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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Fitz has only openly had feelings for Simmons since the end of season 1. It's not like he's been trying to date her the entire time they've been friends.


Chili Con Carnage!
Fitz has only openly had feelings for Simmons since the end of season 1. It's not like he's been trying to date her the entire time they've been friends.

Didn't he say the exact opposite of that just before he got brain damage?


Really liked the first part where Simmons was alone and the first few scenes where she was still figuring out what/who the hell the dude was. Then the interactions with Will got a bit predictable and mundane, though still not totally badly written or cringe-worthy. The dust monster was somewhat intriquing but maybe not enough of a threat or all that interesting so far to really elevate the episode to the next level of awesome.

It's a good and at parts even a great episode, but so far this alien planet plotline isn't quite as crazy as what I'd have expected based on how much the showrunners have said they are doing some crazy shit with that part of Season 3 (IIRC). I maybe anticipated a bit more alien stuff/life than just a hentai tentacle porn monster turned food & vague cape dude amidst a sandstorm that has some pretty tame (so far) mind-fuck powers.

So what are the chances that Simmons goes back, saves Will and either Will is somehow "evil"/bad (he's a part of Hydra or he's been "tainted" by whatever TEH EVIL was in this episode or he's just crazy) or Will is a cool guy but they bring that EVILZ with them as they exit the moon/planet they were on, having to deal with it on Earth somehow.


Why does anyone like Simmons and why does Fitz even like her anymore at this point?

I dunno but let's see your arguments against:

1. He nearly gets himself killed saving her life when Grant tries to kill them, Simmons does nothing to reciprocate Fitz feelings

1. She does nothing to reciprocate his feelings because she does not, in fact, have to and does NOT see him that way at the time. She'd never even considered him as a romantic partner.

2. Fitz has a mental issue for most of the next season and Simmons leaves to take on a mission without ever reciprocating Fitz feelings

2. She leaves because a) she was making his recovery worse and b) they needed a mole in HYDRA. She did not reciprocate his feelings because she DOESN'T HAVE TO and probably DIDN'T want to at the time.

3. Finally, when Simmons does start reciprocating his feelings, she gets sucked into a portal and transported - I'll give her a bit leeway on this

3. A bit of leeway? Seriously?

4. She spends months on this planet, still holding on to those feelings, when Fitz has been trying to get her to come around for years, only to completely flip around in one moment of despair

4. It's not one moment of complete despair, It's the loss of all hope of ever seeing him again. I mean she does give up and seeks companionship with who she has. It's a thing.

5. Fitz saves her life and all she can think is, "I gotta get Will back!" - I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for right now that she's doing it purely to save him because they kept each other in check, and not because that a mere month or two of having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz.

5. "having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz." Years of courting are literally nothing. If you wanted to have a point you should have said "years of feelings/relationship building with Fitz", but no that's not the important thing, is it? It's the courting that's important. Right.

Funky Papa

You know, I was thinking that Fitz needs to have a wreck and tell moment with Mocking Bird just to fuck with Simmons AND Hunter.

Edit: I made this for shit and giggles.

The Fitz/Simmons thing makes perfect sense but its also fucking tragic

Fitz just needs to quit and disappear into the world after this last good deed. Seriously guy needs a vacation


Lmao Fitz's face when they revealed he was listening to Simmons story.

I was hoping for more Simmons figuring out how to survive on her own, but I still enjoyed the episode. I really hope they stick to Simmons to not reciprocating Fitz's feelings for her instead of dragging that plot out. Fitz needs to move on.


Why does anyone like Simmons and why does Fitz even like her anymore at this point?

1. He nearly gets himself killed saving her life when Grant tries to kill them, Simmons does nothing to reciprocate Fitz feelings

2. Fitz has a mental issue for most of the next season and Simmons leaves to take on a mission without ever reciprocating Fitz feelings

3. Finally, when Simmons does start reciprocating his feelings, she gets sucked into a portal and transported - I'll give her a bit leeway on this

4. She spends months on this planet, still holding on to those feelings, when Fitz has been trying to get her to come around for years, only to completely flip around in one moment of despair

5. Fitz saves her life and all she can think is, "I gotta get Will back!" - I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for right now that she's doing it purely to save him because they kept each other in check, and not because that a mere month or two of having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz.

I don't like Simmons all that much, and I hate, hate, HATE, love triangles. Worse romantic plot devices ever.
Given that you expect Fitz to be able to "earn" her romantic affections because he should be entitled to it, its no wonder you hate Simmons.


While he was banging the monolith, Will the Astronaut, was banging Simmons. :'(

You know, when they are talking about food and stuff they miss, the way that scene is edited when Will says "I miss the Sun" or something, then asks "so, what do you miss?" and it lingers in a closeup of her face, any other show would then immediately cut to a scene of them fucking. For a second I thought: no way they do that... and they cut to the cake thing. Lame. So instead I was imagining that scene in my mind and Fitz face and laughing my ass off.

It took a bit longer but they got there in end, lol. Oh, Fitz.


Lmao Fitz's face when they revealed he was listening to Simmons story.

I was hoping for more Simmons figuring out how to survive on her own, but I still enjoyed the episode. I really hope they stick to Simmons to not reciprocating Fitz's feelings for her instead of dragging that plot out. Fitz needs to move on.

Why is everyone ignoring that Simmons spent basically all of last season becoming the Inhuman-hating equivalent of Hitler...?

She's gorgeous, but her character is pretty loathsome since season 1... Fitz deserves better!
Given that you expect Fitz to be able to "earn" her romantic affections because he should be entitled to it, its no wonder you hate Simmons.

I imagine Fitz is in a place of grief but also relief that comes with the freedom he nearly embraced before

He can do the right thing and finally let her go as a romantic interest. At this point I would be in the final stage of acceptance... I mean come on. He did everything he could and its like the universe is telling him to move on

I say he saves Will and leaves Shield to pursue greener pastures... At least thats what I hope for him


Can someone make a gif of the scene with Fitz turning the laptop and shows stuff, but instead it's the kissing scene and then gemmas reaction afterwards.

I dunno but let's see your arguments against:

1. She does nothing to reciprocate his feelings because she does not, in fact, have to and does NOT see him that way at the time. She'd never even considered him as a romantic partner.

2. She leaves because a) she was making his recovery worse and b) they needed a mole in HYDRA. She did not reciprocate his feelings because she DOESN'T HAVE TO and probably DIDN'T want to at the time.

3. A bit of leeway? Seriously?

4. It's not one moment of complete despair, It's the loss of all hope of ever seeing him again. I mean she does give up and seeks companionship with who she has. It's a thing.

5. "having feelings for this guy suddenly supersedes years of courting by Fitz." Years of courting are literally nothing. If you wanted to have a point you should have said "years of feelings/relationship building with Fitz", but no that's not the important thing, is it? It's the courting that's important. Right.

Lots and lots of this.


Why is everyone ignoring that Simmons spent basically all of last season becoming the Inhuman-hating equivalent of Hitler...?

She's gorgeous, but her character is pretty loathsome since season 1... Fitz deserves better!

Hyperbole, thy name is Hitler.

I mean she was a dick a bunch starting mid-season finale but she got better by the time they were invaded by the other S.H.I.E.L.D., she came off way better than May.


It's a good thing Fitz seems to be a really nice guy.
...because with his tech skills, he has the makings of a super villain.


Tripp's issues with pulling double show duty likely led to the Simmons/Tripp stuff being dropped last season (since he was filming virtually every scene w/ just Skye.) It's unfortunate, because Fascist Simmons made complete sense from that angle, yet they left out what was probably the biggest motivating factor.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Why is everyone ignoring that Simmons spent basically all of last season becoming the Inhuman-hating equivalent of Hitler...?

She's gorgeous, but her character is pretty loathsome since season 1... Fitz deserves better!

No NO, Mack was Inhuman Hitler, Simmons was Inhuman Goebbels.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Haha yes

Also yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Fitz rescues Will and then sort of rides off into the sunset for a while, maybe like leaves a note for Coulson to tell him he's leaving and to please not keep tabs on him or whatever. Then he gets into whatever other hijinks on the show for a while before helping the old gang save the world again. Or becoming MODOK.
I'm still trying to figure out why Simmons had been trying to research the portal on her own without telling anyone. She didn't have to tell the whole story first. She just had to say "there's someone else over there, we have to try to help him" and there would be no reason for anyone to question it. All she did was delay getting the resources together to make an attempt at saving him in a timely manner.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
I'm still trying to figure out why Simmons had been trying to research the portal on her own without telling anyone. She didn't have to tell the whole story first. She just had to say "there's someone else over there, we have to try to help him" and there would be no reason for anyone to question it. All she did was delay getting the resources together to make an attempt at saving him in a timely manner.

She probably didn't want Fitz to know. I think Bobbi probably knows and that's why she's covering up for her.

And Fitz.... He did all that he could to get her back. Not just because he loves her (in the whole possessive "I must have her way" but because he genuinely wants her to be safe and back and not be trapped elsewhere. Simmons is now in the same position as he was and he should completely understand what she's going through. Of course he's going to help her because he wants the best of Simmons and not just want her as a girlfriend.
Haha yes

Also yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Fitz rescues Will and then sort of rides off into the sunset for a while, maybe like leaves a note for Coulson to tell him he's leaving and to please not keep tabs on him or whatever. Then he gets into whatever other hijinks on the show for a while before helping the old gang save the world again. Or becoming MODOK.


I mean if AoS is doubling down on this ONE of them needs to leave or split. I dont want them to keep dragging this out. It makes no sense now they took it to this place
She probably didn't want Fitz to know. I think Bobbi probably knows and that's why she's covering up for her.

That's still a little bizarre, considering the earliest she could have told Bobbi was after Fitz brought her out on the date. The entire time she was back before that there was no indication that there was someone else on that planet. I would think basic human decency would call for her to tell someone right away, like while they were still in the portal room, that she wasn't the only person in need of rescue. The rest of the story is irrelevant to that and the fallout can come later.
That's still a little bizarre, considering the earliest she could have told Bobbi was after Fitz brought her out on the date. The entire time she was back before that there was no indication that there was someone else on that planet. I would think basic human decency would call for her to tell someone right away, like while they were still in the portal room, that she wasn't the only person in need of rescue.

Probably why she was crying at dinner

Its no ones fault but for the mental health of all parties involved it seems like another separation event is needed... maybe permanently


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
She probably didn't want Fitz to know. I think Bobbi probably knows and that's why she's covering up for her.

That would be interesting, because Bobbi was also the person closest to Fitz during his 6-month single-minded Obelisk obsession, so she knows the toll Simmons' disappearance took probably best of all. Come to think of it, I really hope the show actually gets into her thoughts on the situation, as she has a pretty unique perspective/relationship with both Fitz and Simmons.


Batteries the CRISIS!
so they rescue Will

Will turns out to be Hydra

Will tries to harm Simmons

Fitz kills Will

Simmons rushes into Fitz's arms —maybe romantically, maybe not

everything is OK between Fitz and Simmons again by the midseason finale
I was definitely wondering how Will knew about Shield. He asked whether they were real, but they weren't even really a thing the public knew about until the first Iron Man movie which was in 2008.

So he's most likely Hydra.

He's not the general public, he's NASA. Which seems gov enough to hear rumbles about it but not to the point of having a relationship with em in 2001.

And if he were Hydra he would know for sure that SHIELD is a thing.

I see people trying to read into him so deeply to paint him as a "more than meets the eye" reveal. Lots of things that don't make any sense like saying he's the death guy or saying he's the planet or that he's Hydra.


so they rescue Will

Will turns out to be Hydra

Will tries to harm Simmons

Fitz kills Will

Simmons rushes into Fitz's arms —maybe romantically, maybe not

everything is OK between Fitz and Simmons again by the midseason finale
yawn. That would be so lame.
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