This show would've been awesome back in the 90s. It's hard for it to make a scene in modern super-serialized television. Shows like Battlestar Galactica, Breaking Bad, Thrones, Sopranos, and even all the way back to Bab 5 changed television drastically. Shows can't simply rely on the monster of the week formula to stand out. Yes, it may still work for some types of genres, but definitely not this one.
The "Whedon" feel of the show may actually be doing it a disservice. It worked for Buffy and Firefly, but it did not work for Dollhouse and it has not been working for SHIELD.
I find the concept of a TV show offering a supporting story to an on-going cinematic universe compelling, so I hope it works out in the end.
The "Whedon" feel of the show may actually be doing it a disservice. It worked for Buffy and Firefly, but it did not work for Dollhouse and it has not been working for SHIELD.
I find the concept of a TV show offering a supporting story to an on-going cinematic universe compelling, so I hope it works out in the end.