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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


The seasoned agent has no trigger discipline yet the upper comer does? That jolt Mack had could have easily discharged his pistol. :p


Unconfirmed Member
There was no pay off for having baby Strucker be one of Andrew's students. I thought they were going to pull that thread for at least 5-6 episodes. He literally could've strolled up in the store with the lighter, not knowing Andrew, and that whole scene would've been the same. Kinda weird.


There was no pay off for having baby Strucker be one of Andrew's students. I thought they were going to pull that thread for at least 5-6 episodes. He literally could've strolled up in the store with the lighter, not knowing Andrew, and that whole scene would've been the same. Kinda weird.
Cause Andrew ain't dead.


Mack better watch his back, because Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. loves killing off black men. It started with Mike Peterson’s death back in season 1, and while Mike’s demise ended up being a fake out setting him up to become Deathlok, the show is still committed to killing at least one black male character per season: Trip crumbled into dust when he was exposed to Terrigen in season 2, and at the end of “Devils You Know,” Dr. Andrew Garner is stabbed in a convenience store and bleeds out on the ground when the shop explodes. (Or at least that’s what we’re supposed to assume happens when we see the legs of a body in a pool of blood, with a cell phone ringing next to it showing a picture of May on the bloody screen.)

lol this is the dumbest thing ever. He's seriously going to use one death and fucking Deathlok's ORIGIN as an example of a trend?

Andrew's "death" too, was so obviously ambiguous that even trying to include that is reactionary until we have the next episode.


lol this is the dumbest thing ever. He's seriously going to use one death and fucking Deathlok's ORIGIN as an example of a trend?

Andrew's "death" too, was so obviously ambiguous that even trying to include that is reactionary until we have the next episode.
Is Andrew actually dead?

Oh wow. I can’t answer that. But I can say his life is in danger and May can’t get to him, so she’s feeling very sucky about it.
Thuurrr it iss.
Ward would have had the guns from the other big Brit though, Hunter simply took his place on the deal.
Instead of intercepting the guns, he chose to deliver them himself, which I don't think was the wisest move. It had too much potential to go sideways.

The whole infiltration plotline was odd to me from the start. That Ward wouldn't know what this supposed new Hydra recruit would look like before actually meeting him face to face seems out of character for Ward, who is very meticulous. And Hunter let his emotions overrun his judgement and it blew up in his face. If it was Bobbi on that phone, he wouldn't of done what he did, but he knowingly took a chance on Andrew's life, and has completely destroyed any trust he has built with May, and possibly the entire SHIELD team.


im guessing because Daisy changed in the ancient chamber. Wasnt that brought up last season because nobody had the honor in so long?

That doesn't make sense as he killed 2 inhumans last night who both were made in the chamber. Maybe he is related to Daisy?
Highlight of the episode (which I really liked but that part was too good)

Yeah, really good episode but that was definitely the highlight.


We need a gif, stat!


When it's time to kick ass, sure. But the Avengers can't spy / hunt for shit, they need Shield to do all the work. Which they are doing.

Yeah the Avengers are the nuke of their univere, SHIELD and the ATCU is trying avoid a panic. That is why Daisy is trying to build a squad, to handle shit on the lolo


Batteries the CRISIS!
Lash seems pretty overpowered and dangerous.

Wouldn't this be a time to call the Avengers?

The last time the Avengers were "called in," it resulted in an Eastern European nation being lifted up off the face of the earth, not to mention much of a city being destroyed by the Iron Man-Hulk fight — at least, that's how the world sees it. People in the MCU aren't too hot on the Avengers right now.

Besides, much of the original team is retired (Stark and Hawkeye) or MIA (Hulk and Thor), and the new team is probably busy training right now.
So Lash is a morpher now...and he won't kill Daisy for some reason. :O

Lash's motivation in the comics is that he feels that Terrigenesis is a privilege to be earned, not a birthright. He judges activated Inhumans and kills the ones he deems unworthy.

Clearly, he's decided Daisy has proven herself worthy.
Calling it, Lash is Powers Boothe, the former world security council member. Andrew disappears during his vacation with May to counsel Boothe thru the transformation leading Lash to rescue him from Strucker Jr. ACTU powers stems from a WSC member. His motivation is his hate of aliens and the "special" people from SHIELD's Avengers Initiative.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
When Andrew 'died' I did comment to my friends that the show loves killing black people. 5 minutes later, I recanted my statement after noting that they killed at least 3 other people in the same episode. That's basically all I have on the matter.

One of my acquaintances keeps trying not to spoil Lash stuff for me. I ignore him. I actually skim over anything that says Lash in this thread.

Anyone have screenshots of Daisy's outfits? Or do I have to go to that myself?
That was kind of expected though right?

They don't have the budget to do him justice, so it's better they have their own version that works within the confines of the show.

Could always be worse, could be another season 1 Deathlok...

To be fair, he would never look as good as he does in the Inhuman comic. Joe Madureira's art is out of this world. But I think they could have done a little better.


To be fair, he would never look as good as he does in the Inhuman comic. Joe Madureira's art is out of this world. But I think they could have done a little better.

Don't know what they were thinking trying to adapt some Joe Mad, shout have just remixed a little. Could you imagine if they tried to adapt Red Scarlet or Frank Quitely's potato people??
Lash's motivation in the comics is that he feels that Terrigenesis is a privilege to be earned, not a birthright. He judges activated Inhumans and kills the ones he deems unworthy.

Clearly, he's decided Daisy has proven herself worthy.

This lines up just about perfectly with Andrew. The way he is interviewing everyone for "the squad" and finding out who is worthy.
Yeah, Andrew is totally alive. I joked to my wife about the "kill the black guy" trope by mentioning how they introduced all these black characters to do just that. Honestly, I wouldn't fault the show on representation.

As for Lash (who looks like a Buffy monster of the week reject), I could see him being Andrew, that would account for his "it's not you, it's me" line he was supposed to clarify. Still, I could see the bald guy being Lash too.

I'm really curious about whatever happened to Simmons out there. I'm assuming it was some kind of romance, just to fuck Fitz again.

Yeah, really good episode but that was definitely the highlight.


We need a gif, stat!
You know, it hit me watching the episode but Until Dawn has made me appreciate Ward even more.


lol this is the dumbest thing ever. He's seriously going to use one death and fucking Deathlok's ORIGIN as an example of a trend?

Andrew's "death" too, was so obviously ambiguous that even trying to include that is reactionary until we have the next episode.

If we're doing major characters who are PoCs, we have Trip, Deathlok (fake-out), Raina, Daisy's Mom (evil, but still), Edward James Olmos (he's hispanic), and now Andrew.

So, there might be a trend.

Not that I think the show is doing it intentionally, but that's just how it feels. Still enjoy the show.


It's the same problem Hannibal ran into re: women- they kept gender-swapping all the male parts, only to run into an issue where all the future victims were now women. Kind of unavoidable given the genre here.
I mean Shield has killed off quite a few people since the beginning and yes in terms of our main cast POV characters there has been a higher number of black actors killed than white actors but I don't think they are doing it to be intentional or messed up. Some of the absolute best characters on the show are or have been black. Not to mention they took their lead "handsome white guy" and turned him into an absolute psycho asshole which is probably a worse fate than death.

In other words I think they do a good job of portraying strong black leads and aren't just killing them off to kill them. I'm sure we are going to get some major white leads dying at some point in the future


I still think Hunter should suffer for his immense stupidity, but so should Ward for not just tell everyone what these agents look like. The second one is just awful writing at work but still.


Honestly, I buy that Ward just doesn't give a shit about Hunter. Coulson, May, Daisy? APB out, pictures distributed, no tolerance, report all sightings. Hunter? What's he gonna do, get his accent on me? I'm kinda surprised Ward even remembers his name.
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