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just beat 2-3 and surprisingly it wasn't that bad... the only annoying part was the one time I fucked up and got a guilty verdict at the end and then had to scroll though everything again. it took forever..


I keep telling myself to post here, so now I will. (Especially since my buddy ScraftyDevil helped with the OP).

This series was recommended to me by a friend from overseas. He started playing them while earning his masters degree and he felt like they were something I'd enjoy after telling him how much I loved Persona 4 and why. (It was actually a pretty casual recommendation, but the series had me intrigued, so I went ahead and acted on it.)

I got the HD trilogy on iOS (as he did) and I've now played through AA1 and Justice For All. I love these games. The characters are really well written and interesting, the story twists are great (occasionally jaw-dropping) and the art and music are wonderful. I sometimes find the logic hard to follow during times when evidence must be presented and that can be very frustrating, but other than that, everything clicks with me.

AA1 is a fantastic debut, I feel. I'm mixed on Justice For All - but I still like it a lot, ultimately. I think Psyche Locks are a sort of game-y unnecessary system, but they're not going away, so I hope they improve somehow. I think the second case is underrated; I liked it and it has a pretty chilling conclusion. The fourth case mostly lived up to the hype. I think it was thrilling, but it felt convoluted in its bid to be so.

The ending is phenomenal. I just finished JFA last night and its stayed with me. I absolutely loved it. Probably because it lines up with my (admittedly somewhat idealistic) views of justice and the value of truth. I always appreciate that in stories, be it in games or otherwise.

So, yeah. I like AA a whole lot. Looking forward to starting Trials & Tribulations. :)
I was wondering when you were going to finally stat posting here ;P

Trials and Tribulations is by far my favourite game in the series and has my favourite prosecutor and favourite third (or "filler") case, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Thanks, I hope I do to! ^_^

I took a break from JFA for a while, but I think the fact I was able to pick it back up and be so immediately captivated all over again is a testament to how string the game is. I knock it a little, but I still love it. The power of that ending cannot be reiterated enough.

I'll start AA3 soon. Still playing Saints Row IV and I have to review Sweet Fuse as well.


Thanks, I hope I do to! ^_^

I took a break from JFA for a while, but I think the fact I was able to pick it back up and be so immediately captivated all over again is a testament to how string the game is. I knock it a little, but I still love it. The power of that ending cannot be reiterated enough.

I'll start AA3 soon. Still playing Saints Row IV and I have to review Sweet Fuse as well.

If you thought JFA's ending was powerful, then you're in for a real treat with T&T.


Hey guys, first post in here.

First off I gotta say this series is easily a favorite now. I played a little of the iOS version of the first game a while back and always wanted to return to the series. Needless to say I didn't know much about the series and it's sequels and such until a few months back.

Long story short, I decided to just dive right in again. I bought the first four games (from a GAFfer :D) to play on my 3DS and I just finished the final case.

Literally everything about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was great. Excellent music. Nice art work that's surprisingly visually appealing. Of coarse, the core mechanic of this game is great as well. Some decisions were easy but at times the pressure was quite enjoyable. In the last case, I had to use "save game" just before a critical decision.

Story was very enjoyable to me as well. I'm glad the cases all
contenued to connect thus keeping rememberable characters around.
As far as characters, I like Nick and Edgeworth best (back story was a major plus). The cases were all enjoyable for the most part. I must say I'm very suprised by how long the last case was! It was a true thriller lol.

This is a series I truly hate I didn't know about sooner. I plan to gradually play the others while we all wait for AA5.

I have to ask though, Does it get better from here? Are the other games at least as enjoyable as the first? I only ask because I really hope so. This was a great game.
I have to ask though, Does it get better from here? Are the other games at least as enjoyable as the first? I only ask because I really hope so. This was a great game.

The third game is almost universally agreed to be the best in the series. Justice for All probably doesn't reach nearly the same heights as the first game, but it's still very good and has an amazing final case. The series in general has a pretty high floor. Even the weaker moments are still great, and there isn't really a bad game to be found.
I have to ask though, Does it get better from here? Are the other games at least as enjoyable as the first? I only ask because I really hope so. This was a great game.

Glad you're enjoying the series so far!

While the second game is generally considered to be one of the weaker entries in the series, it has what many people consider to be the single best case in the series, so it's worth it just for that. The game following it is generally considered to be the best game in the series.

In all honesty, even the worst of the series is better than a lot of series out there. There's no truly terrible entry in the series.


Ah I see. Nice, this does seem like a series where even the lowere filler moments aren't even that bad. Thanks for the response. Now for me to get caught on all the great cases lol


Finished the first day of Case #3 in JFA. And you guys aren't kidding, this case isn't shaping up to be all that good. The investigation segment took me a whole hour to do, and that was with me going at a fairly speedy pace.


Turnabout Memories is the series best opening yet. Mia is written well. She's sort of a smart aleck and she'll go after people. I love it. Totally excellent case.
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies price = $29.99 / €24.99

And they're still content with reiterating this "fall" release date.
Urrrrggghhhh!!!! I wanted to use my credit towards FE DLC or eShop titles, but AADD should take priority, especially if it's digital only. (I still cling to hope that Capcom will wake up and at least do a limited Phsical release at some point.)

I hope a real release date comes soon. If hate for it to suffer the fate of AAHD Trilogy, which was a horribly painful wait for a release date that just kept getting pushed! >_<


Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies price = $29.99 / &#8364;24.99

And they're still content with reiterating this "fall" release date.


Now just give me a date and I'm set. Will only be $16 for me when all is said and done with the remainder of my $30 credit.


The Fragrance of Dark Coffee

WOW. Dat music.

I'm still playing Saints Row and Sweet Fuse, so I'm progressing slowly, but I just got to the first court heading of Case 2. The game is totally delivering. Everything seems in step.


Is it bad that this game made me go to law school?

I realize I won't get to scream objection, hold it or take that in real life


I just recently finished a second playthrough of Apollo Justice, having not played the game for several years. I remembered most of the plot points and I remembered feeling at the time that the game was not as good as the Phoenix-centric games. I think I also had a vague memory of not particularly liking how the game portrayed Phoenix.

But this time I went in with what I guess were more reasonable expectations and found myself really enjoying it. I loved the characterization of Phoenix and Apollo wasn't half as annoying as I initially thought. I think my initial disappointment with the game is that it ditched the connections with the previous games, most of the excellent recurring cast was dropped in favour of an almost soft-reboot. That said the game does make excellent use of one old face, I'll spoiler tag as there seem to be some series newcomers posting
Ema Skye was done very well, but I wish she had featured more prominently. Loved her Investigation Theme too!

I liked the fresh approach of a new rookie attorney taking over but at the same time I loved the part of Case 4 when
You get to play as Phoenix in his prime, where we lose all of the self-doubt and worrying of Apollo and you actually feel like a pro.
It'll be interesting to see if AA5 takes a similar approach with Phoenix
filled with confidence like in Apollo Justice or if they regress him back to PW1-3 levels of forced stupidity for tutorials sake. I'm hoping it's the former.

I still hate the Bracelet mechanic. I think it was executed very poorly, forcing the player to isolate the exact line of dialogue as well as finding a random body part that happens to be twitching. Very tedious!

Klaiver was a somewhat boring prosecuter, definitely the worst of the series so far. I felt that he was lacking in character developement and aside from his relationship with Kristoph had almost no direct link to the plot or the main characters. There should have been some kind of larger conflict for his character when it came to the finale.

One last thing, I liked the relationship between Phoenix and Trucy, which is something I must have glossed over on my initial playthrough. There was something very touching about the way the whole thing was handled.

All in all, Apollo Justice is actually quite good, not quite as good as the PW games but not as bad as it's sometimes made out to be. High hopes remain for AA5.
Playing the HD Trilogy pisses me off so much, but I must beat it. I must.

I'm currently at 2-2, and I noticed that Grey is totally messed up animation-wise. His glasses don't fall (yet he still pushes them up for some reason...?), he uses a different finger when pushing up his glasses (his index finger instead of his middle finger; I guess Capcom was afraid of offending people?), and his mouth does not even move during his spaz animation... except in one specific instance for some reason.

Oh, and this animation is completely missing:

Joy. >_>

On the plus side, Ini seemed to had made it through the HDification rather unscathed. I haven't noticed anything missing from her animations from what I've seen, even with her talking sprites.


Beat JFA the other day.
Overall, great game but I still think AA1 is a tad better, if only for cases 4 and 5 in AA1 being extremely solid.

As for case 4 was simply fantastic, no idea if they can ever top it. Perfect in length, wasn't overly complicated, and easily had some of the best twists thus far. Also, I selected "Not Guilty" at the very end and I completely lost it it when Wright, with a shit-eating grin on his face, told Engrade to "savor what little time he has left" before De Killer was to come after him.


I just finished AA2 (finally).
And tbh... it wasn't all that bad. I'd go as far as to say that it was better than the first one, but I wouldn't place it above 4 and it's nowhere close to 3.

and this game made me realize (again) that it wasn't such a bad idea to cut old and annoying characters for the 4th game. yes, I am looking at you old bag, lotta and larry. I am glad that you're dead.
I just finished AA2 (finally).
And tbh... it wasn't all that bad. I'd go as far as to say that it was better than the first one, but I wouldn't place it above 4 and it's nowhere close to 3.

and this game made me realize (again) that it wasn't such a bad idea to cut old and annoying characters for the 4th game. yes, I am looking at you old bag, lotta and larry. I am glad that you're dead.

Lotta and Larry are the best
but yeah fuck Oldbag

My personal ranking of the series(only played up to AA4)

Mine's AA3 >>> AA1 > AAI > AA2 > AA4.

I was pretty indifferent to a lot of Apollo Justice, and there were some pretty gaping plotholes and grievances that knock its ranking down. AA2 at least has its outstanding final case to boost it up.
Yeah case 4-3 is a mess but the last case gave me one of those wtf I didn't expect that moments like AA3. AA2 is a better game overall IMO but AA4 case 4 at least puts it above the first game for me


I think Rise from the Ashes may still be my favorite case in this series. The first time I found out that
the conspiracy went all the way to the TOP.
I was just like, wigging out the whole rest of the case. Plus, you win by
not presenting evidence.

The downside is it doesn't have Godot. And Godot is so good.


I think Rise from the Ashes may still be my favorite case in this series. The first time I found out that
the conspiracy went all the way to the TOP.
I was just like, wigging out the whole rest of the case. Plus, you win by
not presenting evidence.

The downside is it doesn't have Godot. And Godot is so good.

That case couldn't have handled Godot.
I think Rise from the Ashes may still be my favorite case in this series. The first time I found out that
the conspiracy went all the way to the TOP.
I was just like, wigging out the whole rest of the case. Plus, you win by
not presenting evidence.

The downside is it doesn't have Godot. And Godot is so good.

I agree on both accounts.
How come we don't have a solid release date for AA5 yet? Aren't we kind of running out of autumn?
You realize that Autumn doesn't start until, like, this week, right? Then there's the rest of Sept. and all of Oct. and Nov. There's even technically a good chunk of Dec. if you want to be a smartass.


Currently they have kinda like a countdown on capcom-unity where they introduce a new character every week. It started on a thursday ( eshop update day) and based on this we should get the game October 24 or 31.
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