Ever.
Howland Reed hasn't left his castle since the war started right? He's going to be the guy that has info that will change the course of the story.
Howland Reed hasn't left his castle since the war started right? He's going to be the guy that has info that will change the course of the story.

I can't remember what it is (outside of the Howland Reed Is The High Septon theory), but IIRC there's evidence that he's left his castle and is on the move.
I have a bit of an "off the wall" question.

Who's still alive that could actually know who Jon Snow's mother is? You think Benjen knows and isn't dead? There's a scroll/book somewhere? Bran sees it? What do you guys think?
Wylla almost certainly knows. Lyanna didn't go to the tower alone, she would need handmaidens. Perhaps Wylla wasn't the only one.
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