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A Trump supporter insulted Patton Oswalt's late wife, which prompted him to respond..

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May every person that mentions his wife choke on nasty gristled steak..

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Steve Martin tweeted a well intentioned thing about Carrie Fischer, but came across incredibly misguided and creepy, and Patton Oswalt came to his defense blaming "SJWs".

The tweets:

Sure..to you. Almost every time someone throws that SJW term around it's on some whiney stupid shit..Patton wasn't wrong here.


Yeah it seems one of those rare cases where SJW is used as it was actually intended.


just because assholes have tried to co-opt a term doesn't change it

to put it another way, there was a joke on SNL recently, Weekend Update, which I will badly paraphrase, and went like:

"you see a march for Feminism, and it's obvious you wan to support such a good thing, right? what possible argument could be made against this? but then you see a woman scream at a cop's face with a bullhorn while wearing a homemade uterus hat and you realize there are levels to this thing"

i've seen a fair few gaffers use the whole "unironic use of SJW lands you in the penalty box" but they are losing the forest for the trees, IMO.

Gordon Shumway said:
Sure..to you. Almost every time someone throws that SJW term around it's on some whiney stupid shit..Patton wasn't wrong here.
it all depends on what you are reading online though. you engage in a lot of discussion about such terms, it's inevitable, you self-selected in a way. not purposefully... or maybe a better term is consciously.
People like me? What are you saying?

Steve Martin tweeted a well intentioned thing about Carrie Fischer, but came across incredibly misguided and creepy, and Patton Oswalt came to his defense blaming "SJWs".

The tweets:
That Steve Martin tweet is creepier than I imagined it to be lol. I understand what he meant but that was phrased pretty weird
Saw Patton's post on Facebook it was a great read as always. Hadn't seen the actual tweets until now. How terrible is it that this guy started all of this over a positive tweet from Patton? Why even follow someone on Twitter if you dislike them? Good for Patton for firing back so hard. Can't imagine how furious I'd be in his position.
I take it everyone thinking it was "creepy" is in their early 20s..I've heard that phase applied to men and women in the past and no one was gasping at the horror of it..


benevolent sexism
I bet if Steve Martin had used a word other than "creature," far fewer people would have been creeped out. I'm not blaming an old guy for using language like an old guy, though. Nor am I really blaming people who think it's an outmoded word choice, or just don't really understand it as it was intended. I'll blame people who get hella pissed about it, though, despite his obviously good intentions.



Those Wesley Snipes tweets are great too. myman.gif

People like me? What are you saying?

Steve Martin tweeted a well intentioned thing about Carrie Fischer, but came across incredibly misguided and creepy, and Patton Oswalt came to his defense blaming "SJWs".

The tweets:

Considering what the original meaning of "social justice warrior" was , that seems to be appropriate usage.


I watched this unfold live and enjoyed every minute of it. This guy who insulted Patton's wife was dumb enough to use his business account which included his cell number and the company he worked for. Karma is a bitch...he got what he deserved. I hope this happens to more people who think they can say whatever they want and hide behind a twitter account

Reminds me of those idiots who tweeted racist garbage after Obama got re-elected and got fired for it.


I'd love to see similar action taken against all internet trolls. Facebook and twitter should be pressured to provide info about hate accounts to employers.


I bet if Steve Martin had used a word other than "creature," far fewer people would have been creeped out. I'm not blaming an old guy for using language like an old guy, though. Nor am I really blaming people who think it's an outmoded word choice, or just don't really understand it as it was intended. I'll blame people who get hella pissed about it, though, despite his obviously good intentions.

They were friends. That's exactly the way Carrie would talk about herself and she would have laughed about it.

Again, intent and context. It's very easy to get offended. Doesn't mean you're entitled to anything.

I'm offended by people getting offended over nothing. Get offended over things that matter. There's more than enough on offer these days. Make anger count. Don't trivialize outrage.

Reactions like this (not yours dog, just the kind of people you're talking about as well) prove that people have too much time on their hands and spend it on social media way too much.


Water is not wet!
I'd love to see similar action taken against all internet trolls. Facebook and twitter should be pressured to provide info about hate accounts to employers.

The best action may be covert action. Just as infiltration has been their greatest tool now that they have succeeded and are in a position of power that makes they themselves vulnerable to the same tactics they just used.


Patton is amazing. Good job dismantling that hateful troll.

They were friends. That's exactly the way Carrie would talk about herself and she would have laughed about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people that got offended weren't too familiar with her personality/humor, and were aware they were friends.


Wesley Snipes and JK Rowling have been givng out the sickest burns to Trumpets on their twitters. Worth following.


Insult extremely famous person's dead wife when your name and workplace are readily visible-don't expect to remain employed lol

But know he'll be seen as one. Circle of life

Always the weirdest thing to me when people spout hate with pride with their information readily available. It basically means they are extremely comfortable saying it, meaning they have a circle somewhere they can be comfortable saying it and spewing the hate.

Mob justice unfortunately the only way to correct them and show there is no safe space for hate




I'm dying on this one. So good.


I'll never understand how someone can be dumb enough to insult others using their real name/location/profession social media account. Blows my mind every time something like this happens.


I'll never understand how someone can be dumb enough to insult others using their real name/location/profession social media account. Blows my mind every time something like this happens.

Patton explained why some do it anyway. They are now emboldened to be pieces of shit in public. Too bad for them that getting away with it is only going to work for Trump though.


is that Wesley Snipes twitter account real or a parody account? because those tweets are amazing if it's really him. LOL


Holy shit, why am I not already following this guy on twitter?

Seriously, WTF kind of person goes after someone's dead spouse?


I'm not putting the BLAME on him. Just saying sometimes you gotta step away. There's always gonna be trolls, especially if you have a celebrity account.
No. Burn the trolls to the ground. Make examples of them. If they can't stand the heat, they should stay out of the fire. Until Twitter gets proactive on it, that's the only way to fight them.

People like me? What are you saying?

Steve Martin tweeted a well intentioned thing about Carrie Fischer, but came across incredibly misguided and creepy, and Patton Oswalt came to his defense blaming "SJWs".

The tweets:
Here's the thing about "SJWs" that most people on the left and the right don't quite understand: The term came from somewhere.

The original definition of SJW was that person who would go on the attack over a perceived social justice issue to an insane degree, refusing to back down in the slightest or see anything from any other perspective, even when they're mistaken. The term was actually coined by the left. MRAs and gamergaters then adopted it, and its definition became "anyone I disagree with".

So it shares the same problem as "nazi" and "fake news".

Oswalt was likely using it for its original meaning.


Nothing but respect and love for him. It's time for people to stand up to these pieces of shit and not let them get off free with their hateful vile shit.
People are sad. The guy didn't deserve that much attention.

Every idiot deserves this much attention. I wish internet anonymity was gone and we knew who is saying the internet BS. People should be called out for the shit they say, like in the past. Someone had shit to say, they said it, and sometimes they took an ass beating for it. I want to go back to those days. Accountability.


Looking for meaning in GAF
oh my god Patton going fuckin in

That asshole deserves to lose business on that lolol
Dude lost his job for it. I'd say it's deserved.

And I totally sympathize with Patton. If my wife was dead and someone decided to mock me for it just because I tried to say something positive about someone, I'd probably try to go in too.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
My mom just had something similar happen, in bringing up something personal as an attack. Mom likes to fling mud at Trump supporters on facebook, nothing mean spirited, mostly at people she knows, but one of them who she has known for over 20 years decided he was gonna publicly attack her using some personal stuff about her and my father that not everyone knows. It was one of those "Trump does <thing Trump actually does>" countered with "oh yeah well look at <thing mom did>, how can you point fingers???"

Mom says he apologized like 2 days later and I told her she needs to just tell the dude to fuck off and block him, but she's a good person so she half-apologized about her mudslinging.

Extra points for my dad having been dead for 9 years
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