Fitz has only openly had feelings for Simmons since the end of season 1. It's not like he's been trying to date her the entire time they've been friends.
Why does anyone like Simmons and why does Fitz even like her anymore at this point?
1. He nearly gets himself killed saving her life when Grant tries to kill them, Simmons does nothing to reciprocate Fitz feelings
2. Fitz has a mental issue for most of the next season and Simmons leaves to take on a mission without ever reciprocating Fitz feelings
3. Finally, when Simmons does start reciprocating his feelings, she gets sucked into a portal and transported - I'll give her a bit leeway on this
4. She spends months on this planet, still holding on to those feelings, when Fitz has been trying to get her to come around for years, only to completely flip around in one moment of despair
5. Fitz saves her life and all she can think is, "I gotta get Will back!" - I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for right now that she's doing it purely to save him because they kept each other in check, and not because that a mere month or two of having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz.
IIRC, it was more along the lines of he realized he's loved her the whole time but only recently realized itDidn't he say the exact opposite of that just before he got brain damage?
You know, I was thinking that Fitz needs to have a wreck and tell moment with Mocking Bird just to fuck with Fitz AND Hunter.
Edit: I made this for shit and giggles.
I don't think the writers know how to end this sub plot so it's just gonna get dragged on and on.
Given that you expect Fitz to be able to "earn" her romantic affections because he should be entitled to it, its no wonder you hate Simmons.Why does anyone like Simmons and why does Fitz even like her anymore at this point?
1. He nearly gets himself killed saving her life when Grant tries to kill them, Simmons does nothing to reciprocate Fitz feelings
2. Fitz has a mental issue for most of the next season and Simmons leaves to take on a mission without ever reciprocating Fitz feelings
3. Finally, when Simmons does start reciprocating his feelings, she gets sucked into a portal and transported - I'll give her a bit leeway on this
4. She spends months on this planet, still holding on to those feelings, when Fitz has been trying to get her to come around for years, only to completely flip around in one moment of despair
5. Fitz saves her life and all she can think is, "I gotta get Will back!" - I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for right now that she's doing it purely to save him because they kept each other in check, and not because that a mere month or two of having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz.
I don't like Simmons all that much, and I hate, hate, HATE, love triangles. Worse romantic plot devices ever.
While he was banging the monolith, Will the Astronaut, was banging Simmons. :'(
You know, I was thinking that Fitz needs to have a wreck and tell moment with Mocking Bird just to fuck with Simmons AND Hunter.
Edit: I made this for shit and giggles.
Lmao Fitz's face when they revealed he was listening to Simmons story.
I was hoping for more Simmons figuring out how to survive on her own, but I still enjoyed the episode. I really hope they stick to Simmons to not reciprocating Fitz's feelings for her instead of dragging that plot out. Fitz needs to move on.
You know, I was thinking that Fitz needs to have a wreck and tell moment with Mocking Bird just to fuck with Simmons AND Hunter.
Edit: I made this for shit and giggles.
Given that you expect Fitz to be able to "earn" her romantic affections because he should be entitled to it, its no wonder you hate Simmons.
I dunno but let's see your arguments against:
1. She does nothing to reciprocate his feelings because she does not, in fact, have to and does NOT see him that way at the time. She'd never even considered him as a romantic partner.
2. She leaves because a) she was making his recovery worse and b) they needed a mole in HYDRA. She did not reciprocate his feelings because she DOESN'T HAVE TO and probably DIDN'T want to at the time.
3. A bit of leeway? Seriously?
4. It's not one moment of complete despair, It's the loss of all hope of ever seeing him again. I mean she does give up and seeks companionship with who she has. It's a thing.
5. "having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz." Years of courting are literally nothing. If you wanted to have a point you should have said "years of feelings/relationship building with Fitz", but no that's not the important thing, is it? It's the courting that's important. Right.
Why is everyone ignoring that Simmons spent basically all of last season becoming the Inhuman-hating equivalent of Hitler...?
She's gorgeous, but her character is pretty loathsome since season 1... Fitz deserves better!
This is my gift to you, AoS-GAF.
It's a good thing Fitz seems to be a really nice guy.
...because with his tech skills, he has the makings of a super villain.
Why is everyone ignoring that Simmons spent basically all of last season becoming the Inhuman-hating equivalent of Hitler...?
She's gorgeous, but her character is pretty loathsome since season 1... Fitz deserves better!
This is my gift to you, AoS-GAF.
I think it's understated how good of an actor he is. The subtleties in his expressions have all been on point for the past three seasons.
They finally do a different kind of episode, and all people are blabbering about is some shipping nonsense.
You know, I was thinking that Fitz needs to have a wreck and tell moment with Mocking Bird just to fuck with Simmons AND Hunter.
Edit: I made this for shit and giggles.
Hello Darkness, my old friend...
For real, dude must have a hell of self control.
I'm still trying to figure out why Simmons had been trying to research the portal on her own without telling anyone. She didn't have to tell the whole story first. She just had to say "there's someone else over there, we have to try to help him" and there would be no reason for anyone to question it. All she did was delay getting the resources together to make an attempt at saving him in a timely manner.
Haha yes
Also yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Fitz rescues Will and then sort of rides off into the sunset for a while, maybe like leaves a note for Coulson to tell him he's leaving and to please not keep tabs on him or whatever. Then he gets into whatever other hijinks on the show for a while before helping the old gang save the world again. Or becoming MODOK.
She probably didn't want Fitz to know. I think Bobbi probably knows and that's why she's covering up for her.
That's still a little bizarre, considering the earliest she could have told Bobbi was after Fitz brought her out on the date. The entire time she was back before that there was no indication that there was someone else on that planet. I would think basic human decency would call for her to tell someone right away, like while they were still in the portal room, that she wasn't the only person in need of rescue.
She probably didn't want Fitz to know. I think Bobbi probably knows and that's why she's covering up for her.
I was definitely wondering how Will knew about Shield. He asked whether they were real, but they weren't even really a thing the public knew about until the first Iron Man movie which was in 2008.
So he's most likely Hydra.
yawn. That would be so they rescue Will
Will turns out to be Hydra
Will tries to harm Simmons
Fitz kills Will
Simmons rushes into Fitz's arms maybe romantically, maybe not
everything is OK between Fitz and Simmons again by the midseason finale