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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c

Most Wanted getting canned is the greatest thing they could've done for this show. So glad Bobbi and Hunter are coming back.

They are coming back right?


Most Wanted getting canned is the greatest thing they could've done for this show. So glad Bobbi and Hunter are coming back.

They are coming back right?



One interesting thing that brought up, it seems like the Kree had a lot more control over Terrgenesis then they did in the comic. Being able to engineer a counter to Hive.

Another thing they are making Terriagenesis much more glamorus than it was in comics. Where are the but ugly inhumans whose only power is to turn doorknobs green?


One interesting thing that brought up, it seems like the Kree had a lot more control over Terrgenesis then they did in the comic. Being able to engineer a counter to Hive.

Another thing they are making Terriagenesis much more glamorus than it was in comics. Where are the but ugly inhumans whose only power is to turn doorknobs green?

No real budget for the uglies, expect Sonic the Raina.

I loved that dude in the charles soule run who got turned into a teleporting wall.
They are trying to replace X-men with Inhumans even in the comics at the moment (Uncanny Inhumans is about the opposite of a subtle title) and the mutants also have a fairly low proportion of characters who were ugly and had useless powers in terms of those who got page time.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I watched Civil War yesterday and decided to wait before I watched AoS (turns out I didn't need to, no actual spoilers). I'm late with the episode this time, so I'll quote the posts I agree with.

The big issue with S3 from a character standpoint is that it feels like they rebooted/regressed most of the relationships in the show. Mack got stuck being Tripp 2.0, Fitz/Simmons were stuck together, May got isolated, etc.

Man, the episode was almost good. The spy vs spy stuff was fun. The engineered Inhumans seem to be the AoS version of Alpha Primitives? Watching Badboy rock it with a burning chain was sweet. But then they had to ruin it all with a really rushed conclusion. The entire Lash thing seems pretty illogical. They had no way to know that his powers would actually allow him to resist Hive's parasites and to destroy them. Without knowing that sending him to Hive seems super dumb since he could go on his side. The fight was crap. The rescue was lame. The death was totally stupid. Ruined. :(
So while I was in the shower this morning I think I figured out a way the Hive/Lash scene should have played out to make it much less disappointing:
  • When Lash punches Hive, he doesn't do nearly as much visible damage, and Hive remains standing and able to fight.
  • Daisy intervenes there, force pushing Lash away to protect Hive.
  • Lash rushes Daisy in response, making it seem like he is taking out a threat at first.
  • Lash does the cure thing instead, but while he's doing that, Hellfire's chain wraps around his neck, and he is pulled backwards.
  • Hive takes the opportunity then to punch him through the chest, killing him.
That way Hive and Lash are shown to be more evenly matched, rather than Lash being Hive's one big weakness for reasons. It's also way more believable than this bulletproof monster being impaled by, of all things, a flaming chain. They've been building up Hive to be this superhuman threat, and Lash just singlehandedly manhandling him when a Kree warrior could not just totally drains away that tension.
The problems with the conclusion of the Lash fight were easily fixable without flashy effects or intricate coreography, as StarCreator's post shows.

The episode was ok and the twist was fun, but the way the Lash deal went down was terrible. The way the scene happened it was dumb having him not finish off Hive before getting to Daisy, and even Hellfire killing him could have been much better.

OT, but Talbot was pretty funny. I laughed out loud with more than one of his lines.

Remember that the swaying isn't mind control per se, it just makes inhumans want to be close to and please Hive. I don't think it'd have been strong enough to force Lash to go against his nature.
That's a good point most people seem to miss. I guess that when they were telling Talbot the plan they could have a couple of lines with Fitz and Simmons saying Lash's influence on Andrew's brain being strong enough to resists Hive or whatever, but as it stands it was a decent "desperate plan".

I'm more bothered with the "someone has to die to defeat Hive" epic foreshadowing. It's become such a common tv trope that unless someone dies, they stakes weren't high enough. I'd rather the death be totally meaningless in the middle of the season with no warning. That would be a WTF moment. Like Fitz falls down the stairs and dies.
Agreed. These RIP videos they're releasing are silly and the
necklace switcheroo
the previews are showing is awful. "Someone is going to die!" is such a weak plot device and marketing strategy, I've been ignoring it for the most part and now I'm just over it.

I still like AoS, but my usual patience with the show's faults has been wearing thin when a lot of them would be fairly easy to remedy in the writing. I don't know what they'll do with season 4 as far as the focus goes, but I really wish that instead of 22 episodes this show had 10 or 13 episodes per season with tight plotting and consistent character development.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
the fuck

marvels youtube are uploading a bunch RIP videos

what is going on

someones gonna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie




They are trying to replace X-men with Inhumans even in the comics at the moment (Uncanny Inhumans is about the opposite of a subtle title) and the mutants also have a fairly low proportion of characters who were ugly and had useless powers in terms of those who got page time.



It's going to be something stupid. When you get this mid-90s with your marketing, it can't not be stupid. I'm watching this with my girlfriend and neither of us could give a rat's ass about who's going to die. At all.

That said, here's some cynical speculation:

12 bucks says it's not someone from the core group - defined as Coulson, May, Fitzsimmons, Daisy. If - if - it's someone from the core group it's going to be either Fitz or Simmons. Probably Fitz.

Coulson needs to be there because he's still the best link to the movies this weird series has, Daisy is also way too important for the show, May didn't have anything to do this year apart from endlessly saying she would be fine with killing her husband (and in the end someone else did it), but I'm still holding out hope she gets to do something again because she's one of the few characters I like. Before this season that is.

Fitzsimmons are cursed.

Buuuut it's probably going to be one of those newer characters nobody cares about. Maybe that lightning guy. I don't know.

Interesting. I can't believe Marvel ran two series with the same Adjective for the title.I'm guessing they weren't simultaneous ?

ETA - Ahh. Looking around it looks like this is the first time it's actually been part of the title comic and the previous works weren't officially called Uncanny Inhumans despite the position.


Got caught up. Asian magneto better show up in the finale, have missed him. Kind of hope they find some way to defeat Hive that leads to the return of Ward since why not.


Just watched the entire second half in the past two days. My thoughts.

I'm glad they finally had an episode in my area, that now turns out to be relatively important (The one about the Watchdogs in the Chicagoland area with the warhead).

I had faith Mack would make it until the cursed necklace passed on to him.

I rather enjoy Lash's theme song, but was disappointed to see him die so easily. Not even a fight that ends with him being whipped to death.

Speaking of Hellfire, I enjoyed the call back to Season 1 when he referenced Scorch. What potential Scorch had, and how little I remember of the often dynamic storylines the show had. Not that I don't prefer it immensely now, but the varying scenarios from week to week versus the greater overarching story-line was a little refreshing.

Most Wanted being cancelled is the newest news to me. How that plays into Hunter and Bobbi's inevitable return is to be determined.

I'm wondering if Hive will just end up being jettisoned into the Sun/Deep space.

And finally, the Spanish (and translations) were surprisingly well done. I know this show can often have certain misgivings with foreign locales and languages.


lol Chloe don't give a fuuuuuuck

Q: If Hive was such a threat, wouldn’t the Avengers get involved?

CB: I don’t know. People who make movies for Marvel, why don’t you acknowledge what happens on our show? Why don’t you guys go ask them that? Cause they don’t seem to care!

Q: I know that your show does not interact with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Do you ever see yourself crossing over into that world?

CB: I would love that. The Marvel Cinematic Universe loves to pretend that everything is connected, but then they don’t acknowledge our show at all. So, I would love to do that, but they don’t seem too keen on that idea.

Funky Papa


Chances are she'll get an earful for that (or maybe not, since nobody cares about AoS) but it was about time somebody said as much.


She is spot on though Marvel always going on about how they connected even on Netflix shows they do it.

She correct call them out

Funky Papa

She is spot on though Marvel always going on about how they connected even on Netflix shows they do it.

She correct call them out

The Netflix shows have the benefit of being street level and dealing with menaces that are far away from being the competence of the Avengers.

But the kind of stuff that goes on with AoS... it makes no sense at all for them not to ping Tony Stark or Cap.

She's right though the situation as it stands is really silly and requires a constant suspension of disbelief. That being said everything about superheroes requires a constant suspension of disbelief. And since I have a penchant for shlocky superhero shit I'm fairly sure the portion of my brain that doesn't believe has been lobotomized. I'm essentially Fox Mulder at this point.

.. ... / - .... .. ... / .- / -- --- -- . -. - ..--.. / .-- . / .- .-. . / ..- -. -.-. . .-. - .- .. -. .-.-.- / .-- . / .... .- ...- . / . -..- .--. . .-. .. . -. -.-. . -.. / ..-. --- .-. / ... --- / -- ..- -.-. .... / - .. -- . .-.-.- / -- --- ... - / --- ..-. / .-- . / .- .-. . / -. --- - .-.-.- / - .... --- ... . / - .... .- - / .- .-. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / -. --- - .-.-.- / .-- . / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / -. --- - / ... . . / - .... . / -.-. .- ..- ... . / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .. - / -.-. .- -- . / .- ..-. - . .-. .-.-.-

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member


The Netflix shows have the benefit of being street level and dealing with menaces that are far away from being the competence of the Avengers.

But the kind of stuff that goes on with AoS... it makes no sense at all for them not to ping Tony Stark or Cap.

I dunno. Spider-man is a street level hero teenager and Tony Stark goes out of his way to recruit him in Civil War. No one even mentions the Devil of Hell's Kitchen in the movie. Same shit. Lol.


Well it was about time someone on the show told it like it is. Just like the viewers, they started the series with much expectations for the film connections, and were progressively increasingly frustrated by the lack of actual connection. Corporate told them to fake it or not to answer the #itsallconnected questions, but the frustration grew on their side as well. We had Clark Gregg subtly pointing at the tensions between studios a month ago, and now Chloe Bennett just saying it candidly like we know she does.

Hopefully it will make the journalists more inquisitive and maybe stir things up among higher executives.


Well isn't that the thing, wouldn't a global boom in powered individuals such as the inhumans factor into the writing of the accords.


I dunno. Spider-man is a street level hero teenager and Tony Stark goes out of his way to recruit him in Civil War. No one even mentions the Devil of Hell's Kitchen in the movie. Same shit. Lol.
But Spiderman can lift cars and shit
Daredevil can punch people
Jessica Jones can solve mysteries
None of them really useful in a fight with Capt, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant Man, and Bucky


Bitches love smiley faces
I dunno. Spider-man is a street level hero teenager and Tony Stark goes out of his way to recruit him in Civil War. No one even mentions the Devil of Hell's Kitchen in the movie. Same shit. Lol.

To be fair, you don't see Daredevil lifting cars or anything. For all anyone knows, Matt is just some guy running around in a devil costume.


To be fair, you don't see Daredevil lifting cars or anything. For all anyone knows, Matt is just some guy running around in a devil costume.

A name drop was the least we should have had nonetheless. Something about "all those vigilantes in New York, wearing devil costumes" etc. Even though the Sokovia Accords were officially framed to address all enhanced individuals, all that was talked about was the Avengers. Even the status of Black Panther, an Enhanced person, vigilante, but with a diplomatic status, isn't addressed. The film gave us cool action sequences, it had a great plot putting the Avengers against each other, but the regulation in the background was super crap. Not even a discussion of what enhanced means, when one of the Avenger is a normal human with super spy training, and many others are regular people with technology.
Hmm, I wonder if she will get fired for saying that.

Given that Marvel Studios and Marvel Television are separate divisions, not likely.

Anyway, boo fuckin' hoo. The AoS showrunners and writers have no rational reason to expect the film side to follow their lead; if they want to maintain the #ItsAllConnected pretense and avoid getting questions like this, it's on them to avoid storylines that take place on a global, public scale. Studios proper may not have stopped them from ending S2 or beginning S3 the way they did, but they certainly didn't force AoS to do so, either.

Funky Papa

Given that Marvel Studios and Marvel Television are separate divisions, not likely.

Anyway, boo fuckin' hoo. The AoS showrunners and writers have no rational reason to expect the film side to follow their lead; if they want to maintain the #ItsAllConnected pretense and avoid getting questions like this, it's on them to avoid storylines that take place on a global, public scale. Studios proper may not have stopped them from ending S2 or beginning S3 the way they did, but they certainly didn't force AoS to do so, either.

I think it's cute we still pretend AoS leads anything.


I still believe in Wards redemption.

As others have speculated, Ward could be saved somehow with Hive being dead. I guess. But he died before Hive got to him, so if Ward 2.0 somehow retained his memories, he'd still be essentially a clone of Ward for all intents and purposes. Hmm. I think it's kind of 40/60 at this point (like a 40% chance he stays on the show in some ongoing capacity). Depends how much they want to keep Brett Dalton on the show. I think they can find a way. That's all presuming Dalton wants on and/or Hive is defeated in the finale.


But Spiderman can lift cars and shit
Daredevil can punch people
Jessica Jones can solve mysteries
None of them really useful in a fight with Capt, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant Man, and Bucky

To be fair, you don't see Daredevil lifting cars or anything. For all anyone knows, Matt is just some guy running around in a devil costume.

You don't see Tony Stark telling Black Widow to go home though! Daredevil could probably kick Hawkguy's ass too, so it's not like everyone on the team matters.
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