As forGodot - paraphrasing here - at the end, Phoenix says that he couldn't save Godot as well together with Maya and Iris, when Mia responds with telling Phoenix that he had saved Godot in a way that transcends life and death. There's also a picture of him at the end with Mia and Elise as "spirits looming over the cast", seen here.
And Apollo's theme is fuckin' baller
Doesn't really prove anything
The whole thing still does not contradict a murder not sent to death.
No where is it stated every murder get the death penalty.
For which, as it so happens, I have a rebuttal.
Thats what ruined AA3 for me. Now Im gettin scared about this gameI don't like case 2 much. I tend to dislike those cases that dig too deep into the supernatural stuff.
Finished case 2, liked it. The twists were pretty good.
Liked Blackquill, he gives no fucks. Fulbright is cool.
That's why it's called "implication", not "evidence"?
Well, after it has been stated in this thread that in AAI2, one of the murder convicts has not been sentenced to death, there's proof that not every murderer gets killed. I also admit to not remembering about Kristoph Gavin - I tend to just try to forget Apollo Justice because I didn't like that game all that much.
I stand corrected in that regard, and went on to say that it has been implied with several of the murderers.
Of course, it was just implied - at least up until Apollo Justice. Implication =/= explicit statement. Implicit is the complete opposite of explicit, after all.
Dude in Case 3 begginingAristotle smile is fucking creepy
What, you don't like Principal Colgate?
Unlesspops up all alive and well, we will never know. All we have is our speculation. I'm not saying he's dead for sure, just that it's implied he is. Might even be from something else but execution.Godot
I just interpreted that story and the wording to be implications for his death.
Argh these typos though, seriously.
It wasn't that bad during Case 1 - I don't think any really jumped out at me - but they're everywhere in Case 2. Mostly not actual typos, mainly word misusage, but still.
finished replaying Apollo and started the first case finally!
man is it nice to have some production values, specially after years of playing resed up GBA games. Sogood.gif
are you guys advancing text at all? it feels a bit slower to let it flow than before
blurry font is also annoying but heck im so excited I could care lesssssss
cant wait to get deeper into it later tonight
With regards toand the whole death row thing,Godot.I was always of the opinion that if he wasn't executed, he ended up finally succumbing to the poisoning at some point.
Man, half the fun of this game is just admiring the amazing character models. It's seriously one of the best looking games on the system by far.
Hmm, hitting B for every piece of dialogue is kind of immediately gratifying, but it really ruins the pacing of some of these Courtroom segments.
I think I'll stop doing that...
Argh these typos though, seriously.
It wasn't that bad during Case 1 - I don't think any really jumped out at me - but they're everywhere in Case 2. Mostly not actual typos, mainly word misusage, but still.
Argh these typos though, seriously.
It wasn't that bad during Case 1 - I don't think any really jumped out at me - but they're everywhere in Case 2. Mostly not actual typos, mainly word misusage, but still.
Yeah they're all over the place. Lots of missing words and stuff, too. I kinda hope they can patch that or something, cuz they're all over case 2.
They're still aplenty in case 3
Well, the typos just clarify it as a Phoenix Wright game!
This is the speedy localization people wanted.I love the animations, really top tier work like Ghost Trick.
The localization seems mediocre so far though :/
Yes the extra DLC costume version is so fucking badass.It always has been, the other version that plays in the Extras/DLC menu is also awesome.
Are there any gifs of Athena's shocked-in-courtroom face?
I think I got another glitch...
Started up my game, only to find that the save file was not where I am certain I saved last (chapter 3 start), but instead the save before. Now I could have just forgotten to save (or thought I saved but actually didn't), but I am 99% sure I saved at Chapter 3 start.
It is strange seeing Apollo being so competent.
I love the animations, really top tier work like Ghost Trick.
The localization seems mediocre so far though :/