NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Age of Empires 4 may hit Xbox, Creative director Adam Isgreen – “We think about you”
Age of Empires 4 may be another big Microsoft proposition that, despite its PC-only debut, may land on consoles over
During the conversation with the editors of Multiplayer.it, Adam Isgreen, the creative director of the game, was asked about Age of Empires IV on Xbox. Yesterday the game debut took place, so the developer has not yet been tempted to announce the appropriate version, but his words are significant and allow us to believe that the port is only a matter of time.
“Multiplayer.it: What can we tell console users, Age of Empires IV will be released on Xbox?”
Adam Isgreen: We think about you. As soon as we finish managing the game’s PC release, we’ll start thinking about how to make the game run on consoles. We don’t have any final plans yet, but now we’re really going to start thinking about it. “