Rubbish take, as your whole post. You seem to be conceptually unable to look wide and see how the environment influences the choices of people. Example - how many kindergarten teachers and nannies are men?They arnt in those fields because they choose not to be.
Questions for your 'hiring':
Do you highlight diversity in your recruitment materials?
Do you highlight maternity leave, flexible working hours, life/work balance?
Does your TA team have any women?
You and many people in this thread do not understand that the 'default' situation favors men, plan and simple. The reason Blizzard found themselves a frat-boys hellhole was exactly because the above was not present - people in top management were frat boys themselves and worked in the company for 20-30 years. So exactly as you are unable to understand they also never occurred how some behaviors are not only not welcomed, but downright wrong. But hey - 'just jokes among boys, amirite!'?
For your sake I hope you will not have a C-Level that would like to push diversity initiatives, since you will be lost completely. And if they don't you will have difficulty to attract top talent since many young people growing up in the 2000s have attitudes towards women that go against what people are posting here. Yes, they are OK with having more women on the team!