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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Why would he return to Westeros (yet)? The Second Sons are not big enough to guarantee victory in any kind of bigger skirmishes. As far as I understood, his aim was to turn them against the others besieging Meereen and to offer them to Dany when he possibly gets to meet her after their betrayal (and arrival of Victarion) possibly giving Meereen an edge in the battle again (leading to their victory). The Second Sons only abandoned her because Dany wasn't willing to use her power (aka the dragons) in keeping the opposing forces at Meereen in line. Now that Dany has possibly gotten over that kind of sissyness, they/Plumm might want to be on her side again.
LetsGoKiting said:
What does Tyrion plan to do with the Second Sons. I don't think Daenerys will take them back. Is he headed back to Westeros? Maybe his knowledge about Casterly Rock's sewers will prove useful later on.

Tyrion's joining the Second Sons clearly telegraphs that he will set them to turn on the Yunkai'i as soon as the battle is joined. As a result, Barristan will take them back.

This will set up Tyrion for possibly ousting Plumm, or at least setting him aside as he would likely no longer be accepted as envoy to Dany.

Thus Tyrion will come into service not as a beggar, but as a proven ally of Dany's- and so he will secure his position in court much like he did before with his mountain tribes.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Goddamn these 8 different fucking threads got me running in circles.

If i buy a House Stark T-Shirt do you think I will be brutally murdered within a month?
Stay away from weddings.


duckroll said:
The resolution is that Dany has left Meereen. That was always meant to happen.

i think GURM's explanation for the knot is just a bunch of bollocks and damage control.

the she drank, the more she shat. the more she shat, the more she drank. if i look back i might learn something.


yacobod said:
i think GURM's explanation for the knot is just a bunch of bollocks and damage control.

Well if you think it's all bollocks, why talk about the knot at all? The knot is only a name given by GRRM himself for a problem he encountered while writing the book. If you feel he is not truthful, and there is no weight in any of the things he has discussed, then there's nothing to talk about, since everything we can discuss about the behind-the-scenes process of writing the books comes from the author himself.


i think the knot was just cover for eating nachos and blogging about football while traveling extensively visiting cons and editing wild cards.


yacobod said:
i think the knot was just cover for eating nachos and blogging about football while traveling extensively visiting cons and editing wild cards.

Okay. Have a seat over there while adults continue to talk at this table. Thanks.
duckroll said:
Okay. Have a seat over there while adults continue to talk at this table. Thanks.
yacobod is the equivalent of an SA goon from The Bad Thread, i.e., calling him "the GURM" versus something more mature.
duckroll said:
One day there will be more Dunk and Egg novellas than Ice and Fire novels. :)

True. I'll bet that we get at least two more Dunk and Egg stories before TWOW. I don't mind though, I love Dunk and Egg. And I really really really want to know what happened at Summerhall. Aside from Jon's parentage, that's what I want to know the most.


Unconfirmed Member
ZephyrFate said:
yacobod is the equivalent of an SA goon from The Bad Thread, i.e., calling him "the GURM" versus something more mature.

And you're the opposite. You wouldn't complain if the next novel was just Dany/Daario scenes. Sometimes I think you're Daniel Abraham since you defend every page of A Dance With Dragons.
sazabirules said:
And you're the opposite. You wouldn't complain if the next novel was just Dany/Daario scenes. Sometimes I think you're Daniel Abraham since you defend every page of A Dance With Dragons.
Not even close. I never said I enjoyed Dany's romance shit. Nor has any romance in these books been worth a shit.

Stellar effort, though.
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Cunts and cocks becoming as one on every page!
I'm actually surprised he toned down the descriptiveness of the sex in this latest book. It's just a whole lot of "cunts and cocks in union" rather than



ZephyrFate said:
I'm actually surprised he toned down the descriptiveness of the sex in this latest book. It's just a whole lot of "cunts and cocks in union" rather than


The lord's kiss.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Cunts and cocks becoming as one on every page!

i think they used that descriptor for 2 separate sex scenes in ADWD, the first Asha pseudo rapesex scene, and then Dany/Darrio. i think it was sort of awkward to have that in 2 POVs.
yacobod said:
i think they used that descriptor for 2 separate sex scenes in ADWD, the first Asha pseudo rapesex scene, and then Dany/Darrio. i think it was sort of awkward to have that in 2 POVs.
cunts are wind


PhoenixDark said:
I don't want Cersei to die :(

I do, she might be the only major POV in the series worse than Dany (and that includes the Maid of Tarth). I really hope she doesn't become Queen Regent again. I suppose Tyrell could appoint himself, but maybe we get another Lannister power play.

Need to clear up as much space in the next novel for more Victarion action. Here's hoping he makes Dany a salt wife and throws some more lady boys into the sea, since he has no use for them.


yacobod said:
I suppose Tyrell could appoint himself, but maybe we get another Lannister power play.

It's difficult to imagine how the latter could happen. What allies does Cersei have left? Harys Swift? Maybe Varys? Tyrell has Tarly, Rowan, and soon Redwine, and he has an army in the city. I suppose the best chance she has is if Dorne immediately attacked Highgarden and Tyrell decided to lead the army against them. That, or a lot of assassinations.
tokkun said:
It's difficult to imagine how the latter could happen. What allies does Cersei have left? Harys Swift? Maybe Varys? Tyrell has Tarly, Rowan, and soon Redwine, and he has an army in the city. I suppose the best chance she has is if Dorne immediately attacked Highgarden and Tyrell decided to lead the army against them. That, or a lot of assassinations.
The Tyrells control the small council, but things can change fast. Maybe Tarly has to leave the city to fight Connington. Mace is an idiot who might piss of the Faith. I'm sure Nymeria Sand and Varys are going to cause some trouble too.
yacobod said:
i think they used that descriptor for 2 separate sex scenes in ADWD, the first Asha pseudo rapesex scene, and then Dany/Darrio. i think it was sort of awkward to have that in 2 POVs.

Yeah it was a bit odd. I wonder if he wrote those two scenes years apart and completely forgot that he'd already used it once. And his editors weren't about to point it out for fear that he'd have to rewrite the chapters and delay the book another year.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
just finished the book last night. Didn't feel good or surprised over what happened to Jon. Just said 'oh damnit' and kept reading.

It kind of left me with a sour aftertaste actually. Wasn't incredible or awesome like the red wedding :/


catfish said:
just finished the book last night. Didn't feel good or surprised over what happened to Jon. Just said 'oh damnit' and kept reading.

It kind of left me with a sour aftertaste actually. Wasn't incredible or awesome like the red wedding :/
I'm pissed we're going to have to wait years to find out what happens next. I want to see the Tyrion/Dany/Jorah reunion and the fallout.


zmoney said:
I'm pissed we're going to have to wait years to find out what happens next. I want to see the Tyrion/Dany/Jorah reunion and the fallout.

That is definitely the biggest disappointment that I have with the book. I so wanted to see that meeting, was expecting that meeting, and it never happened...


Gonaria said:
That is definitely the biggest disappointment that I have with the book. I so wanted to see that meeting, was expecting that meeting, and it never happened...

The biggest disappointment I have with the book is that so many plot lines lack a climax/conclusion. If we'd had a Battle at Winterfell, Battle at Mereen, Tyrion/Victarion meeting Dany, and an answer to what's happened to Jon, all while trimming down the Tyrion and Dany chapters (and maybe even cutting out Quentyn as a POV, since he just dies anyway), this book would have probably surpassed Clash of Kings for me and would only be behind Storm and Game of Thrones. There were some amazing things in this book, but Tyrion and Dany felt like they had too many "filler" chapters, and the book just doesn't feel finished.

I also felt like Arya's 2 chapters and Jaime's one should have been in FFC.


KingK said:
The biggest disappointment I have with the book is that so many plot lines lack a climax/conclusion. If we'd had a Battle at Winterfell, Battle at Mereen, Tyrion/Victarion meeting Dany, and an answer to what's happened to Jon, all while trimming down the Tyrion and Dany chapters (and maybe even cutting out Quentyn as a POV, since he just dies anyway), this book would have probably surpassed Clash of Kings for me and would only be behind Storm and Game of Thrones. There were some amazing things in this book, but Tyrion and Dany felt like they had too many "filler" chapters, and the book just doesn't feel finished.

I also felt like Arya's 2 chapters and Jaime's one should have been in FFC.

Oh, I definitely agree on Arya and Jamie's chapters, especically Jamie's. I guess I can see why he did it, mostly because of the Cersei chapters. Still, I think the finishing Cersei chapter would have still been strong even if you know for sure that Jamie wasnt coming to rescue her, and Jamie and Brienne's chapters would have been better in AFFC.


Seems like most people's biggest disappointment is that the book ends too soon. ;) I agree! But that doesn't make me unhappy about what we did get. I love DwD and I'll probably start my reread soon.


VsRobot said:
Seems like most people's biggest disappointment is that the book ends too soon. ;) I agree! But that doesn't make me unhappy about what we did get. I love DwD and I'll probably start my reread soon.

Eh, not really. GRRM could have easily have had Tyrion and Dany meet if he just made other choices or trimmed down on the filler of Tyrion and Dany's chapters. Well, here's hoping that all that dilly-dallying in Merreen will all be worth it/make sense in the next book


Gonaria said:
Oh, I definitely agree on Arya and Jamie's chapters, especically Jamie's. I guess I can see why he did it, mostly because of the Cersei chapters. Still, I think the finishing Cersei chapter would have still been strong even if you know for sure that Jamie wasnt coming to rescue her, and Jamie and Brienne's chapters would have been better in AFFC.

Jaime's one chapter was definitely filler and out of place in ADWD, but in all honesty, I would've been more pissed if GRRM still left us on a cliffhanger on whether Brienne is actually dead or not. I think his chapter was fan service in that regard.

I'm sure if GRRM could re-compile his novels, he'd place Arya, Jaime, and Cersei's chapters in AFFC. They don't have much place in ADWD. I also agree that Quentyn's early chapters should've been cut and his arc would still be served if his 1st PoV was the one directly after Barristan first confronts him and advises him to go home. I thought Quentyn's last chapter though was one of the best in ADWD (loved the portrayal of the dragons as mere beasts, rather than mythical, magical beings that we see in every other fantasy series).

Speaking of Quentyn's arc...I'm looking forward to seeing if/how Ser Gerris and Ser Arch's roles expand in the series. GRRM has a way of introducing seemingly minor characters in one novel, only to push them to prominence in later books (ie. Theon from GoT to CoK, Ramsay from CoK to ADWD, Val from ASOS to ADWD, etc.). I thought Drink was a vain punk early on, but I was surprised by his absolute loyalty to Quentyn (I was suspecting he'd betray him or desert him, don't know why), and loved how he shat on Dany at the end. He seemed to be the first character to really piss on Dany's character and I loved it (but that's probably cause I hate Dany)


scosher said:
Jaime's one chapter was definitely filler and out of place in ADWD, but in all honesty, I would've been more pissed if GRRM still left us on a cliffhanger on whether Brienne is actually dead or not. I think his chapter was fan service in that regard.

I'm sure if GRRM could re-compile his novels, he'd place Arya, Jaime, and Cersei's chapters in AFFC. They don't have much place in ADWD. I also agree that Quentyn's early chapters should've been cut and his arc would still be served if his 1st PoV was the one directly after Barristan first confronts him and advises him to go home. I thought Quentyn's last chapter though was one of the best in ADWD (loved the portrayal of the dragons as mere beasts, rather than mythical, magical beings that we see in every other fantasy series).

Speaking of Quentyn's arc...I'm looking forward to seeing if/how Ser Gerris and Ser Arch's roles expand in the series. GRRM has a way of introducing seemingly minor characters in one novel, only to push them to prominence in later books (ie. Theon from GoT to CoK, Ramsay from CoK to ADWD, Val from ASOS to ADWD, etc.). I thought Drink was a vain punk early on, but I was surprised by his absolute loyalty to Quentyn (I was suspecting he'd betray him or desert him, don't know why), and loved how he shat on Dany at the end. He seemed to be the first character to really piss on Dany's character and I loved it (but that's probably cause I hate Dany)

Yeah, Quentyn's final chapter was one of the book's best. I got chills reading that. I also hate Dany and loved when Drink called her out for being a bitch to Quentyn.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
my biggest disappointment is nothing happening to that ramsay motherfucker.

I'll give the author that, he can write a good villain.

EDIT: what was annoying was all the japing. sooo much japery in this book.

Jape jape jape words are wind you know nothing and so forth
catfish said:
my biggest disappointment is nothing happening to that ramsay motherfucker.

I'll give the author that, he can write a good villain.

EDIT: what was annoying was all the japing. sooo much japery in this book.

Jape jape jape words are wind you know nothing and so forth
Editor's fault, not the author's.

Sotha Sil

catfish said:
my biggest disappointment is nothing happening to that ramsay motherfucker.

I'll give the author that, he can write a good villain.

EDIT: what was annoying was all the japing. sooo much japery in this book.

Jape jape jape words are wind you know nothing and so forth

Reek, Reek, it rhymes with fucking annoying the 100th time.

I'll agree that few of the new leitmotivs work. "Kill the boy" was fine, though.
Sotha Sil said:
Reek, Reek, it rhymes with fucking annoying the 100th time.

I'll agree that few of the new leitmotivs work. "Kill the boy" was fine, though.
I actually thought that was one of the most powerful repeated phrases I've ever read. It makes you feel for Theon unlike pretty much any other character in the series.


I've read roughly 550 pages of the book so far, and it has been decent, on par with AFfC or perhaps even a bit worse. The Dany chapters are boring as fuck, and the shlock romance with Daario is beginner-class writing. The Bran chapters are engaging as hell, but there's simply TOO FEW of them, or there's an enormous gap between each chapter.

The Jon/Reek/everyone-else chapters are great though (Tyrion's a bit less so), but GRRM needs to seriously tone down the awkward smut. Freak.

Sotha Sil

ZephyrFate said:
I actually thought that was one of the most powerful repeated phrases I've ever read. It makes you feel for Theon unlike pretty much any other character in the series.

His chapters are probably my favorites in DwD, and I liked the phrase at first; but Martin used it too much, in my opinion.
Sotha Sil said:
His chapters are probably my favorites in DwD, and I liked the phrase at first; but Martin used it too much, in my opinion.
Again, this is more of an editor's issue than Martin's. Whoever was looking over it really needed to tighten up on the repetition.

Sotha Sil

ZephyrFate said:
Again, this is more of an editor's issue than Martin's. Whoever was looking over it really needed to tighten up on the repetition.

Fair point.

Regarding the editor discussion, I'm actually glad she convinced Martin to put the unshown battles in WoW. Tension everywhere, waiting for release. WoW will be the second Storm of Swords of the series. Believe.


ZephyrFate said:
Again, this is more of an editor's issue than Martin's. Whoever was looking over it really needed to tighten up on the repetition.

Well when Martin only gives his publishers a month or so to edit... you can't really blame them!
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