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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Harry Potter said:
I need clarification on this "first series" thing immediately.

I'm thinking he just meant this entire series...before he moves to another series of books that have nothing to do with Ice and fire...

God I hope so because when it's done, I want it to be done. I'm sick of waiting for the next chapter.

PhoenixDark said:
I'm pretty sure he was referring to a Tyrion chapter, not Arya. I watched it live

I wonder what the fan would mean in that case?

I thought I was fairly in touch with the developments of Dance pre- and post-Dance so I wasn't aware of any missing chapters for anyone who's POVs werein the book (so that excludes Arianne, Sansa, Brienne, etc).

I read the preview chapters years ago and I remember all the chapters ending up in Dance for him. In fact the only people who's chapters didn't add up was Dany's, but that's only because he later added the marriage concept, so pushed one of her chapters from the beginning to the end.


bengraven said:
From Google chat:


Three things:

1) I thought unused chapters immediately go into the next book? This makes me think there are chapters between the Arya chapters we have in Dance that we will never see. :(
2) "first series"?
Thats only 2...and as for the first series, if he plans on writing more then one he needs to get his shit moving b/c he aint living to see the end of a second at this pace.


zmoney said:
Thats only 2...and as for the first series, if he plans on writing more then one he needs to get his shit moving b/c he aint living to see the end of a second at this pace.

Ha, dammit, yeah, I had another point and I couldn't remember it. Thanks for quoting me before I could edit it. ;)


bengraven said:
Ha, dammit, yeah, I had another point and I couldn't remember it. Thanks for quoting me before I could edit it. ;)
always there to help a buddy in need raven, you know that.

as for the people bitching about Arya? Are y'all kidding me? she is being set up to cause some major turmoil in the next couple books, ESPECIALLY if she finishes her training.
Quick question for all those familiar with the books (would appreciate any replies by PM so I don't have to risk spoilers again by coming in here)

I've only read A Game of Thrones, reading it after watching S1 and opting to favor the show over the books (blasphemy, I know). Can I read the 'Tales of Dunk and Egg' novellas without spoiling anything for myself? They're prequels right?
Crimson Clown said:
Quick question for all those familiar with the books (would appreciate any replies by PM so I don't have to risk spoilers again by coming in here)

I've only read A Game of Thrones, reading it after watching S1 and opting to favor the show over the books (blasphemy, I know). Can I read the 'Tales of Dunk and Egg' novellas without spoiling anything for myself? They're prequels right?

Yes, they are set about 100 years before AGOT. You should be safe from any spoilers for the main series.
Crimson Clown said:
Quick question for all those familiar with the books (would appreciate any replies by PM so I don't have to risk spoilers again by coming in here)

I've only read A Game of Thrones, reading it after watching S1 and opting to favor the show over the books (blasphemy, I know). Can I read the 'Tales of Dunk and Egg' novellas without spoiling anything for myself? They're prequels right?


GO HERE: http://neogaf.net/forum/showthread.php?t=210654 (requires marked spoilers)

And yes, you can read the novellas, they're prequels.
bengraven said:
No, duck, we're far far from the bad thread. Take the worst trolls and shit posters that GAF has ever had and put them in one place and that's the Bad Thread. Hell, the Bad Thread was basically worse than OA.

They commented on GRRM's livejournal after posting a 1x1x1 pixel picture that got past Ty, then changed the pic at the host to become this, for example.
OMG I was looking all over for that picture. I LOVE IT.


tokkun said:
Arya's POV gave us the Brotherhood Without Banners
It gave us the reality of the war in the Riverlands
It gave us Braavos and the Faceless Men
You forgot Arya and Sandor. Those chapters were some of the best in the series imo. Not completely plot changing but two good characters interacting is always a good read. Thats what I thought was missing in ADWD in the other books there was a lot of interaction between characters we knew well but they didn't know eachother. In this book everyone is off doing their own thing and there is much less of that.


As for how I would like / expect the saga to end, hmmmm, these are some thoughts:

- Fully revealed dettails of the Valyria's doom
- Fully revealed intentions / ultimate goal of the faceless men
- The wall crumbling down at some point
- The Others being a fully fleshed out civilization with credible motives in order to obliterate Westeros instead of a blind menace or hitler-esque villains
- Outside Westeros powers getting involved in the conflict (it is already happening with Braavos and the Iron Bank)
- Howland Reed appearing in person at some point of the story. He reveals to be James Olmos. His awesomeness was so great that he had to jump from his dimensional plane into our world for it to be contained.
- A final game of thrones played among Gods revealed (series seems also headed into that direction, thought)
- A sympathetic land / culture outside Westeros is shown (apart from Braavos, that is). Yi-Ti, perhaps?
- Dany arrives to Westeros by circunventing the world
- Not a clear good VS evil final conflict, but rather a fight between favourites (say, Dany VS Griffin)
- The Iron islands gets torched to the ground and salted, and there was much rejoyce
- Tyrion becomes Dany's hand, then bails out when he sees how much of a bad leader she is
- Ramsay dies at the hands of a pack of angry, horny giants
- Jon revives as Azor Azai by Melissandre. Ayra gets comissioned to kill him by the Faceless Men since you know, all men should die and all. But alas, Ayra recognices his brother and decides to abort the assassination and be herself instead of supressing her personality. Happy, joyous re-encounter between the long separated siblings, fans cry tears of joy. Then Jon kills Ayra, his most loved person in the world in order to forge the legendary sword, and Martin pulls a Vallar Trollhulis in all of us.
- Littlefinger becoming King of Westeros. Because pedo or not he is the most apt man for the job and we all know it.


Ikael said:
As for how I would like / expect the saga to end, hmmmm, these are some thoughts:

- Fully revealed dettails of the Valyria's doom
- Fully revealed intentions / ultimate goal of the faceless men
- The wall crumbling down at some point
- The Others being a fully fleshed out civilization with credible motives in order to obliterate Westeros instead of a blind menace or hitler-esque villains
- Outside Westeros powers getting involved in the conflict (it is already happening with Braavos and the Iron Bank)
- Howland Reed appearing in person at some point of the story. He reveals to be James Olmos. His awesomeness was so great that he had to jump from his dimensional plane into our world for it to be contained.
- A final game of thrones played among Gods revealed (series seems also headed into that direction, thought)
- A sympathetic land / culture outside Westeros is shown (apart from Braavos, that is). Yi-Ti, perhaps?
- Dany arrives to Westeros by circunventing the world
- Not a clear good VS evil final conflict, but rather a fight between favourites (say, Dany VS Griffin)
- The Iron islands gets torched to the ground and salted, and there was much rejoyce
- Tyrion becomes Dany's hand, then bails out when he sees how much of a bad leader she is
- Ramsay dies at the hands of a pack of angry, horny giants
- Jon revives as Azor Azai by Melissandre. Ayra gets comissioned to kill him by the Faceless Men since you know, all men should die and all. But alas, Ayra recognices his brother and decides to abort the assassination and be herself instead of supressing her personality. Happy, joyous re-encounter between the long separated siblings, fans cry tears of joy. Then Jon kills Ayra, his most loved person in the world in order to forge the legendary sword, and Martin pulls a Vallar Trollhulis in all of us.
- Littlefinger becoming King of Westeros. Because pedo or not he is the most apt man for the job and we all know it.

Down for all but the last two. No evidence that Arya would be sent to kill Jon b/c FM don't send other FM to kill those they know. Too much of a chance that it becomes personal.

Littlefinger won't survive the next book.


Thing is, the Faceless men do know who Jon Snow commander of the Night Watch might be. Azor Azai, however, is another matter (see also the case of Cat VS Lady Stoneheart).

And littlefinger seems like the most likely person to survive in the nest of vippers that the political Westeros scene is, me thinks.


tokkun said:
Can someone explain the Jon = Azor Ahai theory to me?
"I look into my fires for Azor Ahai and all I see is Jon Snow"

That was enough to make it obvious for me.. he might as well have just titled one of Jon's chapters as Azor Ahai.


Pkaz01 said:
"I look into my fires for Azor Ahai and all I see is Jon Snow"

That was enough to make it obvious for me.. he might as well have just titled one of Jon's chapters as Azor Ahai.

What about the "born amidst salt & smoke" prophecy?
tokkun said:
What about the "born amidst salt & smoke" prophecy?

"In ancient books of Asshai it is written that there will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him."

"When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt."

Jon also had a dream where he's fighting with a burning sword. And in a earlier Jon chapter, there's this quote:
Jon glimpsed the red wanderer above, watching them through the leafless branches of great trees as they made their way beneath. The Thief, the free folk called it.
So even besides the bleeding Dallas Cowboys' star symbol, there seems to have been a red star in the sky around when Jon "died."


The prophecy:

When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.

The theory:

Most assumed this meant Dany, as her birthing dragons fits this pretty much down to the letter. But knowing GRRM's predilection for riddles and misdirection, it can also fit with Jon's last chapter:

When the red star bleeds - Ser Patrek's heraldry is stars, and he's being swung around like a doll by Wun Wun: "The dead man was Ser Patrek of King's Mountain; his head was largely gone, but his heraldry was as distinctive as his face;" "The knight's cloak flapped in the cold air...bordered in cloth-of-silver and patterend with blue stars."

and the darkness gathers - It's night? Night's Watch gathering? Winter approaching? Pretty ambiguous, but fits all the same.

amidst smoke - "In the cold night air the wound was smoking."

and salt - "Bowen Marsh stood there before him, tears running down his cheeks."

to wake dragons out of stone - Coming soon to AWOW?

PS - I take no credit for this, and overlooked all of those clues on first read, but other readers on westeros.org or winter-is-coming connected the dots.


That's a lot weaker than the Dany ties.

And if the main impetus for forming this theory is Melisandre seeing snow in the flames...well, this is the same person who is convinced that Stannis is Azor Ahai based on the flames.
tokkun said:
That's a lot weaker than the Dany ties.

And if the main impetus for forming this theory is Melisandre seeing snow in the flames...well, this is the same person who is convinced that Stannis is Azor Ahai based on the flames.
She also freely admits over and over that she sees the right things, but interprets them wrong. Just because she always thought it was stannis doesn't mean she won't change her mind.
scosher said:
The prophecy:

When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.

The theory:

Most assumed this meant Dany, as her birthing dragons fits this pretty much down to the letter. But knowing GRRM's predilection for riddles and misdirection, it can also fit with Jon's last chapter:

When the red star bleeds - Ser Patrek's heraldry is stars, and he's being swung around like a doll by Wun Wun: "The dead man was Ser Patrek of King's Mountain; his head was largely gone, but his heraldry was as distinctive as his face;" "The knight's cloak flapped in the cold air...bordered in cloth-of-silver and patterend with blue stars."

and the darkness gathers - It's night? Night's Watch gathering? Winter approaching? Pretty ambiguous, but fits all the same.

amidst smoke - "In the cold night air the wound was smoking."

and salt - "Bowen Marsh stood there before him, tears running down his cheeks."

to wake dragons out of stone - Coming soon to AWOW?

PS - I take no credit for this, and overlooked all of those clues on first read, but other readers on westeros.org or winter-is-coming connected the dots.

Poor Wun Wun. I hope he makes it.
All this talk of Jon made me remember the footnotes on the Daenery's chapter in ACOK from Tower of the Hand. This was one of her visions from the House of Undying:

Silver riding towards a stream beneath a sea of stars, a corpse with bright eyes and gray lips smiling sadly on the prow of a ship, a blue flower growing in a chink of ice

Footnote speculation: This could be Jon at the Wall. He may be Lyanna's son, and Lyanna was found of blue winter roses. See the FAQ for more details.

I'm pretty awful at picking up on these sort of things but does this put any kink in Jon being Azor Ahai?
Harry Potter said:
All this talk of Jon made me remember the footnotes on the Daenery's chapter in ACOK from Tower of the Hand. This was one of her visions from the House of Undying:

Footnote speculation: This could be Jon at the Wall. He may be Lyanna's son, and Lyanna was found of blue winter roses. See the FAQ for more details.

I'm pretty awful at picking up on these sort of things but does this put any kink in Jon being Azor Ahai?

It's more of a hint of R+L=J and of Jon being a love interest of Dany's than anything to do with being AA. Drogo, the guy on the ship, and the blue rose are usually connected with Dany's three mounts.


sparkle this bitch
I always thought it was obvious that Jon was the chosen one. Just his general involvement with the plot indicates that. He has been the one dealing with the "true enemy" since book 1. No one else has. Dany has always just felt like a catalyst to bring the Dragons back West. Her story can basically end after that and to be honest, even before as long as someone is there to carry out her will.


I think the revelation of what happened at Summerhall will be more earth-shattering and important than the reveal of what truly led to the end of Valyria.

I'm putting my name on it right now.
bengraven said:
I think the revelation of what happened at Summerhall will be more earth-shattering and important than the reveal of what truly led to the end of Valyria.

I'm putting my name on it right now.

An attempt to wake Dragons from eggs, motivated by prophecy and some kind of family division (Barristan hints at this)...I wonder if there's really anything shocking to it.


Basileus777 said:
It's more of a hint of R+L=J and of Jon being a love interest of Dany's than anything to do with being AA. Drogo, the guy on the ship, and the blue rose are usually connected with Dany's three mounts.

Does that mean she's going to fuck Victarion?
Basileus777 said:
It's more of a hint of R+L=J and of Jon being a love interest of Dany's than anything to do with being AA. Drogo, the guy on the ship, and the blue rose are usually connected with Dany's three mounts.

Ahhhh ok. I was reading those two lines as the same person. I thought they were saying Jon was the corpse with bright eyes (white walker). Didn't think of Drogo. Back to my Harry Potter. I can understand that! :p


scosher said:
Does that mean she's going to fuck Victarion?
Most likely.

However I wouldn't be surprised if it was Euron. Or maybe I'm just going crazy. Victarion is way too much like Stannis for my liking. Brittle, and to willing to follow his brother, b/c he is the brother.
I see Victarrion going out in a blaze of glory. He's crazy, and he's got huge balls, but he's dumb as fuck.

Unless Moquro somehow guides him in the right direction, I don't see him ever reaching Dany. He will at least destroy the slaver's fleet in the process, though.


Unconfirmed Member
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Wun Wun was awesome, I hope he made it too. Knowing George, he probably did not.

Is the giant slayer knight with Stannis or the queen right now? That is who Wun Wun should take out next.
Just finished. Garbled thoughts below:

1.) Every Daenerys bar the last one is annoying as fuck.

2.) You know nothing Jon Snow.

3.) Not NEARLY enough Jaime and Arya.

4.) Why couldn't we have seen more of Kevan? He seemed like a like-able enough dude.
I'm hesitant to put so much clout into the sigil of the knight who was killed by Wun Wun. That character was added to the book after Martin lost a bet with a Dallas Cowboys fan; the wager was that Martin would include a character in the book named after the fan, and give him a grisly death. Considering the Cowboys' logo is a star, I tend to think it was coincidence. And the "smoke" coming from his wounds wasn't literal smoke. It's safe to assume his wound was steaming in the cold, as blood (water) came out.

IMO Jon is either dead of paralyzed. Perhaps Melisandre heals his wounds. But I don't buy him being the chosen one when Dany fits the description so exactly.
PhoenixDark said:
IMO Jon is either dead of paralyzed. Perhaps Melisandre heals his wounds. But I don't buy him being the chosen one when Dany fits the description so exactly.

Which is bullshit because unlike Dany, Jon is actually cool.

EDIT: Just occurred to me that Quentyn Martell is like the Nikki and Paolo of ASoIaF.
SoulPlaya said:
So, do you guys think Stannis is really dead?

If Martin gave Kevan fucking Lannister a whole chapter to die, I'm sure we'll get one final look at Stannis at the very least.

And looking through the thread, I did not pick up on the the Manderly pies. The North is way more fucking badass than those flowery lords in the South.
PhoenixDark said:
I'm hesitant to put so much clout into the sigil of the knight who was killed by Wun Wun. That character was added to the book after Martin lost a bet with a Dallas Cowboys fan; the wager was that Martin would include a character in the book named after the fan, and give him a grisly death. Considering the Cowboys' logo is a star, I tend to think it was coincidence. And the "smoke" coming from his wounds wasn't literal smoke. It's safe to assume his wound was steaming in the cold, as blood (water) came out.
I mentioned this earlier, but we don't have to rely on Ser Patrek's star. In an earlier chapter Jon mentions seeing a star in the sky that the wildlings call the Red Wanderer.

It could be a red herring, but I don't think there is any real chance it is a coincidence. The whole smoke and salt thing is mentioned several times in the book, and IIRC even in Jon's last chapter. It not being literal doesn't really matter. The prophecy in The Mystery Knight was fulfilled in a very non-literal way, it would be very like GRRM to have something mundane fulfill this AA prophecy.
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