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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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Lol what is this thread?

At the end of the day, dude got kicked out of a plane for making people 'uncomfortable' just because he was speaking a different language.

This is 2016 though, where being racist is ok.

Actually we don't know why he was kicked off the plane cause we can't really take what he says at face value given his profession.

Some people's skepticism here on GAF is based solely on the fact that he's a YouTube Prankster. Get some perspective y'all.


If you were with young children and a prankster started doing this, and your kids started getting visibility distressed and crying, as a parent, what would you do?

Regardless of the prank, doing something to trigger nervous flyers is a shitty thing to do. If that's the case, then serves him right. I'm leaning towards that based on the videos I've seen of him doing exactly this.

But still, he was flying to see family, he should act like a grown up.

Doing what...? Speaking in another language?

Anyways, let's wait and see. Delta kicking people off for being Arabic is not unprecedented. So I'm not holding my breath.

My brother is brown and gets stopped all the time. There's a serious problem of discrimination in the US and it's about time we start addressing it.



But real life.
Was waiting for this one. lol


Lol what is this thread?

At the end of the day, dude got kicked out of a plane for making people 'uncomfortable' just because he was speaking a different language.

This is 2016 though, where being racist is ok.

"I have no clue what i'm talking about, it's current year guys, bye"

it's like some people are using a template for their posts


Speaking arabic and looking arabic shouldn't be enough to make your kids cry or you nervous. I think you are missing that point. But as I said, if he was doing more than just speaking arabic or looking it and trying really hard to get that reaction I'd be more with you. It just depends on what he did before the video (and since he is a prankster I really don't want to say I am pretty sure either way as I could see either scenario as both are pretty believable).

By doing this, I meant doing a loud prank on a plane to cause distress, I didn't specifically mean speak Arabic but it could be anything from loud football chanting, saying the plane will crash, talking about recent plane crashes ect, anything that would trigger an uneasy flyer.

I'm just asking what people would do, as parents, if someone was doing something purposely to trigger people and it was upsetting their children.

I think pulling pranks to trigger and upset people on a plane is a really shitty thing to do, so hope that is why he was pulled off the flight. I absolutely would hate if it turned out he was speaking to his family before flying.

I'm not saying speaking Arabic is bad or a problem, I fly on mostly Arabic flights often and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, but regardless of language, race or anything, pulling pranks to trigger people is shitty.


This man does his research.
The difference with English is that people understand it. Now if someone was counting down in Japanese, I wouldn't know. All I know is that he's speaking a foreign language.

To be fair, there can certainly be an obvious cadence to counting by which a person could reasonably figure out if someone was counting in another language.
The difference with English is that people understand it. Now if someone was counting down in Japanese, I wouldn't know. All I know is that he's speaking a foreign language.

Depends on how they are doing it. If it's as simple as "10 9 8 7 6" in another language being spoken as words in a sentence, I would have no clue.

If it was "10....9....8....7....6" in another language with the gaps you typically hear in counting I'd assume they were counting. I don't want to hear anyone counting down on a plane, regardless of language, maybe I'm just overly worried about planes, though.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
this guys always do pranks like this
i won't be surprised if this was another prank.

Agreed, he has a pattern of behavior and similar videos trying to intentionally get kicked off planes. It's literally these guy's job to know how to go viral for views and everybody is just playing into his hands. I'm very skeptical until there's more information.


No one has said that but you clearly implied it by insulting the guy for having "9-5 slave job" while praising this specific youtuber.

Yes but I never said he's/every youtuber is worthy of respect, did I? Someone insulted the job "youtube prankster" so I defended it, not this particular guy as a person.

How is it easy? Gee because then you're not holding people accountable for what they're doing and instead just blame the people who make them popular.

I know what you wrote. I want to know why you think that's easier? How have you measured that?

I never said I disliked him nor did I say anything he is doing is illegal. I don't even know this guy. Where did I say any of those things? I'm talking about YouTubers in general. I've seen a few who are scumbags yet just because they're popular that doesn't change that fact. And when they come to my attention it may be because they're popular but it's also because they did something shitty in the first place.

Ok you never said you disliked him, even thought you're in a thread about him claiming youtubers should be "accountable" - MY BAD! Accountable for what exactly?

I've seen a few who are scumbags yet just because they're popular that doesn't change that fact. And when they come to my attention it may be because they're popular but it's also because they did something shitty in the first place.

So they should hold themselves accountable for doing something you feel is shitty?
If anyone watches the video and still can believes he's faking it then you are just plain ignorant. Who cares if he's a youtuber, he's a human who still has rights and shouldn't be treated like that.

If he was white speaking french or german nothing would happen.


If he was white speaking french or german nothing would happen.
If he was doing something to intentionally trigger a reaction in ANY language and upsetting people, that would be causing a disturbance and he would at least be told to quiet down by another passenger or flight crew. In an extreme case, kicked off.

If he was talking to his family on the phone, no way he deserved to get thrown off.

But we can go in circles, but until we better know what happened before hand, it's his word and reputation we can only go from.


all that he wants is another baby
So no one has confirmed as a secondary source what he was thrown off the plane for but we've all pulled out the "Jump to Conclusions" mat and leapt blindly at something to be outraged about.

Try withholding judgement on any party in this video until the complete story comes out.

boiled goose

good with gravy
He actually makes a good living, like many others, off of youtube. It is a real job.

Also 90% sure this another one of his pranks, that sadly went wrong. Watch his vlogs, he's conscious enough to know what speaking arabic on a plane as a young man would do to trigger old people.

This could be a prank.

However, just because you know people are racist doesn't mean you should get kicked out of a plane for just speaking arabic.

We need to accommodate racist safe spaces now?


that's next year

this guy isn't a Muslim though is he

He's an American muslim from Yemen descent, I believe from the videos that I have seen. He does social experiment videos about Muslims/Islam in NYC area with his friends from what I have seen.

Little back story, he was part of TrueASA which made up of two guys and then a few others joined. Then something happened amongst them and he took over TrueASA while the others made their own stuff.

Regardless, they all work together to time to time and do music videos... He seems to have matured a lot from his initial videos back when he first started.

Going to the airport and traveling sucked as a Muslim during the years after 9/11 and when Bush was in power. You will always get selected for the special screening. :\ :( It was like you had a built in thought that you will have to spend an extra few minutes to 15 minutes for this process...

Overall this is not first time this has happened to Muslim Youtubers: Something like this happened to Sid and Dina: https://youtu.be/p6ePnYe9xaQ?t=479


By doing this, I meant doing a loud prank on a plane to cause distress, I didn't specifically mean speak Arabic but it could be anything from loud football chanting, saying the plane will crash, talking about recent plane crashes ect, anything that would trigger an uneasy flyer.

I'm just asking what people would do, as parents, if someone was doing something purposely to trigger people and it was upsetting their children.

I think pulling pranks to trigger and upset people on a plane is a really shitty thing to do, so hope that is why he was pulled off the flight. I absolutely would hate if it turned out he was speaking to his family before flying.

I'm not saying speaking Arabic is bad or a problem, I fly on mostly Arabic flights often and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, but regardless of language, race or anything, pulling pranks to trigger people is shitty.

What I'm saying is if his prank was simply just to speak in Arabic that is on the people who that is enough to make them uncomfortable.


time to take my meds
All those fake confused faces not speaking up are just as bad to me imo. They know exactly what was going on.

If this is indeed not a prank, i probably would have been kicked off too just because i wouldnt have been silent about it.
Actually we don't know why he was kicked off the plane cause we can't really take what he says at face value given his profession.

Some people's skepticism here on GAF is based solely on the fact that he's a YouTube Prankster. Get some perspective y'all.

"I have no clue what i'm talking about, it's current year guys, bye"

it's like some people are using a template for their posts

Perspective? How about being brown and speaking to your parents in a different language. That happens literally all the time... And on a plane too, where it's common to call your family and say goodbye.

The exact scenario that happened to this YouTube guy has been happening to Muslims/middle Eastern people for years now. People in this thread acting like there's no precedent for it and 'taking everything with a grain of salt' because of his videos are entirely missing the point.

And yes it's 2016, a year where a man who was able to win the presidency based on rhetoric of racial and religious insecurities, among other things. You're obviously willfully ignorant if you can't see that.


Perspective? How about being brown and speaking to your parents in a different language. That happens literally all the time... And on a plane too, where it's common to call your family and say goodbye.

The exact scenario that happened to this YouTube guy has been happening to Muslims/middle Eastern people for years now. People in this thread acting like there's no precedent for it and 'taking everything with a grain of salt' because of his videos are entirely missing the point.

And yes it's 2016, a year where a man who was able to win the presidency based on rhetoric of racial and religious insecurities, among other things.
Yeah I'm more shocked that people don't know this common thing. I barely travel with my family anymore because I'm tired of being treated like shit while white people are unharrassed and don't even think it's an issue.


Perspective? How about being brown and speaking to your parents in a different language. That happens literally all the time... And on a plane too, where it's common to call your family and say goodbye.

The exact scenario that happened to this YouTube guy has been happening to Muslims/middle Eastern people for years now. People in this thread acting like there's no precedent for it and 'taking everything with a grain of salt' because of his videos are entirely missing the point.

And yes it's 2016, a year where a man who was able to win the presidency based on rhetoric of racial and religious insecurities, among other things. You're obviously willfully ignorant of you can't see that.

Ain't nobody in this thread acting like there's no precedent, where are you getting that from? Myself and others have literally said "there is precedent for this happening".

There's is also precedent for this guy faking shit, and also precedent for this guy doing "social experiments" on planes.

My skepticism of this fakster doesn't invalidate racism bro.


What I'm saying is if his prank was simply just to speak in Arabic that is on the people who that is enough to make them uncomfortable.

You're right, it is on the other person to decide how they react based on a number of things personal to them, including racism. This is called triggering, and I assume the guy doing it was intentionally trying to trigger ignorant people for a shocked reaction.

I wouldn't say counting 10-9-8 is a prank, but doing it in a way to trigger ignorant people and scare them, would be a prank. Not one that I find funny, but it is more defined as a prank if it scares or gets a reaction from someone.


I think it's pretty easy to imagine this as either a plane full of racists afraid of brown people speaking a foreign language or an obnoxious YouTube prankster who intentionally riled people up by having anything but a normal conversation in Arabic. And simply putting forth the latter as a possibility isn't a denial that anti-Muslim bigotry is clearly an issue in this country. You could argue that someone making light of or exploiting that problematic reality for clicks is pretty disgusting and harmful.

I suppose there is a third option where this was really an "experiment" and he did just have a normal conversation and filmed the reaction. I think clearly the fault here would be with bigotry on the plane in reaction to the language and incompetence on the part of Delta. His profit motivations might also be a bit of a grey area but not to a level where we can dismiss the reaction.

Really no outcome is "good" by any means.


Perspective? How about being brown and speaking to your parents in a different language. That happens literally all the time... And on a plane too, where it's common to call your family and say goodbye.

The exact scenario that happened to this YouTube guy has been happening to Muslims/middle Eastern people for years now. People in this thread acting like there's no precedent for it and 'taking everything with a grain of salt' because of his videos are entirely missing the point.

And yes it's 2016, a year where a man who was able to win the presidency based on rhetoric of racial and religious insecurities, among other things.
Rascism exists agreed. I don't however believe that people are kicked off planes 'all the time' for talking in non English languages. I think in this case given the videos this guy has made (inciting rascism) approaching this with sceptiscism is completely understandable. Side note It warmed my heart how the other guy was visibly upset trying to stick up for him.
Yes but I never said he's/every youtuber is worthy of respect, did I? Someone insulted the job "youtube prankster" so I defended it, not this particular guy as a person.

I know what you wrote. I want to know why you think that's easier? How have you measured that?

Ok you never said you disliked him, even thought you're in a thread about him claiming youtubers should be "accountable" - MY BAD! Accountable for what exactly?

So they should hold themselves accountable for doing something you feel is shitty?
Except they didn't insult the job of being a youtuber. in fact they never mentioned youtube. They insulted him for making a living as a prankster and called that person an ass. Those aren't exclusive to YouTube. So yes it came off as you defending this person in particular. And as far as accountability and YouTube goes gee I don't know. Feel free to pick from any of the scandals revolving YouTubers these past couple of years. but continue to assume I'm talking about the subject of the topic even though I've specifically said I wasn't many times.


Amazing the total lack of self awareness some people have. You're part of the problem.
Hey, white people are really scary. If they start talking like a mass shooter I think Delta should respect my insane fear and escort them off the plane.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Hey, white people are really scary. If they start talking like a mass shooter I think Delta should respect my insane fear and escort them off the plane.

Is this sarcasm? Because if someone is talking like a mass shooter they should definitely be removed from a flight.


This is the same guy that makes racist anti black videos on YouTube just in case anyone wants to think he's some harmless individual wronged.


Sorry, mass shooter is a dogwhistle for how white people. You know, pickup trucks, good old days, pepper is really spicy

Boy, you're going to look really stupid when we find out this is a hoax/prank. Also, stop drinking, it's 11 AM EST.


Hey, white people are really scary. If they start talking like a mass shooter I think Delta should respect my insane fear and escort them off the plane.
Comparason only works if the white guy has made videos in the past scaring people by talking like a mass shooter, but in this specific case we don't know that's what he's doing.


Is this the guy that pretends to be a terrorist to scare people because pranks? If so I'm gonna have to wait for more info before I pass judgement.
Ain't nobody in this thread acting like there's no precedent, where are you getting that from? Myself and others have literally said "there is precedent for this happening".

There's is also precedent for this guy faking shit, and also precedent for this guy doing "social experiments" on planes.

My skepticism of this fakster doesn't invalidate racism bro.

Well yea we don't know how obnoxious he was being, but in a world where a people are ejected from a plane multiple times a year for speaking or looking different, I'd expect the topic being discussed to be of condemnation of the insecure people who get scared with no evidence at all, and not "this video is fake lol YouTube prankster".

Focusing on whether or not this guy is playing is irrelevant, when the real problem are the people that got him kicked out in the first place.
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