Pai Pai Master
No one in their right mind would be expecting her to die when they just established where they're going with her character. It's not really plot armor, it's more like the catalyst of what could be her superhero origin.
No one in their right mind would be expecting her to die when they just established where they're going with her character. It's not really plot armor, it's more like the catalyst of what could be her superhero origin.
I think that was what annoyed me the most. Why give two point black shots to the tummy if your gonna chicken out on it minutes later? Other than that I liked the episode. Fitz/Simmons bother me too much tho. Terrible actors that probably got the roles cause of there looks and accentI'm done. The show does nothing for me. I liked the previous 2 or so episodes. The main crew has plot armor that thick nothing gets trough. Skye ain't gon' die and everyone knows it.
TV logic.Are characters not allowed to get injured? Do they have to be in tip top shape or dead, no in between?
Why do i keep watching this.
I've definitely pointed out that 13, 14, and 15 (especially the last two) would be the first set of episodes for the show to really "respond" if you will. They mark the beginning of the back nine ordered and if there's any indication of a positive change, it will be hopefully illustrated with that.Wasn't there something mentioned in this thread that stated that it has taken the showrunners until around the 13th or 14th episode to change up the show in response to complaints? It'd certainly explain why this episode was such an improvement.
Just comes back, break till March 4th...
What the fuck.
When Ward says he doesn't blame himself, I was confused as to what he was meaning...
exactly, we're all expecting this to be her "awakening" so to speak.
Hell naw.Skye would be such an awful pick for that. Like, really bad.Jessica Drew. Jessica Jones is not just older, but much more mature. A hardboiled detective in her 30's who's sick of her life and used to hang around with the Avengers (actually, she's besties with Carol Danvers).
Jones is actually a bit younger than Peter Parker who is eternally mid-20s. One of the oddities of the sliding time scale. Also Jones is not besties with Danvers that would be Drew, although currently Danvers is suffering with a case of mild amnesia and may not remember that.
Urghh...damn ABC scheduling.
And of course the next episode is titled "Tahiti".
exactly, we're all expecting this to be her "awakening" so to speak.
She could be part of Marvel's "Inhumans are the new Mutants" initiative. The treatment that saves her is the Terrigen Mists.
That would be interesting. I don't know anything about the Inhumans other than what I've recently read on wiki, but that would add some relevance to the show if the first inhuman appeared on AoS and then was expanded on in an upcoming phase 3 movie (or with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver inor Avengers 2.(Capt. America 2?)
But how would you explain the Terrigen Mist?
Found in a capsule at Skyes place of origin when they recovered her? Been sitting in a Shield vault for 20something years as an 084? And they only knew about it because it was the final piece of redacted info in Skyes file?
SHIELD's giant vault of gizmos + TV logic/deux ex machina.
Haha, it's good to know that someone else noticed the music in the show. I'm loving it, it's just that I feel like it's being wasted away.
Bear McCreary: Making kick ass scores that are wasted on average TV shows, since everything past BSG.
Re: Tahiti and Skye rez lol, am I hallucinating or:
During Coulson's brain surgery flashbacks there was a cylinder glowing green. And during the trailer for the next episode, was there a quick flash of the same green cylinder?
Are characters not allowed to get injured? Do they have to be in tip top shape or dead, no in between?
She's hardly "all better now", she looks like she'll be out of action all next episode and whatever keeps her alive will be something major.
Coulson: We recovered several of these containers filed with this mist from an alien craft back in the 70's that crashed over the New Mexico desert, it was a massive cover up job related to the infamous Area 51.
It was the first ever 084 on record. It was comprised of an unknown substance that appeared to have no affect on humans or anything of this earth.
Fitz: where there any survivors?
Coulson: that's classified.
Simmons: What does any if this have to do with Skye?
Coulson: Since Skye is also an 084, I figured maybe we should try it on her and see what happens.
Yes he does?The bigger crime is that he doesn't release many of said scores.
The bigger crime is that he doesn't release many of said scores.
Guys, I need sexy May and Simmons gifs.
She doesnt have any brahs. Wait until season two when they start treating her like Felicity.
I wonder if that means they'll end up going to the well of whatever brought Coulsen back to life to bring Skye back.
God, I hope not. They still need to explain why Coulson is important.
The Deathlok "reveal" was the most unexciting zinger/cliffhanger at the end of an episode ever. Seriously, I was supposed to get excited over that?
Decent episode I guess.