Liara T'Soni said:
Thats not the argument.
If you want to delve into labeling me some "angry, paranoid, delusional black man" then it really goes to show a lot about you, not me.
You're certainly angry, paranoid, and eager to classify others. I didn't know and couldn't care less about the black part.
My father came to this country with a hundred dollars and the clothes on his back. My mother came to watch over her younger sister alone, without support from their parents. Neither ever had the opportunity for more than a high school education. They worked hard from nothing to give me the opportunities I've had in life, and I've taken advantage of everything that was given to me. I've seen black classmates get into better colleges on weaker resumes, and guess what? I don't hold it against them. I'm happy for them. I'm where I want to be in life, and their success never cost me a thing.
But there are immigrant families who worked just as hard, but weren't as lucky. Nobody ever gave them an advantage, in fact many started out with absolutely
no resources. Zip. The system as it stands currently treats them the same as the white middle class, it ignores their economic plight, and in fact
disadvantages them because they were born yellow or brown instead of black. As if they didn't have enough challenges to overcome already.
Race-based Affirmative Action is unquestionably a moral wrong. Anyone who argues for it probably knows that, but have either rationalized it or, even worse, exploited it and have a personal stake in defending it to avoid guilt.