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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


This show needs to just go full Flash and start doing time travel shit so we can have more Atwell.

Steve wishes


I hope Agent Carter has a stronger connection to shield this season


Last night I Only had time to watch the newest episode of AoS or Arrow. I thought "Oh AoS is usually lighter, more fun TV, I'll watch that first". This episode was anything but light, but I really enjoyed it. I hope they rescue Good!Ward from that planet soon.


The latest episode was alright, but super cliche. I liked the scenes where Simmons was on her own, but as soon as they introduced Will they lost me. Relationship drama is terrible, especially in this show. Plus Will seems like another incredibly uninteresting addition to the team/cast if that's where they're going with it.

Hopefully he dies. Along with Lincoln.


So, wait, (spoiler for preview)
is Powers Boothe HYDRA? I thought the only HYDRA member on the World Security Council was Redford.


Who knows, but they made it work perfectly.

For sure. I just never really noticed one of the World Security Council was even missing and it never seemed like a major point of contention or speculation when and since Winter Soldier came out until they announced Boothe for this show lol


For sure. I just never really noticed one of the World Security Council was even missing and it never seemed like a major point of contention or speculation when and since Winter Soldier came out until they announced Boothe for this show lol

I believe Boothe's character only appeared in The Avengers. Actually, the only WSC member that appeared in both Avengers and Winter Soldier was Hawley (the one that Romanoff replaced.) There's still the two other WSC members from The Avengers MIA.
There are plenty, I was just making a joke specifically about british people boning each other.
I didn't make your post any less stupid.

Is anyone else having difficulty introducing SHIELD to anyone? I feel like if an MCU film is brought up - most people I know watch them but not to the point of fanaticism - but every time I say mention SHIELD I get a round of 'it's shit' from people who watched several episodes of the first season and it seems to turn people off the idea. I've noticed this phenomenon happening with most things actually, where negative criticism seems more likely to put someone off of something than positive would persuade them to watch it.

That being said, even when I say 'season 2 is good, you'd enjoy it' nobody can really seem to be bothered. Although to be fair these people also wont watch Daredevil so God knows.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I believe Boothe's character only appeared in The Avengers. Actually, the only WSC member that appeared in both Avengers and Winter Soldier was Hawley (the one that Romanoff replaced.) There's still the two other WSC members from The Avengers MIA.

Well Pierce kills all the WSC members (except Hawley because of Widow) so it's likely Boothe was in on Project Insight.


I hope they don't redeem Ward but they really do need to give him something to do. Like him popping up and causally fucking with shield would be perfect, this base building shit ain't working lone wolf Ward is solid.


I hope they don't redeem Ward but they really do need to give him something to do. Like him popping up and causally fucking with shield would be perfect, this base building shit ain't working lone wolf Ward is solid.
I want Ward to kill Bobbi and then resurrect her somehow with powers.

I'm still confused over what Ward wants at this point. He seems like he's rebuilding Hydra just to have something to do


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Ward is great but at this point if he doesn't die this season something went horribly wrong. I had hoped they would somehow redeem him in Season 2 when he handled the situation with his brother... But dude is just too crazy at the end lol.
But Will actively tries to help Jemma escape at the end. He fires his final bullet in order for her to have a chance to get through the portal.

Also, the entire point of the final shot was to show that Will was alive on the planet without Jemma being there. He acknowledged that he had no more bullets left in his gun and tossed it away. There would be no need for any of that if Jemma wasn't there to see it.

Will is alive and well.

Yeah, I don't see how people are coming up with all these crazy theories on Will. Think that they're looking far too deep into him ...

I mean, come on.
"Will WAS THE ONE who went crazy and killed everyone!"
Will admits to killing the last one after they went crazy and tried to kill him. If HE was the one who went crazy and killed them then ... why? Why is he here? Why would someone be crazy enough to kill the only other humans on the planet yet sane enough to not kill them self in the following 14 years of isolation? How could he have the WILL to survive that long alone if his crazy was that strong? Why has he never tried to hurt or kill Simmons? This guy is dreadfully lonely. He locked Simmons up to make sure she wasn't a figment of his imagination and then proceeds to take care of her.

"Will IS THE PLANET! He WANTS Simmons to stay there!"
Again, that makes no sense. How would the planet know so much about 2001 earth that it could realistically converse with a person from the year 2015 about how different the world must be after they left? Will's been trying to help Simmons every step of the way and he seems to hate this planet. He insists that this planet is alive and that it's strange dust storms and that shadowy being are the result of it's "mood".

You can clearly hear Will telling her not to be fooled by it in the distance as she looks at it and approaches :x

Plus, he shot his last bullet at it..

And for the reccord I think that it's possible that the shadow being came through the portal with Simmons. Would explain why the sand storm ended after she left and Will is safe.


Plus, he shot his last bullet at it..

And this is the part that even ignoring all of the other things that simply don't add up about Will that still stands out significantly above everything else for me.

From the little we have seen of it so far we know that the cloaked figure is an entity/being with a significant level of power that can create and control sand storms (and possibly other elements) on a planetary scale, can create physical projections/manifestations of other beings, and is capable of mind control to the extent it can drive a person insane or control them to a point of killing themselves/others.

Will shot his one, single, only bullet at it. and apparently got away unscathed as a result.

I just simply don't believe for a moment that it is possible that a single bullet could get anyone away from that safely, unless that person is part of the planet (possibly a reanimation of someone that previously died if they are going the Ego the Living Planet route), or he is controlled by the entity and the gunshot was part of a ruse of some kind once it became apparent that it wasn't able to keep Simmons on the planet, as it is worth noting that he fired that shot while she was still on the planet and would have heard it, incentivising her to try and return to find out if he survived.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Maybe he got desperate, shot himself and it was the shadow in his form during that post credits scene. Simmons will unknowingly unleash the evil on Earth.

And this is the part that even ignoring all of the other things that simply don't add up about Will that still stands out significantly above everything else for me.

From the little we have seen of it so far we know that the cloaked figure is an entity/being with a significant level of power that can create and control sand storms (and possibly other elements) on a planetary scale, can create physical projections/manifestations of other beings, and is capable of mind control to the extent it can drive a person insane or control them to a point of killing themselves/others.

Will shot his one, single, only bullet at it. and apparently got away unscathed as a result.

I just simply don't believe for a moment that it is possible that a single bullet could get anyone away from that safely, unless that person is part of the planet (possibly a reanimation of someone that previously died if they are going the Ego the Living Planet route), or he is controlled by the entity and the gunshot was part of a ruse of some kind once it became apparent that it wasn't able to keep Simmons on the planet, as it is worth noting that he fired that shot while she was still on the planet and would have heard it, incentivising her to try and return to find out if he survived.

We see Simmons and Will run away from it when it clearly sees them without it giving chase, Simmons survived the first sandstorm solo and it doesn't seem to actively pounce unless you're in it's kill zone.

We haven't seen it actually attack someone so I don't know why we should some how assume it's unstoppable. It's tries to trick Simmons into getting close so that it can strike with what's either some long protrusion or a sword as it wears a NASA suit. Seems like it needs a weapon to attack and a gun>sword so if it can be hurt it should probly leave once a gun goes off.

And like I said, we never see how Simmons gets through the portal. For all we know it's already free on earth and that may be why the storm stopped. Or maybe it's weak to light seeing how it's covered head to toe.
I feel like Ward either needs to die or his side of the story needs to big time pick up. He was one of my favorite characters just because he's so bat shit crazy and you have no clue what his real motives are but this season his plot seems really forced and kind of random

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
I want Ward to kill Bobbi and then resurrect her somehow with powers.

I'm still confused over what Ward wants at this point. He seems like he's rebuilding Hydra just to have something to do

He's moved from being a Ward to a Garrett. You can see him grooming Fake May during the second half and now he's just following the footsteps of Garrett by having his own group of men to lead and influence. He probably feels a need to have power and to feel like he can influence people and less so on having actual attachment to any of them. Basically needing some sort of power trip. I can see them doing terrible things to him (disfigurement perhaps) resulting in a crazier Ward or maybe even outrightly having him seek super powers that end up turning him mad (like the case of Garrett)

Perhaps seeing more Inhumans would drive him towards that goal? Ward hasn't really fought against Daisy yet and he's egomaniac enough to want special powers to feel like he's more superior than his enemies.


Ward and Hydra are getting on my nerves at this point. They're not threatening or interesting at all at the moment.
Anyone else thinks that Will is dead from the beginning, he was killed by the planet's monster and the monster took his appearance, then it killed all the other astronauts.
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