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Affirmative action ban heads for ballot in 5 states

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Absinthe said:
If my line about the "best and brightest" is naive then your line about "we've got to make sure that people in the poor schools are getting the same quality of preparation as those in wealthier school districts" is nothing but idealistic. You can hold onto that hope, but I'm here to tell you that it will never happen. It all starts with money. Wealthier schools are wealthy because most of the students' parents are wealthy. They're guaranteed a good education. Children that attend "poor" schools will never be guaranteed anything. That is just life.

Edit: I also agree with what plovie said above.

I personally don't have a problem with wealthier schools having an above average school system, I do have a problem with schools in poor neighborhoods having a horrible one.


plovie said:
And look, just because you're poor and disadvantaged doesn't mean that you're completely fucked when it comes to college. Sure, you probably won't be going to Harvard or Yale, but really pretty much anyone that can read or write can get into a second or third tier university.
Exactly. No one should care whether there is affirmative action at the university level. A college education, any college education, is an instant ticket to not just the middle, but the upper class. I went to a school that admits every single person who applies, and immediately after graduation was in the top 30% of wage earners. And it was easy.

The real issue is the primary school system is not preparing everyone to go to college. And that needs a lot more than affirmative action to fix. Everyone else that had access to a good K-12 education and is still poor is either lazy, inherently stupid, or made some very bad decisions.
Zeed said:
You're a joke, and have been for while. You honestly seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you must be racist. Pitiful.

I think that you're a sensative fucking child that is more worried about trying to pretend that you are on the defensive than have a (heated) discussion on the topic.

You've been sniveling ever since I made the pie comment, going as far to cherry pick and focus on my usage of the word "ilk".

I don't know you and I have no recollection of ever having encountered you before on gaf. I have no real standing to call you a racist or not. However, you claimed to be some sort of champion when it comes to fairness on racial issues, and I'm sorry if this is too much for you to handle, but I can't see someone taking your stance on AA and still having the standing to make that case for oneself.

I was the one trying to deconstruct the meaning of "racism" just fucking two pages ago! I stated clearly that I don't even like using the term...racism is a systematic thing! I don't care about you as an individual, I care about the mindshare of the country!

Same to you, and any others who "resent" the fact that the racist policy under debate is finally being repealed.

I was clearly joking....I was just using the same argument that many others use when it comes to blacks and poverty....you yourself argued against that "tough lick" attitude and I actually respected it.

I thought you didn't like fallacies? Because that's a strawman if I've ever seen one.


You said something about "yellow and brown minorities are discriminated because they aren't black" and I was pointing out the hispanics, amongst other groups (White women), are also benefitted by AA. For you to pin the entire system on blacks is indeed kidding yourself.

So at the end of the day it really comes down to a "fuck everyone else" thing for you. It's what I suspected, glad to have established that.

I have no idea how you could conclude that from everything I've said or from that specific post in general. My immigrant story was just in counter to your story about immigrants not getting a shot....I was pointing out the irrelevancy in personal ancedotes. For the final time, AA is about group inequality...


harSon said:
I personally don't have a problem with wealthier schools having an above average school system, I do have a problem with schools in poor neighborhoods having a horrible one.

That starts with the area itself, not the school. No teacher wants to teach in a place where the kids are known as problems and the pay is less. Like if you were an LA County teacher and they laid you off so that LA could hire more cops, what's your incentive to try and go back in there to teach?
plovie said:
And look, just because you're poor and disadvantaged doesn't mean that you're completely fucked when it comes to college. Sure, you probably won't be going to Harvard or Yale, but really pretty much anyone that can read or write can get into a second or third tier university.

I've been busy with other lines of thought but this fucking "Blacks should just settle" attitude needs to come to a fucking hault.

We are not second tier citizens, we are not greatful for everything just because it's better then Africa, we do not expect anything less then what whites and other have, and we are not going to stop striving for anything other then what the richest and most successful people in this country have attained.

Note to everyone : We want our slice of the cake and we want to eat it too. I know it may sound crazy, blacks fighting for equality and all, but it's not just some urban legend.


Considering the amount of poor people I know that worked their ass off and are now extremely well off.

People that came to this country with not a cent in their pocket and thousands in debt. People that lived with 3 other families cramped inside a tiny apartment while their parents work 16 hours a day 6 days a week. People that go to these "poor" schools and end up at top colleges even though AA screws with them. People that never got help from their parents with homework cause their parents can't speak English. People that had to work when they were a teenager every day after school.

I have no sympathy at all for poor people who stay poor, because the success rate of these poor people I know are near 100 percent.

Sure this is mostly one group that over comes all this crap but hey if one race can do it then why can't others.


bjork said:
That starts with the area itself, not the school. No teacher wants to teach in a place where the kids are known as problems and the pay is less. Like if you were an LA County teacher and they laid you off so that LA could hire more cops, what's your incentive to try and go back in there to teach?

There's absolutely no incentive for decent teachers to work in these areas, thats the problem.


Liara T'Soni said:
You said something about "yellow and brown minorities are discriminated because they aren't black" and I was pointing out the hispanics, amongst other groups (White women), are also benefitted by AA. For you to pin the entire system on blacks is indeed kidding yourself.
I know that I said I wasn't going to reply to your clowning anymore, but I just wanted to point out that when I said "brown" I wasn't referring to Hispanics.
harSon said:
To be honest, you're being overly optimistic. I would love for the solution to poverty to be so simple, unfortunately, it's a lot more complicated then telling people to keep a positive attitude.

Agreed 100 percent.

Enough of the fucking "Well, I know so and so that..." and "Man, some people can do it, why can't you?" bullshit. There is plenty of BA's that have risen above, I just got done reading this book "We Beat The Streets" by these could of doctors that did exactly what these people are talking about. Believe it or not, there is also some immigrants that come here and end up never accomplishing what they had set out to do, shit happens.

This is a true double standard. Blacks have the shittiest situation, so people tell us to be supermen and have some sort of God like community organization to overcome. It's fucking nonsense, get off your fucking high horses and realize that we are not talking about some shit in a movie or a videogame, this is real life with real people where environments practically breed negativity and sometimes, people just don't have what it takes to get themselves out of the situation they were placed in. Man, it's fucking EASY to win, ANYBODY can win, it's hard to lose (Thank you scanner darkly).


harSon said:
There's absolutely no incentive for decent teachers to work in these areas, thats the problem.

So then how would you fix it? Let's say you have full control over the budget. Would you pay teachers more without first trying to improve the area, and hope that their teaching doesn't fall on deaf ears? Or would you let police department actually police and clean up the city/county first, at the sacrifice of maybe a few people get racially profiled or whatever?

Liara T'Soni said:
This is a true double standard. Blacks have the shittiest situation, so people tell us to be supermen and have some sort of God like community organization to overcome. It's fucking nonsense, get off your fucking high horses and realize that we are not talking about some shit in a movie or a videogame, this is real life with real people where environments practically breed negativity and sometimes, people just don't have what it takes to get themselves out of the situation they were placed in. Man, it's fucking EASY to win, ANYBODY can win, it's hard to lose (Thank you scanner darkly).

You can carry yourself however you want to. If you choose to feel that you're defeated before you even try, that's the wrong attitude. If you are busy worrying about what some other guy that you don't, instead of appreciating what you do have, that's the wrong attitude. It's very easy to sit around and be self-hating, but in the end it all boils down to the individual doing what they gotta do to improve their situation.

If your area is shitty, move. Is that financially easy to do in most cases? No. But if you really hate your situation that bad, you'd leave. And how do you do it? You get the hell up and do it. And if that's too hard and you can't do it... then you must like it, or you'd change it.
Zeed said:
I know that I said I wasn't going to reply to your clowning anymore, but I just wanted to point out that when I said "brown" I wasn't referring to Hispanics.

Whoever you were talking about, there is a large amount of people that are targeted for AA, and it's not just blacks.


darscot said:
Typically people that are the most successful have shit upbringing it's kind of how it works. At one point the light fucking goes on and you realize this shit is not good. You decide that your life is not going to end up in this shit ass situation. When your Daddy hands you everything in life people don't consider that success.
This is untrue. Go to the admissions websites of the most selective colleges in the US, the Harvards and Stanfords, Yale and Princeton, etc. and you will see that usually 35-40% of their students come from private high schools, which have high school tuitions between $25,000-40,000, when about 90% of all high school students in the U.S. go to public high schools. I went to one of these schools and it was about 40% private schoolers--a student whose parents spent ~$120,000 for high school is going to have had a ton of resources which helped them get successful. I will admit that it is getting better year by year, but I still find it funny when they brag about how "more than half" are from public schools--while true, it still means that they are under-represented.

Edit: And I'm sure it goes without saying, a large percentage of those from public schools come from public schools located in wealthy suburbs/regions.


I was told today that I could not rent an apartment in a certain complex because I earn too much money. This pissed me off for the same reason that affirmative action pisses me off. One injustice cannot be solved by inflicting another injustice.
bjork said:
So then how would you fix it? Let's say you have full control over the budget. Would you pay teachers more without first trying to improve the area, and hope that their teaching doesn't fall on deaf ears? Or would you let police department actually police and clean up the city/county first, at the sacrifice of maybe a few people get racially profiled or whatever?

Honestly, I understand where people like Zeed are coming from, nobody wants to get accused of anything that they are not, but when you make statements like this, I can't help but think that the person spewing such nonsense is doing so from a prejudiced perspective.

I have no idea how you could even be on this train of thought, honestly, it sounds like some shit Pat Buchanan would think of.

And to answer the question, no, hell fucking no. Once again, get it out of your head that we should be forced to settle for anything, we are American citizens, and are as organic to this country as any white person, we should not have to be subjected to police brutality and profiling to gain what has been held from us for fucking centuries.

Edit : For the record, I WOULD make sure that these schools were disciplined as all hell. From a YOUNG age, too. The first thing I would personally do would be to buy sets of school uniforms for every child (Get rid of this fucking matierialist bullshit that I see is rampent in poor black communities where it should be the least welcome), this would be in conjunction with more money towards the schools and the teachers themselves.


Liara T'Soni said:
And to answer the question, no, hell fucking no. Once again, get it out of your head that we should be forced to settle for anything, we are American citizens, and are as organic to this country as any white person, we should not have to be subjected to police brutality and profiling to gain what has been held from us for fucking centuries.

If there's an area that needs cleaned up, it needs cleaned up regardless of who is causing the problems.

Liara T'Soni said:
Edit : For the record, I WOULD make sure that these schools were disciplined as all hell. From a YOUNG age, too. The first thing I would personally do would be to buy sets of school uniforms for every child (Get rid of this fucking matierialist bullshit that I see is rampent in poor black communities where it should be the least welcome), this would be in conjunction with more money towards the schools and the teachers themselves.

This isn't exclusive to the black communities, just so you know. But I agree about uniforms tbh. The problem is that what happens after school. It's just as easy to cause trouble in a uniform as it is without.


numble said:
Go to the admissions websites of the most selective colleges in the US, the Harvards and Stanfords, Yale and Princeton, etc.

Since when do you have to go to one of those schools to be a success. There will always be elitist bullshit.


darscot said:
Since when do you have to go to one of those schools to be a success. There will always be elitist bullshit.
Your line about "people that are the most successful." We're in a thread about colleges and education. These schools are viewed worldwide as where the most successful people attend, and most of the most prominent Nobel prize winners, politicians, lawyers, doctors, etc go to these institutions for education. Even Barack Obama, who talks about his atypical position of prominence, had the fortune to attend an expensive private high school and then go onto Ivy League educations at Columbia and Harvard.


numble said:
Your line about "people that are the most successful." We're in a thread about colleges and education. These schools are viewed worldwide as where the most successful people attend, and most of the most prominent Nobel prize winners, politicians, lawyers, doctors, etc go to these institutions for education. Even Barack Obama, who talks about his atypical position of prominence, had the fortune to attend an expensive private high school and then go onto Ivy League educations at Columbia and Harvard.

Give me a fucking break, your reading that shit of a pamphlet? You in know way need to go some Ivy League bullshit school to be successful. People that are the most successful overcome they never listen to the people that tell them they can't do it. Those schools are in know way viewed world wide as were the most successful people attend. Why do you Yanks always think US = Globe.

P.S. You know what a college education gets most people. One job, yes that's right it gets you one fucking job. After that nobody gives a shit. It's what have you done not were did you go to school.
FINALLY! Affirmative action IS racism. People are starting to finally get it! As a white male, I get NOTHING as of now. I want the same opportunity as a Jewish black woman with native american heritage.


formerly sane
Affirmative action isn't racism it's to curb the pervasive racist elements that exist in our society. The day sexism, genderism, and racism are severely lessened in this country which is basically a cold day in hell so to say then we can get rid of.

perfectchaos007 when your culture as a whole not rare examples of individuals owns up to the fact the system heavily favored their kind and people were robbed of opportunties and when a bulk of individuals get over their bigotry I see your point. Think of affirmative action as karma payment for what some of your ancesotrs and people in the present still practice heavily today.


darscot said:
P.S. You know what a college education gets most people. One job, yes that's right it gets you one fucking job. After that nobody gives a shit. It's what have you done not were did you go to school.
Employers certainly do care. If you attended Harvard or Yale, it means 1) you are intelligent and/or hardworking, or 2) you have influential connections.


npm0925 said:
Employers certainly do care. If you attended Harvard or Yale, it means 1) you are intelligent and/or hardworking, or 2) you have influential connections.

Your first employer might, after that they really don't give a shit. They want to know what you did at your last job.
ccbfan said:
Considering the amount of poor people I know that worked their ass off and are now extremely well off.

People that came to this country with not a cent in their pocket and thousands in debt. People that lived with 3 other families cramped inside a tiny apartment while their parents work 16 hours a day 6 days a week. People that go to these "poor" schools and end up at top colleges even though AA screws with them. People that never got help from their parents with homework cause their parents can't speak English. People that had to work when they were a teenager every day after school.

I have no sympathy at all for poor people who stay poor, because the success rate of these poor people I know are near 100 percent.

Sure this is mostly one group that over comes all this crap but hey if one race can do it then why can't others.

Simple answer is that immigrant communities have a stronger family and community make-up that aids a good deal in helping keep their members in line and on the straight and narrow while improving the chances of success for the next generation, especially within that community.

Now compare that to a community that over the past 60 years has had almost every track to success destroyed either by overt, covert, and institutional racism and the effect it has had on not only to destroy communities, but the family dynamic of those in that community as well.
LCGeek said:
Affirmative action isn't racism it's to curb the pervasive racist elements that exist in our society. The day sexism, genderism, and racism are severely lessened in this country which is basically a cold day in hell so to say then we can get rid of.

perfectchaos007 when your culture as a whole not rare examples of individuals owns up to the fact the system heavily favored their kind and people were robbed of opportunties and when a bulk of individuals get over their bigotry I see your point. Think of affirmative action as karma payment for what some of your ancesotrs and people in the present still practice heavily today.

Yeah, but when are we done "paying"? I think we eliminated slavery over 140 years ago, and its been even longer since we stole native american land. Don't you think 100+ years of "paying back" is enough? Aren't we even now?


perfectchaos007 said:
Yeah, but when are we done "paying"? I think we eliminated slavery over 140 years ago, and its been even longer since we stole native american land. Don't you think 100+ years of "paying back" is enough? Aren't we even now?

AA hasn't been around for long. Also, blacks that make it to gradschools are a very small minority even with AA like 5%.


Pudding Tame said:
Now compare that to a community that over the past 60 years has had almost every track to success destroyed either by overt, covert, and institutional racism and the effect it has had on not only to destroy communities, but the family dynamic of those in that community as well.

The self-hating kind of propaganda doesn't help either. I think Cosby has the right idea, even if a lot of people don't agree with it.


Absinthe said:
Colleges, for example, MUST accept thebest and brightest. Filling quotas is detrimental to universities. If you're black and you're among the best and brightest then you should be welcome. Same applies to someone who is Jewish. Or a white person. Or an Asian. Or anything else you can think of. The best and the brightest. If you don't fall under that criteria then that's too fucking bad. Lowering standards, filling quotas, and robbing better qualified people is counterproductive and a travesty.

Not necesarily, I've know minorities with 4.0 GPA's and great GRE scores that have been rejected from nearly all mid-tier graduate programs. Schools accept whatever their mission statement is. They don't owe shit to the "best and the brightest".


formerly sane
perfectchaos007 said:
Yeah, but when are we done "paying"? I think we eliminated slavery over 140 years ago, and its been even longer since we stole native american land. Don't you think 100+ years of "paying back" is enough? Aren't we even now?

What do you feel that your culture paid back?

Giving my ethnic group rights that wer suppose to be guranteed to us by the original consitution. How about only giving civil rights in the last what 40, 60 years? How about parents raising kids their own to fear aspects my culture that really only a few identify by. Do you approve of white owned congolmerates who sponsor and are the main source for gangsta rap?

Yes your culture stole native american also asian and mexican or largely dominated by the culture in various way. My group isn't the only effected by what I call the racist caucasian establishment that is still in much of power in this country.

Not to say you're racist or that your part of it but how society would label us you may fall under what is termed white or caucasian which is really an oxymoron or innaccurate label.
If you truly are for equal opportunity in life putting up with the system as is and then calling for this to stop but no solution to the reason it was created really shows you have no interest in such a thing.
bjork said:
The self-hating kind of propaganda doesn't help either. I think Cosby has the right idea, even if a lot of people don't agree with it.

I have no idea what you mean by self hating propaganda. Care to explain?


LCGeek said:
Yes your culture stole native american also asian and mexican or largely dominated by the culture in various way. My group isn't the only effected by what I call the racist caucasian establishment that is still in much of power in this country.

I love it when people come across like being white means your family owned some big plantation and slaves, or ever held any position of power where they could keep the black man down. Never mind that some of us are here and didn't get here until after World War 1...


Also here is a little FACT for you guys there are the same and in most cases more whites with subpar credintials than there are minorities. Yet no one says anything to them. Also you all fail to realize that white women benifited the most from affirmative action and they have come to the point where they don't need it anymore.


Pudding Tame said:
I have no idea what you mean by self hating propaganda. Care to explain?

The idea that being black is equated with always being poor/always going without/always being oppressed. The posts that inevitably come up in these threads by posters who are black, and come across as defeatist excuses for poor situations.

I think one of the problems with society in general is the way we like to focus on what we don't have, rather than counting our blessings. Individuals can be great if they want to be, or they can be mediocre if they want to be.

HolyStar said:
Also here is a little FACT for you guys there are the same and in most cases more whites with subpar credintials than there are minorities. Yet no one says anything to them.

But is that because of racist hiring practices? Maybe no one else applied because they just assumed they'd be discriminated against, and so the best applicant was some hack white person with insufficient skills.
HolyStar said:
Also here is a little FACT for you guys there are the same and in most cases more whites with subpar credintials than there are minorities. Yet no one says anything to them. Also you all fail to realize that white women benifited the most from affirmative action and they have come to the point where they don't need it anymore.

Yep, All they need now is the Sexual Harassment Panda
HolyStar said:
AA hasn't been around for long. Also, blacks that make it to gradschools are a very small minority even with AA like 5%.

...which is irrelevant unless you can show that a significant number of black students are putting forth the effort that would be required to get into college and are getting declined in percentages above the standard norm. It isn't our responsibility to make them get their lives together and aim for a future that falls beyond the realm of mediocrity. They have to want that for themselves, and if they want it, they have to earn it just like everyone else. Everyone will have a different level of difficulty in their pursuit to claim what they want; that's life and there isn't any way to fix that without discriminating against someone else.

People throw statistics like that around and look for anything to blame so long as it isn't the individuals who are having problems in the first place. There is something wrong when your first response to failure is a scramble to find a scapegoat to pass it off on. It's not their fault, it's poverty. It's not their fault, it's a history of institutionalized racism. It's not their fault, it's the disparity in the distribution of wealth. When does it come time to realize that nobody is responsible for your success except for you? You look at grad school participation ratings, see the low minority involvement, and wonder what the grad school is doing to discriminate against minorities. I look at it and wonder why more minorities aren't applying.

Equal opportunities aren't what are being sought here. People are advocating discrimination and racism as some sort of half-assed, karmic "payback" for injustices that their older relatives had to endure.


bjork said:
The idea that being black is equated with always being poor/always going without/always being oppressed. The posts that inevitably come up in these threads by posters who are black, and come across as defeatist excuses for poor situations.

I think one of the problems with society in general is the way we like to focus on what we don't have, rather than counting our blessings. Individuals can be great if they want to be, or they can be mediocre if they want to be.

But is that because of racist hiring practices? Maybe no one else applied because they just assumed they'd be discriminated against, and so the best applicant was some hack white person with insufficient skills.

Look its not that I am for AA, I am black and have excellent stats/extracurrculars and a 36on the MCAT. Infact, I hate the thought of someone thinking "I bet he got to this medschool because he is black". And I know that being a white person with the same stats could be rejected across the board from medical schools. Which I find to be ridiculous. I just find it fascinating that AA threads always turn into a black vs. white debate.

WickedAngel said:
...which is irrelevant unless you can show that a significant number of black students are putting forth the effort that would be required to get into college and are getting declined in percentages above the standard norm. It isn't our responsibility to make them get their lives together and aim for a future that falls beyond the realm of mediocrity. They have to want that for themselves, and if they want it, they have to earn it just like everyone else. Everyone will have a different level of difficulty in their pursuit to claim what they want; that's life and there isn't any way to fix that without discriminating against someone else.

People throw statistics like that around and look for anything to blame so long as it isn't the individuals who are having problems in the first place. There is something wrong when your first response to failure is a scramble to find a scapegoat to pass it off on. It's not their fault, it's poverty. It's not their fault, it's a history of institutionalizedism. It's not their fault, it's the disparity in the distribution of wealth. When does it come time to realize that nobody is responsible for your success except for you? You look at grad school participation ratings, see the low minority involvement, and wonder what the grad school is doing to discriminate against minorities. I look at it and wonder why more minorities aren't applying.

Equal opportunities aren't what are being sought here. People are advocating discrimination and racism as some sort of half-assed, karmic "payback" for injustices that their older relatives had to endure.

Okay so by going by that logic. No one should complain about AA.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WickedAngel said:
You would have a point if AA was designed to serve the poor instead of a particular race but it doesn't.

You would have a point if race wasn't tied to poverty.


Tideas said:
eh? Prisons are a cost to taxpayers. Not a profit-income. We don't want ppl to go to prison.

Prisons are built to increasing inmates, not immates are increasing to fill prisons.

It all goes back to: Don't do the crime if u cant do the time
Most prisons are not Government run. So yes they are a profit maker on the tax payer expense.


HolyStar said:
I just find it fascinating that AA threads always turn into a black vs. white debate.

These and immigration threads both fall victim to it. But I guess that's what people want to discuss. :shrug:
HolyStar said:
Okay so by going by that logic. No one should complain about AA.

I have no problem with implementing a system that will be guaranteed to help people in need. Not because of their history or because of their skin color, but because they need help now. It bothers me when people act like they are owed a free ride at the cost of people who had absolutely nothing to do with the problems that their ancestors faced.

Stinkles said:
You would have a point if race wasn't tied to poverty.

I wasn't aware that poverty was exclusive to minorities. Thanks for letting me know.


And you know, what good is AA going to do if it is nearly impossible for disadvantaged black people to get out of their current situation (As some have been arguing)? The only people it would really help are the black people that are already in a position to go to college anyways (Middle-class black people). AA doesn't magically lift you out of poverty and place you in an Ivy League school; in order to benefit from AA, you would already have had to pull yourself out of the ghetto in order to get into a position to apply for college or an important job. The people that escape poverty don't do it via handouts; they do it via hard work.

way more

Stinkles said:
You would have a point if race wasn't tied to poverty.

I posed this question earlier when I said what if we had socioeconomic AA and the boundaries of those who qualified remained virtually unchanged. I don't think it would be that hard to find all those Harvard legacy black families and tell them they wouldn't be accepted.

People are getting riled up at this quote but remember the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? While some people were pointing out the racism in the lack of support the victims were getting apologists were saying that it wasn't racism, it was economics! The fact that the majority of poor people were black was just a crazy coincidence.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WickedAngel said:
I wasn't aware that poverty was exclusive to minorities. Thanks for letting me know.

AA is designed, rightly or wrongly, to address poverty tied to race with the assumption that race is inherently an imbalanced factor in US hiring decisions. It is not designed to address "generic" poverty.

I don't know if AA is right or wrong, and its implementation is certainly open to investigation, but pretending that all poor people have an equal shot at the American dream ignores some nasty realities.


AA should'nt have to exist. But alas, it is the reality of the U.S. It is a neccesary tool to offset some of the wrongs that where committed and still go on till this day.


darscot said:
P.S. You know what a college education gets most people. One job, yes that's right it gets you one fucking job. After that nobody gives a shit. It's what have you done not were did you go to school.

That first job is a pretty big thing, however. Take the field of law: the top "big law" firms, where the starting salary generally is $160,000 (not including bonuses) for first year associates, recruit almost exclusively from just 14-18 schools. As for jobs down the line, big corporations generally recruit their in-house lawyers from these "big law" firms. If you want to be a judge or professor, you're even more limited to probably 5-8 schools where you can come from. Now of course you can be "successful" in other contexts from other schools, but that argument in and of itself is pretty useless--the point is that you will be shut out of certain positions if you aren't able to get into certain schools, and you will be more likely to get into these schools if you had a certain background. Considering how law shapes US society so much, from ending segregation, allowing/denying gay marriage, permitting abortion, deciding elections, etc. it should merit some thought, rather than be dismissed as "Bah, you can be successful going somewhere else!"


I used to support AA, but then I went to grad school, and realized that in practice AA is horribly broken, doesn't benefit who it is intended to benefit, etc. Get rid of it, IMO.


formerly sane
bjork said:
I love it when people come across like being white means your family owned some big plantation and slaves, or ever held any position of power where they could keep the black man down. Never mind that some of us are here and didn't get here until after World War 1...

Sort of missing the point

The apathy for the culture as a whole to fix the problems still exist and are what is the issue. All parties are guilty for not truly compromising and having a discussion but saying nothing's wrong when clearly things are is just disingenous, not specifically saying your the problem or even are rather elements of cultures we unfortunately will be labeled as are the problem.

Regardless of whether we are individuals in the bigger picture of society or color is how a lot identify us at a basic level. Till the notion of race is outright killed by science around the world the problems of division used by some in all culture and ethnic to keep people seperated we can't really move forward on subjects like these.

my reply is not to single out any members rather to go after a culture attitude of I didn't do so why should I bother or why are these laws still in place. That's apathy and I find it worse than actual racism or bigotry because you sit on pedestal say your one thing while allowing behavior to continue to exist, which even I am guilty of to some effect. Enabling a behavior to exist, saying a law should go, but not fix the issue the law is attempting to resolve is bit tragic. In the big picture if you truly don't wish for any kind of hostile and intolerant behavior towards others you should at the very least be willing to call the bs from all angles including your own.
LCGeek said:
Sort of missing the point

You're missing the other side's point.

A sizable group of people do not want to be punished for the actions of others. Things like AA punish good people for the racist acts of other people (even if the offenders are a huge group of the current/past population).

This bothers a lot of people.


LCGeek said:
Sort of missing the point

But isn't accusing some random whitey of having ties to slavery without knowing his family's history the same as me seeing some black guy and assuming he's some criminal? Racism works all ways including against the evil white devil, so I wasn't missing the point, just pointing out how one-sided this stuff can get.

The problem is that there's some people who will never see any sort of "making up for it" as enough, and even if some miraculous situation came about where everyone truly saw themselves as equal, people would still suspect that it somehow was made to benefit the white man or whatever.

I think self-segregation is a problem, and keeping with one's kind is another problem, but if the ideal is to get us all on the same page as a like-minded chain of communities, I don't know how that's done. Law changes or not.
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