There was no pay off for having baby Strucker be one of Andrew's students. I thought they were going to pull that thread for at least 5-6 episodes. He literally could've strolled up in the store with the lighter, not knowing Andrew, and that whole scene would've been the same. Kinda weird.
:-D ;-^)Should've done a "private study session" in his office.
He was also skinny. I have no idea how people are seeing Ward's henchman as Lash (or Andrew for that matter. He definitely isn't dead/has powers but there's nothing to suggest that he's Lash).Judging by the shadow Lash seemed like a pretty short dude. I *think* bald too
LOL What is happening?Me too..
Writers are playing the long game with Fitz who has been a skrull the entire series sent to control Lash an asset gone wild.Boom. Lash is an immortal sleeper agent placed on earth by the skrulls to be activated if the inhuman scourge popped back up. But over the years of traveling and offing any in humans he detects he develops a conscience ad his programming erodes to the point at which he developed a separate personality Andrew who manifests as his human form.The massive influx of new inhumans reactivates Lash which causes Andrew to leave May and undergo memory alteration to forget what he is. This is why he didn't kill Daisy since even in his Lash persona he feels an attachment to her. Fitz has been searching for Lash to put him down but he can't accurately track Lash because of Daisy's throbbing inhuman energy masking his signature.
lol bro
Pulsating with boundless energy.throbbing
Pulsating with boundless energy.
Mack is beautiful.fitz is throbbing on the set at all times with that cast
LOL What is happening?
He was also skinny. I have no idea how people are seeing Ward's henchman as Lash (or Andrew for that matter. He definitely isn't dead/has powers but there's nothing to suggest that he's Lash).
Hunter I think is most likely, but I really don't want anyone to die.Trump/Ward 2016
I need Ward to kill one of the big name Shield agents this season. Hunter maybe. Or Mack.
May would be best but I doubt they will let her go.
Hunter I think is most likely, but I really don't want anyone to die.
Except Skye/Daisy. She is seriously annoying and needs either a major shift in how her character acts or she needs to die. But I doubt any of that will happen, they seem to want to invest a lot of effort into developing her character, despite that character coming across as a whiney, woe-is-me-I-have-superpowers crybaby who is constantly fighting everything Coulson says.
...sorry, just needed to rant a bit.![]()
Well, that was exciting.......
this is so unlike the show to be quiet and contemplative. I'm excited for this!
That's a strange scene for a teaser.
Ok that was pretty freaking awesome
....No fucking kidding... *roll eyes*
That's a strange scene for a teaser.
Just caught up. Wowza! No way Andrew is dead. He's gotta be an inhuman.
I was hoping the divining rod guy would live long enough to out another character as inhuman. Maybe Jemma? Oh well.
What if.... Tripp is Lash.
What if.... Tripp is Lash.
I'm not sure why Andrew would make such a big deal out of helping Inhumans if he's Lash...although he was staring pretty creepily at that redheaded chick.
I'm not sure why Andrew would make such a big deal out of helping Inhumans if he's Lash...although he was staring pretty creepily at that redheaded chick.
Now I want thisWhat if.... Tripp is Lash.
I'm not sure why Andrew would make such a big deal out of helping Inhumans if he's Lash...although he was staring pretty creepily at that redheaded chick.
It's clear that he's not a regular guy but there's nothing that points to him being Lash.Just watched the episode. Seems pretty clear that Andrew is Lash. In the scene where he "died", you never actually get a good look at the body on the floor. The only thing you can tell is that the body is wearing black pants, but they never shows you Andrews lower half during any of those scenes. Probably intentionally so. Also, the spoiled Hydra kid ran out of the explosion alone... without any of his Hydra buddies that were there, and he looked terrified.
Also explains why Andrew left May randomly and is being all secretive about it.
How can Andrew be Lash when Lash was away in another city being tracked by Daisy/Mack/Coulson at the same time all the stuff with Ward/May/Hunter was going down?
There was never any mention of Andrew teaching at a school near where Daisy/Mack/Coulson were at. Were they all in the same city? Seems unlikely.
I had thought MACK was LASH for a while, but since he wound up injured in the truck with Daisy, that killed that idea.
It would have made more sense for Mack to be "Jekyll and Hyde", so to speak. But they killed that idea at the end of the last episode. And I think they fought each other once or twice with a witness around, so he couldn't be Lash.
I'm pretty sure that people don't actually pay attention when they're watching the show.This scene should've put that idea to rest:
Andrew is not Lash, it makes no sense. For one thing we know the actor playing Lash and I don't think they're going to go with a different actor for the transformed version since Lash will have dialogue, it's not a Lou Ferrigno/Bill Bixby situation.
Didn't Lash shrink down when he turned human though?
Coulson's hand is Lash