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Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies |OT| Rated M For Objectionable Content


Case 3 spoilers:
That's actually a bug! In the Japanese version he isn't holding it before the trial.

They really made quite a mess with this localization. I guess the text bugs (where text in evidence descriptions suddenly turns black) is also exclusive to the Western version?
Good thing the translation is still great.


They really made quite a mess with this localization. I guess the text bugs (where text in evidence descriptions suddenly turns black) is also exclusive to the Western version?
Good thing the translation is still great.

Yeah, pretty much all these bugs are exclusive to the localized version. The Japanese version did have one bug in case 2 where you could get stuck though that was patched out.


Yeah, they bother me, too. At least for now I didn't see any missing words or something that would impede understanding of the sentence. But I'm not sure how they all went unnoticed, maybe this was kinda rushed?

AA5 definitely needed some proof-reading. Actual typos aren't even problem here, it's misplaced or completely absent words that are.

These type of grammatical mistakes are very easy to miss though, take for example one in my post that most of you probably missed.
AA5 definitely needed some proof-reading. Actual typos aren't even problem here, it's misplaced or completely absent words that are.

These type of grammatical mistakes are very easy to miss though, take for example one in my post that most of you probably missed.

you sly devil


AA5 definitely needed some proof-reading. Actual typos aren't even problem here, it's misplaced or completely absent words that are.

These type of grammatical mistakes are very easy to miss though, take for example one in my post that most of you probably missed.

And that's why the typos in here aren't as offensive as they could be. All I keep seeing are missing articles or conjuntions. lots of "the"s and "and"s missing but never anything that makes me not know what a sentence was actually saying.


AA5 definitely needed some proof-reading. Actual typos aren't even problem here, it's misplaced or completely absent words that are.

These type of grammatical mistakes are very easy to miss though, take for example one in my post that most of you probably missed.



Oh really? What was the bug?

I can't recall the exact sequence, but there was some convoluted route you could take on day 2 investigation that would wind up with one of the characters (Jinxie, I think) never appearing where they were supposed to.
Case 4 was good

*massive spoilers obviously*

The game has been heavily hinting that Athena has had something to do with the "seven years ago" incident that started THE DARK AGE OF THE LAW (if I see that one more time), but her fingerprints being on the lighter? Interesting...

Cosmo and his segway were hilarious

Case 5 is most likely the final case (never known an AA game to do more than 5), so I'll finish that up tomorrow or so


Really weird how nobody interrupts while you're psychoanalysing peeps. Hope that changes, only on case 2 so far.



AA5 definitely needed some proof-reading. Actual typos aren't even problem here, it's misplaced or completely absent words that are.

These type of grammatical mistakes are very easy to miss though, take for example one in my post that most of you probably missed.

I am guessing it's similar to how minds focuses on the first and last letters of a word.

I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.



Case 3 spoilers:
That's actually a bug! In the Japanese version he isn't holding it before the trial.

How did they manage to add an animation bug like that in localization?

Anyway, finished Case 3. I had my suspicions about
Prof. Means since the moment they met him, but he definitely turned be a much crazier villain than I imagined!
This game. This game.

I will be dealing with case 4/5 spoilers.

Cases 4 and 5 are really two halves of the same case, which I liked a lot, as it allowed for a lot of time for all the pieces to line up.

I think the variety that each of the three characters bring to the table is by far the game's biggest strength. This was well demonstrated by the final two cases. Psyche locks, lie tells and phychology all allowed for variety.

The two most emotional points for me were both points where I figured out stuff before the game - namely, the reason the body was moved by Athena and the robot, and thd revelation about Phantom's identity. They really were strong moments that will stick with me.

I like how Apollo is ultimately used in the last two cases a lot. The fact that you are not sure exactly what he is up to made the trial more tense, and really ramped the pressure up when he did show.

Oh, and there were a couple of interesting comments made during the credits. Pearl saying that Maya will be back is a pretty hint as to her involvement in the next game.

One thing.

I would buy an Athena Cykes: Ace Attourney. Hands down this game's star, which is a turnabout when you would associate Dual Destinies with Phoenix and Apollo.


Man, Apollo's smooth jazz remix of Objection is so fucking good

also HERR FOREHEAD awww yeah Gavin's back to play
Finishing case 4 of AA4 and doing case 1 of AA5 on the same day is pretty awesome.
First because AA4 has these awesome reveals at the end and leaves on a bittersweet note. So starting AA5 right after that is actually cool (and I can't imagine these reveals not coming up in AA5 at some point).
Also because doing this makes it even more obvious how great AA5 looks and sound. I hadn't played the demo and playing both games back to back kind of blew me away.

Case 1 was as good as a first case can be I guess.

Also, at last, text fast forwarding! That was honestly my biggest gripe with the series.


Unconfirmed Member
I was wondering if it's absolutely necessary to play the previous games in order to "get" this one.

I've never played the series before but I downloaded the demo for Dual Destinies and quite enjoyed it. I'm not someone who has ample time to go through the previous games (it'd take me a while, I work full time and barely get any game time on my commute).

Would I be okay to play this even if I read like a Wiki summary?


I was wondering if it's absolutely necessary to play the previous games in order to "get" this one.

I've never played the series before but I downloaded the demo for Dual Destinies and quite enjoyed it. I'm not someone who has ample time to go through the previous games (it'd take me a while, I work full time and barely get any game time on my commute).

Would I be okay to play this even if I read like a Wiki summary?

There's a FAQ section in the OP that should help you out.


Dat 2nd case!

One thing's been super bugging me though, I read much faster than the text flow but if I press B I'll be skipping all the awesome character animations. Wish they play the whole animation even if I skip the text flow.


Case 5 spoilers:


Just realised something - is this the first game with no opportunity to talk to Charley?

The Japan-only quiz DLC I think lets you examine him because it's got a scene where you're examining the Anything Agency. But in the main game he's untouchable, sadly.



I am already stuck on case 3 and it's only day one of the trial.

Will pressing every witness penalize me, or should I fall back on the age-old strategy and PRESS ALL THE THINGS?
The Japan-only quiz DLC I think lets you examine him because it's got a scene where you're examining the Anything Agency. But in the main game he's untouchable, sadly.


Case 4 END




I am already stuck on case 3 and it's only day one of the trial.

Will pressing every witness penalize me, or should I fall back on the age-old strategy and PRESS ALL THE THINGS?

I think the only time they've ever penalized you for pressing was with Moe back in JFA.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking

I am already stuck on case 3 and it's only day one of the trial.

Will pressing every witness penalize me, or should I fall back on the age-old strategy and PRESS ALL THE THINGS?

Have had no issues pressing everything so far.

On Case 3, Trial Day 1 right now, and the animations in this game are surpassing all of my expectations. I pretty much love every single one of them.
Case 2 was a lot longer than I thought it would be. Very satisfying.

And dem animations. Everything is golden.

Case 2 Spoilers
APOLLO FINALLY REDEEMED, took long enough, Jesus. Finally won a damn case on his goddamn own
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