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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c

Yeah, on a show with superpowers and aliens, a "warhead" seems taken straight out of 24's playbook. And even that show figured out that they couldn't keep dipping into the nuke sauce, even if the SFX team got really good at depicting mushroom clouds.

Actually considering some of the laughable CGI in Agent Carter S2, maybe Marvel shows got budget cuts across the board.

Funky Papa

Yeah, on a show with superpowers and aliens, a "warhead" seems taken straight out of 24's playbook. And even that show figured out that they couldn't keep dipping into the nuke sauce, even if the SFX team got really good at depicting mushroom clouds.

Actually considering some of the laughable CGI in Agent Carter S2, maybe Marvel shows got budget cuts across the board.

Agents of SHIELD has some pretty uneven CGI. The new bus (and by extension most aerial combat) is usually top tier, with nicely designed models and highly engaging visuals, but anything taking place at ground level is generally laughable.


Agents of SHIELD has some pretty uneven CGI. The new bus (and by extension most aerial combat) is usually top tier, with nicely designed models and highly engaging visuals, but anything taking place at ground level is generally laughable.

Flame chain was neato.


Batteries the CRISIS!
People complained a lot about the super jumping looking bad in Jessica Jones, too. So yeah, maybe there's just no budget for special effects in these shows ... which is a detrimental decision, considering they're shows about comic book superheroes.


Well now they can have a frozen Peggy wake up from cryo stasis to help the team since the show isn't connected to the movies at all.
I wonder if they'll have an episode next season with Agent Carter flashbacks to tie up the ending of Season 2? Or maybe a 1-off Peggy episode. Sucks it was cancelled; I can't see Most Wanted getting much better ratings in its place.


Bitches love smiley faces
I wonder if they'll have an episode next season with Agent Carter flashbacks to tie up the ending of Season 2? Or maybe a 1-off Peggy episode. Sucks it was cancelled; I can't see Most Wanted getting much better ratings in its place.
I hope so. Ideally, they'd tie it into next season. That key could unlock anything!


where can they even fit in anymore? ugh I love Bobbi/Adrianne and she deserved her own show seperate from AoS's sinking ship.


I mean, I think Agent Carter was by far the worst thing that Marvel Studios has ever put out - a great cast with a lot of charisma, but just awful, bland writing and plotlines. The fact it got a second season was a miracle.

Sort of disappointed that Most Wanted got passed over - I was interested in seeing where they went with it. But I won't be crying about it.
I wasn't really looking forward to Most Wanted but without it or Agent Carter will AOS return to the shit scheduling of season one? Weeks off in between one new episode? That's straight trash. I also assume this means Season 4 is pretty much it for AOS too.


I wasn't really looking forward to Most Wanted but without it or Agent Carter will AOS return to the shit scheduling of season one? Weeks off in between one new episode? That's straight trash. I also assume this means Season 4 is pretty much it for AOS too.
oh god I didn't even think about that regarding scheduling.


Marvel's Most Wanted was passed over - Hooray!


Time to get Bobbi and Hunter back for Season 4.


Well, evil Daisy sure didn't last long....

I hope they end this HIVE story line really fast. Ward/Hive/Hydra is just plain boring.

We need some new actual Marvel villains to come into this show.
The Lash shit was hilarious, for fuck sake all that and the build up and that's it? His entire role/purpose in the season? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Lash was a mistake, from looking like Sonic (which they had to have seen and known, I mean they referenced Sonic last year) topped off by the incredibly obvious padded abs and hands they painted blue. I'm sure even they realized that with the incredibly lame way they wrote it out. Are we supposed to care about even lower budget, gimped Quicksilver or Medal McMelterson? What about Electric Tomorrow Man? That's back to back shows where I really don't care about the existence of the super powered character portrayed by Luke Mitchell.

I'lll miss Daisy, especially since there seems to be zero interest in bring Chloe into the movies but this show is only making it past season four and getting its 88 episodes if either the ratings jump or it's doing really, really well internationally.
So basically Bobbi and Hinter were written out of the show for no payoff whatsoever. Ugh.

I imagine they could still air episodes in consecutive weeks and just go off the air for a couple months mid season. I don't think they would return to S1's unpredictable airing schedule.


I think the best move for ABC right now would be to turn AoS into a real Inhuman TV series with Hive being the new Black Bolt and Daisy being the new Medusa. Basically, let the plan actually work, and they create a version of Atillan in the middle of America. May can be Karnak. Mack can be Gorgon. Simmons is Crystal. Fitz is Lockjaw.
I think the best move for ABC right now would be to turn AoS into a real Inhuman TV series with Hive being the new Black Bolt and Daisy being the new Medusa. Basically, let the plan actually work, and they create a version of Atillan in the middle of America. May can be Karnak. Mack can be Gorgon. Simmons is Crystal. Fitz is Lockjaw.

I hate you.
They gotta cancel the show before Infinity War, can't have people asking where all these SHIELD agents and inhumans are when Thanos blows everything up.

They'll kill them off by having one line in the movie where Fury says Thanos arrived at SHIELD headquarters first and killed everyone there.
I think the best move for ABC right now would be to turn AoS into a real Inhuman TV series with Hive being the new Black Bolt and Daisy being the new Medusa. Basically, let the plan actually work, and they create a version of Atillan in the middle of America. May can be Karnak. Mack can be Gorgon. Simmons is Crystal. Fitz is Lockjaw.
Don't even joke about that shit.
I think the best move for ABC right now would be to turn AoS into a real Inhuman TV series with Hive being the new Black Bolt and Daisy being the new Medusa. Basically, let the plan actually work, and they create a version of Atillan in the middle of America. May can be Karnak. Mack can be Gorgon. Simmons is Crystal.
This is a terrible-
Fitz is Lockjaw.

ABC what are you doing.

The correct thing. Why make a spin off of a show that is getting fractional ratings?

Good. Marvel TV needs to consolidate. Do some more Carter stuff in SHIELD to wrap up her story.
I hope they don't. Current SHIELD isn't great, but Agent Carter was some truly atrocious television. I almost never drop a show in the middle of a season but I made a rare exception for season 2 of AC. So bad.


Bitches love smiley faces
The correct thing. Why make a spin off of a show that is getting fractional ratings?

Why even resurrect a dead idea? ABC wants a Marvel show, they just don't know what the hell they want. Someone at the network needs to get a clear idea of what type of show fits with the network and it's something they can push.


Why even resurrect a dead idea? ABC wants a Marvel show, they just don't know what the hell they want. Someone at the network needs to get a clear idea of what type of show fits with the network and it's something they can push.
Exactly. They've developed this spinoff for nearly two years now, took Adrianne/Bobbi off her show and pretty much just wasted everyone's time/put them out of a job to figure out NOW that it doesn't work? lol
They gotta cancel the show before Infinity War, can't have people asking where all these SHIELD agents and inhumans are when Thanos blows everything up.

They'll kill them off by having one line on the movie where Fury says Thanos arrived at SHIELD headquarters first and killed everyone there.

I'll actually be happy if that happens because it'll be the closest thing to an acknowledgement from the films to the television shows.

That goes for Netflix and the Defenders too, since I'm pretty positive they won't get so much as much as an off-hand comment from a guy in the background.
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