Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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Sorry, I edited with spoiler bars so maybe just add them to my quote in case anyone is spoiled on TWS.

Looks like someone stealth edited my post. Thank you, person. EDIT: Should have known it was Cornballer!

I'm going with
Fitz. Ward is a good choice though as he's long outstayed his welcome...but watch it end up being Garrett.

Hope it's not Fitz, because I like him, but as long as it's not Simmons, I'll live. Garrett seems too easy of a choice, but I guess that's probably why it will end up happening that way.


it'd be awesome if Skye was playing a long con but considering the season, it seems terribly doubtful. Still, I'd love it.



I don't want any of the team to be killed off. They've all grown on me in a certain way. Even May.


Can't believe I'm actually rooting for the status quo.


Da fuq?
In spite of not being particularly wild about the series, this is how I feel as well (though I was biased toward May early on).
Absolutely agree. You've pretty much nailed what the issue is. She's not a bad character, quite the opposite, but how she's being written is making her extremely annoying and making the rest of the team seem incompetent...

It would explain a lot. I hope the 084 arc is resolved this season and it's not something that's hung over our heads beyond the finale into season 2.

Exactly. Skye and Bennet are fine when the writers aren't hammering in how she Sees Things Differently and Does What No Agent Can and is Like a Daughter to Coulson... which is not nearly enough of the time.


I hope noone from the Short Bus ends up being a HYDRA mole. Fitzsimmons are too idealistic and anive to be one (or maybe they can because of the same) Skye has plot armor so she's discarded. They only wildcards are May and Terminator. I hope Garret neither because he became one of my favourites newcomers just like Hand. Tripplet can be one though and i don't mind at all
I'm hoping the
Hydra agent is Ward. Replace that character with Trip, cut back on the Skye flogging, and work with the aftermath of The Winter Soldier and I think you have something.

The real problem is Agents of SHIELD should've been a 13 episode show for this first season, because what I can see coming out of Season 2 is far more intriguing.


tagged by Blackace
I guess that's true, it wasn't as obvious in the beginning though. Now it's like they are going out of their way to hammer the viewer over the head with it.
I thought it was.. the first half of the show was really focused on Skye's ability to prove herself and whether she's a double agent or not. None of the quibbles in the rest of the team mattered anywhere as much, not even Tahiti.
"Hate" is too strong a word, but he's the least interesting lead, Dalton isn't that great an actor, and he's been set up as half of a dull and predictable romance that I'd be happy to see averted.

That and the character has virtually no personality. Less than even some of the minor characters and antagonists of the show. He's the archetypical "gruff military dude with no emotions". Doesn't help that he shares the same archetype with May, who is infinitely more interesting due to her history ("the cavalry"), relationship with Coulson, as well as her actual role on the plane (secret phone line).

I'd love Triplet taking his place. He seems like a fun dude.


Anything interesting happen in episode 14 other then
Skye getting cured by magic alien blood

Just watched the last two episodes and I don't know if it's just because TWS added some more depth to the things going on but I was fairly interested in what was going on and really looking forward to the next episode.
The real problem is Agents of SHIELD should've been a 13 episode show


I feel the only reason they didn't do this was to have time between movies.

Actually, reading between the lines in the latest interviews, that's most likely the reason. They wanted a Toy Commercial show.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
rewatching Boston Legal season 4, Saffron Burrows looked absolutely ridiculous in that. And by ridiculous, I mean ridiculously sexy, I know all tv shows have great looking women but my god, she looked outstanding back in '07
rewatching Boston Legal season 4, Saffron Burrows looked absolutely ridiculous in that. And by ridiculous, I mean ridiculously sexy, I know all tv shows have great looking women but my god, she looked outstanding back in '07

Watch's Mozart in the Jungle. She's like a completely different actor.

That give Malcolm MacDowell a blowjob.
>>of course they use the film to say this was the plan all along. you should have trusted us..


Well, I'm willing to bet this was the plan, and is why we had so many idiotic filler episodes.

lol at Jeff Loeb saying this has never been done before in TV.


Bitches love smiley faces
Well, I'm willing to bet this was the plan, and is why we had so many idiotic filler episodes.
If they couldn't think of 13 episodes that could be interesting stand alone episodes
with years of comic history at your disposal and which probably won't be able to do now because of TWS
they're hopeless.


Lol at saying this was the plan all along, I don't mind the show and excited to see where it goes, but that's no excuse
If they couldn't think of 13 episodes that could be interesting stand alone episodes
with years of comic history at your disposal and which probably won't be able to do now because of TWS
they're hopeless.

I'm really interested in seeing how they do a shorter season with the NetFlix shows.

I'm also really interested in seeing how they do dark and gritty without it being incredibly corny.
I'd honestly say you wouldn't be missing anything.
Well I mean before the last few episodes I would have agreed.

But these past few episodes have actually been good to great with some reveals that could have lasting impact on the MCU.

At this point I'd say it's 50/50 on whether or not it has insights into the organizations behind these events. A whole swath of alien races have been confirmed to exist in their universe now on the show. Whereas allusions to was the status quo before.
having an awfully dull generic show for a majority of the season that was bleeding ratings was part of a plan?

Joss Whedon has a horrible definition of Slow Burn. I mean, look at Dollhouse. "I want to make a show where it takes two entire seasons to get to the actual plot".

You can't write a show based on expectations that your audience will just agree with whatever bullshit you think up in the name of art.


I don't understand the people doubting that this was planned.

Cap 2 didn't start pre-production till late 2012, which is around the same time they started conceiving the show that would become Agents of Shield. Now, we can argue whether it was smart of them to have such a dull first season that (hopefully) picks for the last 6 episodes, but I'd be hard pressed to believe they didn't know this was going to happen.


dropped the show after the first few episodes but i might check it out this week. captain america doing work :p

hope robin scherbatsky shows up.


I don't understand the people doubting that this was planned.

Cap 2 didn't start pre-production till late 2012, which is around the same time they started conceiving the show that would become Agents of Shield. Now, we can argue whether it was smart of them to have such a dull first season that (hopefully) picks for the last 6 episodes, but I'd be hard pressed to believe they didn't know this was going to happen.

I don't doubt there was a plan but the execution of it demands people be thrown off the show.


Winter Soldier spoilers:

So if this show gets renewed, what are the odds season 2 involves
Coulson's team joining Fury's underground mission of weeding out HYDRA cells?


I'm sympathetic to the writers though. Most network dramas, especially genre shows are fucking dire and haven't been able to creatively flourish in years. So when tied down with that, Jeph Loeb and MCU's outline, it's not hard to imagine how much of a clusterfuck production is.

Still, I think at its worst (and best) the show is just middling. I have tons of issues with it, but the lengths some people go to to conclude how god fucking awful it is are ridiculous.
Winter Soldier spoilers:

So if this show gets renewed, what are the odds season 2 involves
Coulson's team joining Fury's underground mission of weeding out HYDRA cells?
There's no guarantee Fury will tell Coulson that he's still alive at the end of winter soldier. I can imagine Fury running away from Coulson so he doesn't have to explain the blue alien
Surprised everyone likes Agent Triplett so much. Dude is about as bad an actor as the guy who plays Ward.

But he's charismatic and has little to do with the boring Skyward pairing. (Assuming that's the shipper name)

Field medic, combat-trained, and he'd add a bit more color.

It looks like he'll be around for a bit longer though.


"Hate" is too strong a word, but he's the least interesting lead, Dalton isn't that great an actor, and he's been set up as half of a dull and predictable romance that I'd be happy to see averted.

BAD's nickname for him - Agent Banana Republic - is perfect. The guy should be modeling, not acting. And his character is lame too.
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