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Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies |OT| Rated M For Objectionable Content

Just wrapped up the first case. The only part that stumped me was what to present when Phoenix was talking about what Tonate had to hide, right before presenting the bomb transport case.

That was certainly a exciting finish.
I did not expect him to use a bomb threat to escape justice.

On to case 2.


3rd case is already so much better than the 1st and 2nd.
I love Klavier. "That's some seriously bad acting, Fraulein."


So. I have a question about Juniper. Case 3 spoilers.
Was she just on a school vacation during case 1? Or did she just transfer schools? Is this ever addressed? Or was it said in case 1 and I missed it?

I am halfway through case 4 and I do not believe I have an answer to this question currently. I expect there to be some type of reasoning for this though.

Hahaha, I can just see it. Especially if Winston or Gaspen was the prosecutor for the case. Also with that mad hax power to
Object and interrupt the gameplay segment of cross examination. Honestly, evil as he was, it's really hard to not like Damon Gant. He's a cruel, manipulative scum bag, but on the other hand he's also a pretty jolly guy.

All of this makes me miss Lana and Ema more :( Rise from the Ashes really is my favorite case in the series, followed closely by Bridge to the Turnabout.

Not my favorite case but he was definitely my favorite "boss" character from the series. No one could quite mess with the gameplay mechanics as much as he did and
that was courtroom immunity done right, not like that terrible AAI case


I am halfway through case 4 and I do not believe I have an answer to this question currently. I expect there to be some type of reasoning for this though.

Not my favorite case but he was definitely my favorite "boss" character from the series. No one could quite mess with the gameplay mechanics as much as he did and
that was courtroom immunity done right, not like that terrible AAI case

Are you talking about immunity that happens to be diplomatic.


I don't remember that mentioned in case 1, so when
I saw her on case 3 I was pretty surprised.

I was too, but it's not like it was a crucial detail.
I don't recall any comment like "Juniper's back as the defendant" in case 1—which I would have liked—though.

It's the AA series, you don't think it matters that her design was so different that some people didn't even realize it was her till they said her name?

Not really, no.
They're two different cases at different times with the same character looking different. I don't think it's worth looking at all of these little surprises with a magnifying glass.

Do you remember what the prosecution presented as her motive in case 1?
You blew up the court because you were mad at the system for being falsely accused in the past

Oh yeah! Alright, now I feel better about that.


...Huh? What does it matter?

It's the AA series, you don't think it matters that her design was so different that some people didn't even realize it was her till they said her name?

Are you talking about immunity that happens to be diplomatic.





I was too, but it's not like it was a crucial detail.
I don't recall any comment like "Juniper's back as the defendant" in case 1—which I would have liked—though.

Do you remember what the prosecution presented as her motive in case 1?
You blew up the court because you were mad at the system for being falsely accused in the past


I'm in Case 4. So far the third case is probably the one I thought was the best, outside of the very end of the trial. I'm enjoying the game a lot but I don't think it's as good as AA3 or AA1. Can't help but feel the trials keeps dragging on.

The AAI team outdid themselves they managed to come up with something even more dumb than this


I'm having issues with the chronology/timeline of the cases. Case 1 and 3 SPOILERS
How come Athena needs Phoenix to replace her in Case 1 while it takes place after Case 3 where she was lead on the case and managed to win?

I'm disappointed by the lack of Phoenix so far. I couldn't care any less about Athena to be honest.

EDIT : They also seem to have taken some inspiration from Dangan Ronpa too.


I'm in Case 4. So far the third case is probably the one I thought was the best, outside of the very end of the trial. I'm enjoying the game a lot but I don't think it's as good as AA3 or AA1. Can't help but feel the trials keeps dragging on.

The AAI team outdid themselves they managed to come up with something even more dumb than this


I'm having issues with the chronology/timeline of the cases. Case 1 and 3 SPOILERS
How come Athena needs Phoenix to replace her in Case 1 while it takes place after Case 3 where she was lead on the case and managed to win?

I'm disappointed by the lack of Phoenix so far. I couldn't care any less about Athena to be honest.

EDIT : They also seem to have taken some inspiration from Dangan Ronpa too.

To answer your spoiled question:
Her issue is being up to bat by herself. She is fine if she has a teammate with her. That was the gist of her internal monologue when she froze up in Case 1. Phoenix just took over for fan service and all around bad-assery
I'm having issues with the chronology/timeline of the cases. Case 1 and 3 SPOILERS
How come Athena needs Phoenix to replace her in Case 1 while it takes place after Case 3 where she was lead on the case and managed to win?

I think the issue was more
she was doing a case by HERSELF. Remember, she still had Apollo as an assistant/mentor during that case. In this one she was kind of flailing around without a line for the first time. Why Phoenix outright stepped up and took the case is questionable, but her anxiety about taking a case by herself isn't unwarranted.


To answer your spoiled question:
Her issue is being up to bat by herself. She is fine if she has a teammate with her. That was the gist of her internal monologue when she froze up in Case 1. Phoenix just took over for fan service and all around bad-assery

Ah! I guess it makes sense! I just find it weird that this is still the case after what happened at the end of the third case,


Ah! I guess it makes sense! I just find it weird that this is still the case after what happened at the end of the third case,

I'm totally guessing because I haven't gotten to anything that has discussed this yet but
based on the bloody montage of events that occured when she froze up in Case 1, I'd venture to guess that a relative was killed she had to testify as either the defendent or witness. Being alone talking about a dead relative(parent most likely) in the courtroom has been imprinted on her and she can't handle being in court by herself now because of it especially since the scene went out of its way to show that the attorney and prosecutor were faceless and uncaring about her plaight, most likely a play on how they cared about defeating each other instead of finding justice for this girl on the witness stand. Also recall that when she freezes up in case 1, she herself comments on how she thought she had gotten over this fear last time she was the lead for the defense in court. She is just as surprised as her shortcoming as you are


I'm totally guessing because I haven't gotten to anything that has discussed this yet but
based on the bloody montage of events that occured when she froze up in Case 1, I'd venture to guess that a relative was killed she had to testify as either the defendent or witness. Being alone talking about a dead relative(parent most likely) in the courtroom has been imprinted on her and she can't handle being in court by herself now because of it especially since the scene went out of its way to show that the attorney and prosecutor were faceless and uncaring about her plaight, most likely a play on how they cared about defeating each other instead of finding justice for this girl on the witness stand. Also recall that when she freezes up in case 1, she herself comments on how she thought she had gotten over this fear last time she was the lead for the defense in court. She is just as surprised as her shortcoming as you are

I don't want to spoil anything, but they go further into it.


holy crap @ case 4's end.

I expected something to be up.

oh and Jinxie haters? I will personally blast your head off with my LOVE JINXIE charm.


I'm just about to start the first court day in case 3. The game is fantastic so far. I was worried about the move from sprites, but the 3D models look great, as are the environments. The music is good too.

I thought I had Case 2 all figured out from early on, but the twists caught me off-guard (in a good way) and it was immensely satisfying to play through. It's also nice that they didn't just drop Apollo after AA4, there's been a decent range of characters so far.


I finished the game last night and what a fantastic game it is. I personally would place it as the second best in the series, only Trials & Tribulations is better. The choice to make the characters 3D was an excellent one, it made the animations more dynamic and really let them go to town with some crazy reactions that just wouldn't have worked in 2D. I think the only real negative I have is not having the choice to investigate where ever I wanted, meaning it was limited to only crime scenes. I understand why they did this but it doesn't make it less dissapointing. The music is fantastic, some of the best in the series. The Mood Matrix stuff wasn't really difficult at all, but I think they did some cool stuff with it and I hope if they make an AA6 that it comes back. I also like the clearly Danganronpa inspired thought system, it's a fun way to put all the facts together and I also hope this comes back in future games. There's some other stuff I'd talk about but it's spoiler talk and I don't want my post covered in black bars.

Overall I think I would rank the games: AA3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2


I think the only real negative I have is not having the choice to investigate where ever I wanted, meaning it was limited to only crime scenes. I understand why they did this but it doesn't make it less dissapointing.

That's what I came here to post as well. It was a little sad to reach Yokai Lane and not have the option to click on random junk for a little comedic banter.

Other than that, it's pretty good so far. I'm at the end of day 1 of case 2.


So. I have a question about Juniper. Case 3 spoilers.
Was she just on a school vacation during case 1? Or did she just transfer schools? Is this ever addressed? Or was it said in case 1 and I missed it?

Given Case 1 happens
only a few days before Christmas, I'd say so, yes.
Do the investigation phases open up more in the latter cases? I'm in the case 2-1 investigation and they barely give any control to move from area to area, they just do it for you. Not only that, but there's tons of dialogue compared between these transitions when compared to other games in the series. It's like Final Fantasy XIII all over again.


Not my favorite case but he was definitely my favorite "boss" character from the series. No one could quite mess with the gameplay mechanics as much as he did and
that was courtroom immunity done right, not like that terrible AAI case

My only complaint with the Final Yatagarasu in Investigations was that
He could have been so much more evil, which would've really made his Diplomatic Immunity work more. Or he should've employed it one time for an extremely effective show stopper instead of just using it as a madness mantra.


I don't know what gigidigi is going on about on Twitter, but I just finished Case 3 and I really enjoyed it, except for one part:
If Professor Means left the body hidden with the staff already inside of her, how does he have it with him when we first meet him before the mock trial? Unless he's got a lot of those staves...


My only complaint with the Final Yatagarasu in Investigations was that
He could have been so much more evil, which would've really made his Diplomatic Immunity work more. Or he should've employed it one time for an extremely effective show stopper instead of just using it as a madness mantra.

The effective show stopper would have been the way to go IMO. It would have also been important for him to pull that card and actually start walking away not just say it and then still stand here for 30 minutes while you build a case.

I don't know what gigidigi is going on about on Twitter, but I just finished Case 3 and I really enjoyed it, except for one part:
If Professor Means left the body hidden with the staff already inside of her, how does he have it with him when we first meet him before the mock trial? Unless he's got a lot of those staves...

That is a fabulous question.........and I actually didn't even think about it.
We could assume he has a lot of those staves but why would he start using the one with blood on it after retrieving it (and why bring it to court as well). I need to defer to someone else on this one. Damn and I didn't think case 3 had an obvious unexplainable point like the whole key thing in Case 2.

Edit: Theory spoilers
I doubt it but now I'm starting to wonder if these two fairly big contridictions were put in on purpose and they will be callbacks in the final case......I don't think that's true but you never know with these games (unless you beat it then you know and may mock me/gasp at my awesome theorizing prowess)


Gotta resist clicking on all the spoilers above, but I just wanted to say the animations towards the end of the third case are absolutely great!


I don't know what gigidigi is going on about on Twitter, but I just finished Case 3 and I really enjoyed it, except for one part:
If Professor Means left the body hidden with the staff already inside of her, how does he have it with him when we first meet him before the mock trial? Unless he's got a lot of those staves...

Case 3 spoilers:
That's actually a bug! In the Japanese version he isn't holding it before the trial.


Case 3 spoilers:
That's actually a bug! In the Japanese version he isn't holding it before the trial.

Whaaaaaaaat?! That's pretty crazy. I would never have caught that.

Edit: Case 4 has been pretty nuts so far and I haven't even gotten to the trial!
Pearl, a letter from Maya, and Edgeworth?! Edgeworth's even had a cutscene dedicated to his intro lol. I can't believe Pearl is the same age Maya was in the original trilogy. I guess there's a short gene in their family :p. It's really nice to be able to see them in this game.


So, I just read gigi's tumblr post on Case 3, and I guess I disagree.

At first, I thought it was pretty awkward how Robin's animations suddenly turned all feminine, but she still retained the whole "screaming a lot and throwing around pottery" routine to imply that she still had the same personality from when she was pretending to be a guy, so I'm okay with it. Over the top animations to exaggerate characters' personalities is what Ace Attorney does.

As for some of the characters' reactions to learning about a guy liking girly clothes, as a guy who actually is into all that cute frilly girly stuff, I'm okay with that, too. I admit, guys liking that stuff is pretty weird, and Apollo's comments and such didn't seem offensive to me. It's nowhere near the type of crap I get from some of my guy friends in real life. But, hey, I'm not actually a transgender, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about?


Case 3 spoilers:
That's actually a bug! In the Japanese version he isn't holding it before the trial.

Patch, plz, Capcom...and fix all the damn typos! :p
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