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Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies |OT| Rated M For Objectionable Content


Okkk so I finished first trial of case 5 and just thought I'd post some theories running through my mind ... Please don't confirm or deny hehe

I have no idea why, but I feel the victim of the current case (Apollo's friend - forgot his name lol) is Athena's mother's killer. The moment someone objected to Athena's verdict, I had a feeling it was Apollo, and if he's figured it all out, I feel like he'll accuse Athena for killing his friend for revenge. lol just some random thoughts, I can already see the glaring flaws but it's 1am and I'm tired. @_@ I already knew Maya wasn't in this but still felt sad that she didn't even get a 3D model. :[ At least she got a by-name mention this time around! And even though Pearl and Edgeworth kindaaa feel shoehorned, I felt very happy seeing them so it's okay. Edgeworth's voice is shit, though.


Case 3 say whaaaaaa
Robin being a girl...huh. I thought we were just going to realize she likes girls clothes. Lets see what else this case has to shock me with


Welp. Case 5.

An Ace Attorney game just featured a robot revolt against humans.

That just happened.

Just kidding. That would have been crazy and potentially awesome if they went down that route.



The return of black psyche-locks! I'm surprised that Athena never lead on that she knew Blackquill, let alone being friends with him. And I'm already thinking that my forging idea earlier was wrong. I don't really know where this case is going, and that's always fun!


Alright, finished Case 3. That was cool. Main twist that
Robin was actually a girl
was unexpected and pretty well executed. I will say, though, still don't love any of the 3 main characters of the case other than June. Hugh was annoying throughout and
even after the change
, Robin was too hyper for my taste. I do sort of like Robin overall, but that character really got on my nerves.

Least favorite part of the case was Scuttlebutt. I cannot stand that character. She wasn't charming in her writing and her stupid in box animations are too silly, even for Ace Attorney. She feels like a joke taken 6 or 7 steps too far. Just sucked the enjoyment out of the case every time she showed up.

The big conclusion where you find out how
Means hid the body
was freaking perfect. Amazingly well executed. The scenes of Athena
slowly piecing the pose together
just gave that moment such an excellent build up. Really entertaining way to wrap up the case.

Overall, I really enjoyed Case 3. It's not the best Ace Attorney has to offer, but it was just pretty solid throughout. I still can't say I enjoy Athena that much as a character, but she was given a few good moments to shine. Aside from some key moments, she still felt like a secondary character in her own chapter. That's something I think really hurts her credibility going forward and I really hope they fix it if they plan to keep her on. She's fine, but she needs way more development and work to reach the charm of an AA Protagonist or even a secondary.


I'm surprised that Athena never lead on that she knew Blackquill, let alone being friends with him.
She did, almost right after meeting/seeing him the first time. Not directly to Phoenix, but to us, the player. She looked depressed.

Anyway, my rankings:

3 > 5 > 1 > AAI = 2 = 4

In terms of shock factor/goose bumps:

3 > 5 > AAI > 2 > 1 > 4


*cough* ahem, now that I'm in the correct thread...

Working on the end of the second case right now. I don't know what the deal is with people hating
the new detective. He's just your stereotypical HOT BLOODED JUSTICE anime idiot. It's not like the series isn't already filled to the brim with obnoxious, overused trope-y cardboard cutouts pretending to be characters, from that moronic police officer in the first game, to the two-faced Tiger guy, to Phineas Filch, Florent L'belle, and even Gumshoe himself.
I mean, I don't really like him, but he's nowhere near the game-ruining sore I was expecting after all that vitriol.

Also, in general, just not really digging Case 2. One of the weaker cases in the series IMO.









Welp. Case 5.

The return of black psyche-locks! I'm surprised that Athena never lead on that she knew Blackquill, let alone being friends with him. And I'm already thinking that my forging idea earlier was wrong. I don't really know where this case is going, and that's always fun!

They both alluded to it so many times through the game that was almost annoying :lol:


I've just finished the third case, and that one was really good!
Sadly I will miss sss, sss, sss, sss.

Imo, 3 > 2 > 1.
Hopefully what's up next won't dissapoint me.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just finished case 3. My earlier guessing for reference:

Just got to the second trial of case 3. Random musings/predictions:
Despite the finger pointing to Hugh I think Means is going to be the killer, just seems like a character that has somewhat been in the backseat actually having a bigger role here. His constant talk of essentially fabricating shit clashes with the victim's ideals here and I would not be surprised if it led to bad blood as the whole school was practically getting split. It also seemed like from the overview of the mock trial he had his own staircase, so I'm gonna guess he is also not restricted like the student body to widen the suspect list being the trio here. And then there's him trying to be her defense, which he would then make evidence to get all of them off(and also himself) and incriminate someone else.

Of course, these games always blindside me with what really happens so I guess I'll see! I blame the smile, shit is just not okay.

I CALLED DAT SHIT. Though of course was still taken for a ride to find out it actually happened on the stage and he was behind the bribes. Also holy SHIT his transformation was incredible. The blackboard stuff was so damn funny.

Hell, I basically agree 100% with the post by moonlight up there. Even down to the minor complaint of the last minute HOLD IT/OBJECTION which I have also noticed happening a hell of a lot.


One thing that's kind of bothersome with games of this type, especially Ace Attorney, is that you almost always know just by reason of conservation of cast members that someone you've been introduced to is the actual killer. It's why I really like the cases that absolutely turn that on its head, like (JFA and DD spoilers)
2-4, where Engarde really is the murderer, and 5-5, where for most of the case you're completely in the fucking dark

/edit also, it's very nice how they put in a cinematics and gallery viewer, but man, i wish to hell they put in a soundroom with a shittonne of music and all the sound effects


One thing that's kind of bothersome with games of this type, especially Ace Attorney, is that you almost always know just by reason of conservation of cast members that someone you've been introduced to is the actual killer. It's why I really like the cases that absolutely turn that on its head, like (JFA and DD spoilers)
2-4, where Engarde really is the murderer, and 5-5, where for most of the case you're completely in the fucking dark

/edit also, it's very nice how they put in a cinematics and gallery viewer, but man, i wish to hell they put in a soundroom with a shittonne of music and all the sound effects

Yes, it was incredibly obvious who the killer was in Case 3.
There's no way they would make one of the 3 friends the culprit, and there was no way it was going to be Myriam either, I mean she's 17. Rule out those and there's only one other character left, who happens to have deep ideological differences with the victim.
They really need to add more viable suspects in future games.


Well, it's also why AA also thrives not really on figuring out who the bad guy is in most cases, but on nailing that fucker to the wall with evidence.


More interesting cases like AA3-2 would be welcome.
The killer confessing to theft so he can avoid a murder charge? Iconic.


Just finished case 3. I didn't like it as much as I did case 2: the setup was very good, probably better than on case 2. What dragged it down was that the plot was too evident including who the killer was. Unnecessary red herrings all around. Case 2 was much stronger in this sense.

My disappointment in case 3 might come from the fact that I had revised a rather good theory in my mind (imo) and when the game didn't answer to that, it fell flat.

My theory was that
either the was no killer at all or prof. Means was the killer but all of the friends would've thought that the genious (the name escapes me) killed the professor by accident shooting an arrow where he shouldn't have. After that the three came up with a plan to make it look like a murder to get to trial which, in absence of evidence, would get a mistrial. Or If Means killed her, he would've left her on the stage as a statue which the genious would've then shot.


Holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

I didn't sleep last night GAF.

Cases 4 and 5. Mind fucking blown.

endgame spoilers
Athena being pinned post-verdict Case 4 was a genuine shock. The way Apollo was acting and the fact that his whereabouts were pretty much unknown except for the fact he was wandering around the Space Center made me think it would somehow end up being his prints.

Pearly's all grown up! I had heard she was making an appearance but the Maya letter was a nice surprise. Still a tad bit disappointed we didn't see her make a full appearance but what we got was good enough for me!

It is kinda weird that Simon and Athena seem to not acknowledge their past before near the end of the game, but whatever.

I had kinda predicted the fact that Simon never really killed anyone. Never had a solid reason for thinking that, but they really played up the fact that he's some big bad convict and whatnot and I just kinda figured that would be some big twist they were going to try to pull off over the course of the game.

But the whole Fulbright thing. Way out of left field for me. I seriously could not fucking fathom that he was the phantom because, to be honest, his character had grown on me so much throughout the game. And then Edgeworth comes in dropping the bomb that he's been dead for over a year. It's almost kind of a shame, I was hoping we might see Bobby in a future game too. He was annoying at first but he kinda grew on me.

I kinda got fooled for about a few seconds when the Starbuck mask was under the Fulbright one. But then my brain got knocked back to reality because "wait I just proved his ass innocent!" I suppose we never will get to see his real face.

The triple objection was obviously great and the post-credits cutscene was a satisfying conclusion.

Game is definitely seated right under T&T as far as my favorites go. I loved every second, and the final case may well be one of the best ever. And, like always, kinda sad the game's over.

I hope Capcom doesn't keep Phoenix in limbo. We need more AA, even if I have to suffer through digital downloads. Or maybe some more DLC cases being developed, will buy the first one ASAP, would buy any future releases.
beat case 2 last night. god damn. it started out kinda meh but ended quite strong. i wish some of Simon's animations didn't take so long.

And... what ever happen to the jurist system from AA4? Is this ever explained later?


beat case 2 last night. god damn. it started out kinda meh but ended quite strong. i wish some of Simon's animations didn't take so long.

And... what ever happen to the jurist system from AA4? Is this ever explained later?
never mentioned. Popular opinion is that it failed to take off.
never mentioned. Popular opinion is that it failed to take off.


It's still odd that these attorneys still are surprised when the prosecutor is all up their ass about no evidence.

The playbook is the same everytime! Don't be surprised about it!

And it still freaks me out that juniper as an actual audible cough sound.


With all the spoilers and reaction GIf, just tell me gaf, are you overreacting or are the ending case that awesome ? (I'm at case 2)

It's probably not entirely unreasonable to say that each case is better than the last (though 4 has always been an odd one since Tribulations).
does investigation stuff get less handholdy past case 2? I don't mind not being confused but I don't need apollo to tell me everything i needa do step by step lol.


With all the spoilers and reaction GIf, just tell me gaf, are you overreacting or are the ending case that awesome ? (I'm at case 2)

Honestly, its a fun ride but figuring out who the final culprit turns the game upside down. I'd just play more and stop posting and risk getting accidentally spoiled by reading the two threads.


Damn, I really need to hurry up with Apollo Justice so I can pick this up, the reactions get me hyped!

Also, how important is AJ on a scale from 1 to 10 for the overall DD plot?


Damn, I really need to hurry up with Apollo Justice so I can pick this up, the reactions get me hyped!

Also, how important is AJ on a scale from 1 to 10 for the overall DD plot?

I'd say uhhh.... 5/10. Maybe 6 even.

There's no real plot lines that move into AA5 but the game has a lot of key character moments that end up playing a big influence in AA5. It also helps you respect and understand Apollo a lot more. If there's any game that should be played before jumping into AA5, it's AJ.












Essentially my reaction as well when I was finishing up the last case. I was genuinely scared when
there was no absolute lead to who the killer was so late into the case. Figuring it out right before the reveal drove me fucking bonkers.


Final villain Case 5 Spoilers

I'm still laughing at myself because I genuinely thought
Solomon Starbuck was the killer when the phantom takes the Fulbright mask off. I stood up in shock and paced around for a bit before getting back to the game. Little did I know that it was just another disguise.


Tears in the rain
Yelp, I kept an eye on the topic but avoided spoilers and...all these recent impressions made me rescind my self-issued order to not purchase the game. It's been downloaded and I've played quite a bit already. From what I've seen here in the last few pages, I'd just be missing out on something truly special






Final villain Case 5 Spoilers

I'm still laughing at myself because I genuinely thought
Solomon Starbuck was the killer when the phantom takes the Fulbright mask off. I stood up in shock and paced around for a bit before getting back to the game. Little did I know that it was just another disguise.

I did the same briefly, and then when he was Ted Tonate in the final breakdown sequence, I did it again for a moment before I realized what was happening. Ugh the mask stuff is all so chilling.

I had no idea this game was out. It's rated MATURE??

Wow... I need to buy a fucking 3DS now... fuck.

How is this compared to the first Phoenix Wright? That one was my favorite



I was just going to finish case 4 last night and go to bed but it said "End" where I assumed it would say "To Be Continued."

I literally screamed "Oh, fuck you" and finished the game instead. How was I suppose to go to sleep after they dropped the bomb like that?


I had no idea this game was out. It's rated MATURE??

Wow... I need to buy a fucking 3DS now... fuck.

How is this compared to the first Phoenix Wright? That one was my favorite
Yeah, you need to buy that 3DS soon. People are rating this their favorite after AA3. I have to replay AA3 as a refresher but as it stands, this is my favorite AA game.



I had no idea this game was out. It's rated MATURE??

Wow... I need to buy a fucking 3DS now... fuck.

How is this compared to the first Phoenix Wright? That one was my favorite

Well, it's great. No matter where I look all people tend to put AA5 in their top 3 of AA games. I also think it's right up there with the best ones, even though there are some issues with the gameplay (more restricted investigations, quite easy overall). But the characters, the story, the twists, the graphics and the music are all top notch.


Juuust finished the game. Really enjoyed it. I don't think I enjoyed the last case as much as some people here did, though. :p I think 1-5, 2-5, and 3-5 are better.

AA3 > AA1 > AA5 > AA2 > AA4

Now off to the spoiler thread!

Guess Who


I had no idea this game was out. It's rated MATURE??

Wow... I need to buy a fucking 3DS now... fuck.

How is this compared to the first Phoenix Wright? That one was my favorite

Don't take the M rating as a huge deal, it's not really any more graphic than previous games.
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