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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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Is this the guy that pretends to be a terrorist to scare people because pranks?
No that's a different group, if you're referring to the people who leave backpacks and goats in random public areas and then take off running.

Edit: I was thinking of a different group altogether
Delta is trash. They recently let some Trump loud mouth stay onboard as he verbally abused everyone on the plane that didn't vote for him, yet if you have brown skin you get thrown off, no exceptions.

That's a fucking problem, don't fly with them.

Actually they banned him for life.


Junior Member
Yeah I'm not getting burned on this like I did sticking up for that lady in that "Diet coke/security/islamophobia" thing a while back. Will wait for more facts
The exact scenario that happened to this YouTube guy has been happening to Muslims/middle Eastern people for years now. People in this thread acting like there's no precedent for it and 'taking everything with a grain of salt' because of his videos are entirely missing the point.

Nobody is acting like there's no precedent for this kind of stuff. People are saying that this guys' history makes it hard to take what he says about this specific incident at face value. A guy who we know lies for attention, and attempts to cause scenes on airplanes for videos.


I think it's pretty easy to imagine this as either a plane full of racists afraid of brown people speaking a foreign language or an obnoxious YouTube prankster who intentionally riled people up by having anything but a normal conversation in Arabic. And simply putting forth the latter as a possibility isn't a denial that anti-Muslim bigotry is clearly an issue in this country. You could argue that someone making light of or exploiting that problematic reality for clicks is pretty disgusting and harmful.

I suppose there is a third option where this was really an "experiment" and he did just have a normal conversation and filmed the reaction. I think clearly the fault here would be with bigotry on the plane in reaction to the language and incompetence on the part of Delta. His profit motivations might also be a bit of a grey area but not to a level where we can dismiss the reaction.

Really no outcome is "good" by any means.

All the outcomes point to bigotry. And delta would have made a statement of he was yelling jihad jihad, on the plane. They'd likely be the ones trying to charge him for, whatever they do when you disrupt a plane.

People are pretending that his past, means that the bigotry isn't genuine.. that they were "riled up." You don't wave at folks when you're terrified of them.

This thread has a weird tone.

He pranked people into being bigots? That's he take home by some.


All the outcomes point to bigotry. And delta would have made a statement of he was yelling jihad jihad, on the plane. They'd likely be the ones trying to charge him for, whatever they do when you disrupt a plane.

People are pretending that his past, means that the bigotry isn't genuine.. that they were "riled up." You don't wave at folks when you're terrified of them.

This thread has a weird tone.

If this is a hoax (and we have no idea if it is or not), you might wave at someone who is obviously being obnoxious for no other reason than to cause a disturbance. They aren't afraid, just annoyed at some idiot trying to scare people.

Let's wait and see what the airline and/or other passengers say.


To use your example, if he yelled "jihad jihad" would a negative reaction from passengers point to bigotry?


He pranked people into being bigots? That's he take home by some.

No you misunderstand. I'm saying he could be straight up lying when he says he got kicked off for speaking Arabic. None of his "prank" shit on YouTube is real (cause come on) so why do we take what he says at face value?

We don't know what he did to get kicked off. If he was just kicked off cause he made white people scared though it's fucked up.


Delta is trash. Adam Saleh is trash. He's a punk and I only know cause he's of Yemeni-descent and from NYC, so he was a part of the same tight knit community I was in. My sister used to hang out with him and stopped because she said the YouTube fame got way over his head.

I really hope he didn't get kicked out because of his pranks, because Delta truly is awful and I would like to see them exposed for their discrimination.
As an Arab, and a Muslim, I'm not going to jump to make assumptions. If the fact that he was kicked off for ONLY speaking arabic is true, then yes, that's disgusting. But we have no clue what happened before this was filmed, and this guy has a history of being obnoxious and doing obnoxious shit for attention. Maybe he was screaming in arabic at the top of his lungs? We don't know, apart from his claims in the video meant to go viral. With all due respect, the guy seems like a bit of an asshole. He's exactly the type of Arab that I'm embarrassed to be around and associated with. I know my fair share that are always trying to provoke.

ADAM Saleh, who describes himself as a “professional idiot”, made headlines this morning for claiming he squeezed into a tiny suitcase and illegally flew in the baggage hold from Melbourne to Sydney.
Nobody is acting like there's no precedent for this kind of stuff. People are saying that this guys' history makes it hard to take what he says about this specific incident at face value. A guy who we know lies for attention, and attempts to cause scenes on airplanes for videos.

And again, focusing on the legitimacy of his claims is irrelevant, when the real problem is the people who got him kicked out in the first place. They have 0 evidence of him being a threat, yet he was kicked out just because of their baseless insecurities.


not characteristic of ants at all
The double standard is embarrassing
Take in all of the facts presented about this individual. No one is saying that people should be kicked off a plane on basis of language or skin color.

However, one should look at the facts pertaining to this individual. An individual who is clearly looking to incite reaction and has a history of pulling 'pranks' on airplanes in an attempt to get kicked off.

You really have trouble seeing why people may be skeptical of this specific incident?


And again, focusing on the legitimacy of his claims is irrelevant, when the real problem is the people who got him kicked out in the first place. They have 0 evidence of him being a threat, yet he was kicked out just because of their baseless insecurities.

We actually don't know why he was kicked off.


Delta is trash. They recently let some Trump loud mouth stay onboard as he verbally abused everyone on the plane that didn't vote for him, yet if you have brown skin you get thrown off, no exceptions.

That's a fucking problem, don't fly with them.

Exactly this, people getting kicked off planes for minding their own business while the actual people disrupting flights like that Trump supporter gets to stay and harass people. And then the airline gives some weak apology. And then it happens again. Disgusting.


Take in all of the facts presented about this individual. No one is saying that people should be kicked off a plane on basis of language or skin color.

However, one should look at the facts pertaining to this individual. An individual who is clearly looking to incite reaction and has a history of pulling 'pranks' on airplanes in an attempt to get kicked off.

You really have trouble seeing why people may be skeptical of this specific incident?

Every time there's a thread about this kind of incident people are always skeptical. "THey shouldn't have spoke Arabic on a plane." "Maybe they were doing something suspicious." "Don't wear cultural clothing if you don't want this to happen."

Maybe I've just reached a boiling point
Because this is a good argument for anything. Are you going to tell actors, musicians, and other entertainers to get a real job also? You're this generations old-people-that-yell-at-youngins, you realize that, right?

It is hilarious he says that when his avatar AND account name is essentially slobbering over a group of musicians

The ironing is delicious


And again, focusing on the legitimacy of his claims is irrelevant, when the real problem is the people who got him kicked out in the first place. They have 0 evidence of him being a threat, yet he was kicked out just because of their baseless insecurities.

We don't know why he was kicked off. The only thing we know is that he makes videos like this: https://twitter.com/avstn/status/811599103276810242

You are giving this guy an insane benefit of the doubt, and you're going to look really dumb if you keep doubling down on someone who profits off of ARABS ON PLANES TERRORISM PRANK videos and it turns out its another ARABS ON PLANES TERRORISM PRANK video. We're trying to help you, here.


Every time there's a thread about this kind of incident people are always skeptical. "THey shouldn't have spoke Arabic on a plane." "Maybe they were doing something suspicious." "Don't wear cultural clothing if you don't want this to happen."

Maybe I've just reached a boiling point
Actually no, most people in threads like these especially on GAF are very sympathetic to the people who were kicked out. This guy has a history of doing the exact same thing as a prank and people are rightly being skeptical.

Btw you should direct your anger at this guy for exploiting islamophobia/ racism for YouTube clicks, because that's how he became famous.


Every time there's a thread about this kind of incident people are always skeptical. "THey shouldn't have spoke Arabic on a plane." "Maybe they were doing something suspicious." "Don't wear cultural clothing if you don't want this to happen."

Maybe I've just reached a boiling point

I haven't seen any of that kind of reaction in this thread or really any thread on gaf, which is why I don't understand the point you're trying to make here.


Every time there's a thread about this kind of incident people are always skeptical. "THey shouldn't have spoke Arabic on a plane." "Maybe they were doing something suspicious." "Don't wear cultural clothing if you don't want this to happen."

Maybe I've just reached a boiling point

Actually in this instance the post below leads people to be sceptical

Normal decent people don't "pull pranks" like that, as it actively goes against any well meaning cause others may fight against.

Either way if this turns out to be true it's both sad behaviour on the part of the airliner and passengers, but also sad for the boy who cried wolf until something really happened to him (and of course now he is suing after seemingly making money mocking the potential scenario).


Actually in this instance the post below leads people to be sceptical

Normal decent people don't "pull pranks" like that, as it actively goes against any well meaning cause others may fight against.

Either way if this turns out to be true it's both sad behaviour on the part of the airliner and passengers, but also sad for the boy who cried wolf until something really happened to him (and of course now he is suing after seemingly making money mocking the potential scenario).
Good thing Adam Saleh isn't a normal decent person.
And again, focusing on the legitimacy of his claims is irrelevant, when the real problem is the people who got him kicked out in the first place. They have 0 evidence of him being a threat, yet he was kicked out just because of their baseless insecurities.

For all we know he got kicked off for spitting on and swearing at his fellow passangers then lied about it. He's lied about stuff before for video views. That's what people in this thread are saying. Not that some people aren't racist, but we're questioning if his story is true because he's lied in the past. Nobody knows why he was kicked off at this point, I'm just not super inclined to automatically believe his version of events because he's a known liar.
Delta is trash. They recently let some Trump loud mouth stay onboard as he verbally abused everyone on the plane that didn't vote for him, yet if you have brown skin you get thrown off, no exceptions.

That's a fucking problem, don't fly with them.

They're also one of the few airlines that still gives bereavement discounts.
I understand people being skeptical at the idea that this was a prank gone wrong but to flat out deny the possibility? This guy literally has made youtube videos of himself on planes trying to get a reaction out of people.


Except they didn't insult the job of being a youtuber. in fact they never mentioned youtube. They insulted him for making a living as a prankster and called that person an ass. Those aren't exclusive to YouTube.

I didn't say he was insulting him being a youtuber. Please explain to me where you got that from. For that person "posting pranks and being an ass" was enough to question his credibility as actually being a victim of unfair treatment. That to me is insulting his job.

So yes it came off as you defending this person in particular.

Me defending prankster as a job is me defending this man as a person? Really? I think president is a good job, but that doesn't mean I defend Trump now, does it?

And as far as accountability and YouTube goes gee I don't know. Feel free to pick from any of the scandals revolving YouTubers these past couple of years.

You want people to hold themselves accountable for doing something you disapprove of but that isn't against the law? How exactly does that work?

If the majority of people disapprove of something that is legal, it means it goes against social norms. And if more people are supporting that person rather than condemning/outlawing them, then what that person has done does not violate social norms. So as I originally said the problem is with the people, as they are the enablers.

but continue to assume I'm talking about the subject of the topic even though I've specifically said I wasn't many times.

I'm discussing exactly what you want me to discuss with you, yet you're still complaining. Also, you haven't explained why you think having my view of blaming the people who are enabling is an easier one to hold than yours. I would like to know how you measured that.

Also I suggest you refrain from making assumptions like "it came off as" "you implied", as most of what you assume I mean isn't what I mean. I mean what I said, nothing else. Thanks for trying to add extra bits to what I said though.
We don't know why he was kicked off. The only thing we know is that he makes videos like this: https://twitter.com/avstn/status/811599103276810242

You are giving this guy an insane benefit of the doubt, and you're going to look really dumb if you keep doubling down on someone who profits off of ARABS ON PLANES TERRORISM PRANK videos and it turns out its another ARABS ON PLANES TERRORISM PRANK video. We're trying to help you, here.

Ehhh, it doesn't really matter what this guy does for a living. Unless he created a huge massive terrorist inspired prank and is acting fake outraged in his video, and even if he did that, the larger point stands that people are scared shitless of foreign people even after rigorous security checks at the airport.

Big Blue

As an Arab, and a Muslim, I'm not going to jump to make assumptions. If the fact that he was kicked off for ONLY speaking arabic is true, then yes, that's disgusting. But we have no clue what happened before this was filmed, and this guy has a history of being obnoxious and doing obnoxious shit for attention. Maybe he was screaming in arabic at the top of his lungs? We don't know, apart from his claims in the video meant to go viral. With all due respect, the guy seems like a bit of an asshole. He's exactly the type of Arab that I'm embarrassed to be around and associated with. I know my fair share that are always trying to provoke.

There was another stranger sitting in front who was defending him though.


Ehhh, it doesn't really matter what this guy does for a living. Unless he created a huge massive terrorist inspired prank and is acting fake outraged in his video, and even if he did that, the larger point stands that people are scared shitless of foreign people even after rigorous security checks at the airport.
Ehhh actually it does. A lot.
Ehhh, it doesn't really matter what this guy does for a living. Unless he created a huge massive terrorist inspired prank and is acting fake outraged in his video, and even if he did that, the larger point stands that people are scared shitless of foreign people even after rigorous security checks at the airport.

That is a larger point, but none of the people you're arguing with in this thread are denying that. It's not what's being discussed here.


Ehhh actually it does. A lot.

Somewhat. In a social altercation like this, prior to an investigation, it at least gives bystanders a picture of the personality and attitude of the victim. Hence why given Adam's past history and things he does have people mildly sceptical until said investigation is carried out. It's why if this is real maybe some hindsight on his part not to make a living mocking such situations or trying to provoke them might be some worthwhile food for thought.

Regardless of why he was kicked off the plane he is almost literally the boy who cried aldhdhib. If he's legitimately being discriminated against then we can still be mad at delta and the passengers.

But if people are suspicious of him, that's his fault 100%. This is not victim blaming. Guy exploits islamophobia to get views and has lied about plane pranks.

He has already lost his moral right to presumption of innocence. He still has the legal benefit.

Let's see if another shoe drops.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Regardless of why he was kicked off the plane he is almost literally the boy who cried aldhdhib. If he's legitimately being discriminated against then we can still be mad at delta and the passengers.

But if people are suspicious of him, that's his fault 100%. This is not victim blaming. Guy exploits islamophobia to get views and has lied about plane pranks.

He has already lost his moral right to presumption of innocence. He still has the legal benefit.

Let's see if another shoe drops.


Ehhh, it doesn't really matter what this guy does for a living. Unless he created a huge massive terrorist inspired prank and is acting fake outraged in his video, and even if he did that, the larger point stands that people are scared shitless of foreign people even after rigorous security checks at the airport.

No, it does matter. Him prolifically creating Arab plane prank videos is relevant information.

And nobody in this thread is denying the larger point of people being scared of foreigners. Though, ironically this guy literally makes videos that stokes those fires: https://twitter.com/avstn/status/811599103276810242
That is a larger point, but none of the people you're arguing with in this thread are denying that. It's not what's being discussed here.

Which is why this thread is pretty shit. Precedent for this (his claims) happening multiple times before should lead to a discussion of discrimination based on absolutely no evidence, and not whether this is some elaborate (or not so elaborate) hoax, which is entirely ignoring the real issue.

I guess I interpreted the arguments here incorrectly if that isn't the case.


Ah man, guess he won't be releasing the latest video in his Arabs on planes prank series, ARAB PHONE CALL ON A FLIGHT PRANK!!

He could clear this up by showing the call log of his parents just to shut people up like me, who feel this was a prank. Not that he should, if he was actually talking to family, the whole ordeal is horrific.

It's very unfortunate for him that he has a series of Arab on planes prank videos, I wonder if he will take them down? Wouldn't help his cause if so.


Which is why this thread is pretty shit. Precedent for this (his claims) happening multiple times before should lead to a discussion of discrimination based on absolutely no evidence, and not whether this is some elaborate (or not so elaborate) hoax, which is entirely ignoring the real issue.

I guess I interpreted the arguments here incorrectly if that isn't the case.

The issue I think is if this is some guy exploiting the real problem of anti-muslim bigotry to get YouTube ad revenue it's, on top of being morally wrong, harmful to the cause of addressing and stopping that bigotry.
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