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Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies |OT| Rated M For Objectionable Content


not being able to lose any health there makes you wonder why they even keep that health system around anyways?

you can't lose any in mood matrix either.

wonder if the next game will just abandon punishments all together.

You can normally only lose health when presenting irrelevant evidence, which has remained fairly consistent. I can't remember if you can lose health during Apollo's Percieve sections.

I'm sure they'll keep it in, though. Even if it has no real game effect, it's like expecting Nintendo to stop using a lives system in Mario games.


Anyone else love the parts where the character is putting together the entire case in their heads? The music, animations and sound effects was just pure AWESOME.

That is, by far, the best new addition they've made to the game. It's so good. It really effectively illustrates the kind of mystery solving thought process of the characters, while subtly guiding you to the case's solution if you haven't figured it out already. I've definitely had moments where I wasn't exactly sure what the solution to the case was, but the way those sequences are put together guided in a way that I still solved it myself.


Huh. Opened the game for the first time (digitally of course) and it won't load - stuck on the 3DS logo screen.

First time that's happened. Wonder why.

Guess I'll delete it and redownload...
My reaction to the end of case 4: Nooooooooooooo! This can't be happening!!!

Edit: By the way, I'm really happy to see Psychelocks make a return. It helps to establish this as a true Ace Attorney game.
Case 5: did anyone else think that
Candice Arme could be the phantom? I was always a bit curious about how we didn't really know anything about her, even though she was at the scene of crime 7 years ago. And at the time of trial she was already dead, so the "phantom" name would have made dramatic sense...

Yup, I did, and got penalized for it.
Beat Case 3 yesterday. That was a crazy second day trials.

Professor Means transforming into Professor Meany was interesting. Means rollcall and breakdown were hilarious, not to mention the chalk throwing. The love knitting is back at the end. The ending confused me since I didn't see how the spear could be the weapon when he had it the whole time, though it looks like that was a bug.

Definitely the best case so far.
Omg this game...I know I've got more to go (the fun has only begun)
But I'm in case 5 and I said "holy shit" outloud to myself once these twists started coming.
I was playing last night and I couldn't put this game down! I had all sorts of wrong theories flying through my head.

Capcom needs to stop making all other games and just focus and making amazing Phoenix Wright games and localizing them. I have and would buy them all withough hesitation.


That and the graphical representation of the thoughts. There's a lot of good stuff there.

Yeah, this was what I liked most about her new abilities. The previous 4 AA games are pretty standard and limited in animations and the like. AJ kinda added some more, of course. AAI/AAI2 really added a lot and I liked that they included a bit more in AA5 as a result.


ok, I just made some progress in case 3...

just found that Robin is a girl... holy shit, I didn't see that coming...

the lack of wright statue thing was very predictable, but still very awesome.

the professor mohawk... I LOL'd

this game is getting better and better.


Ok. Finished Case 5 Trial Part 1. Honestly, it's not been all that surprising so far. Not nearly as shocking as people have made it out to be yet. I definitely was far more surprised at stuff in 3-5 than anything in 5-5 so far. Still, just because it wasn't surprising doesn't mean it hasn't been horrifying and really well done.
Athena trying to "fix" her mom
was a devastating moment,

Ok, PREDICTION TIME. I'm 99% sure this is insane and I'm way off base, but I want to put it out there just in case I'm right.

Clay Terran was the Phantom/Spy. Athena somehow found this out in a meeting with him and Apollo or something. She was so shocked that she ended up setting up the murder of him, while completely repressing the fact that she's done it

Some of my reasoning.
Clay's murder has to be involved in this. That's 100% sure on this. Athena's fingerprints being on the lighter are hyper suspicious. We know Athena repressing stuff is a completely legit explanation from Case 5 part 1. Since Starbuck has been cleared, the only other options we have for the spy are Yuri and Aura. Aura's surprise is too legit, so I think that rules her out. It could be Yuri, but so far it all adds up. The only thing that would tie Clay into this is him being the spy, which makes Athena the most obvious person with motive

This guy finish yet or is he still picking up the chunks of his mind?


I'm only at the beginning of Case 3, so no spoilers, please, but the localization of this game is absolutely killing me. I loved AA 1-4 and AAI, but the way the characters speak here in AA 5 is a real turn off.

"I can hear some discord in his heart."
"Listen to the voice of his heart."
"The dark age of the law."

Over and over and over again. I really like Athena's design and personality, but she makes it really difficult sometimes when she just won't shut up about "discord" and "hearts."

Not to mention the ridiculous number of typos and omitted words in the script. I mean, seriously? Literally their only in bringing this game over to us was changing the language of text and artwork, and yet it's like they literally never proofread any of their work.

Also, I hate how Case 2 used the crutch of leaving Japanese words untranslated. That was something a lot of the rest of the series made a point of avoiding. Why yokai, yokai, yokai all over the place? it just doesn't sound natural at all coming from most of the characters. Why not just use "demon" and be done with it? All the use of "Tanuki" for Filch was annoying, too, since they never actually explained what it actually means. They just assume you have knowledge of the word going into the game. Blackquill's "Justice-dono" is similarly annoying.
Not to mention the ridiculous number of typos and omitted words in the script. I mean, seriously? Literally their only job in bringing this game over to us was changing the language of text and artwork, and yet it's like they literally never proofread any of their work.

You picked the worst paragraph to accidentally omit a word from.

Also, I hate how Case 2 used the crutch of leaving Japanese words untranslated. That was something a lot of the rest of the series made a point of avoiding. Why yokai, yokai, yokai all over the place? it just doesn't sound natural at all coming from most of the characters. Why not just use "demon" and be done with it? All the use of "Tanuki" for Filch was annoying, too, since they never actually explained what it actually means. They just assume you have knowledge of the word going into the game. Blackquill's "Justice-dono" is similarly annoying.

I honestly wonder if this is an issue for many people though. Ace Attorneys zaniness is definitely aimed at the type of people who would know what those words mean. Besides, it's not like it would have made much difference even if you didn't know what they meant.


You picked the worst paragraph to accidentally omit a word from.


I honestly wonder if this is an issue for many people though. Ace Attorneys zaniness is definitely aimed at the type of people who would know what those words mean. Besides, it's not like it would have made much difference even if you didn't know what they meant.

I'm mostly complaining because it seems like a change of tone and of standards more than anything else. I felt like the previous games had a lot of care and attention to detail in their scripts. Obviously it's a zany and fictional universe, but they seemed to care about the script reading in a way that you could imagine the characters naturally speaking the lines. here I honestly feel like they just translated the script in one pass as they went and then never went back to read over it for error checking or consistency.

I just can't imagine anyone saying "Let's listen to his heart!" with a straight face unless they were whipping out a stethoscope as they said it. They could have at least changed it up. "They sound stressed, to me." or "I'm sensing some tension in their voice." or "You hesitated as you said that." Things like that, instead of "discord, discord, discord, heart, heart, heart."

Also, they used to be less heavy handed with their jokes and references. They'd leave it up to you to fill in the rest of the joke or to get the reference on a lot of occasions. Here, they hit you over the head with things.

Example: Case 2, when you read the TV listings. I saw "Howlin' Wolf VS Pretty Boy Vampire" and chuckled to myself, but then I saw "Presented by Timothy Twilight," and I groaned out: "Really?"
Case 5
apollo stahp you are drunk go home
Way did he do that?!


so thats why gumshoe was not in this game :O
But but but so many contradictions with his character right now, he he HE WAS THE FUNNY GUY!
Im scared guys, someone hold me :(

Anyone else thought 'I missed these people, I missed them so fucking much' at any point during their first playthrough?
By the time of Case 2, that's how I felt, I really loved the series and its characters, and it felt like forever since I enjoyed the crazy antics in the court room.
Yes, totally.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Case 5
apollo stahp you are drunk go home
Way did he do that?!


so thats why gumshoe was not in this game :O
But but but so many contradictions with his character right now, he he HE WAS THE FUNNY GUY!
Im scared guys, someone hold me :(

Yes, totally.

I think I have derived as much enjoyment from other people melting down as I did playing through the game.


I think someone requested this a few pages back.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Case 5: did anyone else think that
Candice Arme could be the phantom? I was always a bit curious about how we didn't really know anything about her, even though she was at the scene of crime 7 years ago. And at the time of trial she was already dead, so the "phantom" name would have made dramatic sense...

Actually, yeah.

When they initially talked about the switch of the launchpad/museum, I had a moment where it all clicked and it seemed like Candace was the killer. I thought it was going to show whoever came out of the museum run around back to the original room which is why she would have just shot at Yuri immediately.

Then later I suspected Clay, as he was in the know about it, and thought he was the 'Phantom' and actually got killed by Candace who just happened to die. But then with all my pondering I completetly overlooked Fulbright, who I never even suspected at all. My mind melted.
Just finished case 5, I played the entire trial in one sitting. (I never do that I usually space them out a bit) The game was fantastic and a wonderful addition to the series. I can't say enough good things about it. Just bring the game to 3D yet being extremely faithful to the 2D art was done amazingly well for the most part. The characters where great and always interesting and where very easy to get attached to. Blackquill as a prosecutor isn't as great as Godot or Edgeworth but fits in very nicely as the next best thing in comparison to them and good enough to stand as his own character. I thought the anime cut-scenes were nice, especially in 3D, and I always looked forward to them. The music is great as always but I felt it fell short to other entries of the series, but it's such a high standard that it's not a big deal and has it's own fantastic tracks. The plots where well put together and constantly left you guessing. (Even though I think people are over reacting to case 5 a bit)

Final Ranking
Case 1 - 5/10
Case 2 - 4/10
Case 3 - 7.5/10
Case 4 - 8/10
Case 5 - 9/10
Overall Game (Not cumulative) 8/10

New series Ranking

AA1 = AA3 > AAI2 > AA2 = AA5 > AAI1 > AA4
I still don't understand why people like Godot as a prosecutor, as a character he's very enteraining and has a great story. As a prosecutor he was almost non existent in the court room, half the time I forgot he was there until he threw our the occasional objection to basically steer Wright back onto the right track. He's better then Klavier though who just flat out gave Apollo the answer over and over again <_<


Just finished the game. A-MAZING. Time to replay every single Ace Attorney game again!

i need to sit down and replay 2-4 me thinks... I just did so much reading on the ace attorney wikia... and i forgot so much lol (heck I forgot AA4 spoilers
how he lost his badge ><:
I still don't understand why people like Godot as a prosecutor, as a character he's very enteraining and has a great story. As a prosecutor he was almost non existent in the court room, half the time I forgot he was there until he threw our the occasional objection to basically steer Wright back onto the right track. He's better then Klavier though who just flat out gave Apollo the answer over and over again <_<

He's the main prosecutor in the best game of the series, and he's amusing/badass.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I still don't understand why people like Godot as a prosecutor, as a character he's very enteraining and has a great story. As a prosecutor he was almost non existent in the court room, half the time I forgot he was there until he threw our the occasional objection to basically steer Wright back onto the right track. He's better then Klavier though who just flat out gave Apollo the answer over and over again <_<





I still don't understand why people like Godot as a prosecutor, as a character he's very enteraining and has a great story. As a prosecutor he was almost non existent in the court room, half the time I forgot he was there until he threw our the occasional objection to basically steer Wright back onto the right track. He's better then Klavier though who just flat out gave Apollo the answer over and over again <_<

Because he looks like a cyborg.


Wtf, Blackquill just
decided to take a stroll!

Anyone else love the parts where the character is putting together the entire case in their heads? The music, animations and sound effects was just pure AWESOME.
Yes, great addition to the series. Hope they keep it...

PK Gaming

I still don't understand why people like Godot as a prosecutor, as a character he's very enteraining and has a great story. As a prosecutor he was almost non existent in the court room, half the time I forgot he was there until he threw our the occasional objection to basically steer Wright back onto the right track. He's better then Klavier though who just flat out gave Apollo the answer over and over again <_<
He may not have been the most aggressive prosecutor, but he knew when to bring the heat (typically around the end of the case) and he was a cool customer. He rarely ever let Wrights antics get to him, which was refreshing.

With the exception of case 3-5 when he
just starts giving out hints like candy and then hands you the win on a silver platter. Ugh.
He may not have been the most aggressive prosecutor, but he knew when to bring the heat (typically around the end of the case) and he was a cool customer. He rarely ever let Wrights antics get to him, which was refreshing.

With the exception of case 3-5 when he
just starts giving out hints like candy and then hands you the win on a silver platter. Ugh.

He gave out hints or redirected Wright back towards the truth in every case he appeared. He brought the heat once and that was only at the end of the first day of 3-2's trial simply because he knew Phoenix proving Atmey guilty of being the phantom would cause what's his name to be arrested for murder...

He's the main prosecutor in the best game of the series, and he's amusing/badass.

Except 2 of the 3 cases he was a prosecutor in were average/bad. 3-5 is incredible but he's not really the reason why it is, he just happens to be there.




Okay, great character terrible prosecutor

Because he looks like a cyborg.

Again, grear character terrible prosecutor.


so far, for me,

(manfred von karma >) edgeworth > blackquill > godot > franziska von karma > klavier

edgeworth because it was personal. phoenix knew him from his childhood so there was a lot of good drama beneath the surface. so it was really entertaining to go up against him. manfred was the god damn devil though and even though you're against him for only one case (and you're actually only against edgeworth for two so it's not that far of a leap), he left a mark and serves as a fantastic final villain. his ending breakdown was glorious.

so far i like backquill because he's fairly dangerous in that he seems to have everything under control. he reminds me of phoenix wright in that he's able to turn everything around with a bit of ease. while he's pretty gimmicky, it doesn't make its way into the way he speaks (aside from some dumb samurai stuff). that was the main thing that annoyed me about godot. i feel that franziska is pretty much wasted as a character given her mission of revenge. the dumb foolish fool stuff got on my nerves. and then there's klavier. he's just kinda there.

oh and payne's good fun too. i'd probably put him above godot. his brother too- what an arrogant bastard.
case 5 spoilers

Actually, yeah.

When they initially talked about the switch of the launchpad/museum, I had a moment where it all clicked and it seemed like Candace was the killer. I thought it was going to show whoever came out of the museum run around back to the original room which is why she would have just shot at Yuri immediately.

Then later I suspected Clay, as he was in the know about it, and thought he was the 'Phantom' and actually got killed by Candace who just happened to die. But then with all my pondering I completetly overlooked Fulbright, who I never even suspected at all. My mind melted.

it was totally unexpected to me that Fulbright would be the one who did it. Of course, Fulbright was not there 7 years ago, so it kind of made him an unlikely suspect. To me Fulbright was just another over the top detective character, and before the last case wouldn't have minded seeing him in sequels too.
Wtf, Blackquill just
decided to take a stroll!


Yes, great addition to the series. Hope they keep it...

Danganronpa does something similar, where at the end of a trial, you have to put the murder together by arranging pictures in a comic/manga-like template. I could see that fit Ace Attorney too.

Was hoping for more video scrubbing footage/evidence like in Case 5 of AA1 on DS.
Danganronpa does something similar, where at the end of a trial, you have to put the murder together by arranging pictures in a comic/manga-like template. I could see that fit Ace Attorney too.

Was hoping for more video scrubbing footage/evidence like in Case 5 of AA1 on DS.

I was actually surprises that didn't return at all in AA4. Instead we got to watch that... Awesome music video and play around with sound sliders
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