Matt Attack
The fixation on No Lynching also kind of stands out to me. I can sort of see the argument for it, but it feels to me more like he feels backed into a corner and wants to help his chances as best as he can.
Would you be interested in voting anytime soon,or do you think you need a bit more time to mull it over
If you're down, I'm downI would really prefer to let him defend himself (it would feel kind of dirty otherwise), but I'm convinced enough that my feelings won't change that I could vote for him now I guess.
RIP me if I'm wrong because I'll have doomed us.
Hope we don't disappoint everybody!
I'll see what I can do with the time I've got. Nice to see you feisty and building a case though, Falco. I was thinking quite a bit about a neutral earlier, you're right. And I said something that still applies.I knew you'd start trying to go for me FEP, now that I said that I believe MA making the others believe I'm the neutral is your best case to follow.
you guys saw how much FEP/ER/MA were fighting, it seemed pretty likely that the non-town would be there.
Neutral, neutral, neutral...FEP always has neutral on his mind. Why? because he's the neutral. So at the same time he wants the others to hunt for a potential neutral as he's sitting there comfortably. There's way more posts about him talking about the neutral/SK.
But in these he even tries to "spitball" and try to get CB lynched as a neutral because he knows that those gifts may be dangerous. When he isn't able to gain traction he backs off and goes elsewhere. But what happens that night cycle? CB dies. StarSketch blocks TheGoddamn who would've been the only one to perform the Scum night kill and that's why there was only one kill that night. Then he really wants to know StarSketch's target in order to know what happened. If both he and Scum targeted CB or if Scum got blocked and only he killed CB. That way, had Xam not checked TheGoddamn he would've known very clearly that TheGoddamn was Mafia and he would've gone hard on him, thus earning him Town points.
He also tried to lynch you that same day that he tried to lynch CB, Xam. He said that by lynching you we'd know a lot and that a lot of the scenarios in which he came up with you could potentially be lying about your role.
Once neither of those stuck and some called him out for trying to lynch you he decided to move on to Stanley.
He was just putting theories out to see what people actually followed up on.
He tends to use "spitball" so that if his claims aren't agreed by town he can just that he was just spitballing.
He also did this again when he tried to pin it on Zeke with the delayed phone call to Mafia theory. Even Zeke called out FEP for trying to throw any theory and seeing what stuck.
He doesn't kill Zeke on the night before because he knows Zeke will steal his vote, Zeke told him he would(says it on post 2350 which Zeke told us to remember for future reference). FEP needs his vote just in case he's suddenly in peril at least he can use his vote to try and sway things.
Even you, Xam, told us to vote for FEP if you died.(That could be a reason why he didn't kill you that night).
He says he's inexperienced and yet he uses terms like "mylo" and "omgus" practically all game long.
There's someone in this group that this describes pretty accurately. Is this not the general MO for a neutral serial killer?fep said:That leaves six possible people for town and as little as three for scum. I would expect pro-town voting patterns but without too much initiative. Laying low is probably a safe bet.
Oh you have no goddamn idea...
Celestabelle AND the watchful bear!
Helloevery time someone who isn't sorian bumps the thread i die a little more inside
You have been disappointed by this postThe crowd gathered. They were in a big room in a court. A "courtroom", I guess.
There was a sense of occasion this time, anticipation hung heavy in the air. Various emotions may or may not have been on display, depending on the quality of the writing.
Things were happening, but what? And why ?
Welcome Reader!
You are Not reading the real end-post
When you first saw this post on the page, you might have thought it was FEP's hotly anticipated flip. It wasn't posted by Sorian, but you still felt that little twinge of excitement as you started to read. Surely this post was going to give the answers you sought!
But alas, it was all a cunning ruse. The quote boxes, the paragraphs, the highlighted text, all for nothing.
Now, there is only disappointment
Ugh, I slept in. You all need to relax lol
The game is over
Things coming soon.
As the four squared off against each other. Decisions were made.......far to quickly. They had chosen. The answer was so obvious. The meek girl in the corner of the room. The one who had been crying only days earlier when Detective Gumshoe had died. Yes, it was her. It had to be her.
There was no longer any need for formalities. With another thunderous pop and rows of static, the girl was gone.
Welcome Maggey Byrde!
You are Maggey Byrde, Goddess of Misfortune
Your role is Vanilla Town
Unlucky in every way possible, you still find a way to be cheerful and enthusiastic in every situation. Maybe today will be the day that your luck changes! Or maybe today will be another day that someone is killed and you are blamed for it.
You do not have any actions, but you may judge your peers in the court of law (which means you can vote).
You win when all non-town players have been eliminated from the game and there is at least one town player still alive.
She truly was the goddess of misfortune. The same voice from earlier came through again.
"You will all be spending one final night here."
Diego Armando would not be making it through the night.
Welcome RedFalco!
You are Diego Armando, Vengeful Coffee Addict
Your role is Vanilla Town
Although your life will take many dark turns, today you stand as Diego Armando, a senior defense attorney at the Grossberg Law Offices. Your love for coffee is only matched by the passion that you bring to the courtroom, no matter which side you stand on.
You do not have any actions, but you may judge your peers in the court of law (which means you can vote).
You win when all non-town players have been eliminated from the game and there is at least one town player still alive.
Damon Gant walked out of his office, ready to start the day anew. As he walked toward the courtroom, the silence felt good to him. Arriving at the courtroom, he found Mia Fey sitting with her head in her hands, along with Lana, who was crying in the corner after everything that had happened. Gant, being the jolly fellow that he was, sat down next to the Mia and tried to cheer her up. However, after a bit of investigation, Gant realized the chap was actually dead. Gant smacked his own forehead. How could he have been so stupid? He killed everyone except Lana! Of course she isn't isn't going to be alive!
Welcome Matt Attack!
You are Mia Fey, Spirit Mentor
Your role is the Town Blackmail Remover
Big sister to Maya Fey and mentor to Phoenix Wright, you are a skilled defense attorney, you are also dead. Due to your Fey bloodline, you are still able to commune with the living which is good because some may need the help of a spirit in their time of need.
It appears that someone is blackmailing other players in the game. Each night phase, you may PM me the command POSSESS: <playername> to possess them and help them destroy any incriminating (or embarrassing!) evidence against them. If the player is currently blackmailed, you will remove this status and all of its detrimental effects from them. You are also immune to the effects of being blackmailed. You will not be alerted if you are targeted to be blackmailed nor will you be alerted if you succeed in clearing someone else’s status effect.
You win when all non-town players have been eliminated from the game and there is at least one town player still alive.
With one final fit of laughter and applause. The image froze as a pale blue light enveloped the area.
A man stood in front of you suddenly. Stern and....disappointed?
The passed quickly as he roared into laughter.
"Well, it's a good thing this was just a test of the new system and lives didn't actually depend on this. You all were a very impatient crowd and with impatience, it's impossible to find the right perspective to find out what happened."
"You might even say the "miracle" never happen."
His laughter grew a bit until suddenly his face grew stern again.
"Thank you though. I really mean it. It looks like the MASON system is finally ready to go and just in time. The flagship trial for this program begins tomorrow."
Welcome Xamtheking!
You are Damon Gant, District Chief of Police
Your role is the Neutral Ascetic One-Shot Bulletproof Serial Killer and Alignment Cop
An eccentric and charismatic man, you and your partner, Lana Skye, were known as the Legendary Duo and together, you both climbed through the ranks of the police department until you rose to the top after solving the most difficult case you had ever come across. Or so the story goes, truly, your career was built upon forged evidence and a murder that shook your investigation team to the core. You will stop at nothing to keep your title, no matter who you must silence.
You have the ability to investigate other players. Each night, you may PM me the command INVESTIGATE: <playername>. I will respond with either “town” “not town” or “no result.”
In addition, you may also kill one player each night by PMing me the command KILL: <playername>. You can use both of your powers simultaneously each night.
As the District Chief of Police, you are a difficult man to gain an audience with. As such, you are untargetable by any and all non-killing actions. You have also requested that an officer be stationed outside your office each night. He will absorb one kill action for you. I will let you know when your subordinate, Bodhi Gaard, is found dead (which means you are no longer bulletproof).
You win when you make up at least 50% of the player list.
You are Bodhi Gaard, Loyal Bodyguard
Your role is the Neutral Survivor and Bodyguard
A loyal police officer employed directly by Damon Gant. You are well aware of his corruption but hey, a job is a job. What a man does in his personal time is none of your business.
Each night, you will be forced to protect Damon Gant. If he is attacked you will die in his place. This action can not be roleblocked or misdirected in any way.
You win if you make it to the end of the game alive.
Town, the optimal play there was to vote no lynch. Picking the killer from a pool of 3 was obviously much much more optimal than picking it from a group of 4. Would you have gotten it wrong anyway? Probably. But the chance was much better there.
If it was a no lynch your survival would have looked REALLY weirdIf it was a no lynch, I would have killed FEP and MA would have jumped on Falco
If it was a no lynch, I would have killed FEP and MA would have jumped on Falco