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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Chris R

It hasn't shipped. Amazon.ca gives a big middle finger to all non-Prime orders. It's not like Prime is even worth it in Canada because there's no Amazon Instant here. All it's good for is faster shipping which is really just what regular free shipping used to be before Prime came to Canada.

I know your pains :( Same deal for Alaska. Prime gets you "standard" shipping for free, which was fine when the cost wasn't $100 a year.


Aside from Gaming discussion, this is the only appropriate place to post this and pass on the news. Telltale Games has confirmed that the first episode of their Game of Thrones game series is going to be released this year. A very pleasant surprise. Full details below.


Oh wow. Very interesting. I go both ways on Tell Tale, so I'll definitely give at least the first episode a shot. I'm curious how they're handling show vs book. Obviously it's heavily branded alongside the show, but it's set away from the wider conflict covered by the show. Are they inventing things whole cloth or hewing along some book thread?


Oh wow. Very interesting. I go both ways on Tell Tale, so I'll definitely give at least the first episode a shot. I'm curious how they're handling show vs book. Obviously it's heavily branded alongside the show, but it's set away from the wider conflict covered by the show. Are they inventing things whole cloth or hewing along some book thread?

So far all they've said is that it's happening in the same time period as the show, and they released two teasers with quotes from the books. One was a passage from Dance listing the minor northern houses sworn to the Glovers, with the name Forrester in particularly large font, and the other was a quote from the first book describing trees that grow in the north called "Ironwoods". The tagline on both was Iron out of Ice or something like that. My guess from all that is that it's going to focus on the North during the initial Greyjoy attacks in season 2, but it could still really be anything.
Oh wow. Very interesting. I go both ways on Tell Tale, so I'll definitely give at least the first episode a shot. I'm curious how they're handling show vs book. Obviously it's heavily branded alongside the show, but it's set away from the wider conflict covered by the show. Are they inventing things whole cloth or hewing along some book thread?

The first season of The Walking Dead was great, the second was also good. My favorite game of theirs however, is their adaption of Fables, The Wolf Among Us. They really did a great job. That said, I'll definitely be buying their Thrones series.

But yeah, as the poster above said, from what I can tell the game revolves around some minor houses in the Vale and/or North. Like the Yronwoods and/or House Glover. So they are part of the universe, but have not been explored in depth by GRRM or HBO. Which gives Telltale some room to do their own thing, but still very much have it be strongly tied to the events of the books and show.


Mine's dispatched, should get here tomorrow. It changed backwards and forwards about a hundred times but ended up sticking on the right date.

I heard something on Reddit about the date switching being due to them not having enough stock for everyone who preordered. Might be you were unlucky :(

That's probably it. I preordered pretty early, but because I had uni fees coming out of my main account this month I cancelled a bunch of preorders and reordered them with a different card.

Just checked my orders and they're now telling me next week. I can probably hold out that long :)

El Daniel

My World book has just arrived.

Looks amazing. Sucks that I have no time for it until tomorrow night so it's just sitting on the shelf, staring at me.
So I went to the GRRM event at the 92Y. Decent talk. Got a copy of a signed TWOIAF. It's a really nice looking book. Can't wait to dive into all the Essos stuff.

I watched the stream, definitely one of my favorite Martin interviews. And the fan questions were ace. It's always fun seeing him outright reject one theory question (Lord of Light connection to the Others) and hedge on another immediately afterwards (whether blood sacrifices are required to birth dragons).


this is really worth its own thread so hat more people know, but since I'm shit at making threads I'm appealing at others to create one (looking at phoenixdark :p)

anyway mine arrived today but I still don't have it. I wasn't home anyway but nor was my neighbour and he usually takes my packages. and now it's at the post office, I'll pick it up tomorrow.

I had actually totally forgotten about this thing, but now I'm excited again. :D
Damn this is a big book, reasonably heavy too. For some reason there's a sticker on the front cover letting me know this is the world which inspired Game of Thrones. Of course it already says that on the cover anyway.

I'm generally reading the book in order but I did look ahead to see who Egg ended up marrying.


So how's the art and stuff? I need impressions to tide me over until mine comes tonight (my packages never arrive until 7 PM).

Only leafed through right now but it looks pretty amazing. And there's a lot of it.

I like the bit on the back that I presume is Torhenn Stark doing his 'King Who Knelt' thing to Aegon I with Balerion flying in the background.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I am a little over 1/5 done (nearing Dance of Dragons) according to my Kindle. I'm really enjoying it, although so far it's just been fleshing out information you can find in the Wiki of Ice and Fire.

I'm looking forward to seeing this image updated. Many new Targaryens have been mentioned, albeit many inconsequential.
Had a look through A World of Ice and Fire in Waterstones earlier. Looks really detailed and it's a nice quality book as well. For £15 I think I'll get a copy.
Got my copy this afternoon and have just flipped through it so far but its a really nice book. Just the actual book is just nice and substantial.

The art is pretty great too. The painting of Dragonstone inside the front cover and Rhaegar and Robert fighting on the Trident in the back cover are magnificent.


Man, the book is giant. Wish the kindle version had been cheaper because I'd be far more likely to read the damn thing on the reader, but having the actual thing is pretty nice, too, pouffy covers and all.


Have to echo what others are saying. Book is huge and seems really well put together. Wasn't expecting it to be this nice.

Art seems great from what I saw flipping through. Can't wait to start reading.
Got my copy, and the dragons on the inside cover art seem awfully familiar...




I just saw that there were graphic novels for the sworn sword and the hedge Knight? have they been discussed here before? are they any good?


Well that's unfortunate.

The book seems pretty neat though. It's big and substantial but it's also easy to handle and comfortable to read.


I am so glad I ordered Untold History in the dead tree edition. It is absolutely miraculous. Really love the cover and how it feels and looks. I thought it was a sleeve at first but it's all one piece, looks great. I'll be delving into the contents more after i'm off work for the week.

A lot of bookstores like amazon are selling it for under $30 too, it's a steal for that price. Lots of artwork, you can barely flip a page without seeing some, but it's very wordy too of course.


Those Amazon reviews are rough.

I don't really get the complaints about the writing. I mean it's just recounting history, it's not complicated. Reads fine to me so far. Also seems like some people are confused as to what this is supposed to be. From a two star review:

I really liked the first three books of the song of ice and fire series, but after the fourth book has been out Mr. Martin has been dropping his book quality from average to mediocre at best. This book has long list of names of people I really didn't care about, and a history lesson on stuff I don't care about ( still don't know s*** about the white walkers)


picked up mine today from the post office. that thing is huge! looks beautiful on the coffee table but will be difficult to read. better lift some weight beforehand.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member

Poor George.
I haven't watched Late Night with Seth, but if Jimmy Fallon is any indication...

I finished the history of Westeros, 75% was about Targaryen rulers. I have an inkling any new information I learned was covered in books outside the main series I haven't read yet. Couple things I learned about the Mad King:
  • Aerys was a childhood friend of Robert's father, Steffon. Steffon died returning from a trip to Essos looking for a bride for Viserys. If he had been successful and not died he might have replaced Tywin as Hand.
  • I didn't realize Tywin and Aerys were childhood friends. I thought the choice was more political. Aerys brought him and others his age to replace he old council.
  • Aerys was very ambitious at first, but lost interest in projects quickly.
I also learned that most kings were not very good, even Baelor whose only criticism I'd read previously was locking his sisters up in a tower. His generation of kings pretty much all sucked (The Young Dragon and Aegon the Unworthy).

Now I'm reading about the different houses.


Hunky Nostradamus
I guess I was after quotes or more detail than that.

She's a hardcore book purist who gets upset whenever the show diverges from the books in any way. Including and especially when the show changes the appearances (height and weight as well as hair/eye/skin color) of the characters. This has lead to a lot of people accusing her of racism.

She also has some controversial interpretations of some of the book material. This has lead to a lot of people accusing her of being anti woman, which in turn has lead to her labeling her detractors as "feminazis".

Personally, I think the anti-Linda hysteria is wildly overblown.


I just saw that there were graphic novels for the sworn sword and the hedge Knight? have they been discussed here before? are they any good?

Read both of them. They are great. Hedge Knight was the first ASOIAF material that I read. I didn't know anything about it before.
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