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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Holy fucking shit, what a season opener.

I'm so happy this show is back on.

That last scene with Fitz was heartbreaking.

And it seems they retconned Fitzes accident...he's smart again.


premiere was boring to me.
I just felt that could have gone different directions. Other action scenes were just meh.

Train scene woulda been more interesting if Coulson had the army general with army troops rescue him instead of just showing this shield team is all alone against this new team assigned by the president. Or at least have a scene with Coulson contacting our former Hero General. Then they simply reused extraction method for second time in same episode boring easy writing out.

Hospital fight against Porcupine guy was average but then having two inhumans using their powers towards him not doing anything sure made them seem like boring inhumans. Defintely not a dynamic use of powers.

Other posts earlier in this thread talking about how the movies impact or how this show impacts the entire MCU universe. I really hate this show hasn't had a better cameo with one of the Avengers. I cannot explain how bad that Fury cameo was with Coulson and Fury just grandstanding talking smack whole time such bad taste.

How could you in 2 seaons and now season 3 not have just one Avenger appear with a big budget entrance or scene.

People liking that tank top. Yo Chick put on weight is thick now. Certainly not a slick athletic young 20 something. Give that actor a personal fitness trainer quick!

but I'm a fucking sheep will watch every week.

Will to be fair when they learn the nature of his powers, they will realize how stupid that was. And the only Inhuman on the show that has a fair shot against him is Blizzard
Chloe Bennet and that tank top... Yes. Thick maybe to someone might prefer the look of a "1,000 year old demon".

They really beat "Daisy Johnson" over our heads but I'm okay with it, Skye was never her actual name just her hacker alias that they went with since I don't think she wanted to be called "Mary Sue Poots", as funny (to me anyone) as that meta commentary was that's a terrible, orphanage given name. Lash's appearance didn't bother me any, I have my TV expectations in check, he didn't look that bad. Still don't give a shit about Hunter and Bobbi's relationship shit. Fitz man, how you've changed since season one.

Comic based shows are off to a pretty good start this season so far, I hope the others can keep it up.
Will to be fair when they learn the nature of his powers, they will realize how stupid that was. And the only Inhuman on the show that has a fair shot against him is Blizzard
I was expecting Lash to turn that electric guy inside out when he blasted him with energy. I find it a little weird that all we saw of him was him burning holes in walls and floors before running away.


I was expecting Lash to turn that electric guy inside out when he blasted him with energy. I find it a little weird that all we saw of him was him burning holes in walls and floors before running away.

Well he just encountered 2 inhumans when he thought there were 1, he probably realized the game done changed and want to rethink his plans.

Dude is pretty pragmatic in the comics. He isn't dumb muscle, despite his looks

he is a religious zealot but he ain't stupid

Plus it is the first ep, just want to give folks a taste.


pretty good opener. I like how they are setting up the current status quo.

All the characters have come such a long way, it's incredible. If someone had told me after the pilot or even five, six episodes into the show that I would be watching to follow these particular characters instead of "getting a Marvel fix" I would have never believed them.

By now, it's the opposite. I hope the show's story will matter to the films and vice versa, but if it never happens it would still be perfectly fine with me. I am just happy watching the latest adventures of Quake, Bobby, Hunter, May, Fitz and Simmons. Also Coulson and Mack, Lincoln.
Yes, I just smuggled in a character ranking


Is that the actress that played Dana Gordon on Entourage?

Yes. Constance Zimmer. She was much better in Shield. I always found the Dana Gordon character annoying.

Regarding Simmons, this is what Jed Whedon said in that EW article:

Missing in action for most of the premiere, Simmons was finally revealed to be in the desert … on another planet, that is, and definitely not in our solar system. “It can’t be because of the terrain and what you see,” executive producer Jed Whedon tells EW. “There’s very few planets that have that configuration that she would not be dead if she were there.”

I haven't found anything that says that Hala can sustain human life, but the Captain Mar-Vell wiki does say that White Kree are biologically similar to humans.


finally watched it
so awesome, especially the scream part
is joey a comic character?
lash looked horrible

and how is simmons breathing in another planet? lol
finally watched it
so awesome, especially the scream part
is joey a comic character?
lash looked horrible

and how is simmons breathing in another planet? lol
Do people people ask these questions when aliens arrive on Earth in Marvel movies and comics? No. We accept it and move on.


Fitz was kick-ass, Hunter is sweet, Bobbi needs to get back to ass-kicking and Mack got the best one-liner. Didn't miss May, Ward or Simmons. Phase out Coulson/Daisy too and it is perfect.
And I hope Constance Zimmer stays around. Kinda funny I still remember her from that handful of Grey's Anatomy episodes she did. She makes a lasting impression.


well if you want to get super nerdy with it. Kree need like twice as much nitrogen then what is in Earth's atmosphere. Or else they go crazy

I don't know how super high levels of nitrogen effects humans



Right click aaand saved.
well if you want to get super nerdy with it. Kree need like twice as much nitrogen then what is in Earth's atmosphere. Or else they go crazy

I don't know how super high levels of nitrogen effects humans

Has that been demonstrated in the MCU? We've already had a live Kree appear last season and he seemed to be perfectly sane.


Ratings were up vs the S2 finale!

ABC | The Muppets (5.8 mil/2.0) dropped 30 percent from its impressive debut, while Fresh Off the Boat (4.8 mil/1.7) slipped 21 percent and two tenths. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returned to 4.8 mil and a 1.7, down from its Season 2 opener (6 mil/2.1) but up sharply from its May finale (4 mil/1.3) and hitting its best numbers since Dec. 9. A Quantico encore added 4.2 mil/1.0.


After they fixed his breathing thing, before he was wilding out and disoriented.

The Liquid Nitrogen tank was nothing to do with breathing (Sif even says its not for him to breathe). It was part of his apparatus that gave his skin a pink appearance, rather than his natural blue.


If the monolith is described as "death" by ancient writings, it seems to me like it could be a sort of prison world where those condemned to die are exiled to be hunted by whatever they put on that world.

Funky Papa

Simmons is either in
Hala, the Kree homeworld
, or where is
located in the MCU.

Also, if we are going SCIENCE and stuff up all this bitch, where she is it has to be fucking gigantic so its atmosphere hasn't been sucked away by that seemingly huge moon/planet in the background. But then again, she'd probably get crushed by the gravity, unless those celestial bodies had a tiny, tiny mass in respect to their sizes.

I'm also pleasantly surprised by how well they translated their new inhuman foe from the comics. I'm very impressed. Too bad he's a terrible character.

Also, did anybody found funny that SUPER MAGICAL CELL CAPABLE OF CONTAINING A HULK couldn't dampen Daisy's "warning shot"? Homegirl almost went San Andreas on the team's asses, and she wasn't even trying to do any actual damage. Dat power inconsistency.

Overall, I feel like it was a decent opener. Nice CGI work, too.

Death is just the name for the purchaser of the monolith. The monolith is Lady Death's property.

That'd be rad.

oooh. such sweet irony

But I liked the idea of super racist Simmons coming back with even a bigger distaste for the inhumans. This show needs more bastards/morally grey characters.

As for the Daisy got thick thing...

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