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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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ZephyrFate said:
True. I would have been fine with a little more editing time in the oven.

I would too. But if they announced a delay because of that, we might still be making fun of how the book was never coming out, instead of talking about the book now. Lol.


Ok guys so favorite line in ADWD from your favorite characters?

Tyrion - And when I die, please let them bury with me a crossbow, so I can thank the Father Above for his gifts the same way I thanked the father below.

Arya - "I gave you three. I don’t need to give you four.”


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
So who do people actually want to be in power in Westeros at the end.
probably littlefinger

no one else is competent

the targs are all disgusting especially

fuck them and their dragons

Sotha Sil

BlueTsunami said:
So we can fully expect Beastiality in Winds of Winter?

It's Martin. He's done it all. Nothing can shock me anymore. I personally expect a Ghost/Nymeria incest/bestiality/underage sex scene in Winds of Winters.


Sotha Sil said:
It's Martin. He's done it all. Nothing can shock me anymore. I personally expect a Ghost/Nymeria incest/bestiality/underage sex scene in Winds of Winters.

That scene should start at the end of a Jon POV chapter, and end with the start of the next Arya POV chapter.

Holy shit I feel dirty.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
So who do people actually want to be in power in Westeros at the end.
In power meaning the throne or just successful? I'd want a real stark leading the north and I don't really know who would be in power in kings landing I wouldn't mind anyone with a decent hand like tyrion or varys. I'd also like Sansa to take over the Vale she wouldn't be a good leader in the north or a queen but the Vale seems good for her.

Sotha Sil

duckroll said:
That scene should start at the end of a Jon POV chapter, and end with the start of the next Arya POV chapter.

Holy shit I feel dirty.

I'm picturing Martin doing the Jack Nicholson creepy nod right now.

What has he done to us?
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
So who do people actually want to be in power in Westeros at the end.

I did like the idea of Tommen with Kevan helping him rule, but alas. I'm not really sure who I want, they all kind of suck. I guess if I had to pick one I'll go for the choice no one else will have, Sansa. I think by the time Littlefinger's done with her she'll know what's up, but because her parents raised her right she'll be a decent person and able to rule.

I'll tell you who I don't want on there. I don't want Jon, he's too cliche. And I definitely don't want Dany, she's been the most obvious one since the beginning, and she sucks.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
And I definitely don't want Dany, she's been the most obvious one since the beginning, and she sucks.
No, she doesn't. Just because she doesn't drop lady-boys out of ships and just because she, SHOCKER, has some teen-girl feelings/problems doesn't make her a sucky character. :| She's proven to be resourceful in many situations and a just ruler. She went on trying to solve Meereen's problems in the wrong way, but that hardly makes her suck as a character.


more money than God
OK, I've been avoiding this thread, but I just finished ADWD last night. So, what's the consensus on the book? Personally, I'm really disappointed. So much of the book just felt like pointless filler to me, especially Tyrion, most of Jon, and a lot of Dany. I got the sense that Martin has no real idea where this series is going, and he just decided to use this book as a transition for the next. We've been waiting years for this, and to have to wait even more years for SOME climax is really disheartening. I mean, the way he complained all these years, I would have thought something big was happening in this book, but I think he decided to avoid the "knot" completely in this book, by just having nothing conclusive happen.

Now, don't get me wrong, it felt at points like the best written book in the series, with a tremendous amount of polish, and Theon's perspectives are just amazing. Unfortunately, however, I feel like this book is the weakest in the series, and that we waited all these years for nothing.


The series has spiralled out of control like WOT. Which is ironic given so many ASOIAF fans were disparaging of WOT for that very reason.


The fan-service ending would be Jon and Dany ruling, with Tyrion as King's Hand and Arya as head of the Kingsguard, Varys back in his old position.

The real ending won't be quite that neat.

There's no way both Jon and Dany are alive at the end of the saga -- and since GRRM already blew his "kill Jon" load, I think Dany dies sometime during the last book, presumably after she stupidly lets someone else control Drogon.

I could see Jon ruling, but a harder Jon, one who's been changed irrevocably. You thought his execution of Slynt was hardcore? Wait till he orders the deaths of Tommen and Ser Pounce, and doesn't even bother to swing the sword himself.

The one character I most hope for having a happy ending is Arya, but somehow I don't see it happening. Just don't let a Stark kill her while she's wearing a disguised face. :(


more money than God
Am I the only one that doesn't understand the Arya love? I'm more interested in what's going on with Littlefinger and Sansa, but then again that's probably because we've gotten so little of them.

Sotha Sil

SoulPlaya said:
Am I the only one that doesn't understand the Arya love? I'm more interested in what's going on with Littlefinger and Sansa, but then again that's probably because we've gotten so little of them.

As far as I'm concerned, the Arya love comes from a perfect combination of endearing dramatic irony (we know a lot, lot more than her about life in general and what's going on in Westeros in general) and sheer moments of brilliance/courage ("I can't believe she thought of that/did that!"). She's both innocent and cunning; goodhearted and brutal. Loved her DwD chapters.


SoulPlaya said:
Am I the only one that doesn't understand the Arya love? I'm more interested in what's going on with Littlefinger and Sansa, but then again that's probably because we've gotten so little of them.

i don't get the love for her either. She seems like a fairly stock standard fantasy character and thus far she's only had marginal plot impact.

Alternatively, I'm really interested to see what happens with Sansa. Mainly whether she starts to act independently from littlefinger or whether she continues to be a pawn.


i_am_ben said:
i don't get the love for her either. She seems like a fairly stock standard fantasy character and thus far she's only had marginal plot impact.

Alternatively, I'm really interested to see what happens with Sansa. Mainly whether she starts to act independently from littlefinger or whether she continues to be a pawn.
She'll probably kill Littlefinger before the series is over.


more money than God
Sotha Sil said:
As far as I'm concerned, the Arya love comes from a perfect combination of endearing dramatic irony (we know a lot, lot more than her about life in general and what's going on in Westeros in general) and sheer moments of brilliance/courage ("I can't believe she thought of that/did that!"). She's both innocent and cunning; goodhearted and brutal. Loved her DwD chapters.
I guess to me, she just hasn't done anything. There's a lot of mystery there, and I would normally give Martin the benefit of the doubt, but after this book, I don't think he knows what to do with her. I don't really find her arc all that compelling. Every perspective of hers seems to be the same thing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SoulPlaya said:
Am I the only one that doesn't understand the Arya love? I'm more interested in what's going on with Littlefinger and Sansa, but then again that's probably because we've gotten so little of them.

I'm definitely interested in what Sansa is up to now, but I mostly hated her until she arrived at the Eyrie.
SoulPlaya said:
I guess to me, she just hasn't done anything. There's a lot of mystery there, and I would normally give Martin the benefit of the doubt, but after this book, I don't think he knows what to do with her. I don't really find her arc all that compelling. Every perspective of hers seems to be the same thing.
The best thing with Arya was Jaquen. It's been pretty stale for me since.
i_am_ben said:
The series has spiralled out of control like WOT. Which is ironic given so many ASOIAF fans were disparaging of WOT for that very reason.
And yet this same rhetoric is nothing more than hyperbole. ASOIAF is nowhere close to WoT in going out of control.


SoulPlaya said:
I guess to me, she just hasn't done anything. There's a lot of mystery there, and I would normally give Martin the benefit of the doubt, but after this book, I don't think he knows what to do with her. I don't really find her arc all that compelling. Every perspective of hers seems to be the same thing.

Arya's POV gave us the Brotherhood Without Banners
It gave us the reality of the war in the Riverlands
It gave us Braavos and the Faceless Men

Sansa's POV has really given us very little - just a little more insight into Littlefinger's plots in her last few chapters. Almost all of her chapters in the first 3 books overlap with other characters.


more money than God
tokkun said:
Arya's POV gave us the Brotherhood Without Banners
It gave us the reality of the war in the Riverlands
It gave us Braavos and the Faceless Men

Sansa's POV has really given us very little - just a little more insight into Littlefinger's plots in her last few chapters. Almost all of her chapters in the first 3 books overlap with other characters.
That was a while ago, and I don't find too many things interesting about the Faceless Men. It just seems to me to be something Martin created to have Arya spent her time with, until he can figure out what to do with her. It's been essentially the same chapter over and over again with her, since she's been with them.


SoulPlaya said:
That was a while ago, and I don't find too many things interesting about the Faceless Men. It just seems to me to be something Martin created to have Arya spent her time with, until he can figure out what to do with her. It's been essentially the same chapter over and over again with her, since she's been with them.
We've had like four chapters with her since SoS, I don't see the problem here.


I always figured Dany and her dragons would save Westeros from the White Walkers menace. Ice and fire and all that. Dany would be crowned savior and queen of the kingdom or whatever.


jett said:
I always figured Dany and her dragons would save Westeros from the White Walkers menace. Ice and fire and all that. Dany would be crowned savior and queen of the kingdom or whatever.

That would happen if David Eddings was writing it maybe. :p

While it's a good thing he's not, GRRM is too busy channeling Danielle Steel. So we lose anyway. :(


Interesting that in this video he is asked if you can warg into a dragon and he giggles and says "we'll see".

duckroll said:
That scene should start at the end of a Jon POV chapter, and end with the start of the next Arya POV chapter.

Holy shit I feel dirty.

SoulPlaya said:
Bad thread?
A SomethingAwful thread that lasted for ages where people made the worst, most vile, disgusting pejoratives towards GRRM, the novels, et. al. Basically where yacobod gets a lot of his shtick about GRRM writing too many Wild Cards novels and watching too much football


more money than God
ZephyrFate said:
A SomethingAwful thread that lasted for ages where people made the worst, most vile, disgusting pejoratives towards GRRM, the novels, et. al. Basically where yacobod gets a lot of his shtick about GRRM writing too many Wild Cards novels and watching too much football
Thanks, didn't know about that.
SoulPlaya said:
Thanks, didn't know about that.
On top of that, there was absolutely disgusting fanfiction people wrote about various characters fucking each other in the most disgusting ways. You come out of that thread completely disturbed.


PhoenixDark said:
He also winked lol. Bran warging an ice dragon would be boss

It's also cool to see that he also hated Joffrey. "It was fun to kill that little shit".

ZephyrFate said:
A SomethingAwful thread that lasted for ages where people made the worst, most vile, disgusting pejoratives towards GRRM, the novels, et. al. Basically where yacobod gets a lot of his shtick about GRRM writing too many Wild Cards novels and watching too much football

Yeah, they're on thread 5 I believe...and this time the hammer fell and the admins are like "listen, talk about the books, don't shit this up, when time goes by and the next book isn't on the horizon we'll let you be immature again". Basically it was a thread for those people who were being driven nuts by the wait. Sometimes someone just simply said "rape" or "Lemoncakes" or "absolute fucker" or posted a pic of GRRM's face pasted over a gay bear who was fucking another hairy man. Sometimes all of the above. The fan fic stuff they wrote was brilliant at times, though main horrific.

Before this, it was basically the worst thread on the planet, though if you look at that thread you'll point fingers at me and go "um.."

Yes, you'll see my name in the last few threads there. I have no shame.


ZephyrFate said:
On top of that, there was absolutely disgusting fanfiction people wrote about various characters fucking each other in the most disgusting ways. You come out of that thread completely disturbed.

Shit, sounds like we're almost there. :(


No, duck, we're far far from the bad thread. Take the worst trolls and shit posters that GAF has ever had and put them in one place and that's the Bad Thread. Hell, the Bad Thread was basically worse than OA.

They commented on GRRM's livejournal after posting a 1x1x1 pixel picture that got past Ty, then changed the pic at the host to become this, for example.


From Google chat:

Martin says he will not publish the unused Arya chapters that he cut from Dance of Dragons on his site. "Maybe I'll find a place for that, but I have a feeling that much of that and more will still be in my files when the first series is done," he says.


Two things:

1) I thought unused chapters immediately go into the next book? This makes me think there are chapters between the Arya chapters we have in Dance that we will never see. :(
2) "first series"?
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