Yep. Everything feels like such a step back after actually defining the characters last year.The big issue with S3 from a character standpoint is that it feels like they rebooted/regressed most of the relationships in the show. Mack got stuck being Tripp 2.0, Fitz/Simmons were stuck together, May got isolated, etc.
Will the plane with H&B on it just turn around now?
A whole bunch of the team being exposed to an Inhuman serum would be a nice shakeup for the finale to go out on.
Seems like Marvel and ABC are pulling out of the network TV game to focus on cable/Netflix. AoS only has 1 season left after this without a doubt since it needed just 1 more season for syndication and it's ratings were not worthy of renewal at all.
Probably the best move to focus on the likes of Netflix anyway.
So... these newinhumans that Hive had engineered... I cant help but think Marvel Zombies when I see them... I wonder how they will behave once he no longer controls them...
Can't believe they have Lash go out like a chump like that. This season seems to be slowly circling the drain, it's really dragging. And do you think they had a contest for how many times they could say Sikovia Accords in the episode ("See! We're part of the same universe!" Although Tony Stark can discover all sorts of secrets and has billions but somehow doesn't know that Coulson is alive to this day...)
So true. At this point, "I don't really care who dies, just get it over with this season already!" is how I feel.I'm more bothered with the "someone has to die to defeat Hive" epic foreshadowing. It's become such a common tv trope that unless someone dies, they stakes weren't high enough. I'd rather the death be totally meaningless in the middle of the season with no warning. That would be a WTF moment. Like Fitz falls down the stairs and dies.
So is next week a double episode finale?
Some people talk about how it would end with the fourth season, then a Secret Warriors spin-off would appear. What do you think?
It could be many things. If they cancel AoS they still need something with the Marvel name on network TV.
I'm more bothered with the "someone has to die to defeat Hive" epic foreshadowing. It's become such a common tv trope that unless someone dies, they stakes weren't high enough. I'd rather the death be totally meaningless in the middle of the season with no warning. That would be a WTF moment. Like Fitz falls down the stairs and dies.
Why do they? If the ratings aren't there, it doesn't need to exist. ABC and Marvel would both probably be more than happy to just focus on Netflix shows if that's where the success is.
Nah, I think it has more to do with ABC's new head of programming.
Why are they still using the "fallen agent" branding when she isn't fallen anymore?
("risen agent")
Because they can? I don't know how the Netflix shows are produced or what the returns involved are, but what I'm saying is the TV side is not gonna sit on their hands, even with the Netflix deals. It's just another avenue. They have producers, probably have ideas, etc. If anything, they'll do it to justify their jobs.
Do you want Tasha Yar? Because that's how you get Tasha Yar.
So... these newinhumans that Hive had engineered... I cant help but think Marvel Zombies when I see them... I wonder how they will behave once he no longer controls them...
And I can't blame them.The showrunners and producers on Agents of SHIELD mostly only exist as showrunners and producers as long as ABC deems the show worthwhile. If it is no longer worthwhile, they will no longer be showrunners and producers on Agents of SHIELD, and it doesn't guarantee them a Marvel job. The executives who are actual Marvel employees are also supervising the Netflix shows, so they can justify their jobs that way. Just because ABC can have a Marvel show doesn't mean they want to. They just cancelled one and decided not to proceed with another. There clearly isn't much thirst on their part.
Alpha primitives.
Do you want Tasha Yar? Because that's how you get Tasha Yar.
I'm waiting for them to do one for Agent Lanyard (Koenig) myself.
It could be many things. If they cancel AoS they still need something with the Marvel name on network TV.
Yes, it is