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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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It was probably just in response to the rise of the Lannisters + Aerys going bonkers. Rickard may have felt that keeping themselves sequestered up North wasn't an option any longer.

At least, I don't see there being any kingly ambitions.


Dresden said:
It was probably just in response to the rise of the Lannisters + Aerys going bonkers. Rickard may have felt that keeping themselves sequestered up North wasn't an option any longer.

At least, I don't see there being any kingly ambitions.

Everyone in this series have kingly ambitions, how is Rickard et al any different?
About to start a Dance reread. Gonna go over the theories in the westeros forums before hand. Can't believe some f the stuff i missed, especially Manderly being Rat Cook pt. II.

Good shit
Gamer @ Heart said:
What is the theory on where the blackfish went after his escape? My random guess would be he somehow meet rickon based on nothing at all.
It'd make sense for him to go to the Vale considering he was the Knight of the Gate. He thinks Rickon is dead and I'm not sure how he'd find him on Skagos.


Dresden said:
What are you talking about? It's nowhere close to 'everyone.'
The Bolton's want to be King's in the North, Stannis wants to be King, Theon wants to be King in the Iron Islands along with Euron, Victarion, and Asha. Aegon wants to be King. Dany wants to be Queen. Cersei wants to continue to rule. Littlefinger most likely wants to be King.

Pretty much every main character we've met wants to rule. Minus Arya. The Karstark's are jealous of the senior branch of the family, they want to replace the Starks, if it weren't for the Bolton's.

They Tyrell's want to rule also.

And thats just off the top of my head.


PhoenixDark said:
Theon wants to be king? That's news to me
Well I thought he did, although maybe the whole Reek business took that desire from him as well.

I probably read it all wrong.
zmoney said:
Well I thought he did, although maybe the whole Reek business took that desire from him as well.

I probably read it all wrong.

Even before that, he really only wanted to be a Stark. He's never had any aspirations to be King of the 7 Kingdoms. Lord of the Iron Islands, maybe.


i'm rather embarassed to say that i didn't know Abel in Winterfell was actually Mance Rayder and his washerwomen were his spearwives until after Theon escaped with Jayne.


LocoMrPollock said:
Even before that, he really only wanted to be a Stark. He's never had any aspirations to be King of the 7 Kingdoms. Lord of the Iron Islands, maybe.
But in his mind the Lord of the Iron Islands should be a King.
Basileus777 said:
It'd make sense for him to go to the Vale considering he was the Knight of the Gate. He thinks Rickon is dead and I'm not sure how he'd find him on Skagos.
Skagos? What clues/theory pointed that way? I must have missed them.

Chris R

Gamer @ Heart said:
Skagos? What clues/theory pointed that way? I must have missed them.
GRRM mentioned that
Rikkon/Osha will be chilling on Skaggos
in the next book I believe. NEXT BOOK SPOILERS OMG


How do you think Martin will handle the POVs in TWOW?
I can't help but notice that two of the POV-with-strange-names have now a normal name ("Theon" and "Victarion"), but I don't know if it is a sign of something.

For what I understand some POVs are already confirmed
Aeron, Aryanne..and of course Sansa

If I have to guess
Stark: Bran, Sansa (she'll go back to "Sansa" by the end of the book), Arya (same), Jon (same, we'll probably have some "Ghost" or something and at the end "Jon" we'll be back)

Lannister: Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime (with Brienne)

Greyjoy: Theon (with Asha), Victarion, Aeron (strange name POV)

Daenerys, Davos, Melisandre, Samwell
Aryanne (strange name POV, no more Areo Hotah I hope)
Jon Connington (strange name POV)
Maybe Barristan again?
Dresden said:
It was probably just in response to the rise of the Lannisters + Aerys going bonkers. Rickard may have felt that keeping themselves sequestered up North wasn't an option any longer.

At least, I don't see there being any kingly ambitions.

The Dance stuff for me hinted at it specifically being the Maesters manipulating things to get Rickard less isolated than anything else. We've heard they were manipulating the downfall of the dragons and several have had interest in the Prophecy of the Prince Who Was Promised. The maester pushes for a wedding between the Starks and Tullys...and all the offspring of that pairing end up as Wargs. Seems like there was something going on there behind the scenes.

Also, Rhaegar is interested in the prophecy and runs off with Lyanna Stark. We can assume that well read individuals looking into the prophecy may have concluded that Stark/First Men blood is possibly involved.

Anyway, that's my reading, rather than Rickard just breaking with tradition and wanting to get more involved in the south on his own.


bengraven said:
Maybe Theon and Dany will hook up...since neither can have kids anymore.

Reek rhymes with meek, weak, and leek.

But look at the upside, I'm sure George can write some fantastic sex scenes between them if they do hook up.


yacobod said:
Reek rhymes with meek, weak, and leek.

But look at the upside, I'm sure George can write some fantastic sex scenes between them if they do hook up.

And freak.

Just finished...Jon Snow! The best chapters were Reek/Theon, Arya (of course), Bran, Dany's last two-three, and some of Jon's. The Tyrion chapters were fucking horrible. Martin should have killed him in the Sorrows. We didn't need Tyrion to get to Aegon/Connington. As someone previously stated, "I am now NOT eagerly anticipating the next book." I have to somewhat agree.

EDIT: ambiguous pronoun
Gamer @ Heart said:
What is the theory on where the blackfish went after his escape? My random guess would be he somehow meet rickon based on nothing at all.

The Vale imo, it's the safest place and makes the most sense. I have a feeling he'll meet an untimely death though, as while he has never seen Sansa he should recognize her.

From a Song of Ice and Wire
SoulPlaya said:
So, was it just Theon's balls that were cut off, or everything down there?
pretty ambiguous. Lots of hints that he can't do sexual stuff, and that ramsay has taken "that other thing" and such, but can't be sure.


ZephyrFate said:
The end of ADWD proves that she can have kids again.

Yeah, I'm wondering about that. So she's menstrating. Why? Because she took back her destiny? Or maybe she repressed her own menstral cycle due to anxiety over the prophecy and there's nothing mystical about it.

Dunno. Thoughts?


Blue Ninja said:
I also think Jon's going to live. Martin just wanted to troll us because we were bitching about the long wait for Dance, I'm sure of it. He'll be alive and kicking during Winds of Winter. Maybe Melisandre will "revive" him, and because he "died" he's no longer bound to his vow to the Night's Watch.

Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell suplot incoming.

You also have to remember that Robb already legitimized Jon and named him his successor to King in the North (at least thats what was suggested). Assuming that part of the story is meant to come back into the series, Jon may well rise higher than only Lord of Winterfell.

emacs said:
i'm rather embarassed to say that i didn't know Abel in Winterfell was actually Mance Rayder and his washerwomen were his spearwives until after Theon escaped with Jayne.
Yeah, I made the connection as soon as one of the women was telling Theon how she had climbed over the wall before... but I still felt I should have figured it all out sooner seeing how Mance had told Jon of his previous comings to winterfell.


bengraven said:
Yeah, I'm wondering about that. So she's menstrating. Why? Because she took back her destiny? Or maybe she repressed her own menstral cycle due to anxiety over the prophecy and there's nothing mystical about it.

Dunno. Thoughts?
She'll have a kid but die in child birth. Thus Martin's "bittersweet" comments.
Kthreev said:
You also have to remember that Robb already legitimized Jon and named him his successor to King in the North (at least thats what was suggested). Assuming that part of the story is meant to come back into the series, Jon may well rise higher than only Lord of Winterfell.
Jon Stark, King in the North subplot incoming.

I swear to god, if Ramsay Snow's head isn't decorating a pike by the time the series ends, I'm gonna be pissed.
Kthreev said:
You also have to remember that Robb already legitimized Jon and named him his successor to King in the North (at least thats what was suggested). Assuming that part of the story is meant to come back into the series, Jon may well rise higher than only Lord of Winterfell.

Never confirmed, I'll continue to doubt it until it's a fact lol

It would seem rather convenient for Jon to be healed/kicked out the NW and then be told he's Robb's heir.
aDwD question, when Arya
assassinated that ship insurance man, how exactly did he die? I understand getting the coin on him was important, but why did he die that evening


it's 4th of July in my asshole
mamacint said:
aDwD question, when Arya
assassinated that ship insurance man, how exactly did he die? I understand getting the coin on him was important, but why did he die that evening

She noticed him biting the coins to check if they where real. She swapped on of the merchants coins with a coin that was poisoned. Dude bit the coin, poisoned himself and died.


mamacint said:
aDwD question, when Arya
assassinated that ship insurance man, how exactly did he die? I understand getting the coin on him was important, but why did he die that evening
She poisoned a coin with the help of a waif, switched it with one from the guy that was going to pay the insurance man, when the insurance man took the coin and bit it to see if it was real he was poisoned and died from what they say was a heart attack.
Ahh right, it was a while since I read the last books and thought it was their custom to leave their coin with the victim (is it or am I imagining that??), I was thinking she was just taking care of that part but didn't make the poison connection.


PhoenixDark said:
Never confirmed, I'll continue to doubt it until it's a fact lol

Haha alright, then let's hear some speculation about who else Robb could've chosen that would have caused Cat to freak out about his decision.


mamacint said:
Ahh right, it was a while since I read the last books and thought it was their custom to leave their coin with the victim (is it or am I imagining that??), I was thinking she was just taking care of that part but didn't make the poison connection.

This is also how Pate died in AFFC.
mamacint said:
aDwD question, when Arya
assassinated that ship insurance man, how exactly did he die? I understand getting the coin on him was important, but why did he die that evening

That was a good bit. It reminded me of playing Hitman while I was reading it.

Also, I liked your old avatar better.


Just going through the epilogue for ADWD.

All in all, the worst of the books!

Essos is awful fullstop. Dany is an awful waste of time, I skipped all of her chapters but I think I made a mistake so I'm going to read them all as well as tyrions and Selmys.

Needed more Bran, Jon Snow, Arya, Jamie and Lady Stoneheart!

The next book is going to be awesome though! This book seemed like a setup for ASOS level epicness!


Unconfirmed Member
Are you joking? I hate Dany but I wouldn't skip anything in the book. If you skip something in a book I don't think you should be reading it at all.
CrunchyB said:
This is also how Pate died in AFFC.

Did Pate actually bite the coin?

I can't quite recall, but I think he did.....Not sure, though.

mamacint said:
aDwD question, when Arya
assassinated that ship insurance man, how exactly did he die? I understand getting the coin on him was important, but why did he die that evening

What's with the spoiler? This is the unmarked spoilers thread.
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