I won't be surprised if it's just another cameo like the Nick Fury one.Lady Sif spoiler:She shows up in episode 15
I won't be surprised if it's just another cameo like the Nick Fury one.Lady Sif spoiler:She shows up in episode 15
I'm psychologically unable to give a shit about the identity of the Clairvoyant.
Am I alone?
I'm psychologically unable to give a shit about the identity of the Clairvoyant.
Am I alone?
The problem is that like many other elements of the show so far (Skye,Coulson), its just the writers going "look a mystery" without giving the audience a reason to be interested in that mystery.I think the fact that The Clairvoyant has been revealed to be behind nearly every mission the team has embarked on is a great way of generainf intrigue behind who he is and what his ultimate plans are. With the reveal that he was involved with the Billionaire who funded the experiment that ended up creating Graviton, I know wonder if he was involved in some way with the group who searched out the staff from the Thor 2 tie in episode as well. Pretty much the only case I couldn't see him having a hand in, in some way is the firefighters case.
The problem is that like many other elements of the show so far (Skye,Coulson), its just the writers going "look a mystery" without giving the audience a reason to be interested in that mystery.
going by what we know the Clairvoyant is probably the High Evolutionary
I'm not familiar with the comics, but does Spider-Woman websling too?
Powers said:Jessica possesses superhuman strength (can lift at least up to 7 tons), endurance and speed. She can focus her bioelectric energy into "venom blasts" sufficient to stun or kill normal humans, and she can also adhere to almost any surface. Jessica rapidly forms an immunity to all poisons and drugs, and is totally immune to radiation. Her metabolism generates pheromones which attract human males while repulsing females, though she uses a chemical "perfume" that can nullify this effect. Jessica has lost and regained her powers more than once, but has recently emerged with her powers restored greater than ever.
More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Spider-Woman_(Jessica_Drew)#ixzz2qirTkB6GAbilities said:Jessica is an experienced fighter and excellent investigator.
Which would mean that Skye is likely Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman afterall.
going by what we know the Clairvoyant is probably the High Evolutionary
I mean, I'm curious, but they do seem to have been shifting or at least directing where we are supposed to focus attention on as far as the antagonists go quite a lot to the point where it was even hard to give a shit about Centipede. I imagine them just inventing another company to place above the Clairvoyant and then repeat.I'm psychologically unable to give a shit about the identity of the Clairvoyant.
Am I alone?
And that is how you do a cross-over. Get an actual element of the movie.unless they take another breakafter 2 episodes, that puts episode 15 as the Tuedsay before Thor 2 releases on Bluray/DVD
Wait what? How does this point towards the High Evolutionary?
I'm guessing because the High Evolutionary has the power of Clairvoyance and has a relation to Jessica Drew
Because their scheduling sucks. Watch it disappear again with the Olympics probably.why is this not back until february 4th? its just returned ffs
going by what we know the Clairvoyant is probably the High Evolutionary
Assuming that Skye or the Clairvoyant will turn out to be a recognizable comics character is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I'm not saying it won't happen, of course, but FFS, this is a SHIELD show that has to make up a new evil organization and can't even use HYDRA as a villain, likely for no other reason than that the films haven't yet established that they're still around in the present day. Best to keep expectations low.
Assuming that Skye or the Clairvoyant will turn out to be a recognizable comics character is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I'm not saying it won't happen, of course, but FFS, this is a SHIELD show that has to make up a new evil organization and can't even use HYDRA as a villain, likely for no other reason than that the films haven't yet established that they're still around in the present day. Best to keep expectations low.
Assuming that Skye or the Clairvoyant will turn out to be a recognizable comics character is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I'm not saying it won't happen, of course, but FFS, this is a SHIELD show that has to make up a new evil organization and can't even use HYDRA as a villain, likely for no other reason than that the films haven't yet established that they're still around in the present day. Best to keep expectations low.
If that stuff gets established in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (releasing April 4) and they go for the same two-week time lag for their "tie-in" episode that they had for Thor 2, they could very plausibly make the season finale of the show about the aftermath of the conspiracies within SHIELD and/or establish that Centipede, like the villains in Cap 2 (lol probably), was actually a HYDRA op all along.
Which would kinda let Captain America 2 make this entire show sort of entirely redundant as far as plot is concerned, heh.
I will eventually find the quote from someone involved in the show or works for Marvel that stated Skye was an existing Marvel Character. I wasn't the only one that saw it.
And this show crisscrossing plots with Capt. America 2 doesn't make it redundant, I think that makes it relevant. There is no better idea for a crossover episode than one that is directly addressed in the movies and continues on TV. And Centipede could still be tied to HYDRA or AIM.
I think Capt. America 2 will open up a few plot lines for AoS s2 to explore. kinda loosen that noose around it's available material a little bit.
I mean, we've already had a couple characters that are versions of recognizable comic characters, like Victoria Hand and Graviton, so I don't know why you're acting like it would be unheard of.
As I said above, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the Twitter rumormonger Roger Wardell, not anyone directly involved with the show. But correct me if I'm wrong.
What Marvel needs to do is have key players from the movies show up in an episode or two. Likewise make the team cameo (even just a tiny bit) in one movie. Having Fury pop in a couple times has been cool, and the show needs more of that.
You're correct. It was first mentioned in this thread with this post.
It's also the last tweet from the twitter account linked in that post, while there's another Roger Wardell account that's been tweeting more recently. What that means I have no idea, but there it is.
Oh, well I don't really know who Roger Wardell is outside of he was a "known" insider or something, but if the new 2nd account you are referring to in Roger Wardell 2, then that is a fake account.
So do we take what he says with spoon fills salt? Does he have a good track record? Or has he been debunked already?
Has anyone post a source to the "Skye is a known character" comment?
I'm psychologically unable to give a shit about the identity of the Clairvoyant.
Am I alone?
cobie smulders permanently joining the cast next year
I love Cobie, but she's one of Marvel's rare miscasts. Maria Hill is a hardass who's willing to wreck shit up and command front line troops by herself if things come to that. Cobie is way tooCanadiansweet looking and mild mannered to portray her.
HIMYM is ending, SHIELD is going to be renewed, it makes sense.
It's why it won't happen. Because it would make sense.
This is Marvel we're talking about here, not Nintendo.
They have already expressed interest about adding Cobie aka Agent Maria Hill as a regular if her schedule had allowed it. Soon her schedule will, and she will need something to do between Capt. America and Avengers movies. Agents if SHIELD will be a steady gig, and will likely be a better show with her on it.