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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Brera said:
so I'm going to read them all as well as tyrions and Selmys.

Needed more Arya!

You can skip Tyrion's chapters. Martin turned one of the best characters in a circus sideshow. His chapters were the worst in the entire series.

I cannot wait to see what becomes of Arya.


PhoenixDark said:
Theon wants to be king? That's news to me

Yeah, he was hoping to be king of the iron islands, remember Robb would let the Greyjoys keep their crown as long as they helped him with the Lannisters.


diunxx said:
Yeah, he was hoping to be king of the iron islands, remember Robb would let the Greyjoys keep their crown as long as they helped him with the Lannisters.

Balon had to be a douchebag though. I hold those retards personally responsible for what happened to Winterfell and Robb. Personally I hope all of the iron islanders get fucked in the ass. Fucking nuke those pieces of shit from orbit, only way to be sure.


jett said:
Balon had to be a douchebag though. I hold those retards personally responsible for what happened to Winterfell and Robb. Personally I hope all of the iron islanders get fucked in the ass. Fucking nuke those pieces of shit from orbit, only way to be sure.

I haven't posted in here in a while but I will chime in to reinforce this point. Robb gave Balon his own kingdom and like the retards all the Iron Islanders are..we'll fucking attack Robb with no long term plan. I hope they all fucking die.


Yep, should have hit it and quit it like a proper king, Victarion is awesome I hope he gets to fuck Daario's shit up.
Help Me! said:
You can skip Tyrion's chapters. Martin turned one of the best characters in a circus sideshow. His chapters were the worst in the entire series.

I cannot wait to see what becomes of Arya.

I, on the other hand, look at Tyrion's chapters as a great and thorough examination of a guy recovering from depressing and guilt over the events in book 3. I loved watching as we can see Tyrion kind of get reborn. He wasn't really himself, you get a glimpse of him on the boat with Griff (figuring out his secret), but just a hint. Finally towards the end during his escape and joining up with the Second Sons he's back. It's a great arc.


Does maths and stuff
Brera said:
Just going through the epilogue for ADWD.

All in all, the worst of the books!

Essos is awful fullstop. Dany is an awful waste of time, I skipped all of her chapters but I think I made a mistake so I'm going to read them all as well as tyrions and Selmys.

Needed more Bran, Jon Snow, Arya, Jamie and Lady Stoneheart!

The next book is going to be awesome though! This book seemed like a setup for ASOS level epicness!

Lol...no one hates Danys chapters more than me, but skipping an entire major characters POVs?? Wtf.
fanboi said:
While I agree with both above, I say Catelyn is the sole reason to all this clusterfuck.

Robb is the one who trusted Theon to go to the Iron Isles by himself to negotiate, and he's the one who married the Westerling girl; Catelyn vehemently opposed both decisions. While I think Robb would have been killed regardless, he certainly would have lived longer if he followed Catelyn's advice and sent a Northman to the Iron Isles and married a Frey girl; instead a stray arrow would have killed him 9 months after the marriage.

Catelyn's decision to release Jaime started the chain reaction that ultimately ruined the North, but Robb sped up the process significantly.
PhoenixDark said:
Catelyn's decision to release Jaime started the chain reaction that ultimately ruined the North, but Robb sped up the process significantly.

Catelyn's decision came after both of Robb's fuck ups! (though she didn't know about the marriage yet)

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
suffah said:
Lol...no one hates Danys chapters more than me, but skipping an entire major characters POVs?? Wtf.
And then saying it's the worst in the series! Thats hilarious... people on the gaming side look at screenshots and review games, OT skips half a book and reviews it.


platypotamus said:
Catelyn's decision came after both of Robb's fuck ups! (though she didn't know about the marriage yet)
This is true, but I don't think the south would've went with such a bold move as the red wedding if the Stark's still held Jaime.
Well if Edmure hadn't fucked things up, Robb could have fought and most likely have defeated Tywin and Stannis may have won the Battle of the Blackwater! No Red Wedding at all. Edmure is to blame.


Sorry if I'm forgetting something obvious, but could Jaime and Cersei be Targaryen? I think it's mentioned Aerys takes Tywin's wife during the marriage, although the lack of Targaryen features (silver hair, purple eyes) makes it seem unlikely.

Edit: I guess I'm just wondering if we'll see Jaime riding a Dragon in book 6/7.
Dares said:
So does anyone else think that having an HBO show will light a fire under Martin's ass, or is it wishful thinking?
Not yet at this point, since they've only just finished the first season so they still have like four years to go before they'll even catch up.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Whatever, if the First Men hadn't fought the Children of the Forest in the first place, then maybe the Andals wouldn't have been able to invade.
What was the difference between the Andals and the First Men again?
zmoney said:
What was the difference between the Andals and the First Men again?
the first men were the first humans into westeros. They had no horses, and bronze weapons. They fought with the children for thousands of years until the truce. They then worshipped the same old gods as the children, and kept weirwoods and whatnot. Then Thousands of years after that, the andals crossed the sea, bringing the religion of the seven, horses, and iron weapons.


zmoney said:
What was the difference between the Andals and the First Men again?

Basically, the First Men had co-owned Westeros with the children of the forest for about 6000 years before the Andals came along. The First Men worshiped the old gods and used brass weapons. The Andals brought their Faith in the 7 along with the iron age.

So due to weapon superiority and probably advanced military tactics (e.g. knights), the Andals burned down pretty much all the weirwoods in the South, slaughtered most of the CoTF, and beat back the First Men till the First Men finally made a stand in the North. I assume this is when the CoTF just said "fuck it" and hiked up waaaaay north past the wall.

And so another 6000 years pass and then Aegon and co. unite the North with all the kingdoms in the South under the Dragon.


sazabirules said:
Are you joking? I hate Dany but I wouldn't skip anything in the book. If you skip something in a book I don't think you should be reading it at all.
My reasoning was that the danny stuff has always been detached from wmeberywere else and anything significant is mentioned in passing.

I'm going to read them all. I'm confused, wasn't rickon and shaggydog not with bran? I dont remember then getting separated?


Help Me! said:
You can skip Tyrion's chapters. Martin turned one of the best characters in a circus sideshow. His chapters were the worst in the entire series.

I cannot wait to see what becomes of Arya.
Im listening to the awesome audio book. Everytime I listened to tyrions, I gave up and didnt bother with the others.

I love arya but hate this god of many faces shit. Have I missed something? I find it disturbing and want that old man dead! I don't understand her motives at all, everytime I hear them planning on making her go through something awful I just want to scream at her to leave!


Brera said:
I'm confused, wasn't rickon and shaggydog not with bran? I dont remember then getting separated?

Bran's group was also with Rickon and Osha after escaping Winterfell. They decide it is safer to split up the two Stark heirs.


jon bones said:
And then saying it's the worst in the series! Thats hilarious... people on the gaming side look at screenshots and review games, OT skips half a book and reviews it.
I went off past experience. I've got through all the books in a month and the dany shit was consistently a waste of time.

Every book ended with fuck all progression and by the sounds of it it's the same with this. None of her actions really effect the bigger picture much and I'll be surprised if she ends up the ruler of anything! Nor does she deserve to, she's a dumbass!

Pisses me off that so many awesome characters have died and she's still alive!

Jon snow is clearly the next king of the seven kingdoms what with his targarean blood!


Brera said:
Im listening to the awesome audio book. Everytime I listened to tyrions, I gave up and didnt bother with the others.

I love arya but hate this god of many faces shit. Have I missed something? I find it disturbing and want that old man dead! I don't understand her motives at all, everytime I hear them planning on making her go through something awful I just want to scream at her to leave!

And were would she leave? to westeros to be tortured and murdered by crazy Cersei for the "crimes" of her sister? or stay in essos and become a thief/beggar.
Brera said:
My reasoning was that the danny stuff has always been detached from wmeberywere else and anything significant is mentioned in passing.

I'm going to read them all. I'm confused, wasn't rickon and shaggydog not with bran? I dont remember then getting separated?
You'd probably remember more if you stopped skipping chapters in an ASOIAF novel.


Brera said:
Every book ended with fuck all progression
So going from a scared little girl to ruling one of the biggest cities accross the Narrow Sea is "fuck all progression"? There's been shittons of progression in her chapters. But hey, you've probably skipped them all, so I'm not sure why I'm even arguing with you.

and by the sounds of it it's the same with this.
First having to deal with the Sons of the Harpies, then having to realize that instead of being these magnificent things the dragons are actually wild beasts that are hard to control to ending up waging war against half the world and then just fleeing from it all on the back of a dragon? Yeah, nothing happens in ADWD for Dany.

None of her actions really effect the bigger picture much and I'll be surprised if she ends up the ruler of anything!
If none of her actions affect the bigger picture, why is half the world in war against her? Unless your view of the "bigger picture" is narrow like "she hasn't come to Westeros yet = nothing she does accross the Narrow sea matters"

Nor does she deserve to, she's a dumbass!
A dumbass who has gone from someone with nothing to winning battles against several cities and ending up ruling a big city with a massive army.


Brera said:
My reasoning was that the danny stuff has always been detached from wmeberywere else and anything significant is mentioned in passing.

I'm going to read them all. I'm confused, wasn't rickon and shaggydog not with bran? I dont remember then getting separated?

I don't like Dany much in ADWD, but I wouldn't skip her chapters. If you're gonna read the book the first time through, you might as well read it properly. ..It's a lot better than going back to it later and having to read all her chapters in a row.

If you read it then you would know Rickon + Shaggydog are with Osha, and heading to Skagos. :p
Just finished ADWD today. Some thoughts.


1) Barristan The Bold is a fucking badass. I loved him from the start of the series and he delivers big time in this one. The chapter where he captures Hizdar is the best chapter in the book. "Then come."- Soooo good.

2) The chapter where Drogon returns is good. Great way to bring the dragons to the forefront of the story.

3) Irri and Jhiqui arguing was hilarious. "You are fat, it is known."- I laughed out loud.

4) I enjoyed every time Strong Belwas was involved.

5) Tormund Giantsbane is another character I love. Ditto for Melissandre.

6) Some good Hodor moments. Near and dear to my heart.


1) The majority of the book is people travelling from one place to another.

2) Jon's chapters in this one were weak sauce. And that's sad because Jon's chapters in ACWK and ASOS were amazing. And his justification for wanting to fight Ramsay was kind of weak as well. The Night's Watch supposedly takes no part, yet that's not how it feels at all. Ramsay should have made a clearer, unconditional threat.

3) No Littlefinger. WTF? He's one of the best characters for God's sake!

4) Another prologue with wights and then they basically don't turn up again. That's kind of lame.

5) I hate when a character "dies" or is supposed to be dead and then comes back. That's lame and Martin should be above that. I'm looking at you, Aegon.

Overall, it's better than AFFC but it pales in comparison to ACWK and even more so to ASOS. I guess I'd say it's either the third or fourth best in the series so far. I was hoping the story would progress more, and that more people with POVs would be killed off. Still, a great book!
So I was just thinking - is melissandre using a glamour on herself? She's got that ruby all the time, and her whole "fiery" persona - the hair and eyes, is just a bit too perfect. She's got the ruby around her throat, just like fake rattleshirt, and we know that relates to his glamour. Also, most of the other important priests of rhllor that we see in the series have the face tattoos of slaves. And we know that mel was a slave - "lot 4" or whatever her number was that she keeps remembering.

I think she's covering something up.


Belwas and Arstan are in COK right? Can't wait to see who they cast for Belwas and how they cover up Barristan. Hopefully they don't make it too obvious.


I just finished DWD, and I'm wondering why are people still talking about Jon? I mean, it's fairly obvious that he's dead. He betrayed the watch, and had four daggers buried in him. Soooooooo......


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
I will vomit with rage if they don't have Belwas in the series.

Haha, I imagine they'll keep him. He's probably one of the few characters in Essos who I'm actually interested in. I hope they go all out with his size and the scars though. Would be cool to have this colossal fat man covered in the failed attempts at his life. Would give us some insight into the Slaver citites too, which is needed for /all/ of Daenerys' story arc.


I'll agree that Jon's reasons for breaking the oath because Ramsey calls him out is kind of weak. He lets his whole family fight in a war/get captured/killed and he doesn't do anything, then he gets trolled and decides "fuck it".


Dares said:
I'll agree that Jon's reasons for breaking the oath because Ramsey calls him out is kind of weak. He lets his whole family fight in a war/get captured/killed and he doesn't do anything, then he gets trolled and decides "fuck it".
Yep. Not a whole lot different than the actions of Robb and Cat leading up to the Red Wedding.
Dares said:
I'll agree that Jon's reasons for breaking the oath because Ramsey calls him out is kind of weak. He lets his whole family fight in a war/get captured/killed and he doesn't do anything, then he gets trolled and decides "fuck it".

His situation was very different at the time.

Jon is kind of a turd anyway, though. Well, so far. He should be better next book and not so much "Ned's son." Time to wake that fuckin' dragon.


Dartastic said:
I just finished DWD, and I'm wondering why are people still talking about Jon? I mean, it's fairly obvious that he's dead. He betrayed the watch, and had four daggers buried in him. Soooooooo......
Yeah just like Brienne and Davos before him. When GRRM kills off a character he confirms it beyond a reasonable doubt. Jon's coming back one way or another.
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